Does a Country Whose Population Is Incapable of Thought Really Exist?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Cornell University’s president, Martha E. Pollack, probably a gender-diversity appointment, but perhaps not, has closed down Cornell university because of the Omicron variant. And guess what: they were all vaccinated. “Virtually every case of the Omicron variant to date has been found in fully vaccinated students, a portion of whom had also received a booster shot,” said Joel M. Malina, the school’s vice president. We have “not seen severe illness” in any of the infected students.

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People Are Getting Tired of Woke Nonsense

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

People Are Getting Tired of Woke Nonsense

We may have reached peak woke recently when some doctor got in a Twitter huff because a peasant of pallor did not detect the MD lurking within her, and this is a very good thing. This kind of foolishness will help us sooner consign wokeness to the fiery dumpster of history. The moral bankruptcy of wokeness should lead to its demise, but the abject stupidity of it might just kill it off first.

Now, the tale is as tiresome as you can imagine – apparently a “middle aged white woman” heir to Bull Connor – who was a Democrat – dared to ask the finicky physician if Her Medical Majesty worked at the store they were both shopping in and thereby assumed that Dr. Brittani James was a mere retail worker. I know, right?

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