“Then It Really Hit The Fan” – Vancouver, Casinos, & Grandmas

Authored by Kevin Muir via The Macro Tourist blog,

“Do you mind if I have a pull?” the well dressed gentleman asked.

The grandmother had been sitting at the dollar slot machine for over an hour. The tokens disappearing faster than when you drop a burger on the floor in front of your labrador retriever. Why not? She thought to herself, let him feed the bottomless pit for a bit.

“Sure. Be my guest. But I warn you, it hasn’t been nice.”

“Thanks. Awfully kind of you. I don’t know why, but I feel lucky tonight. All the machines are in use, so I appreciate you letting me play my hunch.”

She watched the man remove a Bellagio one-dollar-token from his expensive suit and slip it in the slot. Then he pressed the button. The machine whirled and spit out the bad news.

With a big smile, he took out another token and tried again. No luck.

“One last time” he laughed as he pushed his final token into the slot machine.

Then it happened. Instead of greeting him with bad news, the machine blazed WINNER! WINNER! WINNER!

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