The Agenda Behind Global Warming


There are those who claim that the UN is behind the global warming scam to create a one-world government. If we turn it down a notch and follow the money, we find a bogus agenda to raise taxes substantially in the name of the environment. I have reported that NOAA, the agency responsible for collecting this data, has refused to reveal their data. NOAA has been caught manipulating the data and changing history all to set the agenda for a massive tax increase. Every real scientific investigation (Mind-Blowing Temperature Fraud At NOAA _ Real Science) disproves global warming and shows that we are heading into a cooling phase.

In this context, it is interesting to note that an important meteorological satellite (NOAA 16) reportedly broke apart on November 25. The Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC) of the American forces noticed at 15:41 ET “an unknown number of related objects” that circled the suddenly destroyed NOAA 16 satellite.

According to the report, there was no collision. Now, they are claiming that the questionable satellite responsible for the data collection has broken apart due to a defective battery. This is perfect timing, just like the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon to kill the investigation into $2 trillion missing from the defense budget or the attack on WTC7, which was not even hit, but magically collapsed with all our evidence documenting every bank manipulation from when it began. This convenient destruction of the satellite will prevent anyone from investigating the global warming data manipulation that is being used to massively increase your taxes in the years ahead. Eliminating cash and moving the election ensures that everyone will pay for the real crisis — the sovereign debt crisis & the collapse of socialism.

This weather satellite was brought into orbit in 2000 and should operate for at least many years. The NOAA used the satellite in June 2014 until they then replaced it because of a “critical anomaly” decommissioned.

This year, however, the satellite blew up with another satellite: the satellite number 13 of the weather satellite program of the U.S. Armed Forces Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP). There also, they claimed that the explosion destroying the weather satellite was due to a faulty battery.

Is this just a coincidence, or is this part of the agenda?


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December 18, 2015 7:23 am

War is no longer a viable means of depriving the populace of their wealth due to the declining scale of weaponry and due to nukes. Threats from outer space were considered as too outlandish to be used in that manner. It was thus decided that the threat from climate change would be the best choice to keep the populace poor, living on the dole, and numbed by poverty.

I thought this was general knowledge.

December 18, 2015 7:45 am

“There also, they claimed that the explosion destroying the weather satellite was due to a faulty battery.”

plausible explanation since cell phones blow peoples heads apart and Chevy Volt’s are known to be a major explosive fire hazard (I actually saw one of those on the road once, it wasn’t even trailing smoke or anything).

The problem with plausible explanations is that they can be used to cover up and explain away other things that someone wants kept secret. I suppose there is no way to get around this as long as there are devious people with covert agenda’s in positions of power.

Suspicions may be valid, but without something more to go on conclusions aren’t.

It’s like a high profile shooting just before a long prepared gun control push is being made: A convenient coincident or a deliberate mind controlled incident? (yes, MK Ultra was real and there is reason to think similar things may still be being done)

Maybe Occam’s razor is the best choice, the simplest explanation is the most likely the true one.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 18, 2015 9:06 am

Bastiat recognized that the political state is simply a criminal organization.

Sadly, it is the universal sin of mankind. People cannot be weaned from the desire to live at others’ expense, and politics lets them attempt to rob their neighbors while rationalizing their avarice as someone “good.”

Here at the Zenith of Political Organization of Society, it’s like we all stand in a giant circle trying to steal the wallet of the man in front of us.

Standing in the middle are the politicians and their coterie. They orchestrate robbery on a scale none of us could possible imagine.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 18, 2015 9:10 am

Climate Change, the Red Menace, GWOT, etc., all are simply rationalizations for what is simply con artistry on a vast scale.

The vastness of the scale is a function of 1) unprecedentedly large populations of people and 2) accumulated human innovation.

Political government is identical to a Protection Racket. Or a Plantation.

We all live on a Political Slave Plantation because the vast majority of people prefer to be slaves. It really is that simple.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
December 18, 2015 9:11 am

Within 100 years I predict that the population of the world will be at least 90% lower than now.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
December 18, 2015 9:25 am

I’m 45.

In the time I’ve been alive, the human population on earth has doubled and the population of everything else has been cut in half.

In the time I’ve been alive, humans have produced a pile of plastic waste the size of a continent and it is now floating around in the ocean.

In the time I’ve been alive, the amount of arable land has decreased by a third.

Do we really need to add global warming (or climate change/whatever) to the equation for it to be obvious that there are too many of us and we are shitting up the place?

December 18, 2015 9:38 am

Pirate Jo,

Feel free to remove yourself.

It’s gotta start somewhere if it’s gonna happen, might as well be among those advocating it.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
December 18, 2015 10:17 am


What difference would that make? Other than to hurt a lot of people who care about me?

I’ll be dead soon enough anyway. I’m not reproducing, so at least there’s that. I’m not making the problem any worse, nor forcing people into existence who will have to endure what is coming.

As far as my own existence, you can blame my parents. They didn’t foresee this, back in 1970.

December 18, 2015 10:19 am

“just like the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon to kill the investigation into $2 trillion missing from the defense budget or the attack on WTC7, which was not even hit, but magically collapsed with all our evidence documenting every bank manipulation from when it began.”

Damn trufers

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
December 18, 2015 10:26 am

Also, I was just wondering, what does “advocating it” mean? What is it you think I’m “advocating,” anyway?

A smaller human population? That is going to happen eventually, no matter what I think or say.

What is it YOU advocate, Anonymous? A larger human population? What would be good about that?

We’re turning the planet into a giant feed lot and garbage dump for ourselves. In other words, we’re shitting where we eat. But, you know, “advocate” for 10 billion if you want. I’m sure it’ll smell nice and they’ll all be employed.

Alexander Ac
Alexander Ac
December 18, 2015 1:23 pm

Martin Armstrong likes conspiracy theories. He is a clever guy. He can do better.

We dont need NOAA to show warming. There are miriads of other indicators out there. One just cannot stick with conspiracies…



December 18, 2015 1:59 pm

“Climate Change, the Red Menace, GWOT, etc., all are simply rationalizations for what is simply con artistry on a vast scale.”

Thank you DC Sunsets! I agree. Rationalizations/cover stories.

Excess population? My spidey sense suspects strongly…a plague.
That will cull the herd.

Happy Christmas to you.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
December 18, 2015 2:05 pm

Pirate Jo, please say you’re not an advocate like the Royal Prince in England who wants to become a virus and kill X-billions of people indiscriminately; he wouldn’t even be a good Nazis who were at least trying to improve the gene pool. Even Soros and Gates bless their Demonic Black hearts evidently want to target the unChosen nonElite. How about people become self reliable or if they take Welfare then get their tubes tied (male and female) and housing and food stamps for 3 years max. People should transition into families and housing they can afford, any job they can get and supplement their food with a garden like people did before the Great Communist Society caused this discombobulation in America.

December 18, 2015 3:18 pm

Yet another discussion with one person claiming another person is “advocating” something when all they are doing is saying “this is the way it is”. Why do you think that because someone says “this is the way it is” that they AGREE with it? Why do you think that because someone disagrees with YOU that they agree with your enemy? Why do you think that (not A) means B? Why can’t it mean Kalamazoo? or chartreuse? or the smell of roses? Part of what the current indoctrination has done is limit choices. Democrat or Republican. Liberal or Conservative. Pro or Anti. Truther or denier. Etc.. Look outside the box.

There is no spoon.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
December 18, 2015 4:30 pm

I know, Araven, and then I was told to kill myself. Nice!

Robert hs jr, no, I don’t want to kill anybody (including myself, ha ha). I don’t want to see wars, or plague, or famine, or eugenicists, or anyone else or anything kill masses of people.

I look at it this way – you know you have bacteria living in your gut and they are necessary for your survival, and that’s one of the reasons yogurt is good for you. Try leaving a yogurt sitting out at room temperature all day so the bacteria reproduce exponentially, and then see how good it is for you – really nasty food poisoning, for those of you who have never tried it.

Even something inherently good can be bad if there are too many of it. Humans just can’t keep using the world as a dumping ground at the same time as we use it as our feed lot. The numbers will have to go down, and that’s either going to happen in one of the nasty, uncomfortable ways I mentioned, and that I already said I didn’t want to happen, or people can do it the sensible, less painful way, by cutting way, WAY back on the reproduction for a while and letting the numbers drop through attrition.

It isn’t enough just to have a declining birthrate – the births in the past were so high they have pushed us well into overshoot already. We need declining BIRTHS. Then eventually we could go back up to a replacement rate and we wouldn’t have to live in filth.

I was reading about a comment a guy made at an environmental conference, where he said he would happily sacrifice all the coral reefs on earth for a single human being. And, well, first of all that might be like saying you would happily sacrifice the entire trunk of the tree to save a single branch – the branch can’t live without the trunk. It might very well be that if all coral reefs disappeared from the earth, humans wouldn’t be able to survive either. I mean maybe, but how many things do you want to take a chance with getting rid of? Honeybees? Swordfish? Some obscure little kind of fungus that we’ve never even heard of will go and it will be a critical break in the food chain.

But more than just that all of this is bad for us people ourselves, I simply don’t agree with the idea that nothing on this earth has any reason to exist other than to feed us or make us more comfortable. Hey you there, fruit bat, or giant moth, if you aren’t busy pollinating our crops, get busy dying. We need your space to grown corn. And you there, rain forest, if you aren’t busy spitting out coffee or rice, there’s no reason for you to exist.

If the earth was nothing more than one giant cornfield, cattle lot, or oil well refinery after another, with just enough breathable air to keep a population of ten or twelve billion people filthy and miserable but alive, would it even be worth being human? Think of all we have lost already, because we ruined it.

But people will do what they’re going to do, I guess. Hell, if you don’t want to have kids, they will even say YOU are the selfish one.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 18, 2015 4:38 pm

Pirate Jo, I agree with your assessment, the only aspect where we part ways is with the children. When you point out that we’re overpopulated the only ones who voluntarily give up having offspring are the ones smart enough and moral enough to understand the problem, which leads to…those who shouldn’t be having children reproducing while those who should don’t.

Unless you’re a blank slater.

There is certainly a correction due, in whatever form that might be.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
December 18, 2015 5:08 pm

I totally get it, farmer. But I can’t wave a magic wand and render all the cruel and/or stupid people infertile. I also don’t advocate some kind of Orwellian crack-down where “the government” decides who is “allowed” to reproduce, because god only knows they’d just fuck things up even worse. (They’d probably only deem their own employees and campaign contributors worthy.)

But we ARE overpopulated, and the fact that it leads to this kind of conundrum (the smart/moral don’t, while the selfish/shortsighted do) is just a crappy part of reality that I don’t like any more than you do. It certainly doesn’t bode well for the human race.

Those who want a good future for their offspring limit their number of offspring to what they can give a good start in life to. Those who don’t care about the future of their offspring – at least as far as allowing anything other than luck (winning the lottery) to decide – have a crapton of kids because, well, who knows why? If you asked these people if they loved their kids of course they would tell you yes, and that’s why they had so many. Their logic simply refuses to take the next step – they MEAN well, but they don’t THINK well.

I don’t know what to tell you. I refer you back to Aravan’s post, where the point was made that pointing something out doesn’t mean I am happy about it.

People don’t have to act like members of a plague of locusts. Have you listened to the London Philharmonic Orchestra and London Voices perform in the LoTR soundtrack? Humans aren’t the only species to make music, but we sure can do it well. The great books, the funny jokes, the immense creativity, and the small, random acts of kindness people perform, towards each other and to other living things. Just reading about the way you treat your cows made me smile.

But if I was a visiting species from another planet, observing Earth from my starship, trying to determine what humans are trying to do, I’d conclude they were trying to fill the oceans with plastic and eat everything in sight. It’s such a disgrace.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
December 18, 2015 6:52 pm

The great Alex is back. Hey Alex did you ever get around to answering that question posed a long time ago. I can’t remember the TBP’er who was asking it. You remember you had some shit test about knowing more than everyone else. Having a PhD in a related field. I think it was Geology or something. That was until this fellow saw your degree and raised you a Masters or PHD of his own. I was wondering if you had an answer for him.

Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
December 18, 2015 7:56 pm

I think it was T4C.

Alexander Ac
Alexander Ac
December 19, 2015 3:05 am

Hi Rob,

which question? I dont k now.

And again, I l ike Armstrong, but we is simply wrong on global warming (and Jim Quinn as well), otherwise I would even donate to this site.



Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
December 19, 2015 7:32 am

Your a twat Alex. It was quite a while back but it was a discussion about gobal warming and you proudly marched onto thread. Pulled out the I’m more educated than everyone else here talking about this card. Then finished saying this stupid “best” passive agressive bullshit.

I have realized that arguing with people like you is pointless as you use your self righteousness as a blunt object to be rude. One of the posters had the temerity of credentials to back up what they said. Rather than engaging in a debate you slunked off to the hole you came from. I am not an academic by any stretch but an informed debate about climate change or global warming is never a bad thing. Y8u sir failed to do thatl says a lot about this science you speak of.