When you see the right and left apoplectic about the same organization, you know they are doing the right thing. Wikileaks is exposing the world leaders as buffoons, liars, killers and criminals. What is wrong with that? Sarah Palin and her band of conservative christian extremists are being revealed for what they are. They don’t give a shit about freedom and liberty. If they did, they would applaud Julian Assange as a patriot for truth. He isn’t getting rich off of his website, while Palin, Beck, and the rest of the Fox News crew are raking in millions by stirring up the ignorant masses. Doug Casey, as usual, makes the case for freedom, truth and liberty. Here are three gems from the interview:

“Shining a light on the sociopaths who hide in the dark places under the rocks of government is always a good thing.”

“Crooks should not get away with their crimes just because they hold lofty titles, wear spiffy uniforms, and call their crimes great deeds necessitated by “national security,” “economic stimulus,” or whatever other nonsensical lies they come up with.”

“If you aren’t prepared to accept the consequences of something, don’t do it.”

Doug Casey on Wikileaks

(Interviewed by Louis James, Editor, International Speculator)

L: So, Doug, North Korea shelled South Korea – do you think that’s the sound of an approaching black swan we hear?

Doug: It could be, but I doubt North Korea wants a real war, and South Korea absolutely wants to avoid one. Of course, North Korea’s government is a hereditary monarchy, run by the thoroughly degraded Kim family – which is a bit confusing, in that everybody in Korea is either a Kim, a Park, or a Lee. Who knows what’s going on in the abnormal psychology of Kim Jong-Il, or whoever is really running the place? It’s perverse. North Korea is already a wasteland, so a war would do them relatively less harm; in a way they have nothing to lose. South Korea is a G20 economy, however, so even if they win a shooting match in short order, they still lose, in terms of the damage they would suffer in the process.

From a realpolitik point of view, it makes sense for the North to occasionally kill a few South Koreans, make threatening noises, and keep the “us vs. them” rhetoric hot. It provides an excuse for their extraordinarily low standard of living, and a reason for having a police state. They use nationalism and patriotism very effectively to prop up their pathetic regime. In that regard, they are like most governments, just more extreme. But I consider the chances of an actual war to be slim.

It was interesting to see gold shoot up the day the Koreas traded artillery shells. Coincidentally, it was just after the EU’s announcement that all is well and everyone can go back to spending as usual. I don’t think it’s likely that the Koreas will go for all-out war and push the teetering global economy over the edge. But it’s possible, because we’re dealing with certifiable lunatics. It’s more likely the EU itself will provide a black swan event. The bankruptcy of the euro, and then the EU, was always inevitable. It may now be imminent as well.

Regarding North Korea, though, what’s really interesting is the information leaked through Wikileaks that China – basically their only supporter – may be pulling back its support. The Chinese can see that maintaining a lunatic regime in North Korea no longer serves any useful purpose. They don’t need a loose cannon on their border. I expect it will collapse in the near term. The Chinese, likely with the collusion of some North Korean generals, will oust the Kims, and set up something that’s less of a liability.

L: I saw that news. It’s quite striking that after the wikileak, some Chinese officials have apparently come out and said that they do, in fact, favor reunification of the Koreas.

Doug: The whole idea of Wikileaks is terrific. They’ve become one of the most important watchdog organizations on the planet, helping to expose a lot of government action for what it really is.

This latest leak of a quarter of a million classified U.S. embassy cables is quite a coup, not just for revealing China’s changing attitudes about North Korea, but for exposing discussions the U.S. had with other countries about bombing Iran, espionage conducted by U.S. diplomats in Paraguay, Chinese government attacks on Google, and more mundane things like the lavish lifestyles of Kazakhstan’s political elite.
Shining a light on the sociopaths who hide in the dark places under the rocks of government is always a good thing. Just as they recently did in their exposé of what is going on with the counterproductive U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s great to have a whistleblower organization like them. Julian Assange, who runs it, is a hero, and deserves the Nobel Peace Prize – although it’s a shame that prize has become so meaningless and degraded.

L: The more skeptical people become of the Right and Honorable So-And-So, the better.

Doug: Exactly. And on a more fundamental philosophical level, this is in keeping with my sense of justice. Crooks should not get away with their crimes just because they hold lofty titles, wear spiffy uniforms, and call their crimes great deeds necessitated by “national security,” “economic stimulus,” or whatever other nonsensical lies they come up with.

I’m fond of saying, “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law – but be prepared to accept the consequences.” Well, exposing secrets is an important part of enabling the natural consequences for dastardly deeds to follow.

The whole idea of “national security” has gotten completely out of control. It has about zero to do with protecting what little is left of America; it’s all about protecting, and building, the U.S. government, and the people who participate in it and profit from it. People fail to understand that the USG doesn’t represent them, or care about them – or at least not any more than a farmer cares about his milk cows. It’s an entity unto itself at this point. It has its own interests, which have only an accidental or coincidental overlap with those of America. Government is by its very nature duplicitous and predatory; it always puts itself first. By cynically paying lip service to traditional values, and whipping up a nationalistic, patriotic fervor, they can get Boobus americanus to go along with almost anything they propose. Just like Boobus north koreansis.

L: Hm. Sarah Palin apparently does not agree with you about Wikileaks. She’s reported as going on record saying that Wikileaks personnel should be treated like terrorists.

Doug: And people thought I was being too hard on the Tea Party movement. This is exactly the sort of knee-jerk conservative reaction that shows that such people really don’t care about freedom at all. I suspect Palin is cut from the same cloth as Baby Bush – ignorant, unintelligent, thoughtless, reactionary, and pig-headed. She belongs on reality TV, not in a position where she could damage the lives of billions of people.

L: The report says she wants to know why governments didn’t hack the Wikileaks website. Well, apparently somebody did last Sunday when these secret diplomatic cables were leaked – and who is a more likely culprit than the U.S. government? On the bright side, the attack failed. A handful of nonviolent individuals took on the world’s greatest superpower, as a matter of principle, and won. That just goes to show yet again how technological advances tend to flatten the power pyramid of society.

Doug: Yes; we talked about that in our conversation on technology. Every advance in technology puts the little guy on a more even footing with those at the top of the intra-human food chain. This is why the Colt revolver became known as “the great equalizer.” For the first time, the little guy was not only the equal of the big guy but, because he presented a smaller target, was his superior.

The Internet is the best thing that’s happened for freedom since the invention of the printing press. Technology is the biggest force for individual liberty, and politics the main enemy of it. But people idiotically idolize politicians and generals much more than scientists and inventors. Despite that, with the development of very powerful, homemade laser weapons, and 3D printers that will soon allow anyone to make almost anything, at trivial cost in their garage, the cat will soon be out of the bag. We should discuss those in the future. These things are very opportune at the very time that the bloated states of the world are going into collapse, much like the Roman Empire in the 5th century.

L: In an interesting counterpoint, Reuters reports that Hillary Clinton defended Wikileaks, even as she arrived in Kazakhstan at the same time as the embarrassing assessment of Kazakh leadership was leaked. Sometimes liberals do defend liberal ideas, like freedom of the press.

Doug: Sometimes. But not if it’s politically incorrect press. You can rely on them only to make government larger and more expensive at every turn – that you can rely upon like a Swiss train. Hillary – like any Secretary of State – is a skilled and enthusiastic liar. Her stock in trade is deception. Everything she says is intended to forward her drive to be the President. I wonder if she’d be worse than Palin? But that’s like asking if Nero would be worse than Caligula.

L: No argument from me on that. And you know I agree with you on the watchdog principle, but what if they go after private-sector entities? CNN reports that Wikileaks’ next target is a major U.S. bank.

Doug: It’s a mistake to think of banks in the U.S. as being private sector entities. U.S. banks got into bed with the state decades ago, and got even more closely entwined via the latest set of regulations, and bailouts. At this point they’re really parastatal entities. Plus, I’d guess that whatever whistle-blowing Wikileaks is planning, it probably has to do with the bailouts or other government interactions with the banks anyway – exactly the type of thing that needs to be exposed.

L: Fine, but their mission is not to fight the state, but simply to publish “important” news and information. What if someone uses their secure drop-box technology to reveal salacious material on private individuals… say, a complete list of all of Doug Casey’s mistresses?

Doug: Unfortunately, that list would be rather small at the moment. Not that Wikileaks would deem that sort of thing important enough to bother with. But, look, it doesn’t matter; there are tabloids that cover that ground already, and they get the respect they deserve. If you aren’t prepared to accept the consequences of something, don’t do it. The only sure way to avoid having your mistresses exposed, if you really don’t want that to happen, is not to have mistresses.

L: So… do you believe in a human right to privacy?

Doug: In the sense of having a right to remain silent, yes. No one should ever be forced to reveal anything they don’t want to reveal. But in the sense of stopping other people from saying, publishing, or broadcasting information about you, no. The information in their heads is theirs, and they have a right to do whatever they want with it. If it happens to be about you and you don’t like it, tough. Develop better security measures. Or better, “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.”

L: What about libel?

Doug: If information put out by others about you is wrong, defend yourself with the truth. If you have a solid reputation accumulated over years of interactions with many people, your side of the story should get a good hearing. If you’ve been a jerk to many people, or not always honest, you’ll have a tougher time – which is as it should be.

The potential harm that lies might do does not justify giving power to the state to control what other people say – that’s a far greater harm. A complete free market in information will necessarily make people much more discriminating, and less gullible. They’ll become much less likely to believe things without solid evidence.

L: Sounds a bit like an intellectual Wild West.

Doug: Yes, but that’s a good thing. We have laws against libel and slander now, and people violate them constantly. It’s not just ineffective, it’s counterproductive, because the existence of libel laws makes people more likely to believe what they hear. In a society without laws against libel, people would be much more skeptical, and the potential harm from lies would be diminished.

L: I can see that… and why you favor the Wikileaks technology. You remain an optimist; things have to get worse before they can get better, but the longest term trend of them all is “the ascent of man.”

Doug: Yes. The trend is towards rapidly accelerating advances in technology. So, certainly in this case, the trend is your friend. Don’t fear technology – it’s what brought us out of the caves and primeval slime – it’s everybody’s best friend.

L: After the dog?

Doug: Poodles in particular. I suspect this isn’t the time for a sidebar on standard poodles. But I will mention it’s one of the many subjects on which I’m in total agreement with my friend Richard Russell.

L: Poodles. I’m not going to go there now. Perhaps we can discuss animals and their rights, or lack thereof, in some future edition. How about investment implications?

Doug: Unfortunately Wikileaks is not itself an investment opportunity, being a non-profit organization.

L: If it was for profit, would you invest?

Doug: I’d have to look at the actual business model and projections, but there’s reason to be skeptical. By its nature, Wikileaks is always going to be outside the mainstream of the economy, with rabid governments trying to shut it down, maybe even imprison its people, as they get more desperate. This thing has “scapegoat” written all over it. I hear Interpol has suddenly decided to bring Assange in on charges of sexual assault – transparency and accepting the consequences of his actions should apply to him, like anyone else, but I’m very suspicious of the timing of these accusations. Wikileaks is an encrypted, moving target, but a target nonetheless.

L: Do you contribute to Wikileaks? You like the service, but don’t believe in charity.

Doug: I wouldn’t consider it charity; I value their service. If I sent them money it would be because I want to show support, and reward their efforts. Sending them money, and giving them other support, amounts to a fair exchange, in my view. Not because of charity, which very often just assuages the guilt of the donor, while subtly encouraging bad habits in the recipient.

L: Okay. So, other than as yet another straw in the wind – evidence of the approach of the end game for the current global economic order (the latest implications of which we’ll cover in The Casey Report in two days) – are there any other investment implications?

Doug: Well, this is also a technology story. Wikileaks itself is not an investment opportunity, but there are new technologies that are fantastic opportunities. Not to be overly promotional here, but Alex Daley does an excellent job of covering this beat in our Casey’s Extraordinary Technology newsletter.

L: Roger that.

Notify of
December 2, 2010 12:31 pm

Assange eats shit.

December 2, 2010 12:45 pm

Smokey smokes my pole.

December 2, 2010 1:02 pm

Snake—-Read my post on the other Wiki article. It was written for you and your ilk.

December 2, 2010 1:03 pm

That’s nice. My first comment had zero thumbs and then was at 7 thumbs down ten seconds later when I looked at it again. That you, RE?

December 2, 2010 1:41 pm

Assange has recklessly accelerated the demise of our empire. We have been strong internationally because we do all that nasty shit behind closed doors. Like it or not, that nastiness has maintained our dominance in the world theater (in more ways than we can imagine).

Exposing ALL of that nastiness is reckless, while exposing components of it would have been enough to move the rock in the right direction. Someone needs to whack him in the peepee….it’s people like him that spark world wars.

On the other hand, maybe the State Dept. figured that the worst of this expose’ is actually directed at all of the scoundrel towel heads and how much they actually hate each other. Maybe now they will not trust each other as much and start to kill each other off. We should be drilling the crap out of the gulf and Alaska to prepare for that day of reaconing when the Suiz Canal is a mess and Saudi Arabia is burning. Then we can tell all of the towel heads to go fuck themselves. We are only there because they buy our toilet paper T-bills so they can rent our army. We are financing our deficit through leasing out our armed forces, because they don’t have any worth a popcorn fart to talk about.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 2, 2010 1:53 pm

Between Centerfield and Smokey, this board really seems to attract the Vermin. We need to bring in the Orkin Man Jim.


December 2, 2010 2:18 pm

Can’t respond….shopping for more ammo now…{click}….{click}…Cool! They accept PayPal!

I wonder how deep a bunker Assange has been digging for himself that past 48 hours? Between the CIA, Interpol, M6, Mossad, KGB and a few others that I can’t think of right now, this guy is in deep shit. LOL

You guys can worship the dude all you want. Please don’t get me wrong, as some level of exposure is necessary and we do need to get the underhanded dirt out in the open. I just think the way he has gone about his biusiness has done a horrible disservice to society at large, not just the US. He could have moved the rock with 1/1000 of the information that he spilled. His acts were akin to taking out a high school toilet with a wad a C4 and not a simple M80.

You reep what you sow. And this guy just rocked the boat a tad too far. Click…bang. He won’t be around much longer.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 2, 2010 2:34 pm

Actually, I read an interview with a couple of the Wikileaks “staff” where they were discussing the robustness of their network. In case you weren’t aware, Julian Assange is himself a long time Hacker and these folks have their own network. From what I read, they seem to have deployed several bots to take all their information and keep it moving around as necessary.

Now, as far as JA being caught himself, this may be one of those Osama Bin Laden endless wild goose chases, which would be hilarious. It may also be possible that JA is in some way working FOR the CIA, although exactly how this is supposed to work for TPTB is a little abstract. Anyhow, on the assumption Julian will get caught here, it doesn;t sound like Wikileaks will disappear. It seems to be a project of quite a few different hackers, Julian is just the lightning rod.


Suez Canal
Suez Canal
December 2, 2010 2:37 pm

“Because … No, he’s the Centerfielder” — Abbott and Costello

December 2, 2010 2:48 pm

Administrator—I think you have RE on a retainer, kicking him back a % of the Amazon booty for every thumbs down he hits me with. If I set a record today, it will probably occur this evening on my comment on your other Wiki post.

December 2, 2010 2:55 pm

Did Casey know that Assange is a rapist?

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
December 2, 2010 2:57 pm

We should be giving Assange ticker tape parades for exposing the unbelievably corrupt, lying, cheating, murderous regime known as the US government. The MSM is asleep at the wheel and WikiLeaks has stepped into the breach.

Now, if only Americans would read what is being done in their name and react by withdrawing consent, maybe, just maybe, we can reclaim our country and our liberties. That would require a little work and some independent thought, so the chances of it reaching critical mass are very slim indeed.

December 2, 2010 3:08 pm

Administrator—-Don’t hold your breath while waiting.

December 2, 2010 3:12 pm

Judy—–That’s what we have here. A fugitive, pedophile, baby-raper being glorified for publishing stolen United States government documents.

December 2, 2010 4:15 pm
December 2, 2010 4:42 pm

I didn’t write that!!! Someone used my name.

December 2, 2010 4:46 pm

I’ll have to log in from now on to comment.

Signed – the REAL Judy

December 2, 2010 4:52 pm

Hi Real Judy – Maybe that person’s name was Judy too? I thought you were trying to start something with Jim, Judy! lol

December 2, 2010 4:55 pm

Maybe there is another Judy. But I think it was Smokey trying to pull me over to the dark side!
I would never start with Administrator, not using my real name anyway – hehe

December 2, 2010 4:59 pm

2 too many!

And I find it hard to believe there is another JUDY out there – can’t be!

December 2, 2010 5:07 pm

Judy—-It is your des tin y.

December 2, 2010 5:46 pm

Questions to those who think Assange did some terrible thing.


Have you actually read even any of the wiki documents? I highly doubt it. So, for you people, you are simply parrots … cowtowing the company line based on zero evidence.

But, here’s your chance to argue with facts. So get your Google fingers working and find me even just one document that is truly a breach of “national security”.

By the way … knowing that Col. Gadaffi ges botox injections from a large breasted Filipino woman doesn’t count! Good luck.

December 2, 2010 5:47 pm

Jim, There are still a few good journalists out there, such as Justin Raimondo at

December 2, 2010 6:01 pm

Stuck—–They aren’t after him for the docs. The warrants for him are because he raped a child. That’s the “some terrible thing”.

December 2, 2010 6:07 pm

And you actually believe that accusation? An accusation that occured just a few days after the leak? QUITE some coincidence there, eh? Please say “no”. You .. of all people .. believing some government sponsored bullshit. We really are doomed.

December 2, 2010 6:11 pm

Stuck—–Assange has already posted a military video stolen by Private Bradley Manning of a US helicopter wiping out a group of purported civilians on a downtown sidewalk in the Middle East. We’ve watched it on this site. Manning is in solitary confinement facing a court martial and then prison. JFC. How is that not a breach of national security?

December 2, 2010 6:50 pm

Now that JA is internationally recognized as a potential enemy of the state, People are now uniquely given an opportunity to form an official opinion regarding truthseekers using the Internet on a global scale.
This is a debate that world leaders want because it is one that they can manipulate with their usual tactic, FEAR.
Any person that fails to see JA as an opportunity for the global elite to use this fear to further censor the net is doing themselves a severe disservice just a few more miles down the road. JA has so far revealed that the world leaders call each other names and hold unofficial opinions toward each other and their countries. I’m shocked as no doubt they are shocked as well. Does anyone really think that these revelations are going to dramatically change International relations simply because world leaders now know what they have always known or at the very least suspected about each other.

This issue will be beat up to a point where people are forced to hold official Patriotic views toward anybody that uses the internet in search of the truth. We all will be tarred with the same brush my friends. This is most definately the thin edge of a much larger wedge than is currently apparent.
Smokey is only sticking up for what he feels is right, however he will lose more than he thinks. And as is always the case, these are the folks who will be the ones who Bitch the loudest and longest further down the road.

The search for the Truth cannot be divided.

December 2, 2010 6:58 pm

Administrator—–You’re confusing me and Stuck on the slaughter video. He’s on your side on this one.

December 2, 2010 7:23 pm

Going good Jimbo. It’s a lot of work but SJ is making enormous progress back to being well.

By the way, Smokey is correct … I’m on your side here regarding Assange.

Smokey, I too have seen the helicopter-mow-’em-down video. I don’t see how that is a breach of National Security. Am I less safe because that video was shown? I don’t think so. There have ALWAYS been photographers in wars … even back to the civil war. War is hell. War is brutal. Sometime it is the USA being brutal. I have zero problems with that vid being shown.

December 2, 2010 7:50 pm

Stuck——You may not have a problem with that video being shown. But here is the reality. Terrorists in the middle east jacked their dicks when that video was made public. Then they used it as a VERY CONVINCING tool to recruit other terrorists in their crusade to kill Americans. Now, you can rationalize and say we shouldn’t be over there, yada, yada, yada—. But strictly confining the discussion to whether or not the release of the classified video is likely to, in and of itself, cost American lives, I say without hesitation that that is an unqualified yes. —Al Jazeera has shown during the war, television broadcasts in the middle east of our MSM television clips of our own American news anchors protesting and motherfucking the war effort. Of Congressman John Murtha saying the American military cold-bloodedly murdered thousands of innocent citizens. These clips are the terrorists’ most effective recruiting tools. —–I also believe that the proper course is taking place with Private Bradley Manning, who is facing a court martial and then probably charges of treason. —–That video is EXACTLY the type of shit that gins up hate for America across the globe, and when we get hit 9/11style again, of course it WON’T be that video, HELL NO, it will be blowback.

December 2, 2010 8:43 pm

Smoke, your “reality” is full of crap. Civilians are the first victims in any conflict. Kids get killed by ricochets, baby sister gets raped by an invading soldier, three cousins get blown away by trying to run away from a road block, etc. etc.

War is nasty business which is why we (the FSofA) always tries to fight them on someone else turf.

As far as using videos of kill shots as recruiting tools, Islam doesn’t need them for that. They’ve been teaching kids since they were 3 years old that anyone who isn’t a rabid Islamic fascist are devils and need to be killed. The madrasahs have been drilling this into kids for 4-5-6 generations and are doing it today.

Those videos are for the MSM to use to show how cruel we are to tiny babies and an occasional new journalist who knows damn well (s)he’s taking ass in hand and gambling life and limb by being where (s)he is to get a story.

That video doesn’t drum up shit from shinola as far as propaganda is concerned – there’s far more blood and guts on the 6 million video games our teen age mental dwarfs play every day.

Now a nice video of a woman buried to her neck in hot sand being struck by fist sized rocks because she won’t marry the sadistic asshole her daddy wants to sell her too might make a good propaganda video but have you ever seen a real time video of such barbaric treatment by Islamic fundamentalists? Neither have I because that would cause some nice liberal pissants to puke their lunches as they watch the rocks draw blood. Our MSM couldn’t do that, of course as it might “offend” someone..


December 2, 2010 8:54 pm


December 2, 2010 9:07 pm

Muck—–If you think that that video is not used by terrorists to recruit, you have some serious misconceptions about the nature of the conflict. EVERY TIME an American MSM person motherfucks the war effort in this country, it is broadcast on Al Jazeera television to the Muslims. JFC, how can you not see that shit like that video gins up enormous anti-American sentiment abroad? Goddamn, Muck, do you think that type shit can be released with impunity and never any consequences? I mean, when you mention six million violent video games our teens play with, it’s kind of obvious that you don’t have a fucking clue what you’re talking about. Those games are as relevant to the Wiki fallout as the circumference of my dick. Stick with trading, Muck, because in this shit you’re in so far over your head that you’re drowning.

December 2, 2010 9:11 pm

Administrator—–I have never said that all Muslims hate us. I have said that probably only a small percentage, a few million of them, would prefer us dead. Some of the few million that hate us use the propaganda to recruit others to their cause. Read that several times and COMPREHEND it.

December 2, 2010 9:52 pm

I have no doubt that video was/is used as a recruiting tool.

But …. and I say this respectfully …. so what!

Those fanatics have ENDLESS recruiting tools. Hell, even a cartoon of Moe Hammid sends their tits in a ringer.

However, the difference with that video being used as a recruiting tool is that THAT is a LEGITIMATE reason to hate us. Maybe that’s what pisses you off … you don’t want to give crazy mooslims a real reason to hate us? I’ll bet you’d be pretty pissed if some foreign army came to your neighborhood and killed your friends.

December 2, 2010 10:05 pm

Stuck—-Check out the other post—“Buy the dip” with the 3 minute video posted earlier today.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
December 2, 2010 10:11 pm

Give me a hot iron and five minutes alone with each one.
I’ll tell you.

December 2, 2010 10:12 pm

“PHANTOM MUSLIM TERRORISTS”—-LOL—-Like the PHANTOM MUSLIM TERRORISTS that incinerated 4000 innocent American civilians on 9/11/2001, the SECOND time the WTC was hit in a decade. Let me guess, that was blowback.—–Or perhaps it was as a regularly featured columnist on this site, Paul Craig Roberts, claims, an inside job by our own people.

December 2, 2010 10:21 pm

They are not phantom – just hard to see in the crowd.

December 2, 2010 10:44 pm

Admin/Smokey/Stuck et al

The “controversial” video clearly shows the photographer carrying an assault rifle while running down the street with a group ot terrorists, or whatever the fuck they’re called these days. Controversy not quite over. It was still successfully used against us.

December 3, 2010 2:51 am

Smokey said: “That video is EXACTLY the type of shit that gins up hate for America across the globe”

no Smokey, you have a warped vision here. exterminating with a 30mm chain gun a familly including 2 young daughters and 2 journalists from Reuters + the people that came to take them to the hospital is EXACTLY the type of shit that gins up hate for America across the globe.
and even more when this country is here illegaly without declaration of war.
and even WAY more when a SOB of officer denies access to US medical facility to the 2 girls and send them to their death. this way of doing is worth the Germans during WW2. no one can support this.

December 3, 2010 3:25 am

Nice post, Stuck.

December 3, 2010 7:45 am

Somehow, I don’t think the terrists need the “light em up” video to recruit. What they see often enough, and we don’t. are drone strikes. Collateral damage. Did you know the software that controls the drone is flawed? I did, it’s right on the intertubes, LOL. And you can bet ~they~ know it.

Then there’s the wedding parties, funerals … checkpoints … and friendly fire.

Maybe you think they are third-world losers, but their online Inspire magazine certainly showed how cleverly they can plan low-cost attacks. Six brothers and $4200 and the cargo bomb ploy worked to perfection. Now that’s leverage. Incidentally, doesn’t even one person thinks it curious, other than me, how the specific cargo details were passed to Western intelligence by Saudi Arabia?

One thing I’ve been wondering, ever since I worked in Saudi Arabia, if Islam is so monolithic, how come the Shia-Sunni schism? And the rest of the variations …

December 3, 2010 8:32 am

NOVISTA – They learned from christianity.

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