It’s that time of year again, where I ask for monetary support to keep this site running. I notice other alternative media sites are constantly begging for donations. I know it’s annoying to me, so I will only make this one post for the year and let the chips fall where they may.

I’ve needed financial support to keep this site alive since it was attacked by some outside entity (Google???) trying to silence our message two years ago. With the indispensable Man With No Name protecting TBP from attacks, the site has run like a well oiled machine for the last two years. The ads generate enough to pay for some of the costs, but you smart monkeys tend to block the ads. It’s only when a major article gets onto other sites do the ads generate decent revenue. And it’s a lot of work on my part to generate those nickels and dimes.

I’m clearly doing something wrong when it comes to generating donations. I received $12,000 in 2014 during the year of the great denial of service attack. My visitor count went up by 40% in 2015 to 6.1 million. Somehow donations fell to $11,000. I guess I attracted a bunch of new cheapskates. So far this year, the visitor count is up another 15% and the donations, as you can see from the donate-a-meter are tracking at about $10,000.

The more popular we get, the less donations we generate. I’m clearly a financial genius. Lucky I’m not really running a business. The site has 1.6 million visitors so far this year. Of the donations made, almost 50% came from three extremely generous TBP patrons. Then there are the Tremendous Ten who make automatic payments month in and month out. I would like to thank everyone who has ever made a donation to help keep this site alive. I have all the letters of support you have written in a large file folder. I promise to burn them while DHS is surrounding my house some day. 🙂

I particularly appreciate the original content provided by Stuck, Llpoh, SSS, Hardscrabble Farmer, Muck, Yojimbo, Gayle, PA Mike, Indentured Servant, T4C, Thinker, Maggie, TPC, Stephanie, Roy, Tim, Francis, James, and everyone else who contributes regularly to the site. The diverse points of view and varied subjects make the site better. The comment stream on TBP is far more intelligent and thought provoking than ZH or any other website I follow. The proof is in the numbers. March will have the highest visitor count in TBP history, 35% higher than last March, and blasting to 650,000 visitors.

But, at the end of the day, I’m responsible for keeping this place interesting 24/7/365. It’s a pressure that never lets up. I was sick for five weeks at the beginning of this year and I still felt the overwhelming responsibility to post 15 to 20 discussion worthy pieces per day, even though I wasn’t capable of writing anything myself. I get up every day at 5:15 am to get ready for work. From 6:00 am to 6:30 am I try to get 5 or 6 posts done. Then I drive the 1 hour to work. I eat my lunch at my desk so I can do some more posts. I then make the 60 minute to 90 minute trek home at night. I don’t sleep in on weekends because I feel the obligation to post interesting discussion generating stuff.

I have observed how many other bloggers run their sites to maximize revenue. Some provide free content, but charge for the “really good” content. Others have written books and use their sites to promote them. Other sites have advertising links and ads throughout their articles. Some try to sell newsletters with their articles. I consider this the opportunity cost of running my site as a community, rather than a business.

Doug Casey was paying me $500 per 1,500 word article for the Casey Report. I had to stop doing that because running this site takes too much time. That’s potentially $6,000 per year of lost revenue. I could probably write or assemble a book based on all the articles I’ve written over the years. But, I can’t run this site, work a full time job, and write a book at the same time. I see how Chris Martensen, Charles Hugh Smith, Michael Snyder, Lew Rockwell and many other fine internet bloggers generate revenue, but I’m a one man show without the time to dedicate to that.

I love to write articles. I barely have time to do that anymore because I’m trying to keep the site interesting on a daily basis for you shit throwing monkeys. There are over 30 articles in my draft folder where I had an idea, started the article, but haven’t had the time to finish the article. If I can spend less time collecting nickels and dimes from the ads, I can spend more time writing.

So that’s my annual pitch. I know that many of the readers of this site have less financial resources than myself. Don’t feel guilty if you are unable to donate. Do your part by spreading the articles far and wide to try and wake more people from their self induced stupor. The purpose of this site is to piss enough people off by telling them the truth to make a difference.

If you think this site provides a useful service, useful information, or just a place for you to visit with friends, and you have the resources, please click the donate button on the right side of the page or use the PO Box listed to send a contribution. I only go to the PO Box every two weeks, as it is usually empty.

I don’t like to do this, so this will be the only solicitation for the entire year. I’ll just update the Keep TBP Fighting Thermometer as the contributions come in. Thanks again for all your moral and financial support over the years.

Remember. Freedom isn’t free and we are not alone.

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Rob in Nova Scotia
Rob in Nova Scotia
March 29, 2016 8:54 pm

Money on the way. I have a couple of ideas for posts. Maybe I’ll try writing again. Take some of the load off Stucky and Admin. Anyways I love the site. It is a great place for ideas. It is what the internet should be rather than what it has for the most part become.

Silent Majority
Silent Majority
March 30, 2016 1:31 am

Are money orders acceptable forms of donations or do you require personal checks? I will drop a money order in the mail tomorrow if you accept them.

Don’t worry Stucky, I did not beat up any jews for their shekels in order to make a donation.

March 31, 2016 3:14 am

Are you in this for money ,popularity, getting the word out or knowledge .

March 31, 2016 7:54 am

Garry, admin is in this for the badonkadonk.

Another donation sent.

March 31, 2016 7:57 am

Sometimes a video shows up, sometimes they don’t. Still can’t figure out why…..

Pieter in ZA
Pieter in ZA
April 1, 2016 12:26 am

Check on the way

April 1, 2016 12:30 am

Admin I will donate as soon as I can get it together. Your website is truly priceless.

April 2, 2016 3:28 pm

Looks like we’re gonna party like it’s 1929 ! C’mon

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 2, 2016 7:26 pm

Admin- BOLO……..The eagle has flown.

Translation for bb- (Be on the lookout……….the money has been mailed).

I will send more when I find out how bad the annual IRS raping turns out.

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
April 3, 2016 9:42 am

So I’m not sure if you have your PayPal link set up for donations. I’m logged into PP but it not showing me a donation link of any sort .I’m not new to the Rodeo so I’m not sure were the problem

Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
April 4, 2016 2:32 am

I’m using IE11, The link takes me PP, put nothing is setup for your account.

April 4, 2016 4:34 am

Check is in the mail. Way too much info floating around on the internet unsecured.

I ended my Facebook account because of lack of control of the data and having it used against you without consent. Agree a TBP subscription monthly fee makes sense. Just strip adds and see how it goes. If very well you have catered to your audience with a service that is valued ….exactly.

Proper scaling of social media should provide the needed admin benefits as long as the value proposition is understood and supported.


April 6, 2016 2:53 am

I wish TBP would stop showing decomposed pictures of women and children,and severely disfigured people when scrolling articles.Really?

April 6, 2016 3:38 am

Admin – zlotys are in the mail. It takes a while, but you should sight them in a week or two.

April 6, 2016 3:49 am

Admin… this Human Fund thing is really working out great! I’m thinking of setting one up for my son’s last semester of school his father and I are obligated to pay for since he managed to pay for everything else without any loans.

I was going to send you canned Hassenfeffer but I decided I only like SAYING hassenfeffer. Cognac, red wine, rosemary and thyme make for a Germany seasoning blend of sauce on the rabbit. You won’t have to feel guilty about this particular dead bunny.

April 6, 2016 4:28 pm

I am being stymied by PayPal — it’s probably me. I don’t see any way to set up the recurring subscription payment. Please help!

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
April 6, 2016 4:30 pm

Bob, just send the money to me directly and I’ll be sure admin gets it.

April 7, 2016 9:08 am

Maggie what bred of rabbit best for meat,human consumption?Thank you!

April 7, 2016 6:22 pm


April 8, 2016 9:28 am

I like the Newfoundland for size and tenderness. The females also produce large litters. My Shirley Godbunny is a New Zealand White and is about 12 pounds. She’s my breeding doe and I’m hoping for large litters.

I bought a Flemish Giant last fall from a breeder and she is HUGE… probably 15 pounds. She has her first litter now and I’ve only seen the little fur bundles moving around, so haven’t counted. I put her in with the male and thought she was going to kill HIM so moved her out after he seemed to be failing. However, she surprised me this week with a small litter.

The Male is another New Zealand White.

The former male was an American Chinchilla (grey bunny). He was about 9 pounds and had a wry neck problem. He couldn’t perform so he went to a better place. He was delicious until I added him to Hassenfeffer. However, that was personal taste. My cousins assured me that hassenfeffer is quite tasty with cabbage.

April 8, 2016 9:30 am

To the “other” Maggie… Angus is good, but I like the taste and texture of Holstein. Especially Grassfed Holstein.

April 8, 2016 10:41 am

“This has been up for two days and it’s curious that the anonymouses, Ed’s, Ungratefuls and other assorted assclowns avoid this post like the plague”

Actually, there’s only one of me, Ed, not Eds. What were you hoping to accomplish by posting that? I didn’t post anything here because I don’t draw atttention to my donations or to any gifts I may give.

If you want to, come to any thread where I post a comment and say whatever you feel. This thread doesn’t seem to me to be meant for sniping at other readers. I’m a little tired of this crap from you, anyway.

April 8, 2016 2:37 pm

None of my rabbits are named Ed. I just realized I was answering someone’s question about rabbits in the donate-a-thon comment thread.

Please, everyone, donate to TBP NOW so no more bunnies have to die.