Peak Hubris

Guest Post by Jesse

“I don’t understand people…who talk about us as being in decline, and who act as though we are not yet the greatest country that has ever been on the face of the Earth for all of history!”

Hillary Rodham Clinton, 25 July 2016

How can we possibly have any problems, except for malcontents, naysayers, and whiners?  We are the greatest!

The Democratic establishment’s lack of understanding of what a large portion of the public has been saying and thinking during this entire election cycle and beyond is both remarkable and yet understandable, given the insular bubble of easy money, crony capitalism, and endless favoritism in which their candidate and their pampered protégés exist.

This utter disconnect from the public is why liberal establishment figureheads can write columns in the New York Times suggesting that all must be well everywhere, because things are great in the affluent bubble-land of the Upper West Side of Manhattan, or in Silicon Valley.  And then go on to imply that anyone who may disagree, who may be protesting and working for meaningful reform, is ignorant or dishonest.

This is no incidental thing; it is systemic.  It was revealed to be the emails and the attitude of the DNC establishment towards the entire Bernie Sanders campaign, which was a remarkable manifestation of popular will to reform.

We have been hearing this sort of nonsense for some time now from the establishment cronies of both parties.  Like all elites who have become insular and out of touch throughout history, the fortunate few have stopped listening to anything outside of their own circles, and have little attention or tolerance for dissent from their group thought.

And I suspect that the DNC power players, led by their poster child HRC, would like to take the support of the progressive and reform factions for granted, counting on fear of Trump to beat them into line.

Does anyone doubt that the very comfortable Wall Street wing of the Democrats will eventually toss the progressives and reformers under the bus, and try to garner more endorsements from disaffected establishment Republicans and their big money sponsors. After all, this has been Obama’s modus operandi for the past eight years.

One gets the distinct impression that political party powers are not particularly interested in real reform, or equal justice, or relief to the many disadvantaged from an increasingly corrupt and broken system.

Rather, they want to climb on board the upper decks and get a piece of the action from the existing dirty, rotten system for themselves.  They may talk the talk of justice and compassion, but in their hearts their guiding principle is ‘greed is good.’

Let’s see if that overreach gets an unexpected reaction, sooner rather than later. But as some point there will be one.

And make no mistake about it, Trump may be more of a wild card, an unknown entity in the political arena, but he has a long history that suggests that he will be no better, no different, and perhaps worse in the short term. This is a year of poor choices, and that is a direct outcome of a broken, inwardly focused political system dominated by captive institutions and by Big Money.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
July 25, 2016 7:20 pm

If that is the attitudes of our leaders. Their arrogance is about to get us throttled one way or another

White Fang
White Fang
July 25, 2016 7:42 pm

I checked into the shop this morning. Chatted with our office manager, checked the mail, paid bills, then drove out to the hill farm that brought us here. I mowed fields that have been invaded by “stick weed”aka “five vane weed”. They line the field edges, already 5′ tall and growing. Some are starting to show pretty yellow flowers that will create thousands of seeds, if allowed. I have mowed twice this year and these invaders keep coming back. Once the fields are cut I will have to take the weed cutter into the edges and cut down the seed producers that lurk in the background. These plants produce nothing of value, and crowd out the locals. Funny little allegory about what happens when you are not paying attention.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
  White Fang
July 25, 2016 8:48 pm

White Fang, unless you and White Eagle are Injun, your monikers are a blatant raciss provocation. Go back to your ‘white’ names immediately.

You guys Fuckawee Injuns?

White Fang
White Fang
  Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 25, 2016 8:57 pm

Hey filamena,
You can take a flying fuck at the moon and good luck with that. White Fang was a favorite book of mine long before you were a gleam in your sperm donor’s eye. Check it out and come back with an intelligent comment.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
  White Fang
July 25, 2016 9:27 pm

I liked that book also. I even said so not two days ago in a comment to Maggie. Fuck you where the sun don’t shine, asshole.

Besides, your like a couple of months late trying to re-write HF’s allegory of the weeds. Dumbass. And his shit was far better. And he didn’t call attention to all his symbolism, asshole. And he has a far larger vocabulary than you, turd roller.

Now got write a 100 word essay on what you did on your summer vacay, idiot.

  Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 26, 2016 7:55 am

The freaking weeds are really bad this year.

  Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 25, 2016 11:04 pm

Hey, El. You know I sell at pow wows, right? I always get a kick out of these guys (and gals) who come to my setup and talk to me. They can’t wait to tell me their “indin name” and it’s always something like Screaming Eagle or She Who Is Called Wolf Clan Fire Talker or something else real cool.

A elderly who has been vending at pow wows for 30+ years came by to invite me to vend at a new one he was organizing and I asked him how many cool indin names he had heard that day. He laughed and said it’s funny how all the indins are named merkin names like Joe Ross, or Danny Brown, while the white folks are named Blue Eagle, or Fire Cloud.

I decided I’d start telling them that my secret indin name is He Who Is Called Ed Baker, but that they have to keep my secret and just call me Ed for short. ahaha

  White Fang
July 25, 2016 9:39 pm

White Fang, in my garden and yard I’ve found that once a weed goes to flower it will still produce seed even if I hose it with weed killer or pull it out of the ground. Fucking things are quite resilient in that regard. You either have to get them before they flower or pick the flowers then mow.

Welcome back too, I haven’t see you post in awhile. Good job handling the village retard! It changes monikers every ten fucking minutes so it can be hard to ignore but the writing is always the same so you have a chance.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 25, 2016 9:47 pm

I-S, your comments are always the same: blah, blah, blah, assclown, blah, blah…..
White Fang is my buddy, I was just fucking with him, you idiot. It’s pitiful the way you try so hard to get newbies on you side. You fucked up with BW, that was almost the start of a beautiful friendship.

  Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 25, 2016 11:04 pm

Well shit, since I fucked up and read this comment instead of reading from the dashbord where I have discipline……..I’ll go ahead and respond in kind.

First off, a buddy is someone who will go downtown and get two blowjobs then come back and give you one. I seriously doubt White Fang is your buddy.

Second, White Fang is not a newbie and if you had any semblance of memory recall you’d probably know that but you’re far more enamored with changing make believe names like a preschooler or posting incoherent comments. I don’t give two shits if White Fang or anyone else is “on my side”…….whatever the hell that means. I suspect it’s just more preschool level thinking that we’re choosing “sides”.

Third, you and BW are both products of a brother (blood related, not black) jacking off on their sisters shoes and then allowing the flies to impregnate the sister and viola!………..Assclowns are born. Sure, it’s not your fault but we’re still stuck with your dumb ass which is why progressive liberals exist………to speak for and protect special little snowflakes like you against the best interests of society.

Have a nice life until I fuck up and and read another one of your comments.

July 25, 2016 11:18 pm

Hey, Indebted Suckup, I’ve been wondering why you have a picture of your mama as your avatar.

July 25, 2016 11:41 pm

Edwina, you’re too late to be included in the official Trifecta of Assclowns as bb owns the third spot but keep swinging for the fences while singing……I think I can, I think I can.

BTW, you’ve got a little of El Retards baby batter on your chin.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 25, 2016 11:46 pm

Ed, don’t stoop to his level. Poor guy has few friends. I actually met a dude with his shitty outlook on life. He always had a ready insult. He was a civilian working among a bunch of airmen. He was like a dog that had been chained and beaten for so long that all he knew to do anymore was snap and bite. Do not try to pet I-S.

  Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 27, 2016 7:56 am

Yeah, he’s a pitiful cocksucker, ain’t he? Using the pic of his mama as an avatar was the closest he could come to being a big dog, I guess.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 25, 2016 11:23 pm

Just out of courtesy, I-S, it was my impression that White Fang replied in kind. He wasn’t grievously offended and even invited me to come back with a better reply.

I live quite happily without you or Stucky getting your panties in a bunch over my silly entries. At times I am quite serious about the things I comment. I don’t believe I spend as much time criticizing you or Stucky as much as you do me.

I seem to have gotten under his skin because I don’t agree with his rationalizing his candidate. The worst anybody can experience is to get everything he wishes for. Maybe Stucky will get his wish and maybe another asshole will get his wish instead.

I’m just tired of all this. Nothing ever gets better after all the hoopla.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 25, 2016 11:38 pm

You fucked it up, the line goes: a buddy is somebody who goes downtown and gets a blowjob and brings one back for his roommate.

After that, the rest of your comment was incoherent, almost like you were trying too hard to deploy your worst insults and they didn’t flow.

And trying to hurt my feelings by grading my comments as pre-school? What reform school did you attend for kindergarten?

Also, for somebody who is comfortable talking about the body farm, your description of incest is interesting in that you are uncomfortable going all the way, instead, you depict it like a child who has to use dolls. Very telling but I’ll leave your insecurities alone. Have the lambs stopped screaming?

  White Fang
July 26, 2016 10:28 am

“a stitch in time saves nine”

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
July 25, 2016 7:44 pm

When a comic gets heckled or things go wrong during a show- the mic dies, a fight breaks out in the back of the room, someone has a seizure- the best course of action is to continue on with your act as if nothing is happening, misdirect, anything but acknowledge the reality of the moment. If you’re really smooth and have the experience you can even capitalize on the moment and transcend the negative aspect that takes you off script.

That’s what we’re seeing, performers trying not to lose the audience.

Of course when you’re a comic the worst thing that can happen is that they tell you you bombed, maybe not pay you for the gig, someone waits for you outside so they can kick your ass, but with these people things could go Ceausescu in a New York minute. It still may happen if things continue to spiral out of control and I think they know it.

Bluster and this complete bullshit facade is all they have left and they will ride it all the way to the end.

  hardscrabble farmer
July 25, 2016 9:51 pm

HSF, I don’t think the performers are trying not to lose the audience. They have not yet conceived the notion that is even possible. That’s why they no longer make any effort to hide their corruption. That’s why they’re so dismissive of us and it was just reinforced for Hitlary again when the FBI declined to press charges. Even when DNC Emailgate broke the first thing she did was hire Wasserman. Their smug arrogance is really something to behold.

The best part about it is that given enough rope they will eventually hang themselves like Cruz did. They just don’t realize it……..yet.

July 25, 2016 8:56 pm

We finally found someone who can make Trump look modest and down-to-earth!!!


July 25, 2016 9:09 pm

I had not thought of Ceausecu in quite awhile.

You nailed it Big Time.
At first, I thought you might refer to Pinochet but your comment is more poignant.

So, I went to review a little bit of Romanian history:

“On Christmas Day, 25 December 1989, in a small room the Ceaușescus were tried… They faced charges including illegal gathering of wealth and genocide. Ceaușescu repeatedly denied the court’s authority to try him, and asserted he was still legally president of Romania.
However, Ceaușescu had misjudged the crowd’s mood. Roughly eight minutes into his speech, several people began jeering, booing and others began chanting “Timișoara!” He tried to silence them by raising his right hand and calling for the crowd’s attention before order was temporarily restored, then proceeded to announce social benefit reforms that included raising of the national minimum wage by 200 lei per month. Images of Ceaușescu’s facial expression as the crowd began to boo and heckle him were among the most widely broadcast of the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe.”

He and his wife died by high velocity lead poisoning.
It rhymes, but not necessarily does it repeat.

July 25, 2016 10:25 pm

Every time I turn on the DNC there’s some kneegrow on the platform. Or some underprivileged minority. It was so very touching to see that lovely little Mexican girl … afraid of being deported … BAD TRUMP!BAD TRUMP!! … which she wouldn’t have to be if her parents weren’t here FUCKING ILLEGALLY! Celebrating lawlessness, with a child as a prop. Libtard evil in full display. No Country For White Men.

Not that I’m watching it with any regularity. MOOchelle el Bulldog Face is talking right now, and I’m in the other room typing. Won’t listen to even one second. I value my brain cells. Just waiting for Bernie!!! Maybe we’ll see Westcoaster there as well blowing kisses at Bernie … mere foreplay … fellatio later.

Looks like Corey Booker just auditioned for POTUS next election. Why not? The last worthless kneegrow got started the same way. At least this time we’ll have a shot at getting an actual 100% nigger … none of this half and half shit.

This DNC is functioning is my own personal hit-list of American traitors needing the sweet double tap of love. AFL-CIO. Teachers Union. Sarah Silverman, jookunt extraordinaire.

Someone have a talk with El Coyote, or el whatthefuckever. Man, he is going off the rails!!! Insulting everyone and anyone crossing his path. Starting fights where none are warranted. Just being a general gerkof. This Trump shit has fried his brain.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 25, 2016 10:51 pm

On the one hand, we have a trillion dollar trade deficit, lowest workforce participation rate, $20 trillion in debt, stagnant economy, unaffordable healthcare, we’re being invaded by MS-13 & Muslim jihadis, and we’re pushing Russia toward WWIII.

On the other hand, trannies can choose their own bathroom.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
  Iska Waran
July 25, 2016 11:09 pm

Iska, sorry if I’ve offended you recently. But your right.
I heard Bernie was holding back on releasing his delegates.
My idea, if it won’t offend anybody, would be that folks withhold their vote until they get, as Sensetti put it, actionable plans. So far all I’ve heard are vague promises.

I want to hear somebody say, we are definitely going to pass an immigration reform bill or you can throw our ass out of office as soon as possible.
I want to hear promises that cops will be fired and tried for murder of dogs and human beings, and not just human beings, fucking Americans!
I want to hear that the wall street shenanigans are going to be prosecuted.
I want to hear that Niggas, Gays and Trangenders will get to the back of the queu after Britain.

After all that, I’m sure somebody will complain, Oh look, he bashed our candidate again.

  Iska Waran
July 26, 2016 10:40 am

regardless who buys/wins the election, the USA is done for.
Bankers have looted the country and they are not finished. There
are still the peoples’ savings to be stolen. The only people with any
hope of not getting trampled are the private jet people, and the
deep rural living on next to nothing anyway. However, do NOT
come to my area and expect to eat the food and live off others work.
Stay in the city and enjoy all the perks. The gov. free stuff.
You will be there by invitation only.

July 26, 2016 12:57 am

“Ed, don’t stoop to his level. Poor guy has few friends.” — Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard

Well, fwiw, Indentured Servant can count me as one of his friends.

You? Not so much. You used to be interesting and funny. But, over the past month or so you’ve turned into nothing but a whining bitch. I wish I knew what happened to you. Maybe you ate some bad beans?

Oh wait …. nevermind … I don’t really give a shit.

July 26, 2016 2:05 am

Aww! I lubs you too Stucky.

The thing is that I just don’t have the ability to flip flop between liking a retard and not liking them. Once I realize that someone has crossed the retard event horizon………I’m done. Picking lint from my belly button is more productive and interesting than navigating the retard universe.

Edwina………well Edwina is probably nothing more than a excrement from BW’s snatch that probably hit the free shit lottery. He comments more than the next top 5 commenters combined. The only worthwhile thing he’s done here is tell the anonymous cowards to fuck off. It’s just easier to ignore ’em like you do.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 26, 2016 10:04 pm

Stuck and I-S, get a room.

July 27, 2016 7:52 am

Thank you, Incontinent Shitbritches. I still get a chuckle remembering how you tried to suck up to Jim in the fundraiser thread. You said something like “Oh, I notice that all the various Uns and Eds haven’t showed up to even give moral support, but I’m gonna send you something as soon as I get my income tax refund”.

That’s funny as shit, actually. You, having to wait for your EIC before you could pitch in, but not being able to wait to brag about it.

You’re a weird fucker, ISsy. I bet you got your ass whipped every day when you were in grade school.

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
July 27, 2016 10:37 pm

Ed, I’m not sure who said this but it must be somebody who knows I-Sssy well. The person said that I-Ssssy might as well finally get a room and have his way with Admin. That was a revolting idea but there has to be a history to back that up.

I-Ssssy and Stucky are dinosaurs from the Smokey era, their minds developed with the corrosive influence of Smokey’s ‘baby batter’ and other scatological commentary.

Smokey left the old-timers with the taste of baby batter in their mouths.

I missed all that. I guess that’s what makes me an assclown.

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
July 27, 2016 10:40 pm

How many more times are you going to tell me that I used to be funny and interesting? Maggie told me I don’t know half of what I think I do. Yet she admits to stealing my ideas without giving me credit.

July 26, 2016 1:55 pm

It seems like a lot of people, even here in this last bastion of free speech, have crossed the “retard event horizon.” It’s one of the reasons I have not been commenting much lately. Another reason is I have been busier than the proverbial one-legged man at an ass-kicking contest. The third, most important reason is that every single time I’ve decided to post anything, I’ve come to the immediate realization that I have absolutely nothing new to say.
I’m still here reading articles everyday and the comments from a few of those that still do have some rational thoughts to express. You either know who you are or you think you do.

July 26, 2016 2:33 pm

Mostly, we all think we do. Good point.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 26, 2016 10:19 pm

WTF, Maggie, I thought you, me and jFish were tight like the three musketeers. Now I find you flirting with the Stuckmeister and stroking his ego over ShortFinger.

He’s the man, the man with the Midas touch.
A spider’s touch.
Such a small finger.
Beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don’t go in.
Golden words he will pour in your ear,
But his lies can’t disguise what you fear,
For a golden girl knows when he’s kissed her,
It’s the kiss of death from
Mister Shortfinger.

Pretty girl beware of this heart of gold
This heart is cold.
He loves only gold,
Only gold.
He loves gold.
He loves only gold,
Only gold.
He loves gold.

  Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 26, 2016 11:03 pm
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 26, 2016 10:12 pm

There is nothing new under the sun, Drud.
Shit, with those qualifications, you could run for president.
You might want to see a doctor about upping your dosages.

Dr. Pangloss said that the easiest way to get committed was 3 words. Dull, Thud – I forgot the third one, maybe it’s Drud. You come close to being clinical when you say you feel as though you have nothing new to say.

That was a good slam about ‘retard event horizon’. I presume you mean moi. Which is why I took the liberty of poking you back. Otherwise, go sink back into the mud.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
  Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 27, 2016 12:17 am

EC- Don’t pick on DUD, he has a drinking problem.

TSA Bulldyke
TSA Bulldyke
  Bea Lever
July 27, 2016 12:24 am

Oh, hey Drud, I don’t condone drinking. Seriously, if your over 50, you have no business drinking shit. Hang out with us. Sometimes Riser posts some good pics. What’s your type? Grannies, chubbies? Please don’t say walking sticks – that shit says latent homo like nothing else.

Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
Filomeno Reyes aka Full Retard
July 27, 2016 12:09 am

Unmasked, I’ll see you tomorrow. If Maggie doesn’t show up, we’ll invent some horrible gossip about her. I have to work so it’ll be in the afternoon.

July 27, 2016 1:24 pm

I can’t imagine better confirmation of my statement than the responses to it.

TSA Bulldyke
TSA Bulldyke
July 27, 2016 10:25 pm

You just can’t imagine anything because the event horizon of your thought is in effect preventing your train of thought from leaving the station.

Therefore, you are eternally on the cusp of an idea but it goes no further. For that reason, you are unable to add to a conversation and your always thinking that you thought that already.

Any new ideas entering your black hole of a brain get sucked into a vortex of an infinitesimal brain weighing four pounds yet it could be sucked out of your skull with a pipette.

Must be nice to sit in judgement without actually committing to an opinion, you must be a teenager. I will wait to see if you call folks here peasants and then I will know your royalty consists of being a pain in the ass.

Sorry, Bea, the lush asked for it.

Filomeno Reyes
Filomeno Reyes
July 28, 2016 12:57 am

Unreliable, where are you? Weeping on a sofa?