Germany is coming to their senses. They have run their country the right way, while the PIIGS have lived far above their means for decades. The entire European Union rests on the back of Germany. They’ve bailed out Ireland. They’ve bailed out Greece. It looks like they are going to tell Italy to fuck off. Most people don’t realize how big Italy is. They have the 8th highest GDP in the world. Their GDP is $2 trillion. Germany’s is $3.3 trillion. Germany will bankrupt itself trying to save the Italians. Plus, Germany knows that Spain is in worse shape than Italy. They have the 12th largest economy in the world.

If Germany is balking, then European stocks will crater on Monday. Asian stocks will crater in anticipation that Europe and the US markets will collapse on Monday. The earliest indication we have is Saudi Arabia, whose market is down 5.5%.

You can bet that the phone lines are buzzing between Timmy Geithner, Bennie Bernanke and their friendly puppet master CEOs – Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, Vikrim Pandit, Ken Lewis, John Mack. These are the people trying to retain their wealth and power. They DO NOT care about you, the country, or the long term best interests of our nation. They care about their billions. This is a game to them. They are agreeing on a plan of attack to manipulate the markets on Monday.

It is highly likely that the markets will plunge at the opening as a knee jerk reaction to the S&P downgrade. The criminal Wall Street banks will then instruct their computers to buy stocks and an unbelievable rally will commence. This is supposed to pump confidence back into the investing public. CNBC will do their part and tell you to buy the fucking dip. This is all a show.

The S&P downgrade should have happened two years ago. The US is a  bad long term credit. We will default by printing money and paying interest to gullible foreigners in worthless pieces of paper. The US economy is in recession. Stocks fall 40% during recessions. The wheels are coming off this bus. It doesn’t matter whether stocks finish up or down on Monday. They will be at least 30% lower in the next year. You can Buy the Fucking Dip or you can focus on the facts and the truth. 

It Just Went From Bad To Far, Far Worse As Germany Says Italy Is Too Big For EFSF To Save, Refuses To Carry Euro Bailout Burden

Tyler Durden's picture

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/06/2011 12:20 -0400

Remember when we said (yesterday) that Germany will soon balk over the fact that it is pledging its entire economy to bail out an insolvent Europe? Well, that moment has come.

Dow Jones just hitting the tape referencing Spiegel

  • German Govt: Italy Too Big For EFSF To Save – Spiegel
  • German Govt: Doubts Whether Tripling EFSF Would Help It Save Italy
  • German Govt: Italy Must Make Savings, Reforms To Exit Crisis – Spiegel
  • Italy Debt Guarantee Could Raise Doubts Over Germany’s Finances – Spiegel
  • German Govt: EFSF Should Only Help Small, Mid-Size Countries – Spiegel

As a reminder, yesterday’s stopgap announcement by the ECB to expand its SMP purchases of secondary market Italian and Spanish bonds was merely as a precursor to full EFSF monetization until its comes fully online in September (or sooner) in a vastly expanded format (between €1.5 and €3.5 trillion).

If Germany is now against this, which appears to be the case, it pretty much means, well, game over.

Add the uncerainty over the unwind of the Europe rescue “gamechanger” as one of the more naive CNBC anchors said yesterday, and Monday is now guaranteed to be a bloodbath.

As for those saying China will gladly step in and fund a $5 trillion EFSF shortfall, they may want to read the following article from Reuters:

Italian Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti said on Thursday that Asian investors are reluctant to buy Italian bonds because it sees they are not being bought by the European Central Bank.

Speaking at a news conference, Tremonti also said it would be desirable for the central bank to follow the lead of the Japanese and Swiss central banks in taking expansionary steps to tackly the euro zone’s crisis.

“I note that the Bank of Japan today launched quantitative easing and the Swiss cen bank cut rates to zero, we are waiting for decisions if possible, but desirable (from the ECB),” Tremonti said.

When you talk to Asia they say: “We don’t understand what Europe is,” he continued. “The second point is that they say ‘if your central bank doesn’t buy your bonds, why should we buy them”?

P.S. Time to unwind that Bund short we suggested yesterday. In fact, if true, it is time for a big rush to safety.

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John Smith
John Smith
August 6, 2011 6:39 pm

Rating agencies are the same clowns who gave AAA ratings to junk mortgage securities and plunged the world into great recession. The rating agencies should have been tried and sent to prison for their criminal role.

Now, the same rating agency is downgrading­ US credit rating, although USA’s debt to GDP ratio is much lower than that of Japan and many leading European nations like Germany and United Kingdom. How can anyone call Tea party “Patriots”­, when they have been responsible­ for downgrading­ of US credit rating for the first time in history by their reckless behavior?

August 6, 2011 6:57 pm

@John Smith: Please explain to me how a political force in place for all of 18 months, ie the Tea Party, has anything whatsoever to do with the debt downgrading?

Reckless behaviour by the Tea Party? Excuse me? If anything the Tea Party has been trying to get the and the public to understand our dire financial situation!!

The “reckless behaviour” you are referring to is decades of financial mismanagement by all of our (worthless) politicians, aided and abetted by a witless and corrupt citizenry willing to live out of the pockets of their fellow witless and gullible citizens!

Dude, the debt situation has been brewing for freaking YEARS.

How old are you anyway? Like 12?

Try to keep up.

August 6, 2011 6:58 pm

Oops, that comment above is by me,


A pox on WordPress.

August 6, 2011 7:04 pm


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 6, 2011 7:24 pm

Too big to save.

Now why didnt Paulson think of that.

August 6, 2011 7:30 pm

fuckin scary.

I feel like if I was watching “War of the Worlds”.
I tell you come or you are going to die!

Muck About
Muck About
August 6, 2011 7:32 pm

@HzK: “A pox on WordPress.” My are you being kind and gentle. I lost an entire article to WP’s editor last week and had to replace my monitor when the plastic melted. My sweetie came running in thinking I had broken a leg or something. It was “or something”..


Muck About
Muck About
August 6, 2011 7:34 pm
August 6, 2011 7:51 pm

Not Dark Yet

Shadows are falling and I’ve been here all day
It’s too hot to sleep, time is running away
Feel like my soul has turned into steel
I’ve still got the scars that the sun didn’t heal
There’s not even room enough to be anywhere
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there

Well, my sense of humanity has gone down the drain
Behind every beautiful thing there’s been some kind of pain
She wrote me a letter and she wrote it so kind
She put down in writing what was in her mind
I just don’t see why I should even care
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there

Well, I’ve been to London and I’ve been to gay Paree
I’ve followed the river and I got to the sea
I’ve been down on the bottom of a world full of lies
I ain’t looking for nothing in anyone’s eyes
Sometimes my burden seems more than I can bear
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there

I was born here and I’ll die here against my will
I know it looks like I’m moving, but I’m standing still
Every nerve in my body is so vacant and numb
I can’t even remember what it was I came here to get away from
Don’t even hear a murmur of a prayer
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there

Copyright © 1997 by Special Rider Music

August 6, 2011 7:52 pm

Yeah John Smith’s comment left a lot to be desired. Bet he doesn’t know the average maturity for British gilts is 14 years! They don’t have to roll their debt every few weeks or months as the nations that played games with their debt to ( temporarily) reduce debt service cost by issuing debt with short maturities. The US sure did that and it will blow up in our faces if rates rise. The Brits also have a government that has a plan to be in primary balance by 2015. They probably won’t be but they will be a helluva lot closer than the US.

I know Italy is a political mess but financially they are pretty close to having a primary fiscal balance right now. Their problem is past debt and slow growth but are we doing any better. You put the GSE’s debt on our balance sheet and we look like Italy with an 11 percent budget gap to close. Italy has but a 3% gap. Unless there is something hidden somewhere in the Italian finances ( and I’m no expert so there well could be) I don’t think they will blow up. Some of their banks maybe in trouble owing to Swiss franc loan to eastern europe but the Italian banking sector isn’t oversized to their economy. It may just be that speculators are taking advantage of the general fear to buy Italian debt on the cheap knowing that the ECB has to buy it up at par to avoid a collapse of the EU.

August 6, 2011 7:54 pm

WP…..what hope said!

August 6, 2011 8:09 pm

Has anyone ever heard of bitcoins? I just did today (from Max Keiser’s site) and want to know what others here think.

August 6, 2011 8:19 pm

Well it looks like even RE may experience a black monday when they find out what the mysterious orange goo is that is showing up in Alaska. REs doomstead may turn out to be a doomstead of a different kind. Good luck RE; hope it is not toxic.

August 6, 2011 8:26 pm

Well if things ride out until Friday then one of my favorite groups will be in demand .

News…Bitcoins ..don’t trust’em. They’ve already had one crash that was blamed on hacking….I’d rather have gold or silver

August 6, 2011 8:28 pm


August 6, 2011 8:37 pm

New Floating Bugout Machine Prepped and ready to go. Got my hard copy charts for Tristan da Cunha, Edinburgh of the Seven Seas laminated in Plastic courtesy of the Age of Oil. If the Orange Goo takes out the Salmon Run, I’m off to the boat ramp on the Knik River.

Bring it on, BITCHEZ!


August 6, 2011 9:12 pm

Tbird-I am sure RE appreciates your concern, but the “goo” appeared in Kivalina, hundreds of miles from RE’s doomstead. Closer to me, but still hundreds of miles away. Still, pretty curious, and a little disturbing. I have seen similar phenomenon, which I attributed to algae in iron-rich water, but not to nearly the extent reported.

August 6, 2011 9:14 pm

Wow, I’m dissappointed. Except for that douchebag “John Smith,” where is all the angst and excitement? WTF? Waiting till Sunday night I suppose? Maybe nobody is sober enough to comprehend what is going on. To refresh your alcohol-soaked brains:

1. Europe is about to implode. See Admin’s article above.
2. Criminal bankers are now supposedly on the ropes. How true this is not at first glance apparent. The credit default swaps that will come due after #1 happens will sink their leaking yachts. They may try to manipulate the stock market here for awhile, but they can’t control Europe. Outstanding CDS’s dwarf the market-cap of the S&P and Dow. The banks won’t have the money to pay them or make good. So much for TBTF banks.
3. Syria is about to explode. Syria is a whole different ball of twine than most middle eastern shitholes. They are warning Americans to exit the country ASAP. You know, the whole U.S.-Isreal thing. Very dangerous situation.
4. China is pissed over maggot-brained politicians and the debt-ceiling agreement. Too fucking bad, but Admin predicts a cyber-war with China. An excellent reason for Obama to shut down the internet, starting martial law.
5. Russia is waiting in the wings. They called us “economic parasites” this week; them is fightin’ words. Eastern Europeans are some of the most adept computer hackers on the planet, especially at stealing and gaining financial information. Do you suppose some have been recruited by Russian spooks for cyber-ops against us now that we’re weakened?
6. The U.S. is getting out of control: You can actually sense it, flash mobs, people stealing air conditioners, the populace is getting more and more blatant. Once the stock market goes down the tubes, again, and politicians use the word “bailout” even once, it will be anarchy. It won’t take much, will it?
7. Some of the articles I put up today were about Asian central banks buying gold. They are openly saying now that they are actively moving away from dollar based assets. The tipping point has been breached: the debt-ceiling fiasco. The countries that buy U.S. treasuries are now buying gold. At what point do they start dumping T-bills? Is now their chance to change or destroy the dollar as reserve currency? What better time than now? Will they take huge losses dumping treasuries just to destroy us? Why not, they’re going to be repaid in worthless dollars anyway…
8. The Fed can start printing money again, and they will, there is no other choice, right? Since QE2 was an utter failure, and did nothing but prop up a dead, lifeless stock market, the Fed has no credibility left. Will it risk collapse by buying more bonds, printing more money, and raising it’s leverage to 70-1 or 100-1? It knows interest rates will have to rise now, which will make it insolvent already. What can the Fed do, really.
9. This brings us back to Washington. They are out of bullets. Interesting listening to Obama today. Mumbling about keeping the payroll tax cuts in place, creating jobs, stimulating the economy. What’s he going to do? Tap dance for tips? I don’t think he really cares too much, it’s obvious he’s happy that he and the dems can continue to spend $1.5 trillion per year they don’t have. He may not even run for re-electiion, when his approval rating is around 14%, the same percentage as people on Welfare/Disability and SNAP. They’ll vote for him, but he can’t buy any more votes than that.

Ron Paul might save this country, restore some sanity and confidence. He won’t get a chance until 2012. What will be left by then? I’m going to enjoy this week. I’m glad I have a place to rant. Trying to talk to the inmates of this country is pretty pointless. The excitement is just getting started I’m afraid. Hold onto your asses, it’s going to be quite a ride!

Opinionated Bloviator
Opinionated Bloviator
August 6, 2011 9:24 pm

Rubs silver and gold coins between hands with cockatoo on shoulder, laughing like Dr Evil on crystal meth….

August 6, 2011 9:32 pm

Im curious what the end result well be.14 trillion?So besides the mad max scenario what would actually fix this all?every time i see the washington folks talk its like theyre from anouther planet.Its like a house is on fire and they buy squirt guns to put it out.So if things fall apart what well put it back together?A big do over button?

August 6, 2011 9:36 pm

Martial Law bitchez:
[imgcomment image[/img]

Obamacards for all.

The end of wage enslavement and having to work….

How about use your imagination and provide some ideas what you think will happen….

August 6, 2011 9:43 pm

OB – That’s fucking weird… I’m doing EXACTLY the same thing except with a pair of cockatiels!!

August 6, 2011 9:47 pm

OB and ecliptix:

You guys in Tijuana again?

August 6, 2011 9:51 pm

After “Black Monday”, the Tuesday morning brownshirts:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 6, 2011 10:27 pm

Admin will like this one:

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 6, 2011 11:08 pm

Monday might be quite the wild ride. the question how bad will it get? will it be beginning of the end? or the end of the beginning?

August 6, 2011 11:20 pm

A few days ago I said that the grermans were getting sick of carrying the southern Europeans, and one day soon would prefer to take the hit to their banks rather than keep carrying them forever. I also said that something to the effect that sothern Europeans only know how to eat, avoid taxes, vacation, bribe and fuck. I haven’t changed my opinion on that. When Germany pulls the teat it is all over for the Euro.

August 6, 2011 11:49 pm

Ok, watch this funny video on the importance of saving money:

I’m sure we’ve all been through it.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
August 6, 2011 11:52 pm

nice chart, awhole dr. interesting, not too many brown faces on there.

(and there is no fucking way rev. al or rev. jesse were ever members of any of those organizations listed)

i’m just saying, it is white people visiting all this evil. like it is black people forming flash mobs.

but that’s ok. because, i don’t judge all white people by a few bad apples.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
August 6, 2011 11:56 pm

kids, take a deep breath. societal collapse don’t happen in one trading day. remember 2008. remember what you read about 1929-1933.

enjoy the show. don’t freak the fuck out.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
August 7, 2011 12:08 am

phillies shoving it up the giants’ backsides this weekend. if they make it four for four, tomorrow will be a black sunday.

August 7, 2011 12:11 am

@Muck: I feel your pain about Word Press eating one’s work. You just finish a brilliant piece, with savage satire, spot-on analysis, pictures of Salma Hayek for SSS – and whammmooo. It vanishes into the black hole that is Word Press. Maybe with some serious donations to Jim, he can afford a better forum platform!

(BTW, Muck, I do not wish to know the details of your “or something”.)

@A-Doc: You are posting way way way too much technical specificities of our Doom. Most of us can only handle Doom in a very general and vague way. Our brains glaze over with soooo much detail.

Too many facts, Herr A-Doc, as King Joseph said to Mozart-Doc, heh.

I think this John Smith guy may have the record for the most thumbs down on a first post since I’ve been reading this site, wow.

August 7, 2011 12:19 am

The Arab spring reaches Israel: … 6-17-12-40
If the numbers are right, 270,000 is 3.6% of the entire country. A similar protest here would require 11.5 million participants. Way to go, Ben!

Golden Tool
Golden Tool
August 7, 2011 12:19 am

“When you talk to Asia they say: “We don’t understand what Europe is,””

This comment had me laughing for over 10 mins, I’m talking hysterical giggles. Pretty much sums up Euroland, which makes me think it (euroland) is all a chess game and once the US is boxed out (busy on the home front) let the game begin.


IMHO US will have a long way to go down before SHTF stage, but you might want to start getting your papers together to avoid trouble. “Papers please, where are you coming from and where are you going to tonight?” Gattaca for the haves and Argentina for the havenots, with lots of eliminated stupid along the way.

The Biggest problem on the US horizon is if we pull out of war mode, after the next election, we lose more then 50% of our oil supply. Easy energy buh bye. No matter who gets elected can the US gov make a policy change like this without destroying the US economic system and what to do about energy. There are answers to these questions unfortunately we won’t hear about them until someone has made bank out of it. As a country we are still small enough to change our path without wiping out our population unlike china or india. Long term they are toast unless energy gets a lot cheaper or a large war breaks out.

I hope I’m wrong on one more thing, but US democracy appears to be broken. The super council is a prime example. Something like this is one of the few things that could fix this, but the potential for tyranny is HUGE. Magic eight ball says “outcome not so good.” I’m not even sure how this could have an appearance of being constitutional, let alone actually being legit. For congress to be able to push something like this through shows how wacked things truly are. The fact that the super council is the low outrage issue is beyond amazing…

Hello, is anyone out there?

My money is on war. It is the easy way out for everyone. Just takes the right something to ignite. Look out for the catalyst and good luck out there.

Do unto others.

August 7, 2011 12:38 am

zerohedge has shut down all comments after 11 pm eastern time, huh?

August 7, 2011 12:43 am

Keep up the good work Doc – Enjoy the highly technical posts and all the awesome pictures.
and am capable of handeling all the boom, gloom, & doom. No problem here.

re: hzk – A-Doc: You are posting way way way too much technical specificities of our Doom. Most of us can only handle Doom in a very general and vague way. Our brains glaze over with soooo much detail.

Golden Tool
Golden Tool
August 7, 2011 12:50 am

I also enjoy your work doc.

Do unto others.

August 7, 2011 5:49 am

I think the market will go up next week and really rally for the next 2 months. But I predict that sometime in late Oct. or Nov. we will see a huge sell off and the Dow will end the year around 8000. Lots of things are coming together to make the last part of this year ugly, including Europes woes, China is in for a slow down, energy prices are draining the pockets of the middle class, college tuition and health care are both rising faster than inflation, stimulus is running out, infractstructure is getting worse, the middle east is coming to a boil, and we are about to see the debt reach 15 trillion.

We have had a good ride. Get out of the market while you can. Hazardous road ahead.

August 7, 2011 8:42 am

The markets are not going to do much. They all got together this weekend and told the big boys to prop it up to send a statement to S&P and the world. I consider this just another crisis to pilfer our wallets. I see the President speaking to the masses about Austerity coming to a place called home. He will preach to the masses and they will love him for it. Taxes are now going to hit everyone. You have savings or a 401K they want that too nothing is safe while they preach we must save the USA. Although they cannot confiscate gold this time they can sure outlaw its trade and use. They will start the War on Gold department. Spend billions on trying to steal it from you.

Both parties have wanted to break their contract with the American people and now they have the justification to do just that all to save the country. The teleprompter and savior will preach to the masses and they will continue to allow him to steal from them. Diplomacy is telling people to go you know where and they love you for it.

Cannot let a crisis fgo to waste. We are indeed in dangerous times.

August 7, 2011 12:10 pm


I think Aug – Sep – Oct 2011 are going to be 90 days to remember. If the Euro holds they will print, if not, it is back to the Mark for Germany. I wonder if we will see QE 3 in some form by Oct.


“Where the angst and excitement.” We gave you 11 that-a-boys thumbs up and bitch slapped John Smith 33 times. We agree with you whole heartly.

But this shit is depressing. This down the drain thing is coming on much faster than I want, and I do prepper things to keep my mind off of the coming crisis. My wife and I are processing tomatoes into frozen chucks and making sauce. That is depressing too, do you know how much work processing food is? WTF I use to process food for a living, but small scale is lots of work’

We made 22/16oz and 5/32oz bag of tomato chucks, plus 5 quarts of tomato sauce. It is in freezer bags and containers. Our burmill grinder is setting on the wooden table we bought and needs to be bolted down so we can grind wheat. We have made 4 loafs of bread and that is a pain in the ass too. Just to get the above tomato amounts we had to use over 100 tomatoes. It is a real learning curve, and we understand why old farmers were mostly skinny.

I have bought materials for starting the chicken coop, but it will be next spring before chickens are running around.

August 7, 2011 12:22 pm


Thanks, good luck with that food and chickens. Hope you have enough firepower to protect it…

My gun cabinet:

[imgcomment image[/img]

I wish…

Muck About
Muck About
August 7, 2011 1:27 pm

I really don’t know what all the fuss is over..

Anyone who has followed zh or tbp for more than 6 months already knows what’s coming down the pike. I suppose it is a human trait, when upset, to run in circles screaming and shouting. That’s what this thread looks like.

I don’t know about you all, but other than a small trading position I got bounced out of (TBF) when the Euro-monkeys start throwing shit at each other, my positions are all just like they were a year ago and anything that happens Monday (8/8/11) will make me change nothing.

The markets may go berserker starting in Asia later today and work their way around the world to Wall St. Monday AM. Who cares? We knew that 4th Turnings tend to be a bit ragged as things fall apart – sometimes faster than others – but fall apart it will, so what’s da big deal?

I got my biggest kick in the ass today at lunch when I went down the street to a Subway to try out their new “pulled pork” sub. Holy Shit! $8.00 for a sub with a tiny little pile of shredded crap covered with bad barbecue sauce. The Subway Club (my favorite) had also jumped a full dollar in a week to $7.25 which means no more Subway for this guy. It just hurts my feelings to pay that much for so little. I’ll just get a little creative at the grocery (as long as I can afford it and they have it on the shelves) and make my own.

And so it goes down the slide.. Like Welshman says, “Maybe a little faster than we expected..”


August 7, 2011 1:28 pm

We are a Republic not a democracy! The fact our Republic has (by design I think) devolved into a democracy is a part of the problem. Once the lazy realize they can vote for ” free stuff” on the “public dime” democracy’s devolve into dictatorships. Well I think we are there, fascist dictatorship. Look it up we have arrived Obama invading Libya w/o bothering congress and violating the war powers act and nothing. In 2001 when Goldman Sachs and Citibank looted Argentina privatizing profits and unloading losses onto the public (sounding familiar to anyone?) the crash included the gov stealing retirements (Obama snagging the federal employee retirement fund recently) it is happening here already. Our media is worthless cops are killing on average one innocent person per day, riots have occurred here and there no media coverage at all. Look at the fair in Milwaukee WI where hordes of black youth some estimates said 300 were robbing and beating whites. Group of 50 attacked and robbed group watching fireworks a few weeks back. Look at the papers during the great depression. Looks like today we are in recovery! HAHAHA, check out Chris Martensons crash course and see how they fudge the numbers, helps realize how crooked they are and how screwed our nation is. How long can the tap dance continue? THAT is the question. Like in client number nine when they said they have to keep it going until the music stops, musical chairs, on the Titanic? The problem was not the lack of regulators it was that the regulators ie gov is aiding and abetting the crooks. Laws are and were in place to jail the crooks, most of what they are doing is illegal and unconstitutional, yet nothing, and people keep watching dancing with the stars. What can we do? Prepare yourself every Argentinian survival blog I read said I wish I had more food. I think when it collapses the crash will come quick and people in cities will be worse off.

August 7, 2011 1:57 pm


I have guns, but really hate them. Mainly police shotguns and a few pistols. The turning point with guns came when my wife, who handles guns like dirty diapers, was watching the scene in New Orleans. She calls me over to the TV and says, “Honey, we need more guns”.

Muck About
Muck About
August 7, 2011 2:38 pm

@Delia: For a minute there when I looked at your picture I thought you might be related to Salma Hayek. Sorry, wrong angle… Good luck anyhow but don’t expect a lot of respect here on TBP. Politicians are regarded as slightly lower than whale shit on this site except for Ron Paul and he’s too old to pick up the strain.

Anyhow, come back when you learn to use periods, commas and other common punctuation.


August 7, 2011 2:46 pm

Welcome Delia,

Spend more time at TBP, there are alot of preppers. If you have the money, Costco has a years supply of food for four at 20% off until Aug. 15th. Thrive #559948 for $3,000. Ten to 20 year shelf life. Online orders only.

August 7, 2011 3:16 pm

AWD, I have no fucking idea how you broke into my house and took pictures of one of my gun cabinets, but you forgot to leave cookies and beer on the counter. Last warning. No more sneaky voyeur weapon pix without cookies (Oreo’s, please) and beer (Newcastle preferred, but if you’re a cheap bastard, I suppose Yuengling will do. Bottles only.)

August 7, 2011 3:32 pm

John Smith must have read what David Axelrod recently said about the Tea Partiers…this can only mean John Smith is an Obamanista….very dissappointing to say the least. Let the demonizing of the Tea Party commence in full via the MSM!

Damn those Tea Party people with their calls for “fiscal responsibility” and true common sense debates.

Check out Marco Rubio (R) Florida discuss the debt debate…and of course…who has a rebuttal…Sen. Kerry. Why is it Kerry always seems to want to interrupt people during their timed speeches?

August 7, 2011 4:02 pm

Eclip….musicians love Newcastle…it’s one of my favorites.

Who ever owns that safe,I wouldn’t have so many loaded clips…..being loaded for long periods of time can damage the clips. Besides 100 round beta mags look cooler !

To those who are prepped for the SHTF…if you don’t have a level 4 vest yer’ missing the boat .