It’s that time of year again, where I ask for monetary support to keep this site running. I notice other alternative media sites are constantly begging for donations. I know it’s annoying to me, so I will only make this one post for the year and let the chips fall where they may.

I’ve needed financial support to keep this site alive since it was attacked by some outside entity (Google???) trying to silence our message two years ago. With the indispensable Man With No Name protecting TBP from attacks, the site has run like a well oiled machine for the last two years. The ads generate enough to pay for some of the costs, but you smart monkeys tend to block the ads. It’s only when a major article gets onto other sites do the ads generate decent revenue. And it’s a lot of work on my part to generate those nickels and dimes.

I’m clearly doing something wrong when it comes to generating donations. I received $12,000 in 2014 during the year of the great denial of service attack. My visitor count went up by 40% in 2015 to 6.1 million. Somehow donations fell to $11,000. I guess I attracted a bunch of new cheapskates. So far this year, the visitor count is up another 15% and the donations, as you can see from the donate-a-meter are tracking at about $10,000.



Operators are standing by.

You may or may not have noticed the Keep TBP Fighting Thermometer has dropped back down to $0 again. You see, the bills to keep this site running and protected from the government and whoever tried to silence it last year keep coming month after month. My cost to run the site has gone up by a factor of 10 in the last two years.

Olimometer 2.52

During the denial of service attack last year, I was only hours from pulling the plug on the site. But, a like minded fellow blogger – Mike Krieger – contacted me and put me in touch with The Man With No Name.

He singlehandedly fought off the dastardly denial of service outlaws (Google?) and generously agreed to house our site on his server. You may have noticed the site has run like a well oiled clock since he assumed command behind the scenes. But good safe service comes at a cost.

The generosity of the regulars from TBP and complete strangers who never comment was overwhelming and heartwarming. The letters and notes of support all sit on my desk next to my computer. They have gone a long way in keeping me toiling away trying to uncover the truth and providing a forum where like minded citizens can learn and discuss ideas. I’ve learned so much from the TBP community.

So, firstly I’d like to thank everyone who has made a contribution in the past to Keep TBP Fighting. There are a dedicated cadre of TBP members who contribute every month. I’d love to do a shout out personally to every person who has contributed, but that would make it easier for DHS to track you down when the SHTF. So I’ll keep that private.