Hong Kong Executes Thousands of Pet Hamsters Over COVID Hysteria

Via Sovereign Man

Here’s our roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, risks to your prosperity… and on occasion, inspiring poetic justice.

Hong Kong Will Execute Thousands of Hamsters to Prevent COVID

Because China is subjecting Hong Kong to its zero COVID policy, health authorities in the city went crazy over one untraceable case of the Delta variant.

They couldn’t figure out how an employee of a pet store caught the virus. So they tested 178 hamsters, chinchillas, and rabbits associated with the store.

11 hamsters showed traces of COVID.

Naturally, the government decided to round up 2,000 hamsters sold since December 22 and execute them all.


Hong Kong’s health secretary acknowledged that there is no evidence hamsters have transmitted COVID.

But she decided to ignore the science, and murder the pets children may have received on Christmas morning.

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