California Loves Guns…

under their control.

“When you think to yourself that it’s time to bury your guns, it actually means it’s time to dig them up.”


California will simply get what they are asking for but too often in my life I’ve seen the rest of the nation go the way that California goes.

What does our resident socialist WestCoaster and any other Commiefornia residents have to say?

Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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May 31, 2016 11:39 am

about half of California is not much different than the rest of the middle of the US. poorer people trying to cope with higher land values, higher prices on everything, bankrupt cities and towns. people leaving the state because they are tired off all of the above. this is most of the central valley and most of the rural areas of the state.

Then there is the other half. in some of the nicest country you can imagine, with great climate, skyrocketing land values. where it takes an income of over $100,000, just to live a normal comfortable life. if you are anywhere near the poverty range, you live in crappy, high crime areas. Urban ghettos amidst the McMansions.

in the old days, there was the expression, “the wrong side of the tracks”. it meant that part of town that was downwind (prevailing wind) of the stock yards. well , now the stock yards are way out in the middle of nowhere. lower land cost, and nobody to annoy with the smell. but all of the towns still have “the wrong side of the tracks”.

May 31, 2016 12:41 pm

Nothing new under the sun….

Same shit going down in Venezuela. Nobody “allowed” to have guns – except the fuckin Criminals. The criminals are left alone so they can pick on the citizenry and keep them under control…

And also creates the perceived “need” for bigger government, more copfuks, more inspections, more “compliance checks”, ownership databases, more spying, elimination of privacy, elimination of private property…

I really hate these motherfuckers…. truly.

May 31, 2016 1:20 pm

Why would you stay in a state that hates your rights so much. I know I am from Massachusetts, but you would be surprised what you can legally own with a little patience, and it is a very short drive to New Hampshire.

May 31, 2016 1:41 pm

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May 31, 2016 2:30 pm

This is all part of a larger plan. Gun culture is primarily white culture. The leftists progressives traitors are doing their best to change the racial makeup of every state. Unfortunately Hispanics /Blacks vote for the these democrats politicians who hate the constitution and our gun rights. They are trying to turn the rest of America into California. Now with Hispanics the majority in California these treasonous son of a bitches will never be voted out of office.

All part of the plan. Destroy the economy , take our guns away. Leave us poor and defenseless.I truly hate these motherfuckers.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
May 31, 2016 4:14 pm

Billy Says:

“Nobody “allowed” to have guns – except the fuckin Criminals. The criminals are left alone so they can pick on the citizenry and keep them under control…”

New boss same as the old boss…

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May 31, 2016 6:44 pm

This will work about as well as the gun ban in Chicago. The California gun owners I know wouldn’t dream of complying with this nonsense. Believe it or not, there are a fair number of people in Cali who have their wits about them, but they are currentły outnumbered.

May 31, 2016 9:16 pm

Let’s do something that the liberal anti-gun people can’t seem to be able to do, let’s look at some actual facts and apply logic and common sense.

California presently has a population of approximately 40 million people. At 2.9 persons per household that’s about 13.8 million households. Of those 13.8 million households approx.. 34% or about 4.7 million households have at least one gun, many have multiple guns. Now at this point the question is how many of those 4.7 million households have at least one magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. If you know anything about guns you’re going to know it’s going to be the vast majority of them. At this point I’m going to make a guess but I’ll say probably at least 3 million. Now if you look at how people have responded to this type of law in the past, the probability is that about 1/3 of those affected by this law will comply and 2/3 will not. What that will mean is that this outlawing of 10+ round magazines will instantly turn about 2 Million otherwise law abiding citizens into instant Felons.

To put that into proper perspective, the current prison population in California is right at 112 thousand which is 135% of the total housing capability (around 84 thousand) of the California prison system. And the California courts have demanded the state reduce the numbers of prisoners to be more in line with its housing capacity.

So what is California going to do about the 1 to 2 million felons it is about to create with this new magazine capacity law?

May 31, 2016 10:49 pm

Secede Put the political criminals were they belong

June 1, 2016 12:41 am

Yep….put a shit ton of presure on Gov Jerry Brown…………beg him to allow you to keep your rights that you believe were given to you by your creator as spelled out in the Constitution. Go ahead…….beg……..they like that but it still won’t do you any good.

June 1, 2016 9:40 am

what will happen, in every state, will be new laws that prohibit the ability to inherit guns from an estate, along with new rules designed to make it next to impossible to use on public lands, except for hunting, which will also start to get over regulated. with no place to practice or engage in lawful use, the demand will decrease.

this will create a condition where the next generation has no history associated with gun ownership. Most millennial ‘kids’ I know have no access, or desire, this is all planned.

The ability to by ammo is already curtailed from traditional large retail outlets, and the cost is going up, so, this is control by proxy.

The current generation will be the last generation, unless extreme pressure is exerted on politicians, much like the way Colorado recalled one of their nut jobs from office for attempting to control their citizens 2nd amnd.