America Should Have Skipped the War, Not Just the Ceremony

Guest Post by David Stockman


This weekend the Donald took some heavy duty flack from liberals, Dems, the MSM and harrumphing patriots for canceling his appearance at a wreath laying ceremony at the famous WWI battle site at Belleau, France owing to inclement weather. For instance, former Secretary of State, John Kerry got himself worked into high dudgeon:

Mr. Kerry criticized the president’s decision on Twitter, saying that the weather “shouldn’t have stopped an American President”.

“President @realDonaldTrump a no-show because of raindrops?” he wrote. “Those veterans the president didn’t bother to honor fought in the rain, in the mud, in the snow – & many died in trenches for the cause of freedom.”

We truly wonder whether Mr. Kerry gets the monumental irony. In his youth he was a courageous leader of the anti-Vietnam War movement based on the insanity of America’s role in a needless war in Southeast Asia of which he was a veteran.

Continue reading “America Should Have Skipped the War, Not Just the Ceremony”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Woodrow Wilson suffers a stroke – 1919


On this day in 1919, President Woodrow Wilson, who had just cut short a tour of the country to promote the formation of the League of Nations, suffers a stroke.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President Woodrow Wilson speaks in favor of female suffrage – 1918


On this day in 1918, President Woodrow Wilson gives a speech before Congress in support of guaranteeing women the right to vote. Although the House of Representatives had approved a 19th constitutional amendment giving women suffrage, the Senate had yet to vote on the measure.

Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – President Woodrow Wilson speaks in favor of female suffrage – 1918”

America’s Greatest Financial Scalawag

Guest Post by Bill Bonner

POITOU, FRANCE – Arnold at West Point… Sherman at Atlanta… Powell at the UN… We Americans remembered our heroes yesterday.

And here at the Diary’s headquarters in rural France, we recalled one of the greatest of them all…

Greatest Scalawag

Our July 4th holiday was spent in quiet relaxation, repainting a third-floor bedroom. Unlike chainsaw work, you can let your mind wander when painting without worrying about losing a leg.

And so, our mind left the reservation, where all good patriots are confined, and focused on the rascals and scalawags who made America what it actually is today.

We quickly realized that we were spoiled for choice. Who was the greatest?

Was it Hamilton, who crushed the Whiskey Rebellion and centralized power in Washington?

Was it Lincoln, who launched a war that laid as many as 1 million Americans in early graves?

Continue reading “America’s Greatest Financial Scalawag”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Woodrow Wilson suffers a stroke – 1919


On this day in 1919, President Woodrow Wilson, who had just cut short a tour of the country to promote the formation of the League of Nations, suffers a stroke.

The tour’s intense schedule–8,000 miles in 22 days–cost Wilson his health. He suffered constant headaches during the tour, finally collapsing from exhaustion in Pueblo, Colorado, in late September. He managed to return to Washington, only to suffer a near-fatal stroke on October 2.

Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Woodrow Wilson suffers a stroke – 1919”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Post-World War I peace conference begins in Paris – 1919


On this day in Paris, France, some of the most powerful people in the world meet to begin the long, complicated negotiations that would officially mark the end of the First World War.

Leaders of the victorious Allied powers–France, Great Britain, the United States and Italy–would make most of the crucial decisions in Paris over the next six months. For most of the conference, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson struggled to support his idea of a “peace without victory” and make sure that Germany, the leader of the Central Powers and the major loser of the war, was not treated too harshly.

Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Post-World War I peace conference begins in Paris – 1919”


 “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”Napoleon Bonaparte

 Click to View

“A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men … [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.”Woodrow Wilson

When you ponder the implications of allowing a small group of powerful wealthy unaccountable men to control the currency of a nation over the last one hundred years, you understand why our public education system sucks. You understand why the government created Common Core curriculum teaches children that 3 x 4 = 13, as long as you feel good about your answer. George Carlin was right. The owners of this country (bankers, billionaires, corporate titans, politicians) want more for themselves and less for everyone else. They want an educational system that creates ignorant, obedient, vacuous, obese dullards who question nothing, consume mass quantities of corporate processed fast food, gaze at iGadgets, are easily susceptible to media propaganda and compliant to government regulations and directives. They don’t want highly educated, critical thinking, civil minded, well informed, questioning citizens understanding how badly they have been screwed over the last century. I’m sorry to say, your owners are winning in a landslide.

The government controlled public education system has flourished beyond all expectations of your owners. We’ve become a nation of techno-narcissistic, math challenged, reality TV distracted, welfare entitled, materialistic, gluttonous, indebted consumers of Chinese slave labor produced crap. There are more Americans who know the name of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s bastard child (North West) than know the name of our Secretary of State (Ketchup Kerry). Americans can generate a text or tweet with blinding speed but couldn’t give you change from a dollar bill if their life depended upon it. They are whizzes at buying crap on Amazon or Ebay with a credit card, but have never balanced their checkbook or figured out the concept of deferred gratification and saving for the future. While the ignorant masses are worked into a frenzy by the media propaganda machine over gay marriage, diversity, abortion, climate change, and never ending wars on poverty, drugs and terror, our owners use their complete capture of the financial, regulatory, political, judicial and economic systems to pillage the remaining national wealth they haven’t already extracted.

The financial illiteracy of the uneducated lower classes and the willful ignorance of the supposedly highly educated classes has never been more evident than when examining the concept of Federal Reserve created currency debasement – also known as inflation. The insidious central banker created monetary inflation is the cause of all the ills in our warped, deformed, rigged financialized economic system. The outright manipulation and falsity of government reported economic data is designed to obscure the truth and keep the populace unaware of the deception being executed by the owners of this country. They have utilized deceit, falsification, propaganda and outright lies to mislead the public about the true picture of the disastrous financial condition in this country. Since most people are already trapped in the mental state of normalcy bias, it is easy for those in control to reinforce that normalcy bias by manipulating economic data to appear normal and using their media mouthpieces to perpetuate the false storyline of recovery and a return to normalcy.

This is how feckless politicians and government apparatchiks are able to add $2.8 billion per day to the national debt; a central bank owned by Too Big To Trust Wall Street banks has been able to create $3.3 trillion out of thin air and pump it into the veins of its owners; and government controlled agencies report a declining unemployment rate, no inflation and a growing economy, without creating an iota of dissent or skepticism from the public. Americans want to be lied to because it allows them to continue living lives of delusion, where spending more than you make, consuming rather than saving, and believing stock market speculation and home price appreciation will make them rich are viable life strategies. Even though 90% of the population owns virtually no stocks, they are convinced record stock market highs are somehow beneficial to their lives. They actually believe Bernanke/Yellen when they bloviate about the dangers of deflation. Who would want to pay less for gasoline, food, rent, or tuition?

Unless you are beholden to the oligarchs, that sense of stress, discomfort, feeling that all in not well, and disturbing everyday visual observations is part of the cognitive dissonance engulfing the nation. Anyone who opens their eyes and honestly assesses their own financial condition, along with the obvious deterioration of our suburban sprawl retail paradise infrastructure, is confronted with information that is inconsistent with what they hear from their bought off politician leaders, highly compensated Ivy League trained economists, and millionaire talking heads in the corporate legacy media. Most people resolve this inconsistency by ignoring the facts, rejecting the obvious and refusing to use their common sense. To acknowledge the truth would require confronting your own part in this Ponzi debt charade disguised as an economic system. It is easier to believe a big lie than think critically and face up to decades of irrational behavior and reckless conduct.

What’s In Your GDP                          

“The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is one of the broader measures of economic activity and is the most widely followed business indicator reported by the U.S. government. Upward growth biases built into GDP modeling since the early 1980s, however, have rendered this important series nearly worthless as an indicator of economic activity.  The popularly followed number in each release is the seasonally adjusted, annualized quarterly growth rate of real (inflation-adjusted) GDP, where the current-dollar number is deflated by the BEA’s estimates of appropriate price changes. It is important to keep in mind that the lower the inflation rate used in the deflation process, the higher will be the resulting inflation-adjusted GDP growth.”John Williams – Shadowstats

GDP is the economic statistic bankers, politicians and media pundits use to convince the masses the economy is growing and their lives are improving. Therefore, it is the statistic most likely to be manipulated, twisted and engineered in order to portray the storyline required by the oligarchs. Two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth usually marks a recession. Those in power do not like to report recessions, so data “massaging” has been required over the last few decades to generate the required result. Prior to 1991 the government reported the broader GNP, which includes the GDP plus the balance of international flows of interest and dividend payments. Once we became a debtor nation, with massive interest payments to foreigners, reporting GNP became inconvenient. It is not reported because it is approximately $900 billion lower than GDP. The creativity of our keepers knows no bounds. In July of 2013 the government decided they had found a more “accurate” method for measuring GDP and simply retroactively increased GDP by $500 billion out of thin air. It’s amazing how every “more accurate” accounting adjustment improves the reported data. The economic growth didn’t change, but GDP was boosted by 3%. These adjustments pale in comparison to the decades long under-reporting of inflation baked into the GDP calculation.

As John Williams pointed out, GDP is adjusted for inflation. The higher inflation factored into the calculation, the lower reported GDP. The deflator used by the BEA in their GDP calculation is even lower than the already bastardized CPI. According to the BEA, there has only been 32% inflation since the year 2000. They have only found 1.4% inflation in the last year and only 7.1% in the last five years. You’d have to be a zombie from the Walking Dead or an Ivy League economist to believe those lies. Anyone living in the real world knows their cost of living has risen at a far greater rate. According to the government, and unquestioningly reported by the compliant co-conspirators in the the corporate media, GDP has grown from $10 trillion in 2000 to $17 trillion today. Even using the ridiculously low inflation BEA adjustment yields an increase from $12.4 trillion to only $15.9 trillion in real terms. That pitiful 28% growth over the last fourteen years is dramatically overstated, as revealed in the graph below. Using a true rate of inflation exposes the grand fraud being committed by those in power. The country has been in a never ending recession since 2000.   

Your normalcy bias is telling you this is impossible. Your government tells you we have only experienced a recession from the third quarter of 2008 through the third quarter of 2009. So despite experiencing two stock market crashes, the greatest housing crash in history, and a worldwide financial system implosion the authorities insist  we’ve had a growing economy 93% of the time over the last fourteen years. That mental anguish you are feeling is the cognitive dissonance of wanting to believe your government, but knowing they are lying. It is a known fact the government, in conspiracy with Greenspan, Congress and academia, have systematically reduced the reported CPI based upon hedonistic quality adjustments, geometric weighting alterations, substitution modifications, and the creation of incomprehensible owner’s equivalent rent calculations. Since the 1700s consumer inflation had been estimated by measuring price changes in a fixed-weight basket of goods, effectively measuring the cost of maintaining a constant standard of living. This began to change in the early 1980s with the Greenspan Commission to “save” Social Security and came to a head with the Boskin Commission in 1995.

Simply stated, the Greenspan/Boskin Commissions’ task was to reduce future Social Security payments to senior citizens by deceitfully reducing CPI and allowing politicians the easy way out. Politicians would lose votes if they ever had to directly address the unsustainability of Social Security. Therefore, they allowed academics to work their magic by understating the CPI and stealing $700 billion from retirees in the ten years ending in 2006. With 10,000 baby boomers per day turning 65 for the next eighteen years, understating CPI will rob them of trillions in payments. This is a cowardly dishonest method of extending the life of Social Security.

If CPI was calculated exactly as it was computed prior to 1983, it would have averaged between 5% and 10% over the last fourteen years. Even computing it based on the 1990 calculation prior to the Boskin Commission adjustments, would have produced annual inflation of 4% to 7%. A glance at an inflation chart from 1872 through today reveals the complete and utter failure of the Federal Reserve in achieving their stated mandate of price stability. They have managed to reduce the purchasing power of your dollar by 95% over the last 100 years. You may also notice the net deflation from 1872 until 1913, when the American economy was growing rapidly. It is almost as if the Federal Reserve’s true mandate has been to create inflation, finance wars, perpetuate the proliferation of debt, artificially create booms and busts, enrich their Wall Street owners, and impoverish the masses. Happy Birthday Federal Reserve!!!

 Click to View

When you connect the dots you realize the under-reporting of inflation benefits the corporate fascist surveillance state. If the government was reporting the true rate of inflation, mega-corporations would be forced to pay their workers higher wages, reducing profits, reducing corporate bonuses, and sticking a pin in their stock prices. The toady economists at the Federal Reserve would be unable to sustain their ludicrous ZIRP and absurd QEfinity stock market levitation policies. Reporting a true rate of inflation would force long-term interest rates higher. These higher rates, along with higher COLA increases to government entitlements, would blow a hole in the deficit and force our spineless politicians to address our unsustainable economic system. There would be no stock market or debt bubble. If the clueless dupes watching CNBC bimbos and shills on a daily basis were told the economy has been in fourteen year downturn, they might just wake up and demand accountability from their leaders and an overhaul of this corrupt system.          

Mother Should I Trust the Government?

We know the BEA has deflated GDP by only 32% since 2000. We know the BLS reports the CPI has only risen by 37% since 2000. Should I trust the government or trust the facts and my own eyes? The data is available to see if the government figures pass the smell test. If you are reading this, you can remember your life in 2000. Americans know what it cost for food, energy, shelter, healthcare, transportation and entertainment in 2000, but they unquestioningly accept the falsified inflation figures produced by the propaganda machine known as our government. The chart below is a fairly comprehensive list of items most people might need to live in this world. A critical thinking individual might wonder how the government can proclaim inflation of 32% to 37% over the last fourteen years, when the true cost of living has grown by 50% to 100% for most daily living expenses. The huge increases in property taxes, sales taxes, government fees, tolls and income taxes aren’t even factored in the chart. It seems gold has smelled out the currency debasement and the lies of our leaders. This explains the concerted effort by the powers that be to suppress the price of gold by any means necessary.   

Living Expense



% Increase

Gallon of gas




Barrel of oil




Fuel oil per gallon




Electricity per Kwh




Gas per therm




Dozen eggs




Coffee per lb




Ground Beef per lb.




Postage stamp




Movie ticket




New car




Annual healthcare spending per capita




Average private college tuition




Avg home price (Case Shiller)




Avg monthly rent (Case Shiller)




Ounce of gold




Mother, you should not trust the government. There is no doubt they have systematically under-reported inflation based on any impartial assessment of the facts. The reality that we remain stuck in a fourteen year recession is borne out by the continued decline in vehicle miles driven (at 1995 levels) due to declining commercial activity, the millions of shuttered small businesses, and the proliferation of Space Available signs in strip malls and office parks across the land. The fact there are only 8 million more people employed today than were employed in 2000, despite the working age population growing by 35 million, might be a clue that we remain in recession. If that isn’t enough proof for you, than maybe a glimpse at real median household income, retail sales and housing will put the final nail in the coffin of your cognitive dissonance.

The government and their media mouthpieces expect the ignorant masses to believe they have advanced their standard of living, with median household income growing from $40,800 to $52,500 since 2000. But, even using the badly flawed CPI to adjust these figures into real terms reveals real median household income to be 7.3% below the level of 2000. Using a true inflation figure would cause a CNBC talking head to have an epileptic seizure.        

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The picture is even bleaker when broken down into the age of households, with younger households suffering devastating real declines in household income since 2000. I guess all those retail clerk, cashier, waitress, waiter, food prep, and housekeeper jobs created over the last few years aren’t cutting the mustard. Maybe that explains the 30 million increase (175% increase) in food stamp recipients since 2000, encompassing 19% of all households in the U.S. Luckily the banking oligarchs were able to convince the pliable masses to increase their credit card, auto and student loan debt from $1.5 trillion to $3.1 trillion over the fourteen year descent into delusion.

When you get your head around this unprecedented decline in household income over the last fourteen years, along with the 50% to 100% rise in costs to live in the real world, as opposed to the theoretical world of the Federal Reserve and BLS, you will understand the long term decline in retail sales reflected in the following chart. When you adjust monthly retail sales for gasoline (an additional tax), inflation (understated), and population growth, you understand why retailers are closing thousands of stores and hurdling towards inevitable bankruptcy. Retail sales are 6.9% below the June 2005 peak and 4% below levels reached in 2000. And this is with millions of retail square feet added over this time frame. We know the dramatic surge from the 2009 lows was not prompted by an increase in household income. So how did the 11% proliferation of spending happen?

Click to View

The up swell in retail spending began to accelerate in late 2010. Considering credit card debt outstanding is at exactly where it was in October 2010, it seems consumers playing with their own money turned off the spigot of speculation. It has been non-revolving debt that has skyrocketed from $1.63 trillion in February 2010 to $2.26 trillion today. This unprecedented 39% rise in four years has been engineered by the government, using your tax dollars and the tax dollars of unborn generations. The Federal government has complete control of the student loan market and with their 85% ownership of Ally Financial, the largest auto financing company, a dominant position in the auto loan market. The peddling of $400 billion of subprime student loan debt and $200 billion of subprime auto loan debt has created the illusion of a retail recovery. The student loan debt has been utilized by University of Phoenix MBA wannabes  to buy iGadgets, the latest PS3 version of Grand Theft Auto and the latest glazed donut breakfast sandwich on the market. It’s nothing but another debt financed bubble that will end in tears for the American taxpayer, as hundreds of billions will be written off.

The fake retail recovery pales in comparison to the wolves of Wall Street produced housing recovery sham. They deserve an Academy Award for best fantasy production. The Federal Reserve fed Wall Street hedge fund purchase of millions of foreclosed shanties across the nation has produced media proclaimed home price increases of 10% to 30% in cities across the country. Withholding foreclosures from the market and creating artificial demand with free money provided by the Federal Reserve has temporarily added $4 trillion of housing net worth and reduced the number of underwater mortgages on the books of the Too Big To Trust Wall Street banks. The percentage of investor purchases and cash purchases is at all-time highs, while the percentage of first time buyers is at all-time lows. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can look at the long-term chart of mortgage applications and realize we are still in a recession. Applications are 35% below levels at the depths of the 2008/2009 recession. Applications are 65% below levels at the housing market peak in 2005. They are even 35% below 2000 levels. There is no real housing recovery, despite the propaganda peddled by the NAR, CNBC, and Wall Street. It’s a fraud.   

It is the pinnacle of arrogance and hubris that a few Ivy League educated economists sitting in the Marriner Eccles Building in the swamps of Washington D.C., who have never worked a day in their lives at a real job, think they can create wealth and pull the levers of money creation to control the American and global financial systems. All they have done is perfect the art of bubble finance in order to enrich their owners at the expense of the rest of us. Their policies have induced unwarranted hope and speculation on a grand scale. Greenspan and Bernanke have provoked multiple bouts of extreme speculation in stocks and housing over the last 15 years, with the subsequent inevitable collapses. Fed encouraged gambling does not create wealth it just redistributes it from the peasants to the aristocracy. The Fed has again produced an epic bubble in stock and bond valuations which will result in another collapse. Normalcy bias keeps the majority from seeing the cliff straight ahead. Federal Reserve monetary policies have distorted financial markets, created extreme imbalances, encouraged excessive risk taking, and ruined the lives of working class people. Take a long hard look at the chart below and answer one question. Was QE designed to benefit Main Street or Wall Street?  

The average American has experienced a fourteen year recession caused by the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve. Our leaders could have learned the lesson of two Fed induced collapses in the space of eight years and voluntarily abandoned the policies of reckless credit expansion, instead embracing policies encouraging saving, capital investment and balanced budgets. They have chosen the same cure as the disease, which will lead to crisis, catastrophe and collapse.  

“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” – Ludwig von Mises


Money in America, Part Four


Previously,we saw the holy Grail of banking reform was actually a hidden agenda of politics, banking, and big business.The seeds were planted in Indianapolis and now, the game is surely afoot.


The National Monetary Commission in 1908

Informing the public via a predetermined public relation campaign, with surveys and solutions of a predetermined outcome worked well. Keeping the scheme going for a decade took time, effort, and investment.

With the passage of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act in 1908 contained two important but little-known provisions: the emergency currency potential and the establishment of the NMC. The former provision would have expired in 1914 but curiously, was used for the one and only time that year.

However, Aldrich had packed his commission in June of 1908 with senators and representatives but, more significantly, powerful banking leaders.

This junket headed for Europe in the fall, studying and gather information with heads of private European banks and central banks. They concluded European banking was more efficient and the European currencies had more gravitas compared to the dollar. By December,, back in the U.S., Aldrich added Paul Warburg and others to the inner circle. Charles A. Conant was chosen for ‘research and public relations’. Warburg consulted with many academic economists at top-tier universities.

The American Bankers Association recommended a U.S. Central bank along the lines of the German Reichsbank. Hesitant heads of national banks were assured the business model would not be adversely affected by the origin of a U.S. Central bank.

Regional banking districts in the country, under control of a central board, was a recommentation in November, 1909. Throughout this whole era, the Morgan and Rockefeller banking interests had agreed to agree on a central bank. Yes.

Incidentally, William Howard Taft was elected president, a friend of Aldrich and others since 1900. On September 14, 1909, President Taft spoke in Boston and gave a big boost to the notion of a central bank. Wow. And a week later, The Wall Street Journal gave space to various op-eds, unsigned, praising that great idea of ‘elastic currency’ and other benefits. Actually, these letters were crafted by Charles Conant. He also recommended the regulation of interest rates by the central bank as a useful tool. The Washington Bureau of the Associate Press was also co-opted.

Another significant speech by Paul Warburg in New York on March 23, 1910 impressed the Merchants’ Association of New York. They had printed 30,000 copies of the transcript and distributed these far and wide.

For public consumption, a monetary conference in New York in November 1910 presented a specific recommendations for a central bank and an appeal for all part of the country to support the Bill that Alrich would soon craft.
The Private Railroad Car

G. Edward Griffin [1] sets the scene at a New Jersey railroad station like the opening of a thriller movie: it’s 10 p.m. on November 22, 1910 as a handful of important men board a private car. Unlike the numbered cars of the rest of this train, this one has no number, only a small plaque with the inscription “Aldrich”.

The senator greets his guests by first name only – and this rule is adhered throughout the trip and the week at Jekyll Island, Georgia. The private club on the island is part-owned by J.P. Morgan.

The personnel lineup:

  • Senator Nelson P.Aldrich
  • Paul Warburg, various banking connections
  • Abraham Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury
  • Henry P. Davison, senior partner, J.P. Morgan Co.
  • Frank A. Vanderlip, president, National City Bank of New York
  • Charles D. Norton, president, First National Bank of New York
  • Benjamin Strong, head of Bankers Trust Co.

(The last two are questionable due to differing accounts in the ‘historical record’ but both were in the Morgan camp. Aldrich, incidentally, was a financial partner of J.P. Morgan, and also father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr.)

If Strong wasn’t there, he surely knew about it – we will hear more of him.

The public did indeed hear something of this secret meeting, but it was in 1935. The Saturday Evening Post carried an article by Vanderlip and the key takeaway was:

If it were to be exposed publicly that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have had no chance whatever of passage by Congress.

Warburg led the argument for a regional structure, presumably cognizant of public mistrust of too much power located in one area. Aldrich wanted an overt central bank with no political meddling. The compromise that was reached became the Aldrich Plan, introduced in Congress in 1912 and 1913.

(On November 5–6, 2010, Ben Bernanke stayed on Jekyll Island to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the original meeting.)

Alas, the Democrats won the 1912 elections resoundingly. The Republican Aldrich Plan seemed to fall by the wayside.

Shiny new President Woodrow summoned a special session of Congress in April 1913. To seal the importance, he appeared in person, the first president since John Adams to do so. Wilson’s address outlined various approaches to economic policies, banking and currency reform, tariffs, and the income tax.

The 16th Amendment had been ratified on February 3, 1913. Wilson needed that tax to support lower tariffs. A little bit of patronage pressure, and the Revenue Act of 1913 was passed by the House on May 8, 1913; finally it went through the Senate on September 9, 1913.

Meanwhile, the Aldrich Plan was not dead, though that hated Republican name vanished. Representative Carter Glass, chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, and Senator Robert Owen, chairman of the Senate’s did a little tinkering here and there. Wilson mandated a central Federal reserve board be appointed by the president – with the consent of the Senate.

There was one thorn in Wilson’s side, his Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan. The “Cross of Gold” person was still a power in the Democratic Party. The sop to Bryan was that Federal Reserve currency would be a liability of the government – and also, provision for federal loans to farmers.

All this horse trading took time, though, and Wilson had other fish to fry during 1913.

The 17th Amendment (Direct Election of U.S. Senators), ratified and declared, became part of the Constitution on May 31, 1913..

Finally, months in the making, what started as the Glass-Owen bill became the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. It passed the House on December 13 and the Senate, after an all nighter, on December 23. Wilson signed it that morning.

A great year for the Populists, remember they wanted:

  • a graduated income tax, direct election of senators

and before long, they got women’s suffrage (19th Amendment), the eight-hour work day, and restricted immigration.
The Federal Reserve System, 1914 and Beyond

Aldrich had convened the Jekyll Island cabal but Warburg was the only expert on the European central bank model. Galbraith asserted that “Warburg has, with some justice, been called the father of the system.”

In the end, everybody won something. Aldrich’s ‘decentralization’ became the regional banks and avoidance of the term ‘bank’ itself inevitably led to the Federal Reserve System nomenclature. And having the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, D.C. implied ‘government’. Smoke & mirrors.

A decade later, the little Orphan Annie comic strip appeared. Did anyone recognize Daddy Warbucks, the self-made billionaire doing good works with his wealth as an avatar of Paul Warburg? Anyway …

Back in the day, the public story was that the Federal Reserve System would stabilize the economy. We’ll see how that worked out.

The real power of the System was – and is – the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. And who was offered the post of governor there? Benjamin Strong. Whether or not he was at Jekyll Island, there is no doubt he had influence, having been the personal auditor for J. P. Morgan, Sr. during the Panic of 1907, and also a long-time friend of Henry Davidson.

Paul Warburg became one of the seven members of the Federal Reserve Board in Washington.

History has a droll way of throwing some unexpected crises – who would have imagined the assassination of an obscure archduke would lead to a worldwide conflagration? Well, that’s the myth, anyhow. That the British mercantilist system might have been under threat from a foreign export power is unthinkiable as a cause for war. Isn’t it?

The outbreak of World War One had one immediate financial side effect: the New York Stock Market closed. Public anxiety was dispelled by the Secretary of the Treasury, using that dormant part of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act. Emergency currency was available, by October 23, 1914, $368,616,990.

In November, the 12 regional banks of the Federal Reserve System had opened and the emergency currency was withdrawn. The FRS was open for business!

England and various European countries had been preparing for war for years. Armies were trained, alliances arranged. But when war occurred, England found itself fiscally bereft. John Pierpoint “Jack” Morgan, Jr. ruled the House of Morgan, his father having died in March, 1913. Jack became the sales representative of British bonds and also the procurement officer for their needed war material. Nice profit on money going and coming!

In 1915, President Wilson removed the ban on private bank lending to foreign allies. The House of Morgan immediately loaned $12,000,000 to Russia and $50,000,000 to France. Meanwhile, the first $12,000,000 British contract arrived, the first of many. The final total would be $3,000,000,000.

Author John Moody, writing in 1919 summed it up:

Not only did Britain and France pay for their supplies with money furnished by Wall Street, but they made their purchases through the same medium … Inevitably the House of Morgan was selected for this important task. Thus the war had given Wall Street an entirely new role. Hitherto it had been exclusively the headquarters of finance; now it became the greatest industrial mart the world had ever known. In addition to selling stock and bonds, financing railroads, and performing other tasks of a great banking centre, Wall Street began to deal in shells, cannon, submarines, blankets, clothing, shoes, canned meats, wheat, and the thousands of other articles needed for the prosecution of a great war.

Large profits and small. A commission for selling $2 billion of Allied stock holdings to buy munitions. The sale of 4,400,000 rifles for $194,000,000. The House of Morgan was both buyer and seller, and no surprise that many of the purchase contracts went to businesses where Morgan was a shareholder.

A reputation as war profiteer does attract some resentment. On July 3, 1915 an intruder stole into Jack’s Long Island mansion and shot him twice in the groin. Jack, however, survived.

Great Britain, having burned through the Australian gold, from the 19th century gold rush there, found itself short of money to fund a war. It did the thing that is obvious to every politician: achieve fiat money by golng off the gold standard. Every other country in Europe did also. America maintained a gold standard but not redemption for foreign held dollars.

By the end of the war, every country had inflated its money supply; Germany went eight times the pre-war amount. This explains much of things to come.


The Cunard Lines had turned over their record-breaking Lusitania over to the Admiralty. The speedy ocean lined proved inadvisable to refit into an auxiliary cruiser due to operational expense (910 tons of coal a day!), so it was ordered to continue passenger (and mail) service. On April, 22 1915, the German embassy ordered advertisements in 50 U.S. newspapers, advising prospective passengers that an Atlantic crossing went through a war zone, the seas around the British Isles.. Many of these advertisements were never published …

On May 1, 1915, the Lusitania set out on its final voyage to Liverpool, England. Little did the passengers know there was a hidden cargo of munitions and other material for the British war effort.

At this point in time, the German navy followed the code of limited submarine warfare. Neutral vessels were off limits.

At 1420 hours on May 6, the commander of the U-20, Walther Schwieger, fires one torpedo at a target:

Torpedo hits starboard side right behind the bridge. An unusually heavy detonation takes place with a very strong explosive cloud. The explosion of the torpedo must have been followed by a second one [boiler or coal or powder?]… The ship stops immediately and heels over to starboard very quickly, immersing simultaneously at the bow… the name Lusitania becomes visible in golden letters.

U20 log

The Lusitania sank in only 18 minutes. Few lifeboats were properly launched due to the extreme starboard list.

Of 1,959 passengers and crew, 1,195 perish, including 128 Americans.

Several official inquiries were convened that created enough obfuscation to keep tinfoil hat manufacturers busy to this very day. Prevented testimony, state secrets, crew statements in identical handwriting with similar phrasing; definitely one, no, two, or was it three torpedos. Some closed hearings, other open with no access to some evidence. Two sets of Admiralty papers, depending on the type of hearing. Perjury.

At any rate, Wilson’s immediate response was three diplomatic notes to Germany: strong, stronger, ultimatum. After the second, Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan resigned in protest.

Nonetheless, the American public had been fired up, just not enough for war.

The British were already hinting that, should they lose the war, they would never be able to repay their debt to America. In early 1916, President Wilson sent his personal adviser, “Colonel” Edward Mandell House to London. And why not – House was the shadow power that had arranged Wilson’s nomination for president. House even had two rooms at the White House. And while Wilson sought re-election on the slogan “he kept American out of war”, his adviser consulted with British foreign office officials, notably Sir Edward Grey. Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan had not be told of this unofficial arrangement, nonetheless, he was not stupid.

Mary Baird Bryan, co-author, The Memoris of William Jennings Bryan:

While Secretary Bryan was bearing the heavy responsibility of the Department of State, there arose the curious conditions surrounding Mr. E.M.House’s unofficial connection with the President and his voyages abroad on affairs of State, which were not communicated to Secretary Bryan … The President was unofficially dealing with foreign powers.

U.S. Ambassador Walter Hines Page:

House arrived … [with] the idea of American intervention … a minimum programme of peace – the least the Allies would accept, which, he assumed, would be unacceptable to the Germans …we should plunge into the War, not on the merits of the cause, but by a carefully sprung trick.

(memorandum, February 9, 1916)

On March 9, 1916, President Wilson sanctioned the secret agreement with England and France for the United States of intervene on behalf of the Allies. It seems Wilson and House believed the worthy end, of world peace and a world government, lay through the means of war. They had help: Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt (the Franklin Delano) urged arming merchant ships in violation of neutrality.

And time passed with America on the sidelines and the Allies accusing Wilson of dragging his feet. Maybe they didn’t understand the U.S. election cycle. The attitude of the British public toward America was “too proud or too scared” and they termed unexploded shells on the front line as “wilsons”.

Both British and German propaganda served to inflame the American public over the next months.

Wilson was narrowly re-elected in 1916. A tipping point happened when Germany attempted to enlist Mexico as an ally, following their new policy. Of unrestricted submaine warfare. This threated American commercial shipping.

On April 2, 1917 in his message to Congress, Wilson spoke of armed neutrality no longer working, “enemies against us at our very doors … unsuspecting communities … and offices of government with spies … criminal intrigues” … and a warning: disloyalty “will be dealt with a firm hand of repression.” And finally, the world must again be safe for democracy.

With fifty representatives and six senators opposted, a declaration of war was passed by Congress on April 4, 1917 and signed by Wilson the April 6.

Behind the scenes during this period, the Federal Reserve went into full operation in 1915. They played a significant role in financial Allied and U.S. War efforts (with some help.)

Wilson furthered Democratic values with the agricultural Smith-Lever Act of 1914 and the Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916. He also thwarted a national transportation shutdown by guiding the Adamson Act through Congress which instituted the eight-hour day.

Then there was the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918. A firm hand, yes. Anarchists, Wobblies, communists, anti-war activists, and even newspaper editors were grist for the DoJ mill. Deportation of recent immigrants who opposed the war came with the Immigration Act of 1918. Then there was Wilson’s Committee of Public information, the first official propaganda office.

Wilson’s League of Nations concept came via a speech on January 8, 1918, his Fourteen Points.


Liberty Bonds

We have a war! And on April 24, the 1917 Emergency Loan Act initiated the first of four bond issues. Buy Liberty Bonds! It’s a patriotic duty. A limit of $5 billion was set; $2 billion were sold.

The second, third and forth issues appeared in, respectively, October 1,1917, April 5, 1918, and September 28, 1918.

A poor response to the bonds was met by the Treasury with a sales campaign promoted by Hollywood stars, Boy Scouts, and even a special Army Air Corps elite group that travelled the country. Buy a bond and get to ride in a JN-4 airplane!

Incidentally, that 1917 act is the tool by which U.S. Treasury bonds are issued to this very day.

We will re-visit the fourth Liberty Bond issue in fifteen years.

The active “war to end war” ended on November 11, 1918 with a cease fire. The Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919.


In our next exciting episode, we will see the Federal Reserve assistance to restoring the gold standard for the world. Only it wasn’t …