The mRNAs didn’t end Covid, Omicron did

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

The proof in one amazing chart

Sometimes the answer just needs to be color-coded.

For years, mRNA advocates have tried to give the jabs credit for ending the pandemic, despite massive evidence they stopped working within months and the observational data showing lower deaths among the vaccinated is hopelessly biased.

But earlier this month, the Society of Actuaries released an updated report on deaths during the pandemic that shows what really slayed Covid.

Spoiler alert: it didn’t come from Pfizer or Moderna.

The Society of Actuaries (actual slogan: Empower Your Actuarial Journey) is a 30,000-member group of, you guessed it, actuaries – the folks who help insurance companies assess risk. Every few months, it has put out reports on trends in American deaths during Covid.

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Did you know that metformin can be used to treat COVID? It is truly “safe and effective.”

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

Carolyn Bramante did multiple studies showing metformin works to treat COVID. It was published in 2 peer-reviewed journals. Yet, no COVID treatment guidelines anywhere in the US recommend it’s use.
Phase 3 trial on Metformin shows it is highly effective against COVID. It is much safer and more effective than the COVID vaccines.

Executive summary

If I haven’t yet convinced you yet just how corrupt the medical community is, this one should do it.

Metformin is a very safe drug which has been proven in multiple randomized trials to reduce hospitalization and death and reduce the chance of long-haul COVID. It is a very safe drug. The studies were published in peer-reviewed journals.

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Videos Prove January 6 was an Inside Job

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

House Speaker Mike Johnson plans to release all of the hidden footage from the January 6 planned insurrection. We know from countless sources that the FBI was on the ground that day and hiding within the crowd. Ray Epps urged the protesters to go inside the building, and the following day, someone opened the doors and encouraged the protesters to enter the building. Kamala Harris has likened January 6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Joe Biden is using footage from that day in his latest campaign ads, as the left wants the mindless sheep to believe that “MAGA extremists are the biggest threat to our country.”

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The Pentagon Fails Another Audit – Trillions Missing

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

They say the Pentagon is the government’s favorite money laundering tool for a reason. It is comical that they even attempt to audit the Pentagon when they know the agency will fail miserably. The government spent $187 million to conduct the meaningless audit at 700 locations. This year, as with the year prior, only 7 of the 29 sub-audits passed. HALF of the claimed assets were nowhere to be found by the 1,600 hired auditors. How does trillions of dollars disappear?

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Did Pfizer Pay NFL Star $20M to Push Covid and Flu Double-Jab?

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • Pfizer reportedly paid Kansas City Chiefs’ star Travis Kelce $20 million to promote “two shots in one go” — a double jab of COVID-19 and a flu shot
  • The advertisement aired during a “Sunday Night Football” match, showing Kelce engaging in two activities, like grilling hamburgers and mowing the lawn, at once, before flashing two Super Bowl rings and saying, “Two things at once”
  • A smiling Kelce is then pictured with two Band-Aids on his arm, a blue one representing Pfizer’s COVID-19 jab and another for the flu shot
  • On Instagram, Kelce continues to play the part of Pfizer spokesperson, using the hashtag #PfizerPartner and promoting “this season’s updated COVID-19 shot”
  • In addition to Kelce, Pfizer also partnered with other celebrities to promote COVID shots and other treatments, like its COVID drug Paxlovid. Among them are singers Pink, John Legend and Questlove; actor Jean Smart; celebrity chef Martha Stewart and Olympic gold medalist swimmer Michael Phelps

With hardly any Americans signing up to receive the updated COVID-19 shot, Pfizer is pulling out all the stops to increase uptake. The Big Pharma giant reportedly paid Kansas City Chiefs’ star Travis Kelce $20 million to promote “two shots in one go”1 — a double jab of COVID-19 and flu shot.

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Is Gaza genocide being used to push fake “multipolar world” as a “solution”?

Guest Post by Catte Black

This comment by a reader calling himself “Théophile Gautier” appeared on OffG last week. We find the take interesting and worthy of discussion (our emphasis)

“I see more people now saying the point is division and distraction and I agree and it’s gratifying to see people waking to new realities. However I think it may be even one step more cynical and diabolical.

I believe from what I see that we may soon witness a “flip of the script”. I believe Israel may soon be dropped by everyone but the so-called “alt right” who will elect to go down with her ship.

I believe the majority of the media will fall behind the so-called “silent majority” of ordinary people and begin more and more to condemn Israel.

Eventually the politicians will “reluctantly” follow suit, Israel will be condemned in the UN and there will be promises of punishment, war crime trials etc.

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The Campaign for the Destruction of the West Has Succeeded

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Here is my friend, Balint Vazsonyi, concert pianist, playing Beethoven’s Fourth Piano Concerto, my favorite rendition. Balint escaped from Soviet Hungary during the defeated Hungarian Revolution in 1956 and established himself in the West as a top rank concert pianist.

On Washington weekends in order to introduce my young son to the remnants of civilized life, we would go to the residence of Balint and his highly musically talented wife, Barbara, and Balint and Barbara would play for us. Then we would go to a French restaurant and enjoy the haute cuisine that can no longer be found in American restaurants. My son learned how to order, but what we ordered is no longer available.

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Libertarian Pilgrims Set Sail For Argentina In Search Of A Better Life

Via The Babylon Bee

PORTSMOUTH, NH — Immediately after Argentinians did the unthinkable and elected an actual libertarian to an actual political office, a shipful of libertarian immigrants was seen departing a New Hampshire port Monday morning “in search of a better life in the New World of Argentina.”

The libertarian pilgrims say they hope to find the freedom and liberty America once offered in the strange new country. They boarded the U.S.S. Memeflower with all their goods and possessions — consisting mostly of video games and weed — this morning and set sail for their new life.

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How Did Higher Education Become a Cargo Cult?

Guest Post by  

The “cargo cult” represents an important concept and seems especially so of late. Early observations of such behavior emerged in island cultures exposed to European explorers. Ships unlike anything previously dreamed of arrived full of strange people with wondrous trade goods for exchange. Metals, mirrors, muskets, you name it. The desire for these advanced goods was strong and so the locals traded for them with gusto. Then, at some point, the newcomers left.

The locals wanted more trade and to attempt to foster it, many adopted rituals whereby they would create what essentially amounted to effigies of ships and float them on the sea in hope that this would make the trade goods come once more.

Astonishingly, examples of such practices remain, even today.

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National Fire Sale

Guest Post by Jeff Thomas

Like waves on the ocean, countries tend to go through economic cycles.

First, we have the micro cycles, which tend to rise and fall every few years, but may last a decade or more. Then we have the macro cycles, which tend to take hundreds of years.

In a macro cycle, a nation begins to thrive economically, when the people of that country adhere to a strong work ethic. They invest their money and toil into the economy, make a profit, then either save, purchase goods, reinvest, or a combination of the three.

When the great majority of the people do this, the country thrives economically. The greater the economic freedom (i.e., the less governmental oversight and regulation), the more the country thrives.

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Lies Surrounding Al-Shifa Hospital Recall Those Preceding the Iraq Invasion

Guest Post by Max Jones

The evidence-free claims that have flooded media regarding Hamas using Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital as a military headquarters recall similarly devastating intelligence lies preceding the US invasion of Iraq.

Palestinians transport the injured to the Indonesian Hospital in Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip on October 9, 2023.


In the weeks before the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) raided the Al-Shifa hospital, the largest hospital in Gaza, the IDF “went to great lengths to depict the medical complex as a headquarters for Hamas, from where its attacks on Israel were planned,” according to The Guardian. 

The U.S. has claimed that it produced its own intelligence that verifies this claim. National security spokesperson John Kirby told reporters on Thursday that “We have information that confirms that Hamas is using that particular hospital for a command and control mode” and likely for storing weapons.

According to Reuters, “[Kirby] said the United States had information that Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad were using some hospitals in the Gaza Strip, including Al Shifa, to conceal or support their military operations and to hold hostages.”

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Yes, Americans Are Struggling Financially, Just Ask These Folks

Authored by Autumn Spredemann via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

Oscar Taylor is scrambling to cover household expenses for the first time in his adult life.

It has gotten so dismal that my wife is planning on looking for work after the new year,” said Mr. Taylor, owner of Barrett Rifles in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

(Illustration by The Epoch Times, Getty Images, Freepik)


He said his wife hasn’t had to work a job since the birth of their first child nearly seven years ago.

Sioux Falls has additional challenges. The city has a population of about 200,000 people, and Mr. Taylor said it’s been hit by a “slew of layoffs.”

This is compounded by the “ever-increasing prices” of grocery staples like eggs, milk, and bread. Mr. Taylor says some everyday items have nearly doubled in price over the past few years, and wages aren’t keeping up.

People shop at a grocery store in New York City on May 31, 2022. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

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