Stucky QOTD: Brain Zapping

Brand new scientific  Findings

1. Stimulating someone’s brain with magnetic pulses is enough to change their taste in music, according to new research.

2. Not only did the treatment alter the way participants rated music, it even affected the amount of money they were willing to spend on it.

3. This is the first time anyone has manipulated brain circuitry to change the way people think.

Believers and non-believers, ponder the picture below while considering the above three new findings.

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Scariest Thing You Will See Today

Guest Post by Scott Adams

I can’t tell if this secret video is real, but it purports to show a scientist proposing to develop a military-grade virus that would eliminate extreme religious thoughts in people as a way to end terrorism.

The scary part is that it would probably work.

We know which parts of the brain deal with religious thoughts, and apparently we know how to make a virus that would mess with those parts of the brain.

Free will is an illusion, obviously. Otherwise scientists couldn’t change someone’s religion with a virus. But they can.

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Your Body is Your Brain Too

Guest Post by Scott Adams

We humans like to organize our perceptions into categories. It makes it easier for us to communicate and to keep track of things. But sometimes the impulse to organize our thoughts into buckets is a problem. I’ll give you the best example of that today.

Most of us believe that our brains are special because they are the center of our consciousness. Some people also believe brains are where your free will and your soul lives. We also believe brains are somewhat of a closed system when it comes to our thoughts. It feels as if your brain produces some random thoughts, wrestles with those thoughts, and turns them into bodily actions. That makes the brain a special little organ that is doing its own thing in isolation and letting the rest of the body know about it later. In other words, we put our brains in the “brain” bucket. All by itself. Doing its thing.

That’s a huge mistake.

Today I’ll tell you how the brains-is-special framework for looking at life is one of our biggest sources of unhappiness. In my worldview, also known as the Moist Robot Hypothesis (from my book on that topic), humans are wet robots that respond to programming. If you aren’t intentionally programming yourself, the environment and other people are doing it for you. Luckily you have a user interface to your brain. And that interface is your body. Your body is collecting inputs from all over and feeding them to your brain to reprogram it.

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