Guest Post by Fred Reed

The Birth of Three Nations

Diversity: Koom. Bah. Humbug

Regarding the unsurprising slaughter in Paris:

Diversity is a disaster. Why people cannot see this is a mystery. A country can ignore an unfortunate reality, but it cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring it. Why governments allow and even encourage immigration of incompatible populations is a greater mystery. Few things cause more misery, hatred, death, and destruction than does diversity. One may wish it were not so, but it is so.

Some examples of diversity: Chechens and Russians. Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants. Tamils and Sinhalese. French and Moslems. Dutch and Moslems. Swedes and Moslems. Germans and Moslems. Turks and Armenians. Whites and blacks in South Africans. Ugandans and Indians. Cambodians and Vietnamese. Blacks, whites, and browns in the United States. Jews and Germans. Jews and the rest almost everywhere. Hindus and Moslems. Sunnis and Shias. Turks and Kurds. Tutsis and Hutus. Moslems and Israelis in Palestine.

Note that most of these have caused horrendous bloodshed. Diversity doesn’t work, as a rule catastrophically. Why would any country deliberately seek more of it?

If you point this out, the responses are automatic. “I know some really nice Mexicans/blacks/Moslems etc.” Or “Most Catholics/Protestants/Hindus aren’t terrorists.” True, well, and good. And irrelevant. There were really nice Germans and Jews in the Third Reich. How much did that help?

As a species we do not like diversity, though we may think that we should. People want to be with others like themselves. Difference breeds suspicion, friction arises,and the depraved or disagreeable nature of the other group is blamed.

Distaste for diversity of almost any kind runs through societies. Liberals associate chiefly with liberals, conservatives with conservatives, military people with military people, the rich with the rich, the highly intelligent with the highly intelligent, the young with the young. We may tolerate others if the distinctions are not too great, or if we are not forced into excessive contact. For example, while the Chinese in America are superficially very different from Euro-Americans, they are quiet, courteous, law-abiding, and studious, so little antagonism occurs. But the potential is there, as when they greatly outperform whites academically.

Men of all groups object to marriage of their women to other groups. The women are somewhat less clannish, more willing to marry out-of-group. This can cause bloodshed.

The tendency to drift into antagonism goes far beyond the rational—which just makes it intractable. For example, tens of millions of Hispanics live in the US and clearly are going to stay. Would not American patriots (patriotism being another form of the pack instinct) want them to prove smart, industrious, and eventually good and prosperous citizens?  No. If I suggest that Hispanics may not be as awful as hoped, I get furious email (all from men: this too is built-in) insisting that Latinos are, are, are irremediably stupid, criminal, shiftless, hopeless, shriek. That is, distaste for diversity outweighs self-interest.

Examples of such tribalism as an inbred trait abound. Countless Americans loathe the French, without having been to France, speaking a word of French, or having met a Frenchman. The sophisticated detest “rednecks,” largely with no reason that makes sense. Hatred of Jews exceeds by far any harm thought to be caused by Jews. Northerners dislike Southerners. Lesbians detest men. Heterosexual men dislike the company of homosexuals.

Proponents of genetic determinism sometimes try to make these automatic hostilities the result of some evolutionary strategy to maintain the purity of one’s gene pool, but of course it is not. Many groups that dislike each other are genetically indistinguishable.

Those among us who prefer hope to observation invariably insist that dislike springs from some defect in the character of those doing the disliking. If only those awful bigots would learn tolerance. If only we indoctrinated children enough in the schools, surely…. If only we made enough laws, or prosecuted hate crimes, or showed enough harmonious togetherness in movies, surely….

In support of this delusion, they often point out that the Irish and Italians no longer suffer discrimination in America. See? Diversity is no problem. Yet this was not a triumph of toleration, but of assimilation: they stopped being  Irish and Italian, and assimilated to the dominant couture.

But assimilation becomes less likely and more difficult as the numbers and concentration of a group increase. Immigrants in small numbers, especially if dispersed, have to live in accord with the dominant culture. They will be seen as interesting rather than as invaders. Nobody hated Mexicans when they were few.

Diversity runs contrary to our instincts, but is usually described as a conflict between niceness and not-niceness. One hears, “But there are no evil cultures. They are just different.” If a culture that practices forcible genital mutilation of girls is not evil, sez me, it will do until evil comes along. But, my prejudices aside, it is true that most cultures are in themselves friendly and pleasant. It just doesn’t make any difference. Usually it is not the nature of the cultures that causes trouble, but the attempt to mix them. This happens even when differences are small. During World War Two, for example, the British became thoroughly sick of American GIs. (“They are overpaid, oversexed, and over here.”)

In America today we see huge homogeneous pools of Negro and Hispanic population and culture. Tthe inhabitants of the massive black ghettoes have virtually no exposure to white America except via television, which means that assimilation is not going to happen. Further, as usually occurs with dense concentrations of a culture, they do not want to assimilate. They have their own music, modes of dress, variant of English, and non-standard names intended to emphasize their distance from whites.

The same to a lesser degree is true of Hispanics. It is also true of American expats, who tend to clump together and have no desire for assimilation. Human nature is human nature.

Aggravating the problem is that the United States no longer has a dominant culture, or at any rate no culture willing to be dominant. This has proved to be a recipe for unending and apparently unendable confrontation with blacks.

Will Hispanics follow the same pattern? They may well. Their numbers and concentration are great enough, they begin to have real political power, and will eventually have a voting majority in the Southwest. They know they are disliked by much of America. Hispanics are more assimilable than blacks; the question is whether they are assimilable enough. If the almost invisible differences between two flavors or Christianity or of Islam can lead to warfare, so may those between Latino and white. And trouble already brews between black and brown.

Diversity. It offers to divide America into three countries, self-aware and, may God preserve us, mutually hostile. We can talk forever about what ought to be. We can leap from a tall building, insisting that we are birds. Yet we live in what is. We are not birds. Reality eventually takes hold. Aye, there’s the rub.

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Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 13, 2015 7:51 am

Fred, as usual, is spot on right. Diversity leads to war, and the U.S. is no exception. Keep your powder dry.

January 13, 2015 8:01 am

Diversity. It offers to divide America into three countries, self-aware and, may God preserve us, mutually hostile.


“Diversity” is code for anti-white. It is chasing down the last white person.

Those Death Cult assholes who pushed this multi-culti shit on us… I can only hope and pray that justice is dished out to them on the appropriate day… for they have set the stage for nothing except one helluva war…

January 13, 2015 8:19 am

Strange how so much dystopian fiction . Orwell, Huxley etc. gradually becomes prophecy.


By Jean Raspail

‘”In view of the state of emergency proclaimed throughout the south, the government hereby suspends, until further notice, all
provisions of the law of June 9, 1972, said law reading as follows: “All persons found guilty of inciting to discriminatory, prejudicial, or
violent behavior toward any individual, or group of individuals, for reasons of that individual’s, or that group of individuals’ race, color,
religion, or national origin, shall be subject to imprisonment for a term of not less than one, and not more than twelve months, and to a
fine of not less than two thousand, and not more than three hundred thousand francs. Furthermore, all persons found guilty of directly
inciting the perpetrator or perpetrators of such behavior, either by means of inflammatory speeches, spoken or written, or of verbal threat
in places of public assembly, or by means of printed matter, including all manner of drawing, engraving, painting, emblem, and other
such graphic representation, sold, distributed, offered for sale, or displayed in places of public assembly, shall be prosecuted to the full
extent of the law as accessories before the fact of said crime.” Adopted this day … Et cetera, et cetera …’I know it’s a little late,” Perret
continued. “But until today, who would have dared? I did a little checking. When that law was passed, there wasn’t a single dissenting
vote. I suppose my colleagues in the Chamber back then didn’t see where it would lead. Or, at least, if they had a suspicion, they weren’t
going to run the risk of admitting it. There are times when dissent can be a dangerous thing.”

and then there the dire warnings of unregulated immigration no encompassed in fiction.

Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech

It almost passes belief that at this moment 20 or 30 additional immigrant children are arriving from overseas in Wolverhampton alone every week – and that means 15 or 20 additional families a decade or two hence. Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancés whom they have never seen.

Let no one suppose that the flow of dependants will automatically tail off. On the contrary, even at the present admission rate of only 5,000 a year by voucher, there is sufficient for a further 25,000 dependants per annum ad infinitum, without taking into account the huge reservoir of existing relations in this country – and I am making no allowance at all for fraudulent entry. In these circumstances nothing will suffice but that the total inflow for settlement should be reduced at once to negligible proportions, and that the necessary legislative and administrative measures be taken without delay.

January 13, 2015 8:28 am

I don’t give two shits whether blacks want to assimilate or not. I’m just sick of having 30% of my paycheck stolen so I can experience “diversity”. The South was right: separation of the races is the only way that works, even if just a little bit. That’s why I’m escaping to western NC. Is it perfect? Hell no! But al least 99% of the folks speak English and about 98% look kinda like me(White).

January 13, 2015 8:58 am

but,hypocrites can pretend…

“A man cannot have two masters, and the French Prime Minister Valls (who is a Spaniard) was absolutely incorrect to claim that France requires Jews any more than it requires Spaniards, Germans, Russians, or Turks. France without Jews is France. It is the Israeli Prime Minister who is correct. Israel is their home. The various nations of Europe are not, and it is time for everyone to stop pretending that they are. The diversity concept is dead. It has failed, and failed spectacularly.”

Vox Day

January 13, 2015 9:04 am

” …. while the Chinese in America are superficially very different from Euro-Americans, they are quiet, courteous, law-abiding, and studious, so little antagonism occurs.” —– Fred


Diversity might work better if the minority culture would “buy in” into the dominant culture. Early American immigrants from Europe did just that, for the most part. But now some insist on pressing “1 for English, 2 for Spanish”, instead of learning the damn language. This causes conflict.

Some cultures will simply never, ever assimilate. Islam is just such a culture. You either worship Allah, or you are an infidel, fuck you very much. And don’t even cry out “but there are secular Muslims!”, cuz that’s like the pimple on my ass … no one ever sees it.

OTOH, some cultures never fully assimilate … yet they present no major problems. For example, Hasidic Jews. They have their own schools, their own businesses, their own holidays, their own food, and they inter-marry. Some other facts … they won’t play the Knock Out game on your white ass, crime is virtually zero, and you won’t have to worry about supporting them with Free Shit. In short, like ’em or not … they make good neighbors.

If you don’t like that example, I have an even better one. The Amish.

So, diversity CAN work. When it doesn’t, it’s very very often because the minority population wants to impose THEIR ways on the majority … a recipe for conflict, then eventually disaster.

January 13, 2015 9:06 am

China is for Chinamen. Japan for Japanese. Africa for Africans. Nobody says a word about those countries.

So why in the hell does America have to accept the turd world trash: Somali’s , Muslims, Mexicans, ect? Now in Minneapolis we have the fuckin’ Karens? Who the fuck are they? Next it’s gonna be the fuckin’ Martians.

January 13, 2015 9:10 am

wherein PB points out more leftwing hypocrisy. Well, at the the lying sacks-o-leftwing shit are consistent in their PC propaganda exerting their version one world of bullshit.

In chanting “Je Suis Charlie,” the marchers showed support for a magazine French Muslims rightly believe is racist and anti-Islamic.

Yet, Marine Le Pen, leading in the polls for the French presidency, was blacklisted from marching for remarks about Muslim immigration that are benign compared to what Charlie Hebdo regularly publishes.

All weekend long, journalists called it an imperative for us all to defend the lewd and lurid blasphemies of the satirical magazine.

But as journalist Christopher Dickey points out, Muslims in the banlieues wonder why insulting the Prophet is a protected freedom in France, while denying the Holocaust can get you a prison term.

Hypocrisy is indeed the tribute that vice pays to virtue.

I’m Not Marching in Solidarity

January 13, 2015 9:18 am

The Dream
[imgcomment image[/img]

The Reality
[imgcomment image[/img]

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 13, 2015 10:05 am

As least the Karen aren’t Muslims. We should halt all Muslim immigration into the US yesterday. Any remaining immigrants allowed in should be allowed in because of their 1) skills/education 2) money 3) congruity with historical American religion and culture.

January 13, 2015 10:11 am

This is what you’ve seen as nauseum the past few days;
[imgcomment image[/img]
[imgcomment image[/img]

This is what it REALLY looked like …. nothing more than a pathetic and shameless fuckin photo op
[imgcomment image[/img]

January 13, 2015 10:18 am

Sen. Marco Rubio — that grandstanding hypocritical fake Christian said it was — “a mistake not to send someone.”

He’s a big supporter now of Charlie Hebdo. Even though the magazine published a cartoon of his lawd ‘n saviour engaging in anal sex. I wonder how that might play out in the Deep South amongst da Believers?
[imgcomment image?w=452[/img]

January 13, 2015 10:20 am

All things aside …….. that really IS a putrid and disgusting “magazine”. Maybe The Saker was right after all when he said “they had it coming”?

January 13, 2015 10:21 am

I used to get fired up about alot of this stuff – either for or against. Now I just sit back and consider its effect on this 4th Turning and wonder if the ball has been moved forward and by how much. I’ve almost lost interest in the events themselves and just see the progression to my endgame. At this point everything is almost as startling as hearing the captain of the already crashing airplane proclaim that we are now completely out of jet fuel too.

January 13, 2015 10:24 am

I don’t understand how those Mooslimb Men control their women, it’s beyond my ability to comprehend.


[imgcomment image[/img]

All I can say is those boys have a lot of ground to cover to get compliant American women!

Everytime I get around a large group of women I can’t help but mention the new burka shop I plan on opening, barely get out with my life.

January 13, 2015 10:26 am

I think that’s Stephanie da Clam on the left.

January 13, 2015 10:40 am

I don’t think clammy will do well under Sharia Law. She”ll be deemed noncompliant.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
January 13, 2015 10:45 am


Thank you for posting the REAL picture above. Everyone will will wake up to this farce one day. Do you think Charlie Hebdo is a Mossad/Cia project?

January 13, 2015 10:50 am

“Do you think Charlie Hebdo is a Mossad/Cia project?” ——— Bonz Eye

I refuse to answer on the grounds that SSS might rip me a new asshole if I do.

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
January 13, 2015 11:04 am


You are a god with a hammer, tell SSS to piss off. I understand those fellows never really leave the company. Perhaps da Clam, queen of the down vote will offer up her opinion.

January 13, 2015 11:23 am

My wfe was laid off from her job in 2004 from at&t. Two years later she got a contractor
job with a large insurance company in central nj. They had a diversity club which consisted of
39 Black women.

January 13, 2015 11:44 am

Let’s unpack the various issues discussed in Lew’s rather simple-minded screed.

I personally have no problem with “diversity”. I have no problem living side by side people from different cultures. I love Chinese food, Hindu fabrics, Persian rugs, and the classical & opera music of Russians, Germans, and Italians. I also love Negro Jazz music and I am deeply appreciative of the engineering and science of the Danes and the Germans. I love Irish literature and I love almost all things French. I am greatly appreciative of the cultural legacies of the ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, and Persians.

I even love middle-eastern food.

However, I have never understood diversity to mean tolerating a “culture”, and a body of thought and law, that does not recognize my humanity or my right to live my life according to my own beliefs and desires, provided I don’t try to cram them down everyone else’s throats. … or make other people pay for them by force (taxes, etc.).

We can accommodate many different “cultures” and beliefs in this country, which was, after all, founded on the principal that you may have your own beliefs as long as you are willing to tolerate those of others.

But we cannot tolerate a “culture” that does not recognize the rights of each individual to his or her life, property, and beliefs, and we cannot tolerate a belief system whose leading adherents have openly stated that they intend to force their savage, medieval, anti-life belief system on the entire world, and will destroy non-believers down to the last beating heart.

And we cannot tolerate a homegrown culture whose members believe they have the right to be supported and enabled by the productive citizens, while their criminality and filth is tolerated.

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
January 13, 2015 3:03 pm

How many here find themselves agreeing with the Russians more and more lately?

I hear the people in France have become wise to who is behind these events and are becoming openly anti-NWO. They pull the same lame shit every time. The terrorists always seem to leave their photo ID or passport in perfect condition, without fail .(9/11 and Charlie Hebdo).

TPTB have black hearts and would enjoy another slaughter of humanity in the name of religion. What if we just refuse to participate?

January 13, 2015 3:34 pm


January 13, 2015 4:11 pm

I you like you peace , you can keep your peace..

A War Between Two Worlds

“The Mediterranean borderland was a place of conflict well before Christianity and Islam existed. It will remain a place of conflict even if both lose their vigorous love of their own beliefs. It is an illusion to believe that conflicts rooted in geography can be abolished. It is also a mistake to be so philosophical as to disengage from the human fear of being killed at your desk for your ideas. We are entering a place that has no solutions. Such a place does have decisions, and all of the choices will be bad. What has to be done will be done, and those who refused to make choices will see themselves as more moral than those who did. There is a war, and like all wars, this one is very different from the last in the way it is prosecuted. But it is war nonetheless, and denying that is denying the obvious.”

January 13, 2015 5:18 pm

If a culture that practices forcible genital mutilation of girls is evil (and I agree that it is), what do we say about a culture that practices forcible genital mutilation of boys? Or did all those one day old baby boys in our hospitals sign consent forms?

January 13, 2015 5:26 pm

I see that little anal drip bb is now posting under the handle “Anonymous”. I might miss a few worthwhile comments from actual anonymous commentors but skipping anything posted under “Anonymous” speeds up my reading of the comments sections here on TBP. Thanks bb, you actually found a way to be useful.

January 13, 2015 6:53 pm

If there was a “new” religion that popped up in the US that had the same beliefs/tenets as the “established” religion of Islam, what do you think would be the reaction of the population/govt of the US?

“I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers.”
– Quran 8:12

“When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.”
– Quran 9:5

“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.”
– Quran 9:73

“Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous.”
– Quran 9:123

“When you encounter the kafirs on the battlefield, cut off their heads until you have thoroughly defeated them and then take the prisoners and tie them up firmly.”
– Quran 47:4

“Believers, do not make friends with those who are enemies of Mine and yours.”
– Quran 60:1

“The Koran explicitly and repeatedly commands Muslims to engage in jihad or “holy war” whether they like it or not. “Jihad (holy fighting in Allah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know” (e.g., 2:216, 9:38). The Koran explicitly and repeatedly commands Muslims to “kill the unbelievers wherever you find them” (e.g., 2:191, 9:5), “strike off their heads” (e.g., 8:12, 47:4), make sex slaves of their wives and daughters (e.g., 4:24, 33:50), and continue this jihad “until all opposition ends and all submit to ‘Allah’” (e.g., 8:39, 9:29.

“According to Islam, the “Prophet” Muhammad is the ideal role model for all boys and men; he sets the perfect example for how to live and wage jihad. Muhammad regularly killed and beheaded unbelievers (e.g., the massacre of Banu Qurayza), made slaves of those he conquered but didn’t kill (he had many slaves), “married” (i.e., repeatedly raped) slave girls (e.g., Safiyah and Rayhana), raped children as young as nine years old (e.g., Aisha), and founded a religion in which all such behavior is regarded as morally great because the “Prophet” did it.”

Seriously, this stuff is commanded/condoned by the Koran/ the Hadiths (and much much more). Is there any way in hell that a “new” religion springing up that promotes slaughter/rape/pedophilia/etc,. would be permitted? No way in hell.

This is why I say although there are few Muslims that are active in terrorism, there are many, many millions who are supportive of it – their holy books both command and condone the actions. The religion is all about world domination.

January 13, 2015 7:09 pm

“Do you think Charlie Hebdo is a Mossad/Cia project?”
—-Bonz Eye

You are beyond help.

Moving on, diversity is an just another destructive liberal construct. Tucson AZ is exhibit A. It is among America’s poorest cities, and TPTB here worship at the altar of diversity, where the focal point of leadership for diversity is the University of Arizona.

Where do these professorial hypocrits live? In the small, exclusive Sam Hughes neighborhood next to the university OR in the Catalina Foothills, where I live. Both areas are WAY north of 90% white. Blacks need not apply. And most of the Latinos in these areas are wealthy Mexican nationals who have bought second homes here in the U.S.

Most people are comfortable with living wth their own kind, and/or of people of a like mind. Diversity is so much meaningless blather that tells you to be comfortable with everyone. Never has happened, never will.

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
January 13, 2015 9:02 pm


Do you really think that publication (Charlie Hebdo) is on the up and up???? You are beyond help. Have you read this thread?

I do agree with your opinion of diversity being a construct that is shoved up the ass of humanity.

January 13, 2015 10:02 pm

Bonz Eye

What evidence do you have that Charlie Ebdo is a concoction of the CIA and/or Mossad?

Until you answer that question with sources of information remotely linked to credibility, I stand firmly behind my statement that you are beyond help.

January 13, 2015 11:24 pm

flash says:

Hypocrisy is indeed the tribute that vice pays to virtue.

That’s a cute quote but it is not the definition of hypocrisy, it merely describes the lengths people go to in order to hide their vice.

However, I agree with you and think the Hebdos are being hypocrites in accepting the tribute of the French people (I am Charlie) as if they were in fact martyrs and not people who took a risk and lost. But given a large enough population, there will always be a group of tards willing to march in solidarity with the Michael Browns and Trayvons of the world.

As for Fred’s article, he should give it a rest already or set it to music. It is basically rehashed, regurgitated, same old shit, different day. And please don’t tell me he is a martyr because he got his dick caught in his zipper outdoors in a blizzard on new year’s eve.

January 13, 2015 11:40 pm

Imagine yourself at the pearly gates, and you have an MSM approved “I am Charlie Hebdo” sign on your neck.

January 14, 2015 7:13 am

SSS, you’re wasting your time…everyone here knows the CIA makes only the wisest decisions in based on the best outcome of all their corporate…er , I mean national interests , thus no critical thinking TBPer would ever surmise the CIA of being involved in reckless attacks on foreign nationals or black flag OPs for any purpose under the sun.. …never I tellz ya’.

Crime and CIA Embarrassments
January 13, 2015

Crime and CIA Embarrassments

Similarly, one might think the government would be embarrassed when it became more widely known that Jeffrey Sterling did go to Senate Intelligence Committee staffers to tell them of this unconscionably stupid covert action (which involved delivering flawed nuclear weapons blueprints to Iran in 2000 with the goal of sabotaging any bomb-building plans, but the flaws were apparently detected and the real data inadvertently exposed genuine nuclear-weapons secrets).

Sterling’s efforts to go through channels had zero results. One need not be a cynic to conclude that the government apparently sees an overweening, countervailing positive in demonstrating to potential whistleblowers (if further evidence were needed) that going to congressional “overseers” is a feckless exercise and only serves to get you in a peck of trouble. When Risen included a section about Operation Merlin in State of War, Sterling became the chief suspect and now faces 10 felony counts, including seven under the Espionage Act.

January 14, 2015 9:26 am

As Europe crumbles , so goes US.The golden horde of diversity at the behest of global corporations vying for cheap labor burgeoning unabated here in the US as well, thanks to the two parties of corporate owned swine. There will be no requiem for the demise of the Republic.

Hatch, Rubio, Flake Co-Sponsor Bill to Increase H-1B Guest-Worker Visas

In addition to increasing the annual cap on H-1B visas from 65,000 to 115,000, the bill would reform student visas, “authorize employment for the dependent spouses of H-1B visas holders, and allow a grace period for foreign workers to “change jobs and not be out of status.” It would also, among other things, allow for the recapturing of green cards “that were approved by Congress in previous years but were not used” and dependents of employment-based immigrant visa recipients, U.S. STEM advance degree holders, “persons with extraordinary ability,” and “outstanding professors and researchers” would be exempt from cap on green cards.

The high-tech industry, like Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s lobbying group, has pushed for massive increases in guest-worker permits even though companies like Microsoft have been laying of thousands of U.S. tech workers. As Breitbart News has documented, “despite evidence to the contrary, the tech industry has spent millions trying to get massive increases in the number of H-1b guest-worker visas, claiming that they ‘can’t find’ Americans to do various tech jobs” even though there is a proven surplus of America high-tech workers.

“It is understandable why these corporations push for legislation that will flood the labor market and keep pay low; what is not understandable is why we would ever consider advancing legislation that provides jobs for the citizens of other countries at the expense of our own,” Sessions wrote to lawmakers. “Who do we work for?”

January 14, 2015 9:34 am


Re male genital mutilation, also known as circumsision- I agree with you. This is a barbaric and cruel practice that, while it does not do the lasting damage to male sexual response that female circumsision does to the female response (totally kills it)- it is still extremely painful and dangerous for the little boy.

There is no way I would permit this ever to be done to a son of mine, though a number of my friends had it done to their boys and it seems to be standard medical practice, unfortunately. “You don’t know what it’s like to have to take care of a baby boy!!” shrieked one friend of mine. My answer to that is that babies are ALL pains in the ass to take care of, but that is what you knew you were taking on when you decided to become a mother. If you don’t like it, don’t have kids.

It’s cruel, barbaric, and unnecessary, and it happens without the consent of the little victim, which is justification enough to outlaw it.

January 14, 2015 10:41 am

Chicago….I agree …my mom had my foreskin made into a wallet for me.The cool thing is if a woman rubs my wallet it enlarges to a briefcase.

January 14, 2015 9:55 pm

The Chief of Police of Paris, Helril Fredou, was suicided in his office during the Charlie Hebdo event. They reported he shot himself in the head with his service revolver.

January 14, 2015 10:14 pm

“The cool thing is if a woman rubs my wallet it enlarges to a briefcase.” —- BUCKHED

Yeah, I heard that it’s in the Guinness World Book Of Records under “the world’s tiniest briefcase”.

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
January 14, 2015 11:32 pm

So sorry, the Anonymous was I.

January 14, 2015 11:41 pm

Bone’s Eye, you didn’t say what the link is about so I’m not going to click on it.

Bonz Eye
Bonz Eye
January 14, 2015 11:51 pm


I stated there are reports the police chief was suicided, what?

January 15, 2015 12:01 am

Sorry, I missed that. They will clean up that information in a few days