Lessons from Venezuela

Guest Post by John Stossel

Lessons from Venezuela

Democrats say President Joe Biden won “a strong mandate.” His government can do all sorts of good things!

I don’t believe he has a mandate, but thanks to the selfishness of former President Donald Trump, Democrats control Congress, and that may give them power to shove their worst ideas down our throats. Those include:

No. 1: Hate speech laws.

No. 2: Expanding the Supreme Court.

No. 3: Gun control.

No. 4: Spending much more.

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Venezuela’s Socialism…And Ours

Guest Post by Ron Paul

This week we witnessed the horrible spectacle of Nikki Haley, President Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations, joining a protest outside the UN building and calling for the people of Venezuela to overthrow their government.

“We are going to fight for Venezuela,” she shouted through a megaphone, “we are going to continue doing it until Maduro is gone.”

This is the neocon mindset: that somehow the US has the authority to tell the rest of the world how to live and who may hold political power regardless of elections.

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What if Venezuelan Hyperinflation Came to the US?

Guest Post by Jeff Clark

Mike Maloney thinks that hyperinflation is a distinct possibility in the US. So when I read about the runaway inflation rates in Venezuela, I wondered how that would play out in the US if he’s right.

From the outset we should say that America has some obvious differences from Venezuela — we have a much more diversified economy, no dictatorship, and hold the reserve currency of the world, all of which create a buffer against hyperinflation.

A country like Venezuela, whose budget and ability to repay debt is based almost solely on oil income, is more similar to Russia or Saudi Arabia than to the US. Even as South America’s once-wealthiest country, it had multiple components that put it at much greater risk than the US or the EU.

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