Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has been shot, along with a number of her staff, at a Safeway in Tucson. This is a tragedy for her family and the families of those who have been shot. A gunman ambushed her at point blank range. It looks like 4 others were killed. The gunman was shot and apprehended. My prayers are with the victims and their families.

Now the repercussions will be felt. Is he a terrorist? My guess is that it is unlikely. Will he be tied to the Tea Party? That seems like a strong possibility. Will this incident be used as a further excuse for the government to crackdown on the citizens of this country? Absolutely. Will the MSM use this incident as a storyline to create fear that any dissent, whether vocally at town hall meetings or on websites like TBP is dangerous? You bet your ass they will.

Is this murder some sort of tipping point event that pits the citizens against government, Wall Street, and the ruling elite? Probably not, but it will be interesting to see if there are more incidents. I’m actually surprised that no high level bank executives have been assassinated by someone who has been victimized by their criminal banks.

Is this an isolated incident or the start of something larger? I don’t know. What do you think?

Arizona congresswoman among 12 shot at Tucson grocery

By the CNN Wire Staff
January 8, 2011 2:17 p.m. EST

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was holding a constituent meeting at the grocery store when she and others were shot.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was holding a constituent meeting at the grocery store when she and others were shot.

  • U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords among 12 shot at Tucson grocery store
  • Her condition is unknown
  • Giffords was holding a consituent meeting at the store
  • The shooting happened just after 10 a.m. MST at a Safeway store
  • Share your accounts, images from the shooting with CNN iReport.

    (CNN) — At least 12 people were shot at a Tucson grocery store on Saturday, and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was among them, a Democratic party source told CNN.

    Giffords, 40, was holding a constituent meeting at the grocery store when the shooting occurred, according to a schedule posted on her website.

    CNN could not confirm conditions for Giffords or any of the others wounded, but the Tuscon Citizen newspaper was reporting that Giffords was shot in the head.

    The Democratic source described the situation as “pretty serious,”

    The shooting occurred at a Safeway shortly after 10 a.m. MST, according to sheriff’s spokesman Deputy Jason Ogan.

    Several shot at Tuscon grocery store

    Pictures from the scene showed a Giffords banner hanging from the storefront.

    At least two victims with gunshot wounds were transported at Northwest Medical Center, according to spokesman Richard Parker.

    “They’ve been coming in the last 10 minutes. I’m not sure of the severity of their injuries,” he said.

    Ogan said he did not have conditions on any of the wounded and said the motive for the shooting is unclear.

    “We’re just trying to sort this out right now,” he said.

    An employee of a nearby business, Jason Pekau, told CNN that he heard “15 to 20 gunshots.”

    Giffords, a Democrat, was first elected in 2006. She has served as chairwoman of the House Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee and also holds seats on the House Science and Technology and Armed Services committees.

    Notify of
    January 8, 2011 9:47 pm

    The result will be another 5,000 Federal employees in the form of Secret Service Agents, hand picked for their stupidity and ability to take idiotic orders who will follow each U.S. Congress/Senate person into the bathroom to insure the toilet paper roll isn’t a bomb in disguise!

    They will test the toilet paper prior to each Congress/Senate person taking a crap, making sure the toilet stall is sanitized against any foreign or domestic terrorist incursion by using the latest in surveillance technology which will insure that each Congresscritter has a clean ass after each movement and the toilet is completely clean for the next user.

    All videotape of such surveillance will be stored for a minimum of 60 days for review by the highest Authority available to insure that all provisions of the new Constitutional Amendment proposed by the new Speaker of the House are satisfied.

    Said Amendment clarifies the “Clean Ass Act” of 2011 to insure that no Congresscritter gets accused of having any dirty dealings with any Lobbyist registered to kiss their ass.

    January 8, 2011 11:26 pm

    I thought I posted something earlier, but I can’t find it here. Blame it on the Stella Artois and Xanax. I will be short:
    Fuck Sarah Palin
    Fuck any dirt bag politician, or pundit, that will spin the death of a 9 year old to push their agenda
    Fuck this asshole dick-head who took innocent lives and ruined the lives of others
    Fuck the pentagon and politicians for pushing needles and endless wars for profit
    Fuck Dick Cheney, George Bush and the rest of the war mongers, because when you turn 18-19 year olds into killing machines this is what you get. There are thousands of these same fuck-wads roaming our streets every day, trained to kill and taught lives are expendable, shipped across the world to fight “terrorists” and then brought back here and discharged into the mainstream to work at Papa Johns or Home Depot.
    When I was this guy’s age, I was mounting tires at the local repair shop, drinking beer with my freinds and chasing tail. This useless fuck was trained how to kill people and spent his time posting my space bullshit and disturbing videos and then eventually butchering innocent civilians.
    I hope all the neo-cons are happy, here is the result of your un-relenting desire for bloodshed.
    And by the way, Fuck the Tea Party too, what a bunch of bullshit. They don’t speak for me, and besides Ron Paul, I haven’t heard anyone from Washington utter a sentence I either believe or accept as sensible.
    I don’t care if this lady was a blue-dog dem or Nancy Pelosi clone, this is not acceptable.

    Jim, can you come up with some TBP barf-bags in your junk box? I think I am gonna hurl!

    January 8, 2011 11:41 pm


    Barf bags are available at the new TBP Merchandise Store, which is located in the upper right hand column between Random Quote and Recent Comments. Click on the icon, go to the site, and look for the item entitled Coffee Mugs. These are disguised “green” barf bags and can be recycled hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Only $14.80 per bag, $16.80 for the deluxe bag. Look for the 15% discount coupon and save!!!

    E. Victor Debs
    E. Victor Debs
    January 8, 2011 11:52 pm

    It’s simply another sycophant douche bag TEA BAG party ass wipe who resorted to violence with a weapon. (they can’t resort to using their minds or their hands) They should ALL be exiled from my country and be banished to another 3rd world hell hole which is a neo con’s wet dream. These bed wetting neo cons will kill for the best government that money can buy!!! May they burn alive; may they burn in hell 4 ever!!

    January 8, 2011 11:55 pm

    freeeeeeekin officials hand the jETS the win with no calls on TWO consecutive red zone pass interference incidents. oh….. thats right- i forgot- its a business , not a real game. oh well, at least BREES is out for ‘da season as well… Congrats Rex. Enjoy those feet fetish vids later tonight at the swinger bash in the heated garage !! suck a toe for us too buddy !

    Topper Hidrow Carban
    Topper Hidrow Carban
    January 9, 2011 12:02 am

    For the record, it appears she didn’t make that statement to General Petraeus. Apparently it was made up by one of her political opponents. Of course you can’t believe anything on the internet. Its a big dumpster dive.

    January 9, 2011 12:11 am

    not to be gross, but I would need a TBP wheelbarrow. When I hurl, I don’t fuck around. Thanks for the tip though, and sorry your fair city had to deal with a day like today.

    January 9, 2011 12:17 am

    Matt — the douchebad did NOT serve in the military. He applied. He was rejected.

    January 9, 2011 12:26 am

    Sooner or later, some fuckstick like E. Victor Debs had to show up with a statement like, “It’s simply another sycophant douche bag TEA BAG party ass wipe who resorted to violence with a weapon.”

    Quinn nailed it about 2 hours after the shootings. Let the finger-pointing begin,

    January 9, 2011 12:44 am

    SSS – fucksticks would be rightly insulted to be compared to that monumental douchebag Debs.

    January 9, 2011 12:47 am


    I swear to God that you and Quinn deserve at least a nomination for a Pulitzer Prize for “local reporting.” First, you both publish all these links to Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube. All accurately related to the suspected shooter. Belatedly reported in detail at 5 PM (!!!!) by our local media. 7 fucking hours after the fact.

    Then you, Stucky, print that the “Afghan veteran” legend for the shooter is a lie. Something the local media has left hanging out there. Still.

    Think about that. A Pulitzer Prize for 2 people who live 2,500 miles away from the story. For “local reporting” no less. Pretty fucking amazing, IMHO.

    January 9, 2011 12:58 am

    Maybe Admin and Stuck can get a job at Fox?

    January 9, 2011 2:14 am

    What is a Black Swan?

    Well, some unknown nut guy assassinated an Austrian archduke of little significance back in 1914. It triggered a Black Swan event. Because imperial powers have been building up dangerously behind the scene, and all it took was a trigger.

    The irreconcilable, extremely polarized differences in all manner of ideology, policy and practical practices in the USA has been building up for quite a while. It has already put the country in seizure mode. The hatred is deep because the pain is deep. All it will take is a trigger. Some nut, some crackpot stressed out guy. In a country loaded with 200 million firearms in private hands. And unleash the Black Swan.

    Opinionated Bloviator
    Opinionated Bloviator
    January 9, 2011 3:13 am

    And so it begins, many americans regard Congress as traitors I wonder how many more will be gunned down before we end up in a police state.

    January 9, 2011 6:03 am

    Opinionated Bloviator says:

    And so it begins, many americans regard Congress as traitors I wonder how many more will be gunned down before we end up in a police state.

    you are ALREADY in a police state. to say the least

    January 9, 2011 8:28 am

    FSofA, ,
    Ruined households for political grandor and some FRNs from Fox. K Denninger and P Krugman
    are both plush teddy bears when it comes about the MSM.

    My condolences to those families facing such a tragedy.

    January 9, 2011 8:47 am

    Already hearing about security for CONgress. It would be a new agency under the control of the Speaker of the House. Let call it the Congressional Security Agency.

    10 agents per 24 hour shift for 535 CONgress persons at 150.00 per hour is 802,500 per day.
    Per week 5,617,500 . Per year 292,110,000. Then throw in government pork at 1.25% and comes to 365,137,500.

    I will bet there are 3 government bean counters at Homeland Insecurity working on Sunday overtime coming up with a new program to protect CONgress this very minute.

    Do you think Safeway will decline from doing “Communication with Congress” in the future.

    January 9, 2011 8:48 am

    This man is only 22 years old and has given up the rights to the rest of his life. He may even be put to death. This does not explain his actions, which are amoung the most terrible ever. I believe that the public is bombarded with bad information by the media that sometimes causes all of us to think about things we shouldn’t. Depending on what TV or raidio channel you listen to you simply get opinions meant to inflame and not very often the truth. This person needs to be punished and then we all should look at our own feelings and ask ourselves if we have ever felt like doing something crazy after a night of watching the “news”.

    January 9, 2011 8:58 am

    I hope glue factories and dog food packers will kick his body as not suitable for the
    mentioned purposes. Raise a weapon ONLY to defend yourself and your family.

    January 9, 2011 9:41 am

    Thanks, SSS! Tell you what. If you even just nominate me for the Pulitzer, I will change my views on legalizing pot.

    llpoh — me and admin on Fox debating mooslims would be a ratings bonanza. See the sparks fly!!

    January 9, 2011 9:49 am


    We’re all talking about the shooter. What about the congresswoman? You probably know more about Gabrielle than the rest of us combined.

    Per my post above, my readings indicate she is quite a liberal. Someone I would probably say I hate, were it not for the shooting.

    Is that a fair assesment of her, or am I reading the wrong articles? A brief opinion from our local Arizonian reporter, if you have the time, would be appreciated.

    January 9, 2011 9:54 am

    Don’t be surprized if this young man fired the bunker hill shots to start the next american revolution. Look at what this generation has to look forward too? Paying off the national debt, high unemployment for the next decade holding a college education; the bill having to be paid off while they are dodging the IRS, with the only hope of a job as flipping hamburgers at the local greasy spoon.

    The future for the young people in this country looks pretty darn bleak. This guy who committed this act does appear to be a nut case but how many more like him are out there and can be influenced by these acts? Young people have a high amount of zeal along with ideals. Alexander the Great was young and look what he accomp,ished with his Zeal?

    I take this act as a warning of what is coming. Our so called representatives no longer listen to the people. This act will definately cause them to protect themselves from the public; thus causing more distrust between the general public and the people.

    There are many that feel this government no longer serves the people and infact uses them. Young people are being used as cannon fodder for perceived illegal corporate wars in Irak and Afghanistan, while the bankers are being bailed out with public taxpayer money and seemingly running the financies of the country.

    This government is in trouble; it has lost its credibility and trust of the people. Us older people in aggregate do not want to do what is necessary to stir the pot of government and put it on the correct path; but the young people do have a fight in them and it is my opinion that we are going to see them act in a way that is going to be very disturbing.

    This man did mention his knowledge of what is contained in the constitution. Our constitution is not a legal document with all types of legalize designed to confuse. He evidently knows nothing about the evolution of administrative laws that have made every state into federal jurisdictions (buck act) and have just about nulled the constitution. Administrative law is not written in God We Trust. God help us.

    January 9, 2011 10:30 am

    More of Jared’s writings.

    The context is his favorite song and video he made (link is above). The song opens with “Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor”. The homemade video shows an American flag against the Arizona desert backdrop. Jared enters wearing one of those “Scream” masks. The video ends with him burning the flag.


    If there’s no flag in the constitution then the flag in the film is unknown.
    There’s no flag in the constitution.
    Therefore, the flag in the film is unknown.
    Burn every new and old flag that you see.
    Burn your flag!
    I bet you can imagine this in your mind with a faster speed.
    Watch this protest in reverse!
    Ask the local police; “What’s your illegal activity on duty?”.
    If you protest the government then there’s a new government from protesting.
    There’s not a new government from protesting.
    Thus, you aren’t protesting the government.
    There’s something important in this video: There’s no communication to anyone in this location.
    You shouldn’t be afraid of the stars.
    There’s a new bird on my right shoulder. The beak is two feet and lime green. The rarest bird on earth, there’s no feathers, but small grey scales all over the body. It’s with one large red eye with a light blue iris. The bird feet are the same as a woodpecker. This new bird and there’s only one, the gender is not female or male. The wings of this bird are beautiful; 3 feet wide with the shape of a bald eagle that you could die for. If you can see this bird then you will understand. You think this bird is able to chat about a government?
    I want you to imagine a comet or meteoroid coming through the atmosphere.
    On the other hand, welcome yourself to the desert: Maybe your ability to protest is from the brainwash of the current government structure

    January 9, 2011 10:36 am

    As I was posting the above, Ms Freud and I saw for the very first time a picture Fox news posted of the 9 year old girl … and the heartbroken mother is speaking right now …… and honest to God Ms Freud started crying and I tried hard not to ………. and I don’t know how the dad has the fortitude to not blow the fucking living shit out of that scumbag dirtbag Jared.

    January 9, 2011 11:00 am


    Re your query on Giffords, I posted this info in an above thread,

    “MikeinAZ is correct. Giffords is not a conservative. On the big issues, she is a cookie-cutter liberal. Voted for the Stimulus, Cap and Trade, and Obamacare as just three examples. But the last time I looked, being a liberal isn’t a capital crime. I hope she will get through all this with minimal damage to her health.”

    Giffords causased with the Blue Dog Democrats for political cover. She is anything but. She loves to go after photo ops with ranchers on the border, but her true position is “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is code for a path to amnesty for illegals along with increased border security.

    Make no mistake, though. Gabby is very personable and has a bright, engaging smile. She won the last election in a squeaker against Jesse Kelly. Her margin of victory came here in the Catalina foothills, where I live and where she was shot. It is usually a very reliable red voting area, but this last election, she took a very thin majority of votes here. It was enough of a swing to put her back in office. And at that Safeway yesterday.

    January 9, 2011 11:12 am

    According to a memo obtained by Fox News with information compiled by the Department of Homeland Security and released to state law enforcement officials, Jared Loughner, the alleged shooter of Congressman Gabrielle Giffords, may have been influenced by a pro-white racist organization that publishes an anti-immigration newsletter. The group, American Renaisannce, denies knowing Loughner.


    Loughner’s writings talk about mind control. There is a rumor that he was a member of, or visitor of, Freedom’s Phoenix – a conservative website based in Phoenix, AZ — and that he may have been influenced by their 67 page document, “An Examination of Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches.” Again, this is unsubstantiated.


    Lastly, here is yet another video by Jared and friends. As usual … bizarre! Poor sound quality.

    January 9, 2011 11:27 am

    This is already in the news, but just in case you missed it……..

    The 9 yr old girl who was killed in the attack was Christina-Taylor Green. She was at the meet and greet thrown by Gabrielle Giffords because she had been recently elected to the Student Council at her Mesa Verde Elementary School and wanted to learn more about politics. A neighbor who took her to the event was shot four times and is recovering from surgery.

    Christina aspired to go to Penn State and was the only girl on her Oro Valley Little League baseball team, the Pirates. For good reason. She came from a family of baseball players, to include her grandfather, Dallas Green, a former major league baseball player and manager of the 1980 World Series Champion Philadelphia Phillies. Among her other activities was singing in the choir at St. Odilia’s Catholic Church.

    In the cruelest of all ironies, Christina was born on September 11, 2001.

    May God hold her and comfort her in his loving arms forever.

    January 9, 2011 11:54 am

    I cannot begin to think of what the father of that young girl is going through right now. I think we should have a process where the victims and victim’s families would be allowed to have a hand at “justice” for their relatives, especially child killers.
    This story gets worse every time I read new details. I retract my comments about him being a returning vet, I read that somewhere yesterday. First Giffords was dead, then thankfully she was still alive. Then the shooter was a war vet, but then he really wasn’t. In a rush for breaking news, the MSM has put actual facts on hold in an effort to win the headline war.
    Back to the shooter, I am almost more disgusted now knowing he had no military experience, only because you could somewhat reason why a young man would be so angry and lifeless if he had served and witnessed all the glory war brings.
    Thunderbird has a valid point about what the young face today. We have destroyed all the values we once considererd cornerstones. Stay in school and go to college=unemployed and in debt. Save for a rainy day=the banks have taken your hard earned money and fled. Save for your own home=put your balls in a vise and be financially insolvent.
    This is not the country I once knew, not even close.

    January 9, 2011 12:35 pm

    And so “what” begins? The individual(s) who committed this act of atrocious act lawlessness have demonstrated a callous disregard for human life and are obviously deranged. We are a nation of laws founded on the principal of individual freedom, although I agree we’re already in a police state. The terrorists won when Homeland Defense and the TSA were founded.

    As tragic as this event is, it’s nothing compared to the suffering on it’s way in the form of higher prices and stagnant wages. And as tragic as that sounds for US consumers, it’s a minor inconvenience compared to the pain and suffering the US is exporting to the rest of the world in the form of inflation.

    Yesterday’s actions by a deranged individual or individuals is the price one pays for a free and open society. The alternative is a police state, which wasn’t adopted in the 1960’s to counter the peace and civil rights protesters, we haven’t shut down our borders to combat illegal immigration or drugs, and apart from the TSA and fighting two wars costing trillions of dollars, there hasn’t been much in the way of federal intervention on any level with the possible exceptions of the IRS and ATF. FEMA is a total joke. Apart from maintaining status quo and their own retirement, there doesn’t seem to be much the federal government can do effectively except borrow and spend. Forget taxes, they spend that and more. Any actions by the fed other than wind down all be essential functions is about all they can do. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. My guess is they choose the hard way. Which is, of course, fine. They’re outmanned and outgunned. The District of Columbia is a very small piece of dirt. What are they going to do when all fifty states secede?

    January 9, 2011 12:41 pm

    Fucking Unbelievable.

    Westboro Baptist Church — the group that protests at the funerals of soldiers — is planning on picketing at Christina’s funeral.

    Here is Fred Phelps, the pastor, himself. Unfuckingreal.

    I hope someone shoots them all.

    January 9, 2011 12:56 pm

    This is the video that got Jared Loughner suspended from Pima Community College.

    January 9, 2011 1:15 pm

    The MSM will reference the MIAC report provided back in 2009 which stated that “veterans” could be recruited into militias and “white al qaeda” to create home grown terrorists!

    or the Southern Poverty Law Center’s reports from the past few years declaring a serious threat to our country because of returning veterans, constitutionalists, opponents of the FED reserve system, and NWO conspiracy theorists!!

    I’m sure Mark Potok from SPLC has already been interviewed on most of the MSM sites and if they haven’t, be sure he will!! He is a douchebag for sure!!!

    A civil war is brewing for sure and has been in the making for decades! This is all part of the “demoralization” process according to former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov!
    If you haven’t watched this interview by G. Edward Griffin (when he still had hair on top his head) I recommend it. It explains a bunch of what is wrong with this country! The Globalists who use whatever mode of production (capitalism, socialism, corporatism, communism) that they can to further their control over labor and natural resources are sitting back and grinning. They understand that America is a powder keg waiting to explode from within! Once weakened, Russia and China will get their pickings of our infrastructure!

    This rant, in no way, is meant to diminish the loss of life experienced by this lone act! However; emotion, will be used to subvert rational logically thinking adults’ better judgments, only increasing the socially constructed schisms between the American people!

    There will be much “weeping and gnashing of teeth” for America!

    January 9, 2011 1:16 pm

    Ooops…here is the link to the youtube interview of that KGB agent:

    January 9, 2011 1:33 pm

    I could only watch about 10 seconds of that twisted mother-fuckers rant. I promise you this, if that church wants to protest at that little girls funeral and bless God for her death, I will personally be there to break a few skulls. Tucson ain’t that far for me, maybe about 4-5 hours drive time. Keep me posted if you hear any more. SSS, I am headin’ your way!

    January 9, 2011 1:47 pm

    Matt — I read somewhere (I should have copied the link) that there are people in the Tuscon area planning to meet the twisted fucker with their own protesters. If not, then you, SSS, MikeInAZ, and/or others should plan a welcoming committee. I sure as hell can promise you that if he came to my neck of the woods, that I would do so.

    January 9, 2011 1:48 pm

    The American Revolution saw several skirmishes before war truly broke out, too. Most of the blogs appear to be focusing on the issue of The People vs The Government, rather than the Congresswoman. I think this reflects the times and where this 4T is heading.

    January 9, 2011 2:25 pm

    Road Trip!

    January 9, 2011 2:27 pm

    Matt, Stuck—-I watched the video of Fred Phelps, the pastor. I laughed at the fool. I mean, yes, if the subhuman piece of shit walked into my front yard I’d probably slap him around, but I sure as hell wouldn’t let this video anger me. I will tell you this. Now that the video has gone viral on the net, I do think that deranged fucker is taking an enormous safety risk if he shows up to protest anywhere. And if he personally shows up to protest at that little girl’s funeral and to bless God for her death, I’d put the odds at about 10,000 to one (in favor ) that someone offs him.

    January 9, 2011 2:29 pm

    StuckinNJ: Jared Loughner’s assessment in his video that got him suspended from Pima Community College is not wrong. He is asking questions; questions that we long ago stopped asking. He has a childlike understanding of the constitution; something we citizens long ago forgot about. Remember, the constitution is common law. We now live under the law of mammon, that form of law (administrative law) made of man’s whims and is therefore based on a foundation of sand.

    We the people; speaking of the baby boomers and before have created laws designed for the dead. The dead rule the world; not the flesh & blood as it is in common law. Our names in all caps just as the states & municipalities names in all caps make us all jurisdictions and subjects of the US. We are no longer a free people under the law; in other words government is sovereign and we are it’s subjects under the law; administrative law. Therefore all our liberties are really not freedoms but rather privileges.

    The young people coming up after us will have to make the case for their own form of government and liberties. We are fast becoming irrevelant. I believe a second american revolution is coming but we won’t be a part of it. Although we see many wrongs we won’t rock the boat because the boat is supporting the infrastructure we built over the last 70 years when we were young and full of faith and zeal; this infrastructure that is supporting our lifestyle. Now the young generation with their faith and zeal will build their own future. They will clean up government, wall street, and the bankers; and I don’t think it will be pretty because these fraudsters are not going down without a fight.

    We live in a very complex society now consisting of immigrants with diverse cultures and religious cultivations; yet the laws we create in this now secular country have no moral grounding. This is a recipe for disaster. This means everyone is compromised and no one is satisfied. I really think as a country we should go back to our roots of Christian commonlaw. There is stabilitiy in this.

    January 9, 2011 2:54 pm

    I agree that this clown isn’t worth my anger, time or missing work to counter-protest. Having two daughters, 7 and 12, this hits home. I would be channeling my energy as a support for the family, not necessarily against this pastor. If I were in a horrible situation that I had to, and heaven above forbid, had to bury a child, and for some insane reason a group would applaud her death, I would appreciate the support of anyone there to rebuff it. This so-called pastor isn’t worth the toilet paper I used this morning to wipe my ass, but I feel there is more to it than that. To quote a true modern day hero and patriot “Let’s Roll”!

    January 9, 2011 3:15 pm

    Matt—I have no kids that I’m aware of. But if it were MY daughter being buried and protesters arrived to applaud her death, I’d kill every fucking one of them and feel damn good about it.

    January 9, 2011 3:46 pm

    Stucky, Matt, Smokey, et al

    When I told my wife of Phelps’ intentions of coming here to protest at the funerals and praise the shooter, she said, “Oh, no he won’t. If he does that, I’ll personally do what I have to do to stop him.” And I’ll be right by her side.

    I think Phelps harbors a death wish, sort of a “suicide by citizen.” One of these days, someone will grant him his wish.

    January 9, 2011 4:08 pm

    I think we should not forget that this guy was apparently a afghan war veteran. War can change people. Who knows what this guy saw over there. I’m not trying to make an excuse as to why he indiscriminately killed a 10 year old girl or shot a congresswoman in the head but who can say where his mind was! When soldiers come back from war with no “down time”, I believe sometimes it is hard to sort out the distinctions between the two worlds (war and typical society). They are expected to just pick up where they left off before they were sent to war.

    January 9, 2011 4:21 pm

    Apparently a second individual is suspected to be at the scene of the murders.

    “Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik says he had come to the attention of the police because of his behaviour while a student at Pima County Community College.

    The sheriff says a white male in his 50s, seen at the scene of the crime, is still being sought in relation to the shootings.

    Dupnik also revealed authorities are investigating a suspicious package sent to the headquarters of Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was wounded in a shooting rampage.

    Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik gave few other details about the possible package, which he says was found after the attack on Giffords at the parking lot of a Tucson, Arizona, supermarket.”

    January 9, 2011 4:31 pm

    Plato — this guy is NOT a veteran. Misreporting by the MSM. Again .. he DID apply … he was REJECTED.

    SSS — Phelps has received multiple death threats already. In fact, at one of his “rallies” police arrested a man with a loaded rifle … Phelps went on to live another day … barely. But, I agree, his time is coming. Sooner or later a grief stricken relative or friend of the deceased will off that twisted motherfucker. And to whomever does so, I hope they erect a statue in his/her honor.

    (I wouldn’t want to mess with Mrs. SSS. Good woman you have there!)

    January 9, 2011 4:32 pm

    Yes, it’s come out that the rumor about being an Afghan war ver was incorrect.

    Thunderbird, I never took you for a Boomer. I would have guessed you were pure X, if not a Joneser (cusp). But you’re right, younger people are deciding what kind of government they want to live under. And it’s looking less and less like European-style entitlements of the progressives’ dreams.

    Kill Bill
    Kill Bill
    January 9, 2011 4:33 pm

    Speculation. I think the shooter was being coached. Maybe its the 50+- guy [agent provacateur?] they are seeking. The shooter is obviously very confused and wanted to make a political statement by martyring [which failed] himself.

    Kill Bill
    Kill Bill
    January 9, 2011 4:35 pm

    Seems to me he didnt want to live under a government that was controlled by banksters.

    January 9, 2011 4:45 pm

    Thunderbird said; —- “Jared Loughner’s assessment in his video that got him suspended from Pima Community College is not wrong.”

    Here are some of the things Loughner said in that video;


    “All purchases for an educational course in the United States as of now are unconstitutional in the United States of America because of Section 10 in the United States of America’s Constitution”

    “If you’re receiving a grade from Pima Community College class then the grade you’re receiving is unconstitutional because of the United States Bill of Rights.”

    “Every police officer in the United States as of now is unconstitutionally working.”


    So, regarding your specific statement that Loughner “is not wrong” ….. WTF are you talking about??

    January 9, 2011 5:12 pm

    Thanks for the clarification Stuck and ADmin…My bad!