No bubble here. Trump will surely create a new paradigm with his yuge economic plans to make murica great again. World war will do wonders for corporate profits and drive the S&P 500 up another 50%. The future is so bright I gotta wear shades. Now buy some SNAP and Tesla on margin and get rich.


I know this blog attracts the cheapest bastards on earth and I count myself as a proud member of the frugal army. At one point there were another 20 ads on the right side of the page and the idiot advertisers were paying me $1 to $2 per day to place those ads. They have finally realized that you cheap bastards cannot be lured into buying their shit and have hit the road. After reading my diatribes about shysters and scam artists, you rarely sign up for Casey newsletters. Therefore, they don’t pay me.

Now we’re on the verge of the Christmas season and I’m guessing even you cheap sons of bitches will be buying something. If you hate malls and make your purchases on the internet, consider clicking the Amazon button on the right side of the page. If you make a purchase through that button, Amazon will send me 6% of the transaction amount. It won’t cost you anything more. So, you’ll actually be sticking it to an evil corporation by buying through my Amazon button. And I’ll have some funds to pay Stop the Hacker, Dreamhost and WordPress to keep this two bit blog functioning.

I’ve seen purchases of ammo, bulk silver, red dildos, and lingerie over the years, but I don’t see who buys what. I do have some suspicions regarding the red dildo and anyone who wants to confess can do so on this thread.

Here is the button for your convenience.