Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Plan to Push Big Tech as Way to Save the World Is ‘Rubbish’

Via Children’s Health Defense

In an interview with Russell Brand, Vandana Shiva, a brilliant mind calling for inhabitants of the Earth to unite against forces threatening to destroy the planet, calls Bill Gates’ book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” which pushes for the elimination of age-old farming traditions and widespread adoption of fake meat, “rubbish.”

Tech billionaire Bill Gates is pushing technology as the only mechanism to save the world.

Vandana Shiva is a brilliant mind calling for inhabitants of the Earth to unite against forces that are threatening to destroy the planet, in part via a new wave of colonization in the name of sustainability.

Tech billionaire Bill Gates, now the largest owner of farmland in the U.S., is at the root of the problem, pushing technology as the only mechanism to save the world, and in so doing denying real solutions. This path is not accidental but carefully orchestrated to amass wealth, power and control, while making all but the elite subservient.

In my interview with Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., she spoke about Gates Ag One, which is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, where Monsanto is also headquartered.

Gates Ag One is one [type of] agriculture for the whole world, organized top down. He’s written about it. We have a whole section on it in our new report, ‘Gates to a Global Empire,’” she said. This includes digital farming, in which farmers are surveilled and mined for their agricultural data, which is then repackaged and sold back to them.

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