Foreign Rule

Guest Post by The Zman

The Department of Justice has recently announced that the new great devil for the Empire is the drug cartels, operating just over the border. Empires need an enemy and to his credit, Trump is unwilling to pick enemies from the other side of the globe. Instead, he prefers more practical enemies, ones that cause real Americans real trouble in the real country. The drug cartels are not a threat to “our democracy” or a threat to freedom around the world. They sell drugs and murder Americans right here in America.

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698K Native-Born Americans Lost Their Job In August: Why This Suddenly Is The Most Important Jobs Chart

Tyler Durden's picture

After the Fed admitted over a year ago that the US unemployment rate (which in 2012 was supposed to be a rate hike “threshold” once it hit 6.5% and is now at 5.2%) has become irrelevant in a country where a record 94 million people have left the labor force, and with the Fed poised to hike rates even though US hourly wages have not only not increased for the past 7 years, but for the vast majority of the labor force continue to decline, some have asked – is there any labor-related chart that matters any more?

The answer: a resounding yes, only it is none of the conventional charts that algos and sometimes humans look at.

The one chart that matters more than ever,has little to nothing to do with the Fed’s monetary policy, but everything to do with the November 2016 presidential elections in which the topic of immigration, both legal and illegal, is shaping up to be the most rancorous, contentious and divisive.

The chart is the following, showing the cumulative addition of foreign-born and native-born workers added to US payrolls according to the BLS since December 2007, i.e., since the start of the recession/Second Great Depression.

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Some interesting points to note:

  • We owe foreigners $5.9 trillion, representing 33.5% of our debt outstanding.
  • Not only is the Social Security lockbox empty, there are $2.7 trillion of IOUs piled up in the lockbox.
  • We owe $2.4 trillion to private bankers at the Federal Reserve, accounting for 13.6% of our debt due. Five years ago we owed less than 5% of our debt to the Federal Reserve.
  • You owe $826 Billion to pay the pensions of Federal government drones.
  • Do you see the $492 Billion owed to military veterans for fighting our wars of choice included in the military budget?
  • The good news is we will owe $20 trillion before Obama is done his reign of error and terror.