Again, another attack on innocent Catholic school kids by a gang of feral black teens. The MSM REFUSES to ever mention the race of the attackers. As soon as you see “teens”, “juveniles”, or “youths”, just insert black feral animals. Philly is becoming a lawless jungle. Fox is the only station in Philly to even cover this story. Complete blackout by the other stations and the liberal rag newspapers. Time is growing short. An all out race war is just over the horizon.

– There was a frightening scene that unfolded which put children at risk in West Oak Lane. Dozens of teens charged at a school bus and assaulted the young kids on board, according to witnesses.

Now one of the kid’s mom is talking only to FOX 29.

The streets of West Oak Lane are quiet now but witnesses say it was a far different scene Monday afternoon with a group of teens assaulting students on a school bus along with its driver.

“A bunch of kids running around, going crazy. Older lady standing at the bus stop. Knocked her over. They ran on the bus driver. Beat up the bus driver,” one witness told FOX 29.

Another witness said, “And then when the police got here, they basically started going at it with the police.”

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