When you see the right and left apoplectic about the same organization, you know they are doing the right thing. Wikileaks is exposing the world leaders as buffoons, liars, killers and criminals. What is wrong with that? Sarah Palin and her band of conservative christian extremists are being revealed for what they are. They don’t give a shit about freedom and liberty. If they did, they would applaud Julian Assange as a patriot for truth. He isn’t getting rich off of his website, while Palin, Beck, and the rest of the Fox News crew are raking in millions by stirring up the ignorant masses. Doug Casey, as usual, makes the case for freedom, truth and liberty. Here are three gems from the interview:

“Shining a light on the sociopaths who hide in the dark places under the rocks of government is always a good thing.”

“Crooks should not get away with their crimes just because they hold lofty titles, wear spiffy uniforms, and call their crimes great deeds necessitated by “national security,” “economic stimulus,” or whatever other nonsensical lies they come up with.”

“If you aren’t prepared to accept the consequences of something, don’t do it.”

Doug Casey on Wikileaks

(Interviewed by Louis James, Editor, International Speculator)

L: So, Doug, North Korea shelled South Korea – do you think that’s the sound of an approaching black swan we hear?

Doug: It could be, but I doubt North Korea wants a real war, and South Korea absolutely wants to avoid one. Of course, North Korea’s government is a hereditary monarchy, run by the thoroughly degraded Kim family – which is a bit confusing, in that everybody in Korea is either a Kim, a Park, or a Lee. Who knows what’s going on in the abnormal psychology of Kim Jong-Il, or whoever is really running the place? It’s perverse. North Korea is already a wasteland, so a war would do them relatively less harm; in a way they have nothing to lose. South Korea is a G20 economy, however, so even if they win a shooting match in short order, they still lose, in terms of the damage they would suffer in the process.

From a realpolitik point of view, it makes sense for the North to occasionally kill a few South Koreans, make threatening noises, and keep the “us vs. them” rhetoric hot. It provides an excuse for their extraordinarily low standard of living, and a reason for having a police state. They use nationalism and patriotism very effectively to prop up their pathetic regime. In that regard, they are like most governments, just more extreme. But I consider the chances of an actual war to be slim.

It was interesting to see gold shoot up the day the Koreas traded artillery shells. Coincidentally, it was just after the EU’s announcement that all is well and everyone can go back to spending as usual. I don’t think it’s likely that the Koreas will go for all-out war and push the teetering global economy over the edge. But it’s possible, because we’re dealing with certifiable lunatics. It’s more likely the EU itself will provide a black swan event. The bankruptcy of the euro, and then the EU, was always inevitable. It may now be imminent as well.

Regarding North Korea, though, what’s really interesting is the information leaked through Wikileaks that China – basically their only supporter – may be pulling back its support. The Chinese can see that maintaining a lunatic regime in North Korea no longer serves any useful purpose. They don’t need a loose cannon on their border. I expect it will collapse in the near term. The Chinese, likely with the collusion of some North Korean generals, will oust the Kims, and set up something that’s less of a liability.

L: I saw that news. It’s quite striking that after the wikileak, some Chinese officials have apparently come out and said that they do, in fact, favor reunification of the Koreas.

Doug: The whole idea of Wikileaks is terrific. They’ve become one of the most important watchdog organizations on the planet, helping to expose a lot of government action for what it really is.

This latest leak of a quarter of a million classified U.S. embassy cables is quite a coup, not just for revealing China’s changing attitudes about North Korea, but for exposing discussions the U.S. had with other countries about bombing Iran, espionage conducted by U.S. diplomats in Paraguay, Chinese government attacks on Google, and more mundane things like the lavish lifestyles of Kazakhstan’s political elite.
Shining a light on the sociopaths who hide in the dark places under the rocks of government is always a good thing. Just as they recently did in their exposé of what is going on with the counterproductive U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s great to have a whistleblower organization like them. Julian Assange, who runs it, is a hero, and deserves the Nobel Peace Prize – although it’s a shame that prize has become so meaningless and degraded.

L: The more skeptical people become of the Right and Honorable So-And-So, the better.

Doug: Exactly. And on a more fundamental philosophical level, this is in keeping with my sense of justice. Crooks should not get away with their crimes just because they hold lofty titles, wear spiffy uniforms, and call their crimes great deeds necessitated by “national security,” “economic stimulus,” or whatever other nonsensical lies they come up with.

I’m fond of saying, “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law – but be prepared to accept the consequences.” Well, exposing secrets is an important part of enabling the natural consequences for dastardly deeds to follow.

The whole idea of “national security” has gotten completely out of control. It has about zero to do with protecting what little is left of America; it’s all about protecting, and building, the U.S. government, and the people who participate in it and profit from it. People fail to understand that the USG doesn’t represent them, or care about them – or at least not any more than a farmer cares about his milk cows. It’s an entity unto itself at this point. It has its own interests, which have only an accidental or coincidental overlap with those of America. Government is by its very nature duplicitous and predatory; it always puts itself first. By cynically paying lip service to traditional values, and whipping up a nationalistic, patriotic fervor, they can get Boobus americanus to go along with almost anything they propose. Just like Boobus north koreansis.

L: Hm. Sarah Palin apparently does not agree with you about Wikileaks. She’s reported as going on record saying that Wikileaks personnel should be treated like terrorists.

Doug: And people thought I was being too hard on the Tea Party movement. This is exactly the sort of knee-jerk conservative reaction that shows that such people really don’t care about freedom at all. I suspect Palin is cut from the same cloth as Baby Bush – ignorant, unintelligent, thoughtless, reactionary, and pig-headed. She belongs on reality TV, not in a position where she could damage the lives of billions of people.

L: The report says she wants to know why governments didn’t hack the Wikileaks website. Well, apparently somebody did last Sunday when these secret diplomatic cables were leaked – and who is a more likely culprit than the U.S. government? On the bright side, the attack failed. A handful of nonviolent individuals took on the world’s greatest superpower, as a matter of principle, and won. That just goes to show yet again how technological advances tend to flatten the power pyramid of society.

Doug: Yes; we talked about that in our conversation on technology. Every advance in technology puts the little guy on a more even footing with those at the top of the intra-human food chain. This is why the Colt revolver became known as “the great equalizer.” For the first time, the little guy was not only the equal of the big guy but, because he presented a smaller target, was his superior.

The Internet is the best thing that’s happened for freedom since the invention of the printing press. Technology is the biggest force for individual liberty, and politics the main enemy of it. But people idiotically idolize politicians and generals much more than scientists and inventors. Despite that, with the development of very powerful, homemade laser weapons, and 3D printers that will soon allow anyone to make almost anything, at trivial cost in their garage, the cat will soon be out of the bag. We should discuss those in the future. These things are very opportune at the very time that the bloated states of the world are going into collapse, much like the Roman Empire in the 5th century.

L: In an interesting counterpoint, Reuters reports that Hillary Clinton defended Wikileaks, even as she arrived in Kazakhstan at the same time as the embarrassing assessment of Kazakh leadership was leaked. Sometimes liberals do defend liberal ideas, like freedom of the press.

Doug: Sometimes. But not if it’s politically incorrect press. You can rely on them only to make government larger and more expensive at every turn – that you can rely upon like a Swiss train. Hillary – like any Secretary of State – is a skilled and enthusiastic liar. Her stock in trade is deception. Everything she says is intended to forward her drive to be the President. I wonder if she’d be worse than Palin? But that’s like asking if Nero would be worse than Caligula.

L: No argument from me on that. And you know I agree with you on the watchdog principle, but what if they go after private-sector entities? CNN reports that Wikileaks’ next target is a major U.S. bank.

Doug: It’s a mistake to think of banks in the U.S. as being private sector entities. U.S. banks got into bed with the state decades ago, and got even more closely entwined via the latest set of regulations, and bailouts. At this point they’re really parastatal entities. Plus, I’d guess that whatever whistle-blowing Wikileaks is planning, it probably has to do with the bailouts or other government interactions with the banks anyway – exactly the type of thing that needs to be exposed.

L: Fine, but their mission is not to fight the state, but simply to publish “important” news and information. What if someone uses their secure drop-box technology to reveal salacious material on private individuals… say, a complete list of all of Doug Casey’s mistresses?

Doug: Unfortunately, that list would be rather small at the moment. Not that Wikileaks would deem that sort of thing important enough to bother with. But, look, it doesn’t matter; there are tabloids that cover that ground already, and they get the respect they deserve. If you aren’t prepared to accept the consequences of something, don’t do it. The only sure way to avoid having your mistresses exposed, if you really don’t want that to happen, is not to have mistresses.

L: So… do you believe in a human right to privacy?

Doug: In the sense of having a right to remain silent, yes. No one should ever be forced to reveal anything they don’t want to reveal. But in the sense of stopping other people from saying, publishing, or broadcasting information about you, no. The information in their heads is theirs, and they have a right to do whatever they want with it. If it happens to be about you and you don’t like it, tough. Develop better security measures. Or better, “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.”

L: What about libel?

Doug: If information put out by others about you is wrong, defend yourself with the truth. If you have a solid reputation accumulated over years of interactions with many people, your side of the story should get a good hearing. If you’ve been a jerk to many people, or not always honest, you’ll have a tougher time – which is as it should be.

The potential harm that lies might do does not justify giving power to the state to control what other people say – that’s a far greater harm. A complete free market in information will necessarily make people much more discriminating, and less gullible. They’ll become much less likely to believe things without solid evidence.

L: Sounds a bit like an intellectual Wild West.

Doug: Yes, but that’s a good thing. We have laws against libel and slander now, and people violate them constantly. It’s not just ineffective, it’s counterproductive, because the existence of libel laws makes people more likely to believe what they hear. In a society without laws against libel, people would be much more skeptical, and the potential harm from lies would be diminished.

L: I can see that… and why you favor the Wikileaks technology. You remain an optimist; things have to get worse before they can get better, but the longest term trend of them all is “the ascent of man.”

Doug: Yes. The trend is towards rapidly accelerating advances in technology. So, certainly in this case, the trend is your friend. Don’t fear technology – it’s what brought us out of the caves and primeval slime – it’s everybody’s best friend.

L: After the dog?

Doug: Poodles in particular. I suspect this isn’t the time for a sidebar on standard poodles. But I will mention it’s one of the many subjects on which I’m in total agreement with my friend Richard Russell.

L: Poodles. I’m not going to go there now. Perhaps we can discuss animals and their rights, or lack thereof, in some future edition. How about investment implications?

Doug: Unfortunately Wikileaks is not itself an investment opportunity, being a non-profit organization.

L: If it was for profit, would you invest?

Doug: I’d have to look at the actual business model and projections, but there’s reason to be skeptical. By its nature, Wikileaks is always going to be outside the mainstream of the economy, with rabid governments trying to shut it down, maybe even imprison its people, as they get more desperate. This thing has “scapegoat” written all over it. I hear Interpol has suddenly decided to bring Assange in on charges of sexual assault – transparency and accepting the consequences of his actions should apply to him, like anyone else, but I’m very suspicious of the timing of these accusations. Wikileaks is an encrypted, moving target, but a target nonetheless.

L: Do you contribute to Wikileaks? You like the service, but don’t believe in charity.

Doug: I wouldn’t consider it charity; I value their service. If I sent them money it would be because I want to show support, and reward their efforts. Sending them money, and giving them other support, amounts to a fair exchange, in my view. Not because of charity, which very often just assuages the guilt of the donor, while subtly encouraging bad habits in the recipient.

L: Okay. So, other than as yet another straw in the wind – evidence of the approach of the end game for the current global economic order (the latest implications of which we’ll cover in The Casey Report in two days) – are there any other investment implications?

Doug: Well, this is also a technology story. Wikileaks itself is not an investment opportunity, but there are new technologies that are fantastic opportunities. Not to be overly promotional here, but Alex Daley does an excellent job of covering this beat in our Casey’s Extraordinary Technology newsletter.

L: Roger that.

Notify of
Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 4, 2010 9:18 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 4, 2010 10:00 pm

Smokey has clearly been obliterated. Even his Butt Buddies LLPOH and SSS haven’t returned to back up his pathetic arguments. Exposed for what he is, a complete LOSER and blowhard with no intellectual backup for his confused and disgusting ideology. It is a Shining Day here on TBP to see his Ideological Vapidity exposed for all the wolrd to see. I am greatful to have witnessed this.


December 4, 2010 10:05 pm

RE—-I would like to thank you for taking the Administrator’s cock out of your mouth long enough to post a five line comment. That must be the shortest post you’ve ever made on TBP.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 4, 2010 10:26 pm

I’ll post a shorter one here. Eat Shit and Die, Asshole.


December 4, 2010 10:36 pm


I’m on the road again and using a computer in the motel lobby. Sorry I couldn’t stick around and help you with the total bloodbath you’ve brought to this post. Admin’s performance has been a crushing disappointment to me. He made his biggest mistake when he posted that funny picture above. I know for a fact that Avalon took that picture of JQ when she visited him in the hospital this morning.

Well done, Smokey.

December 4, 2010 10:52 pm

SSS—–I appreciate your showing up last night. I was growing weary of bitch slapping RE and thrashing the Administrator, until your arrival gave me a chance to catch a second wind. It’s been a fucking cakewalk today. I’m sure RE is thoroughly peeved by now. The only action he gets on this board is by awarding himself thumbs up and by other bloggers making shit of him. Nobody reads his posts except to remind him that he is a psychotic fool in need of help. He gets his worthless ass exiled everywhere he goes because everyone knows he’s sick.

December 4, 2010 11:02 pm

I congratulate Assange for making it clear how the neo-cons and the Mossad have infiltrated Saudi Arabia in order to make that monarchy a tool of Israel’s interests.

Those rascals!

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 4, 2010 11:14 pm

NeoCon 69! Please ignore SSS and Smokey exchanging Throat Yogurt if you value your sanity.


December 4, 2010 11:56 pm

Smokey smokes my pole.

Kill Bill, that admin is one bad ass pussy huh? (Pic)

December 5, 2010 4:05 am

RE – I have been unavailable tho it looked like Smokey held his own. I am not sure I would have been involved anyway.

Everyone knows when it comes to the mid-east the Admin is a liberal pussy (just couldn’t resist getting involved a bit in the end, Admin) who rolls over and hopes he will get his belly rubbed.
And Smokey would happily see the whole place turned into a parking lot.

These are two diametrically opposed positions and neither tend to lend themselves to negotiation and compromise.

I tend to lean toward the parking lot scenario but would rather see us beat feet out of the whole area.

I think the wars are over stability, fear of what Isreal would do if left alone, and oil. In no particular order.

RE, it is safe to say that I would be likely opposite you on any issue. Sanity isn’t in your genetic makeup. Smokey is generally quite sane. I like his aggression, too, of course, as it is my natural condition as well.

So you can of course kiss my ass.

December 5, 2010 4:07 am

Snake – sounds like Smokey has cut your dick off and is roasting it over a slow fire. Surprised he could find it.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 5, 2010 5:05 am


Not any issue. I am quite sure we both agree on the Right to Bear Arms and use them to defend yourself and your loved ones. I think we also both agree that Helicopter Ben should be punished for his Crimes Against Humanity, though we might differ some on precisely what that punishment should be. I think we both agree Obama is an idiot, I think we both agree that Socialism cannot work in a shrinking economy, I think we both agree that Goobermint has been captured by the TBTF Banks.

However, beyond those areas of agreement, yes our areas of disagreement are vast, and not even Evil Knievel could jump that chasm.


December 5, 2010 6:50 am

RE – yup. There are a couple we will agree on. Bummer.

December 5, 2010 7:02 am

Smokey and LLPOH,
not comfortables when it comes to make the difference between an America hater, a regular Muslim, a Shia, a guy that fight for his land, someone that want to avenge a relative, a fundamentalist, an Al-Quaeda member, a false flag dickhead, ect…

the world is WAY to much complicated for pea brains like you.
my advice: buy a PS3 and call of duty black ops. it will suit your black and white understanding of the world. it is not like you’ve been taught…sorry. stay home, it sucks outside.

December 5, 2010 9:03 am

The cocksucker known as RE said this to SSS;
“Idiots like yourself who went and fought in Vietnam …”

Calling a Vietnam veteran an idiot, eh?

You are a bigger fucking lowlife piece of shit than I even imagined. Good thing I don’t know where you live. I’d stomp on your face until your brains oozed out of every oriface. You lowlife, cocksucking piece of shit excuse of a human being.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 5, 2010 9:14 am

Stuck, its not the fact that SSS is a Vietnam Vet that makes him so despicable, its the fact that he is unrepentant as to his role as a soldier for the Illuminati. Lots of folks get trapped into being soldiers, only a few will escape and cross borders like the heroes who fought against Vietnam did when they crossed over to Canada and went Expat in those days. You yourself are considering going expat now, aren’t you? You expressed interest in Oz and NZ in another thread.

SSS is a scumbag neocon who supports just about anything the FSofA military will do to enslave and destroy other cultures, and he himself participated in that venture in Vietnam. He is not repentent for his participation as a tool of the Illuminati, and it is for that he will be Damned to Everlasting Torment Burning in the Fires of Hell, not for the simple act of becoming a soldier. Most soldiers are innocents, they re trapped into it and there is no alternative for them but to kill or be killed. Not so for SSS. He had a choice, he still has a choice. He chooses not to repent, and so he is dmaned to Hell. So be it.


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 5, 2010 9:31 am

Jim, if there is one thing I am good at, its getting people UPSET. You are pretty good also though 🙂

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 5, 2010 10:04 am

Jim, if there is one thing I am good at, its getting people UPSET. You are pretty good also though 🙂

Hah! Im impossible to get upset. For some reason that seems to upset people especially when I tell them I dont do groups or belong to any. Guess it removes the usual pundit piss talking points they have have spent so much time entering into their binary pink matter.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 5, 2010 10:17 am

Kill Bill, that admin is one bad ass pussy huh? -=Snake=-

Dont mess with El Gato. =P

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 5, 2010 10:22 am

I once was into all the conspiratorial stuff, RE, and since you are, it seems, check out the red symphony. [if you havent already]

December 5, 2010 10:42 am

Jim — When I was mean to you and wished bodily harm upon you — you did not retaliate. Instead you turned the other cheek. You have been kind to me and my family. You are indeed filled with the Holy Spirit. A curse be upon me if I were to show anger again unto the Lord’s annointed one.

But RE does not fall in that category.

Yet —- I heaped all kinds of vile names on RE as well as extreme bodily harm. But his response to me? Not one single bad word! No retaliation at all. It seems to me that on this Sunday morning that he is attempting also to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Perhaps you can give him some assistance.

May the Lord’s peace and grace fall upon us all in this heated debate.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 5, 2010 11:01 am

Stuck, there is value in Turning the Other Cheek at times 🙂

I am not a one trick pony who spits napalm endlessly. Your post, while quite vile required a different kind of response. I perceive you as being redeemable, I do not think you are yet consigned to Everlasting Damnation. So I give to you Grace, and I respond to you with honesty and at least try to keep from spitting vitriole at you. Same is true for LLPOH, who though I find to be quite repulsive in his beliefs, I do not think he is compeltely unsalvageable.

Not so for SSS or Smokey of course. No Preaching can salvage this kind of scum. I will rain down Hellfire on them for so long as the Internet is up and running, and for so long as I can keyboard it out at 100 WPM. LOL.


December 5, 2010 11:03 am

Awoken? I’m biding my time, trying to decide whether your fragile existence can withstand yet another humiliating and devastating slapdown in front of your adoring minions.

December 5, 2010 11:10 am

RE—-I’m fucking shaking in my boots. Yes, I’m truly terrified of the wrath directed at me from a psychotic fool so deranged that he has fled society to await the end of days eating rice and beans in a fallout shelter, while he endlessly blogs lunatic nonsense about the violent fall of civilization at the hands of giant corporations.

December 5, 2010 11:20 am

It appears that Smokey has no desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Nodding off at your son’s Confirmation??? I FEAR for you Jim!! Are you not familiar with Acts 20:9 ? (Acts is a book in the Bible.) Here ya go;

“Seated in a window was a young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep as Paul talked on and on. When he was sound asleep, he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead.”

You are lucky to still be with the living after that shameful act of yours!

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 5, 2010 11:38 am


Listen Dickwad, I haven’t “fled society”. I have a job and work for a living. Do YOU? I just live at the far EDGE of the society, as far away as I can possibly get and still have a connection to the internet. I don’t generally live on Rice and Beans, although I occassionally experiment with it to test out my preps. Mostly I eat Alaskan King Crab, Caribou Steaks, Moose Burgers and nice Rib Eye Steaks I buy at the local Safeway Industrial Food Distributor.

Far as being terrified goes, you should be. You are utterly DAMNED, and no amount of penitance could ever keep you from your destiny Burning in Hell. Parasites like you are the reason our society is collapsing. Fortunately your kind wil not last long here. You will Eat Shit and Die.


December 5, 2010 11:41 am

LLPOH—-“I have been unavailable, tho it looked like Smokey held his own.”—-ROFLMFAO—–That’s like saying the US held it’s own in WWII against Japan.

December 5, 2010 11:45 am

RE—-Hell is a myth perpetrated by dupes like you.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 5, 2010 11:50 am

Smokey-That is what EVERYONE headed for Hell believes.

See You on the Other Side. I’ll be the guy shitting on you from above.


December 5, 2010 11:55 am

Agreed—Hell was trying to log on to that broken POS. —-Hell on TBP #3 is reading the entire length of an RE posted article without falling asleep or throwing up.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 5, 2010 12:07 pm

I shall then endeavor to make my posts ever longer in the future 🙂 You aint seen NOTHING yet. 5,000 Words? Chump Change. I can print words faster then Helicopter Ben can print money, and that is no easy task, believe you me. LOL.

Get Ready Little Lady, HELL is Coming to Breakfast.


December 5, 2010 5:39 pm

Smokey – I am really disappointed. I was so looking forward to Admin responding to my comment about getting his belly rubbed. He does know better than to take on two war fronts at once.

December 5, 2010 5:45 pm

LLPOH—-He’s a glutton. He put up a new feature post about the Fourth Turning today. I’m getting ready to light his fat ass up over on that thread.

December 5, 2010 5:51 pm

Smokey – Did you see Jimski slay our old buddy RE on his latest fantasy Of Casles and mountains?

December 5, 2010 6:19 pm

Thanks for the heads up, LLPOH.

December 5, 2010 7:08 pm

In your dreams.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 5, 2010 7:13 pm

Boston University School of Law warning students to stay away from WikiLeaks material.

Today I received information about Wikileaks that I want to pass on to you. This is most relevant if you are going to apply for or have already applied for federal government positions. Two big factors in hiring for many federal government positions are determining if the applicants have good judgment and if they know how to deal with confidential/classified information. The documents released by Wikileaks remain classified; thus, reading them, passing them on, commenting on them may be seen as a violation of Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information. See Section 5.5 (Sanctions).

For many federal government jobs, applicants must obtain security clearances. There are various levels of security checks, but all federal positions require background checks. As part of such checks, social media may be researched to see what you are up to, so DO NOT post links to the documents or make comments on any social media sites. Moreover, polygraphs are conducted for the highest levels of security clearance.

I have not yet heard any fallout about specific individuals, but we wanted to give you this take on the situation.

Maura Kelly
Assistant Dean for Career Development and Public Service

I wonder if Jims school has gotten a letter like this yet

December 5, 2010 9:44 pm


Back from a short vacation from my vacation. Yuma AZ was unseasonably cool. That town has to have the greatest density of mobile home and RV parks of any town on the planet.

Now, then. Your and others’ oil-based arguments for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are total blather. Afghanistan was attacked because its government harbored and protected the terrorist group which attacked the U.S. on 9/11. That’s an act of war. End of story. Iraq was attacked, primarily, because of faulty intelligence on WMD (oops) and support of terrorist groups, including al Qaeda, to which they gave a non-contested sanctuary in northeastern Iraq. Bush sold Iraq as part of the Axis of Evil, and the public and Congress bought it. No mention of oil. End of story.

Your linkeage to oil doesn’t stand up to even casual scrutiny. Your only selling point for this non-existent linkeage is, nine years later, it “makes sense” to an increasing number of people who are becoming aware of the dwindling supplies of oil to an increasing global demand.

If the U.S. government is so fucking smart and prescient about oil, why didn’t we just finish the job in Iraq in 1991? Or 2003? Just take the fucking Iraqi oil fields and be done with it. The federal government, as you have pointed out so many times in so many different ways, is so fucking stupid that it has to have someone tie its shoelaces in the morning. So we await your twisted logic that this is all about oil in the Middle East.


YOU are damning me to Hell? You? I had no idea whom I was up against. Your awesome power is indeed humbling and terrifying.

One tiny point on your statement, “Most soldiers are innocents, they’re trapped into it and there is no alternative for them but to kill or be killed.” Trapped? No alternative? You are aware that the U.S. armed forces have been all-volunteer for several decades, aren’t you?

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
December 5, 2010 9:57 pm

I am not Damning you to Hell SSS, God is. I am just the Messenger 🙂

Yes indeed, the CURRENT military is “volunteer”, but it wasn’t back in the day of Vietnam, now was it? However, I’ll bet you volunteered to serve the Illuminati even before you got your Draft Card. You are so dimwitted and brainwashed this would have made sense to you at the time.

Nowadays, while the military seems “volunteer” for poor foks with no other job opportunities, signing up for a nice paycheck and the opportunity to see the world and frag a few Towel Heads along the way seems like a better choice than ending up dead or in prison here in the FSofA. You know where they got the Dirty Dozen, right? From the Prison. The army just legitimizes psychopaths like yourself to go out and KILL KILL KILL. You are a sick and disturbed individual.


December 5, 2010 10:04 pm

Admin – I appreciate you may have too busy to reply properly to my taunt, but I figure that this had a little bit to do with it:[imgcomment image?1B608EE7AFCE3765E176F3C6FBB98002B3D18C64572F2307D76FA574A675F9BBCC3B[/img]

December 5, 2010 10:08 pm

LOL—-RE claiming to be a Messenger from God and calling SSS a sick and disturbed individual.

December 5, 2010 10:15 pm

Administrator—–If you are going to post an article about war for oil, please consider the ramifications carefully beforehand. You may leave me no choice but to give you a thrashing that your reputation will not soon recover from.