By:Stephanie Shepard


We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, must hold those who set to destroy the nation accountable. After the War in Iraq, we the people, were outraged. After the fraud on Wall Street was revealed, we the people, were outraged. After the Bailouts, we the people, were outraged. After the announcement of Quantitative  Easing, we the people, were outraged. After the NDAA was signed, we the people, were outraged. After Edward Snowden turned whistle blower on the NSA, we the people, were outraged.

“We the people” are the most powerful three words in the history of the United States. Those three words have the power of conviction. The group alignment of small individual power being pulled into the fold of collective power. Those on the top are a few. Though they hold the most sway individually, they are weak in comparison of the collective. It is not the Federal Government that decides the direction of the country. It is the people. Without the people there is no Union. The Federal Government is only as powerful as we acknowledge.


“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Ronald Reagan

Excerpt from “Not everybody wants to be Free” by Didact:

Freedom, you see, is a very fragile thing. You cannot simply give freedom to people who are not willing to fight and sacrifice for it. As you go through life, you’re going to come across a lot of people- I would argue the majority of people- who just don’t want to be free. And why would they? If you think about it, freedom is actually bloody terrifying to most people.

When you have freedom- true freedom- you, and you alone, are responsible for your destiny. You can’t pass the buck for your failures as a human being over to your parents, or your church, or your government, or your children. You have to take responsibility for your actions. You have to fend for yourself. You have to accept that although many things are outside your control, those things that are within your control are difficult to deal with. You have to be willing to defend yourself- you can’t rely on anyone else to do it for you. You have to earn for yourself- you can’t mooch off the efforts of others. You have to exercise self-restraint and live in a manner that is consistent with your own principles- you can’t just bend or break them for a whim. You have to refuse the temptation to impose your desires upon others- because you don’t want them to do the same to you. You have to accept that when you screw up, it’s your damn fault and you need to fix it. You have to accept that you, and you alone, are responsible for your health, your body, your well-being, your money, your life, your family, and your relationship with God.

Put in these stark and simple terms, is it therefore at all surprising that most people would not want to be free at all? Are you then surprised that most people would rather choose, quite happily, to stay dumb and contented their entire lives?

The reality is that freedom is hard. It is work. It requires sacrifice, and very often pain, in order to thrive. And we as a species have evolved through that last n-million years to view pain as a Very Bad Thing that needs to be avoided. Is it any surprise at all, then, that if you give the average person a choice between a life of blissfully contented stupidity and then proceed to rob and rape him blind in return, or a life of hardship and toil in which he is master of his own destiny and answerable to none but the Almighty, said average person will almost always choose the former?

The upsides of freedom are tremendous, which is why you’ll still find people willing to pay the price to be free. But make no mistake- just like rights come with responsibilities attached, you can’t have freedom for free. You have to earn it. And if you’re not prepared to earn it, then don’t bitch when you realize, belatedly, that you don’t have it

Project Starve the Beast

Starving the beast is not as simplistic as “voting with your dollars” to create change. It is not calling your representative complaining for change. It is not voting once every four years wishing for change. Starving the Beast is aligning your own personal beliefs with necessary action. Looking at the prospect of discomfort and embracing it, despite the intentional challenge. Hard work has taken on a different meaning in the last decades. It has been manipulated to mean “Physically working hard for profit”. That is not hard work. At best, that is the minimum requirement of functioning in society. You are still relying on someone enduring the hard work of establishing where you contribute “hard work”. You are latching on to someone who came before you who laid the foundation of innovation through pain, sacrifice, education, investment, and opportunity; instead of seeking your own.

We the people, like to believe, we just inherit a working system. That we just get to continue the joyride and talk a big game. That is the worst assumption that is leading us astray. Yes, we inherit the foundation of our Founding Fathers. Yes, we are handed down the teachings of pain from our Veterans. Yes, we are given the means to be educated, written down by thinkers that came before us. Yes, we pass on the remaining wealth of our family, as a platform, to acquire our own livelihood. The present is handed to us, not the future. The idea of being owed the future you want, regardless of age or status, is entitlement.

So, how do you starve the beast? How do you embrace pain? How do you embody your power as the individual? How do we collectively become “We the People” once again? How do we align our personal beliefs with action?

Continue Reading at Time of Calamity>>>>

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February 12, 2014 7:09 am

Gawd I hate this “continue reading” elsewhere bullshit! I understand why we have to do it but fuck……if I wanted to continue reading elsewhere, I’d already BE elsewhere!

There! I got it out of my system. Carry on.

February 12, 2014 7:21 am

FWIW..dumped this on AWD’s thread by mistake…nevertheless, I’ll no longer waste my time casting anything other an reel and rod or a bait net.

Voters aren’t innocents, they know they’re co-conspirators in a criminal enterprise. There is but one legal strategy remaining to honest Americans. Withhold your vote. Withhold your vote and you withhold consent. Withhold your consent and you withhold legitimacy. The surest route to change is empty voting booths. Stay home on election day. Not only is it your civic duty, you aren’t really missing anything. Your vote counts for nothing and it changes nothing. If it did it would be illegal. How has voting worked for you so far? Abandoning their dog’n pony show is what really scares ‘em, they don’t know what you’re up to. Noncompliance worries DC. You may be using your time to prepare for the coming Troubles. Ol’ Remus

The Truth About Voting

Year after year, the Republican leadership in the House and Senate has come to grassroots conservatives, and Tea Party supporters pleading for our money, our volunteers, our time, our energy and our votes. In return they have repeatedly promised not just to stop the liberal assault on our freedoms and our national treasury, but to advance our conservative agenda. It’s been years. There is not a single conservative accomplishment this so-called ‘leadership’ can point to.

February 12, 2014 7:52 am

For someone to fight for true freedom they have to understand what they are fighting for. The founders were fighting to flee religious and political bondage, they had to fight and win or die.

The apathy of many voters about losing personal rights, the continued wars, TSA, Patriot Act, NDAA, bailouts, QE, ACA, etc etc etc just proves that most just don’t care as long as they get a little slice of happiness.
Maybe if the dollar implodes and they lose their EBT, free education, free healthcare, all their free shit, they may get pissed and riot. But not because they want more freedom, they just want their free shit back.

Good article, are there more Stephanie’s in this country? Reading other blogs, media and FB, I just don’t see it happening, like you ended the article, everyone looks to the gov as a mother and father meant to be you nurturer, teacher, and caregiver.


February 12, 2014 8:35 am

After taking all those kicks in the ass, you, the people did nothing and so encouraged more of the same.

February 12, 2014 8:52 am

We all must worship Father Abraham , or risk be labeled anti-American and defriended Facebook.

The Regime Celebrates its Birthday

By Thomas DiLorenzo

As Clyde Wilson once pointed out, the symbol of America started out as “George Washington on his white horse” but is now “a corporate lawyer/lobbyist in an armchair.” The latter refers to the Lincoln Memorial, which is not so much the symbol of “America” but of the governmental regime in Washington, D.C. That is why Lincoln must be idolized, worshipped, and compared to Jesus Christ (“He died on Good Friday and died for America’s sins just as Christ died for the world’s sins” his idolaters and cultists have been saying for generations), and referred to as “Father Abraham.”

Lincoln did not create “a new birth of freedom” but a new birth of mercantilism, crony capitalism, and centralized government monopoly of the sort the American colonists had fought a revolution against. A real statesman would have followed the British example (and the French, Danes, Dutch, Spanish, and Swedish), and the example of all the Northern states in the U.S., and found a way to end slavery peacefully through some kind of compensated emancipation (See Jim Powell, Greatest Emancipations: How the West Ended Slavery). Instead, the ending of slavery eventually became associated with a war that, according to the most recent research, resulted in as many as 850,000 deaths (the old death count was 620,000).

The Regime Celebrates Its Birthday

February 12, 2014 9:29 am

Excellent post, Calamity.

The latest essay snippet by Jim Willie ( is now posted at several web sites. The author states that the US dollar will soon be split into two separate currencies, one devalued “Scheiss” (shit) dollar for domestic use and one fully-valued dollar for global (foreign) use.

The new shit dollar will come about sometime in 2014. According to Jim Willie, the US dollar will also lose it world reserve currency status. The link to the essay via

February 12, 2014 9:34 am

….its, not it in the last paragraph.

February 12, 2014 9:57 am

If you want to be free then—–
Abolish the Federal Reserve
Abolish the income tax
Return to a sound money system, the Gold Trade Note.
The central planners (bankers) have a hundred million tax slaves paying them interest every year. They are not going to easily give that up. The power is in the money. Take the money power away from these people and return it to the people.

February 12, 2014 9:59 am

Flash…two celebrations that all Americans should hold dear….John Wilkes Boothe’s birthday and Lincoln’s assassination.

I keep waiting for TSHTF day….I’ll embrace it with the hope of the re-birth of the Republic.

harry p.
harry p.
February 12, 2014 10:50 am

the simplest solution is to not hold the idea of government and officials of the state on a pedestal and delegitimize and mock the idea that it is good or necessary at every opportunity. Promote the non-aggression principle and work to get peopel to stop voting.

For example I was able to create an interesting discussion at work when someone brought up a story about a K9 cop dog that died in the line of duty. The dog got a fucking motorcade. How can the city legitimately justify spending money on something like this. WIth taxes and the middle class strapped as they are iin places like Shittsburgh even most dog lovers and copsuckers find this excessive.
the key is to keep unapologetically pointing out their failures and mock them. satire and mocking is one of the things that really gets under a govt’s skin because it shows a lack of both fear and respect.

story here:

February 12, 2014 12:02 pm

“The people were outraged”

And how did they express their outrage? Text somebody? Post it on Facebook? Tweeted their uncle? Who the fuck cares, nobody did anything. People seem more than willing to express their opinions, less than 10% approve of Congress, only 1/3 the population supports our mulatto fascist lying POS president. But then you realize, who voted him into office twice? Mexicans and Millennials. And who loves and supports our fascist socialist government that takes away our money and our freedom? Yea, the same people, Mexicans and millennials.

We’re turning this country over, in time, to that fat slob that plays world of warcraft naked, eats at McDonalds, and is unemployable. We may never recover from the what our young people support: fascist politicians and big government. They aren’t fighting it, they support it, they love it, they think they are going to get something out of it, even though their freedom and economic future are gone. All they are going to get for their support of socialism, fascism, and big government is to spend most of their life in debt and economic collapse. The millenials are going to be the first generation to live under totalitarian socialism/communism in this country that used to be democratic; and they voted and supported every minute of it.

February 12, 2014 10:56 pm

I wish Calamity would post an email box on her blog. I wanted to send a possible topic for her blog to discuss, but discovered it’s a one way glass.

Too bad.

My email is embedded in the Lewrockwell stuff I’ve published in the past. Or it used to be, anyway, and Gmail (for all its faults) does a nice job crushing the spammers).

February 13, 2014 5:15 am

Fuck Disqus! It`s one of the worst offenders when it comes about privacy. Of course Google is the Worst.

February 13, 2014 7:54 am

Nice post Clam, thanks