Kids in school today are bombarded by diversity and multiculturalism bullshit. For some reason, it’s the school’s (primary and college) job to brainwash kids with ideas that have nothing to do with actual education.

As this article shows, all it does is make people feel entitled and identify only with their skin color. The biggest racists in the world (liberal progressives) only see people based on their skin color, not what they do with their lives or how they act; all that matters is the color of your skin. It’s the crowing achievement of hypocrisy. A long article, yes, but an interesting read.


A conversation with a multiculturalist

Note: The following conversation took place between this writer and the head of a diversity institute at one of the largest public universities in America.

The writer had asked to meet with the head of the institute after he had read a brochure for a diversity training program that the institute was encouraging the university’s faculty to attend. The names of the university and the institute head are not identified, because some editorial license had to be taken in recounting the conversation. The unidentified head had been told that the meeting might form the basis for an article, and that if he were to be identified in the piece, he would have the opportunity to review it before publication. Since the meeting was not tape recorded, the dialogue below may not be the verbatim conversation that took place. However, it tries to capture as accurately as possible the viewpoints and tone expressed at the meeting.

The diversity head is a very intelligent, articulate and personable member of a so-called minority group, albeit misguided and misinformed. As the reader will see, he comes across as a good listener, as well as being mild mannered and even tempered — certainly more so than this writer, who had difficulty staying calm and avoiding sarcasm as the conversation progressed and he learned the true beliefs of the diversity head.

The dialogue shows how racial propaganda is being used to indoctrinate today’s college students, who then take that indoctrination into the work place. Suggestions on what employers should do about that are offered at the end of the dialogue.

The “CC” in the following is Craig Cantoni, and the “DH” is the diversity head.


CC: Could you please define “diversity” for me?

DH: Diversity has to do with blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Native-Americans.

CC: I’m not so sure that you defined the word, but, nevertheless, let’s go on. So, diversity does not include Egyptian-Americans?

DH: Well…uh…you see…

CC: Or Iranians, or Bosnians, or Pakistanis, or impoverished Appalachian Scots-Irish?

DH: I use the government categories.

CC: Hmm, that’s interesting. I thought our system of government is based on the noble idea that we are all equal. I also thought that for the last 30 years it has been illegal in this country to give preferential treatment in employment and elsewhere to some groups over others based on skin color, ethnicity, race or nationality. My mistake. Let’s go on.

DH: Go ahead. You requested the meeting.

CC: Thank you. The description of the course that you are conducting for faculty here says that it will address “diversity challenges, conflict resolution and the First Amendment in the classroom.” Could you give me an example of a diversity challenge in the classroom?

DH: Sure. The other day I had a Hispanic woman say in my class that “all whites are ignorant.” An untrained professor might have responded to that by shutting her down or putting her down. But instead, what I did was ask the class for their thoughts on what she said. Interestingly, some other Hispanics spoke up and said that they didn’t agree that all whites were ignorant. You see, professors aren’t trained in how to handle that kind of conflict. In the Institute here, our goal is to give them the skills they need to deal with these types of situations.

CC: I must be ignorant myself. Must be a white thing. Did I miss something? Does the subject of whether whites are ignorant or not have something to do with learning math, engineering, double-entry accounting and other subjects? Do the laws of math change depending on the skin color of the professor or student?

DH: You’re missing the point.

CC: You got that right. What is the point?

DH: The point is that a university is a microcosm of society. It is a place of learning. It is a place where we address rather than ignore societal issues.

CC: Perhaps a sociology class might be a place to address racism and other social issues, but I’m not so sure that a racist comment should be allowed in a classroom or that the racial views of a student are relevant to other areas of study. I can’t help but wonder what you would have done if a white had used the “N” word in class. Do I sense a double standard?

DH: Not at all. We value all viewpoints. You could have accused us of double standards in the past when we conducted diversity training the old way.

CC: I’m afraid to ask, but what was the old way?

DH: The old way was to separate whites from minorities in the class and have the minorities tell the whites what it is like to live in a white world as a minority. That made the whites defensive.

CC: Imagine that. That’s the problem with whites. They not only have pale skin, but they are thin-skinned. And to top it off, they are ignorant. I’m sure glad that I’m olive-skinned. Let me give you a little background about myself. It’s relevant to a question I want to ask you in a moment, so please bear with me. One of the reasons I went into human resources in the early 1970s was to advance the idea of equal opportunity. At the time, I was a big proponent of affirmative action and fought many groundbreaking battles on behalf of blacks and women.

Then, in the early 1980s, well before Roosevelt Thomas started the diversity movement with his landmark Harvard Business Review article, I would go on retreats with people of color to get in touch with my deep-seated feelings about race. And, oh yes, I got my undergraduate degree from St. Mary’s University of San Antonio, a school where half the student body is Mexican-American. At the time, I viewed my Mexican-American friends as the sons and grandsons of immigrants, just like me, who were trying to better themselves and live the American dream. At the time, we didn’t affix labels to each other and, in fact, thought that racial and ethnic labels should be done away with. My question is this: Do you wonder why someone like Craig Cantoni is so opposed to your brand of diversity?

DH: I can’t speak for you. But I’m sorry to hear that you are against diversity.

CC: Yeah, whatever the word means. It’s kind of like being against motherhood and apple pie. Let’s shift the subject from me. Let me ask you a related question: Do you think, as I do, that the races have become more polarized over the intervening years?

DH: Yes indeed. You see it on campus. Blacks have their own clubs and dorms. Hispanics have theirs. There doesn’t seem to be much mingling of races. That’s why the Institute is so important.

CC: Do you ever think that you’re at fault for the polarization?

DH: What do you mean?

CC: I mean that the diversity movement’s obsession with race has resulted in people being obsessed with race. I mean that putting people into categories makes them behave and think like they are in a category — an aggrieved category at that. The government and institutions like yours have institutionalized the separation.

DH: You can’t ignore the fact that we’re all in categories. You’re Anglo, for example.

CC: Excuse me, but to the best of my knowledge, I’m an American of Italian ancestry. I don’t believe that I have any Anglo or Saxon blood. Since my forebears came from the Italian peninsula, which sits across from the African continent, and since a large number of citizens in the Roman empire were Africans, there is a better chance of me having African blood than Anglo blood.

DH: Okay. But the fact is that you are in other categories. You are a male, for example.

CC: You noticed.

DH: That’s the point. We can’t help but notice categories and respond differently to the category that we see.

CC: But my being male is not an artificial construct like you calling yourself “Hispanic.” Nor do I petition the government to give me a group identity and group rights.

DH: What do you mean?

CC: Simple. There is no nation of Hispania. Nor is there only one ethnic group or nationality of Spanish-speaking or Spanish-surnamed people. The term “Hispanic” is incorrectly used to cover many nationalities, with widely different cultures and history, ranging from Communist Cuba to aristocrats from the Iberian Peninsula of Europe. It shows a profound ignorance of history to lump all those people together into one category as if they are a monolith.

DH: I like to think of myself as a Chicano.

CC: From the country of Chicania?

DH: Cute. My family is from Mexico.

CC: So if you insist on putting labels on yourself, why don’t you use the label of Mexican-American? It’s much more precise.

DH: Okay, if it makes you happy.

CC: Delighted.

DH: Let me return to the issue of categories. Why is it if a black man moves into your neighborhood, you will treat him differently? Is there something about black skin that gives off vibes? Is black skin in itself bad? Or is it that you assign stereotypes to his category?

CC: Seems like you are the one dealing with stereotypes. You assume that at the end of the 20th Century, mainstream whites will treat a black neighbor differently. You’re right, though. If Colin Powell moved into the neighborhood, I’d treat him with awe and respect. I suggest that you separate issues of class from issues of race.

DH: Then why is it that when blacks moved into neighborhoods in so many American cities, the whites moved out?

CC: Because human beings are rational and look out first and foremost for their own security and safety. It’s the same rational thinking that Jesse Jackson used when he said that if he is walking down a dark street at night and hears footsteps behind him, he is relieved to see a white face instead of a black face. The fact of urban life in American cities in the 1950s and 1960s was that whites, primarily middle-class ethnic whites, saw block after block and neighborhood after neighborhood be destroyed after blacks moved in. Upper-class elites and university intellectuals have the luxury of intellectualizing about the causes of uncivilized behavior in the inner-city, about the horrible social consequences of slavery, Jim Crow, poverty and the welfare state.

But if you had been living in a Lithuanian neighborhood on the west side of Chicago in a two-flat that had been in your working-class family for two generations, a home that represented a lifetime of hard work in a mind-numbing factory — it would have been unnatural for you to welcome people of any color, white or black, who had different values about property values and a demonstrated history of destroying everything that you had worked and saved for. To react differently would be irrational and foolish. To delete your memory bank of all personal experience and observations would reduce you to the intelligence and existence of a slug. To me, there is a difference between being discriminating and being discriminatory. The former is based on factors other than race; the latter is based solely and exclusively on race.

DH: Your negative stereotyping sounds like racism, not discrimination.

CC: Webster’s definition of racism is this: “A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” I like that definition. And by that definition, I am clearly not a racist. I don’t think for a moment that when babies come out of the womb that there is any difference whatsoever, other than appearance, between one race and another in terms of innate intelligence and other human characteristics. Differences come later as a result of upbringing, social class, instilled values and that nebulous thing called culture.

DH: It seems to me that you whites…

CC: Excuse me, but you’re white.

DH: No, I’m Hispanic, er, Mexican-American.

CC: Not only do you look white, but the government classifies you as white; and we know how much you like government classifications. In fact, you are a member of the largest ethnic white group in America, far larger than Italian-Americans. Why you are classified as a minority is beyond me. It must be because universities are teaching diversity instead of math. Today’s graduates don’t seem to know that if you lump all white ethnic groups together, with the exception of one group, the lumped-together group will be a mathematical majority while the one exception will be a mathematical minority.

DH: You mean that you don’t see me as a minority?

CC: I know that you like to see yourself as a minority but, no, I don’t see you that way at all. In Arizona, Mexican-Americans comprise about 22 percent of the population, and Italian-Americans about five percent. I’m more of a minority than you.

DH: Let me finish what I was saying before you got us off on this tangent. I was saying that whites think in negative stereotypes.

CC: Didn’t you just state a negative stereotype? See, the government is correct in putting you in the white category. You think like a white person — in stereotypes. I understand what your saying, though. You’re saying that Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan doesn’t think in terms of negative stereotypes. The New York Times Magazine must have been mistaken in a recent article. It said that blacks commit three times as many hate crimes as whites. Speaking of which, one time when I was riding the El train home from work in Chicago, three blacks got on the train and started slapping elderly white women, laughing as they made racist remarks about whites. Another time, a black man got on the train at the stop for Malcolm X College and sat next to me. On his briefcase were written the words, “Whites eat shit!” in bold letters. And when I was a 16-year-old working as the only white on an otherwise all-black staff in an exclusive country club in St. Louis, my black supervisor told me to clean the employee rest room, which hadn’t been cleaned in years. Two hours later, as I was finishing the job, a burly black co-worker came in and urinated all over the walls, telling me to “clean up this mess, white boy.”

DH: What does all that prove?

CC: It suggests that negative stereotypes and racism are not just a white phenomenon.

DH: Oh yeah, like you’ve suffered from negative stereotypes — you who comes from white privilege.

CC: Wow, I’d suggest that you read the history of Italians in America. You don’t have to go back very far. Just go back to the 1938 issue of Life Magazine that featured baseball great Joe DiMaggio. It said that he was not a typical Italian who put “bear grease” on his hair and reeked of garlic. And I guess that you’ve never seen the Godfather movie, which portrays Italians as Mafioso. You see, what’s different between you and me is that I don’t blame Godfather author Mario Puzo for perpetuating a negative stereotype about Italians by writing a novel based on facts. I blame the Italian mobsters for perpetuating the stereotype. I think the no-goods should be executed or imprisoned, and I support the government going after them with a vengeance. New York mayor Rudy Guiliani felt the same way when he was a prosecutor.

A couple of years ago I spoke at a diversity outreach conference of educators. As I sat at a table for lunch prior to my speech and introduced myself, the people of color at the table noticed the vowel at the end of my name and made the standard wisecracks about the Mob. I blame them for their appalling hypocrisy, but I don’t blame them at all for the stereotype. I blame depraved Italian mobsters like John Gotti for the stereotype. By the way, about your stereotypical statement about white privilege, let me say this: My impoverished and poorly educated grandfather immigrated to this country and took a job as a coal miner. Yes indeed, some privilege.

DH: But at least your grandfather was white, as were all the other workers, so he didn’t have to deal with feeling different. Diversity wasn’t an issue back then.

CC: Evidently you were not a history major. If you were, you would be aware of the huge differences between ethnic groups in the early Twentieth Century, the animosties, the tensions and the fights in the work place. Ethnic and religious slurs like dago, pollack, mic, papist, Jew-boy weren’t endearments back then. It wasn’t a loving gesture when an Irish cop bashed in your head because he didn’t like wops. People segregated themselves by ethnic and religious identity where they worked and where they lived.

DH: See, they needed diversity training.

CC: What, to make things worse? I take a different lesson from history. I take the lesson that assimilation worked its wonders without the help of social engineers and busybodies. Somehow industry was able to achieve historical highs of productivity and growth with a diverse work force, without sending managers to diversity training. Somehow the various groups gained political power, got an education and brought their families into the middle class — on their own. Most of the problems went away after one generation, and almost all of them disappeared after two generations.

Blacks were another matter. That’s why the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed. That’s why I fought to give blacks equal opportunity in the work place and used affirmative action in its original meaning of outreach. It wasn’t until later that other groups petitioned the government to expand the Act to cover them. That was a slap in the face to blacks, because it implied that the other groups had endured the same government-sanctioned mistreatment. A black female editorial writer and acquaintance of mine still bristles over that. She won’t say so, though, in her newspaper’s editorial page. The newspaper wouldn’t want to upset its Mexican-American readers.

DH: Maybe we’d be better off if we didn’t use stereotypes at all.

CC: I think it would be better if we recognized that some negative stereotypes have their roots in reality. To get rid of the stereotypes, we have to eliminate the roots.

What I hear diversity leaders like you saying is that your particular group is a victim of white racism, that whites are evil and that you are helpless innocents. A little more introspection might be helpful, just as I went through introspection on my retreats with people of color. It might be helpful for you to be more self-critical and address the problems in your own group. For instance, instead of petitioning the government to teach Mexican-Americans in their native language, at the expense of other ethnic groups, you might be honest about the abysmal failure of bilingual education and the fact that about half of Mexican-American kids drop out of school, a fact that has nothing to do with any other ethnic group. To blame that failure on other ethnic groups and to ask for special privileges based on your ethnicity is intellectually dishonest and counter to the principles of your adopted country.

DH: If you destroy our language, you destroy our culture.

CC: Whew. Let me count to ten before answering: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. That was close. My Italian temper almost got the best of me on that one. But hey, it’s a cultural thing.

DH: Why would that make you angry? It’s the truth.

CC: I’ve read about this belief, but it’s the first time I’ve heard someone express it firsthand.

DH: As an Italian, you should understand what is is like to have your culture obliterated. The purpose of public schools has been to Americanize people, to take their culture away from them.

CC: Obliterated? God give me the strength to contol myself. My grandparents came to this country because they preferred it to the old country. Maybe yours came here because they are masochists who hate America. I can picture them talking back in Mexico: “America is an evil, racist country, so let’s move there.”

In any event, my grandparents and parents ate Italian food, drank homemade Italian wine, listened to Italian opera, spoke Italian between themselves, and lived with other Italians in the Italian section of St. Louis known as Dago Hill, where it was so clean you couldn’t find a cigarette butt on the streets. I never remember the government Gestapo coming into our house and demanding that we stop celebrating our Italian heritage or stop using the Italian language. Oh yes, they also loved America and American values, customs, cuisine, and sports, especially baseball. And they particularly appreciated religious freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of association, property rights, the rule of law, and legal contracts — all the basic tenets of our liberal democracy, tenets that are hard to find outside of the Western world.

DH: But the government expected you to learn English in school, not Italian. That sounds like tyranny to me.

CC: I’m going to lose it. You might be right, but it was really my parents who expected me to learn English, just as their bilingual parents had expected them to learn English. Thank goodness. If they hadn’t, succeeding generations of Cantonis probably would have remained as poor as my grandparents. By the way, we do agree that public education has a tyrannical side, but for different reasons. That’s why my kid goes to parochial school.

As a purely practical matter, putting aside the issue of whether a nation can remain a nation if it doesn’t have a common culture and if it turns into a Tower of Babel, let me ask you this: How would teaching every ethnic student in his own language work? Are you suggesting that if there is one Iranian-American in a classroom, he should be taught in Farsi? What would happen to the cost of education?

DH: If we can send men to the Moon, we can figure that out. What’s important is that we don’t lose our cultural identities.

CC: And there it is in all its naked, ugly honesty. You don’t believe in all of us getting along and not being judged by the color of our skins. You want to be identified by your category. You relish it. You believe in multiculturalism. Or is it quadroculturalism for the Big Four groups of blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Native-Americans? Or is it monoculturalism for your own group?

DH: I guess we’re not going to agree.

CC: We can agree on that.

* * * * * * * * *

What is the lesson that can be learned from the above? It is this: If you do not want divisiveness in your work place, then do not allow such divisive, race-focused views on the premises. The fact is, the views of the diversity head are commonly held among diversity trainers and consultants. Companies that pay handsome fees to have divisive views spread among their work force have only themselves to blame for the inevitable claims of discrimination.

There is increasing evidence that private and public sector organizations that swallow the diversity gospel, hook, line and sinker, are the same organizations that are getting hit with huge class-action lawsuits. Coca Cola, Texaco, Honda, and Amtrak are in the same club. They all have gotten hit with class-action suits. Does anyone really believe that Coca Cola does not endorse equal opportunity or that it discriminates against minorities? Of course not. But if Coca Cola has allowed diversity drivel to permeate its work force, in a misguided attempt to be seen as a progressive employer, it should not be surprised that employees have a chip on their shoulder.

So what should employers do? The following:

Stop all diversity training. It’s a truism that different people from different cultural backgrounds bring different views into the work place. But it’s also true that as long as people work together as a team and are not insensitive to each other, it is none of a company’s business what they believe as individuals. Besides, as the foregoing dialogue shows, it is impossible to reconcile some ideological differences, and talking about the differences makes things worse instead of better.

Stop endorsing the formation of company-sponsored employee associations that are based on race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or sexual preference. Use Title VII of the Civil Rights Act for the justification for the policy.

Embrace and enforce all existing discrimination and employment laws. Do not tolerate any hiring, promotions and assignments that are based on race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual preference. Do not engage in double standards, with one standard for minorities and one for whites. Ensure that employment decisions are based on bonafide qualifications and merit. Fire people if they engage in racism, sexism, and harassment.


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March 24, 2014 12:47 pm

I tried to get through that – I could only wade in up to my ankles before I about lost my mind. This shit is real to some people….and just in case anyone wants to really lose their shit, read more on ‘restorative justice’ – but, there is good news. Even though it may not go my way, 4th Turnings will resolve this shit and put some perspective to folks who need it.

March 24, 2014 1:34 pm

Excellent !

God save US!

Rock Bottom for America

Michael McGregor · March 24, 2014

Originally published at the defunct Daily Helm

In the future, historians will likely point out the defining moment of America’s decline into a soulless cesspool was this performance from the 2014 Grammys.

A white rapper named Macklemore performed his pro-gay marriage anthem “Same Love,” while Queen Latifah officiated 33 marriages, many of which were interracial and homosexual, all on primetime television.

They weren’t the only ones on the stage though–they were also joined by a lesbian whale capable of singing named Mary Lambert, a black horn section, and an old and wrinkled version of Madonna.

negro music performed by a white rapper, a fat lesbian, a self-righteous black female, and an aging whore is what America represents now.

This is our new morality.


March 24, 2014 1:50 pm

Excellent post! Strictly by numbers, Whites can elect whomever they want on a national level. Rand Paul over Hitlery in ’16. Of course that won’t happen because many lazy-assed whites are part of the FSA and they will NEVER vote to eliminate their “benefits”. More on topic, my employer does not have diversity training. It’s a good thing for this nigga because I absolutely refuse to attend this bullshit. Diversity, tolerance, &tc can only hasten the downfall of the White race and I will not be a part of it. Isn’t it interesting that it’s ok for China to be for the Chinese, Japan to be for the Japanese, Israel for the Jews &tc. But, the countries that Whites colonized(stole if you will) must open their borders to every disease-ridden third world POS in the name of “diversity”? WTF

March 24, 2014 2:11 pm

Pretty painful to read as to the stupidity of asswipes with white guilt, but so typical of the liberal thought pattern. Every ethnic group that has come to America has prospered except one. One group is coddled and excuses made for, the other groups either get their shit together or fail, merit will succeed every time. LBJ’s great social experiment just created new masters is all.

About eight years ago I bid on a new High School that comprised 98% black students. I had all the correct answers with the construction manager in the post bid interview, the job was mine.

Then the superintendent walked in and asked me how many minority’s I employed.
How many will you employ for this job?
Well, there was no minority participation requirement for this project.
Yes, but how many minority workers will you employ for this project anyway?
Well, if a minority is a competent, reliable and skilled worker I will not have a problem, but I will not hire any individual just because they are black.
The superintendent pushed away from the table.
The construction manager said, I think you just lost the job. I told him after that exchange I would not have taken the job anyway.

Four years ago a low income (Taxpayer funded) medical facility received federal stimulus dollars to build an addition. To be racially sensitive a black woman was given 11% of the total contract to provide minority (black) workers jobs on this project, this money was taken from our contracts and she would pay the minority workers directly.
Long story short she got over $250 thousand dollars for her effort. Workers she supplied were qualified to sweep floors, my assigned worker disappeared for two weeks, then came back to complain to me his checks were being written on five different accounts and were all bouncing. It was a certified payroll job, and her workers were not covered under workers comp.
She had the balls to ask the contractors to fill out her certified payroll forms and place her workers on their workers comp because she didn’t understand all the forms.
Anyway, she cheated every worker she hired by not paying them prevailing wage and fucked over numerous contractors. When she didn’t pay the prevailing wage the contractors had to pay the difference or face the labor board and fines.
We refused to pay her in full until she had proof of workers comp and filled out certified payroll. She gave us a fake insurance form, she was incredible.
A black woman fucked over her own race, fucked over contractors, and was never prosecuted because she was black and that would have been an embarrassment, filed bankruptcy and walked away.

Again, there was no risk for her so she took advantage of everyone, and got away with it.

March 24, 2014 2:17 pm

I tried to get through that article…. and similiar, but just can’t.

From my perspective the ‘diversity’ people need a platform, cause if they didn’t, then they wouldn’t have a job – either as a diversity professor, or as a regular citizen. It appears the minorities that don’t have what it takes to make it in this country, want to jump on the social justice, or similar cause so they can get some sort of entitlement or favortism for a position which they are not qualified for.

It’s going to be interesting in California, where now more than 50% of the population is Hispanic. I wonder what the Porch Monkeys think about that?

March 24, 2014 2:32 pm

A lot of.this.diversity and tolerance will go.the way of the dollar.When the dollar finally crashes a lot of comfortable white americans are going to.get real poor.Then you will see change or.maybe a civil war.This shit is going to end one way or another.

March 24, 2014 3:07 pm

it all started going down hill with one little phrase
blacks were much better off just being americans

March 24, 2014 7:20 pm

In Charleston S.C. my Alma mater was looking for a new president. Enter Glenn McConnell the Lt Governor of our state and former head of the Senate .Arguably the most powerful politician in the state .

Well the liberals and the NAACP would have not put up with him being president of the college…why ?
Because he’s a Civil War reenactor . He’s proud of his heritage . Not one person has come forward and called him a racist etc . He has a record of helping minorities in the House and Senate .The NAACP’s only remark was well…he’s a reenactor !

I find it always interesting that those who claim to be sooooo liberal never seem to be able to accept diversity in someone who doesn’t agree with them .

March 24, 2014 10:14 pm

He is right about another civil war among whites.There is nothing I find more disgusting then these white liberals ,progressives ,communist or what ever they call themselves today.They are the most vile
Damn traitors .

March 25, 2014 8:22 am

Why is the Federal government so bent on replacing Americans with imported welfare dependent third worlders who have to be taught how to live in apartments and manage a frikking stove, fer’ chrissakes’? It seems the death of the west is a contrived affair and not solely dependent on low white birth rates.

Sioux Falls: New Refugees Learn How to Live in Apartments without Damaging Them

The more diverse the refugees, the more help they require from well paid refugee settlement experts. If newbies could just move in and get going, then there would be no need for a taxpayer-funded Refugee Industrial Complex to instruct primitive tribal people how to use electric lights, stoves and a host of other gizmos common to normal modern life. (See an earlier attempt in quickie cultural integration: “Cliff Notes Assimilation for Somalis.”)

The situation described here focuses on Nepalis in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, population 153,888 as of 2010 census. The city has unfortunately been designated as a dump zone by the government, with 51 languages spoken in city schools.

Anyway, why does Washington admit Nepali people when that country has thousands of refugees from Tibet and Bhutan? Is Nepal getting too diverse, so America must relieve tribal discomfort? At least with Syrians, the suffering is obvious — but that’s no excuse to admit thousands of hostile Muslims. Refugees should be resettled in similar cultures, not jammed into a totally alien environment by resettlers looking for a steady paycheck.

These days, the refugee/asylum conduit is just another way to funnel big-government immigrants into the US.

Today’s sermon in do-goodery is instruction in the operation of a normal first-world apartment. The article notes in a later paragraph that faucets and stoves have been broken by refugees who don’t know how to use them. Your tax dollars at work, presumably, since the churches involved get paid for their services, apparently Lutherans in this case.

The photo below shows Somali refugees learning the fine points of boiling water on a stove in Kenya prior to their shipment to America. These days, newbie education often occurs in the US, more convenient for refugee resettlement employees.

Plus, the kiddies learn fire alarms aren’t toys and that they shouldn’t play in the parking lot.
