Osama bin Laden got a 660,000,000% return on his investment. SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY MILLION PERCENT. He’s dead, but we’ve bankrupted ourselves. He would have died eventually. We didn’t have to bankrupt ourselves. But we did. He won.


Notify of
September 11, 2011 12:24 pm

War on Poverty, War on Drugs, War on Terror, and now we’re insolvent nation. Better get use to poverty, as our standard of living is going down.

September 11, 2011 12:50 pm

I’ve read that the Afghan War bankrupted the old Soviet Union.

Now, the USA.

I’ll bet that was Osama’s plan all along.

If so Osama may hear these words from Allah (PBUH) …. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, here are your 70 black-eyed virgins.”

He’s fucking. We’re fucked. What a plan!!

September 11, 2011 1:11 pm

It is implied by many people that Bin Laden’s INTENTION with the 9/11 strike was to cause America to embark on an expensive long term war effort that would lead to bankruptcy.

That is mistaken at best and disingenuous at worst.

If a group of one hundred genius level IQ people , PRIOR to 9/11, had hypothesized what the aftermath of a single hijacked jet hitting each one of the twin towers would result in, probably a grand total of ZERO would have responded trillions of dollars spent by America over ten years on a misbegotten war.

Bin Laden probably did not even know that the weight of the planes combined with the fuel would cause the towers to collapse.

When I watched 9/11 unfold on television, I heard no one comment, prior to the buildings collapsing, that they may collapse.

All Bin Laden thought he was doing was killing a large number of infidels. The rest was gravy for him. He had no clue of the long-term financial damage he was doing.

September 11, 2011 1:13 pm


I was writing while you were posting.

I stand by my statement though.

September 11, 2011 1:26 pm


OF COURSE he said that, three years after the fact while he is watching America bankrupt it self with the wars.

September 11, 2011 1:34 pm


You are telling me that Bin Laden, three years after the attacks, didn’t read commentary from liberal ass pussies in the American media motherfucking the war and bitching about the money bankrupting the country?

Tell me about being thick.

September 11, 2011 1:39 pm


Keep believing that the fucking diaper wearing jihadist was some kind of deep-thinking intellect.

The USA fought and won Gulf War 1 in a six month period. Yet, according to you, Bin Laden KNEW ALL ALONG that this second Iraq war would last years. That was Bin Laden’s INTENTION, that it would bankrupt this country.

Keep believing it.

September 11, 2011 1:43 pm

The USA fought and won Gulf War 1 in a six month period.

hmmmm , really? last i checked we were still there.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
September 11, 2011 1:51 pm

The only way Bin-Laden won was in making us all cower like infants at the thought of malnourished skinnies coming for us.

What a joke. The only jihad I’m afraid of is if some of the kitchen staff at a Paki restaurant gets too zealous with the spice in my bowl of tandori. Then my colon goes jihad and heats up the toilet bowl.

September 11, 2011 2:07 pm


I’m not the shallow fool who thinks Bin Laden INTENDED to bankrupt the USA.


It is MORE ACCURATE to say that entitlement spending and bank bailouts are bankrupting the USA.

September 11, 2011 2:10 pm


Saying we are still there implies we never left.

I guess since we still have bases in Japan, that we are still fighting WW II, you fucking idiot.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
September 11, 2011 2:12 pm

Osama Bin-Laden won the privelege of having his brains paint the walls of a Pakistani apartment.

Muck About
Muck About
September 11, 2011 2:22 pm

I agree with Smokey. I don’t think any of the bastards did any long range probability thinking about running planes into buildings beyond the point of doing it.

At the most, one of them probably brought up old Confucius and quoted him, “He who wakes up a tiger must do so using a very long stick.”


September 11, 2011 2:22 pm

Smokey —

The small flaw in your logic is that Bin Laden ALREADY bankrupted the Soviet Union. He had a track record. He didn’t need to be a great thinker to estimate that the same would happen with the USA.

September 11, 2011 2:23 pm

“Administrator says:


In 2004 we had hardly begun the spending. JFC you are thick.”

Hey. Can we get a “thick headed fucker” here? Why are you holding back?

September 11, 2011 2:25 pm

ya, lots of soldiers getting blown up in japan. thick as a brick

September 11, 2011 2:27 pm

The stated goal of Al-Queda was to irrecovably damage the US economy. That is why the Twin Towers were selected as targets. The Tower are/were a symbol of US economic might. It wasn’t just that there were 100K people who lived and worked there. It wasn’t just about killing Americans, although that was an added bonus to them. That “only” 3000 died in such a massive attack when there were so many at risk undoubtedly disappointed Osama.

Bin-Laden was a serious student of America. He and his cronies were doubtless aware of America’s proclivity to draw exactly the wrong conclusions from such an event and had complete faith in the American government to pursue exactly the wrong policies.

He was correct. Our economy is in shambles, our people live in a virtual police state, the rest of the world is unraveling without American leadership.

And almost all of this post 9/11 was self inflicted, by both the Right and the Left.

Here, take a gander through google andsee what others are saying. Note: most continue to root for Obama.



But out of the rubble, came Obama.


After the Obama caused rubble, what will emerge, I wonder?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
September 11, 2011 2:33 pm

Osama Bin-Laden won a Blitzkrieg on the sand dunes and a pipeline to China.

September 11, 2011 2:33 pm

Here it is in some numbers:

[imgcomment image[/img]


September 11, 2011 2:35 pm

Ah, the joke’s on Osama. I wouldn’t wish 70 wives on anyone, virgins or not.

September 11, 2011 2:38 pm

@Admin: Never underestimate the capacity of the Texans to steal defeat from the jaws of victory. I once saw them lose by 20 points or something in overtime. Even a football ignoramous such as myself was impressed. Besides, I have $50 bucks riding on this game for them to win, so they will be sure to lose.

September 11, 2011 2:39 pm



I’m going to pretend I did not read that.

Fourteen trillion in debt and a hundred trillion more off the books, even a NYC crackhead knows better than try to make the case that military expenditures in this country exceed entitlement and bailout money. You sure you’re a CPA?

GFD, three trillion dollars compared to the mess we’re in is a cup of piss in the ocean.

You need to come up with something better than that.

BTW—If you’ll check my comment history, I have repeatedly said that the Colts eat shit without Peyton Manning. I have also said they would probably lose every game that he doesn’t start. I fucking BET AGAINST them today.

September 11, 2011 2:47 pm

Jim, US bankrupted the USofA !!

September 11, 2011 3:07 pm

Admin posts quotes from OBL —- Smokey claims they are irrelevant

HZK post facts and figures —– Smokey and the Chirping Crickets

Smokey, I checked on factcheck.org and they said you were full of shit.

I normally don’t rule in the middle of a debate. However, due to the overwhelming evidence which you refuse to acknowledge, and the ass-kicking you are getting, and to hopefully keep you from further humiliation and injury, I, Stucky The Judge, hereby rule you, Smokey The Shlong Bearer, as Loser by Knockout in Rounds 1, 2, and 3. (Peace Be Upon You).

September 11, 2011 3:07 pm


“interest rate decisions, deficit spending and bank bailouts were caused by the 9/11 attacks…”

That’s it!!! The 9/11 attacks caused the bank bailouts. Subprime mortgage blowup and Greenspan’s easy money had nothing to do with it.

This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
September 11, 2011 3:13 pm

Osama Bin-Laden won a long sleep with the fishes.

Muck About
Muck About
September 11, 2011 3:18 pm

@Admin: I’ll vote with eugend66. We bankrupted ourselves. Since 1971 we have accrued more and more massive hubris and more and more awful politicians and more and more dependent stupid people (the last of which was predictable).

We are running into a Perfect Storm of resource exhaustion, political idiocy, monetary insanity and last but not least, a perfectly timed world wide credit collapse.

The shit is hitting the fan and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent it from working its way through to the end. All Osama did was add another push to the American Empire, which was already way past center and falling on its’ face. When 9/11 happened we were already well into the housing bubble and the Feddies were rolling the presses and passing out the funny money. That bubble would have popped without 9/11 but Admin is right that we wouldn’t be nearly as far in debt as a country if 9/11 hadn’t happened.

The Feddies – with malice aforethought – made sure not to waste the crises and just had to fucking _DO_SOMETHING_ and here we are trillions of dollars in debt for two wars we didn’t have to fight, the TSA, 40% more Federal employees (the only jobs that Government can create), and we are, as a nation, going in the tank.

The lip of the tank is right over there and all it needs is a catalyst for us to be in it (i.e. a very small black swan).

So, an unintended consequence of 9/11 is the failure of the world’s biggest economy earlier than it otherwise would still have happened. But 9/11 didn’t do shit on its’ own – just hurried it up a bit.


September 11, 2011 3:19 pm

Muck, I`m still here ..

September 11, 2011 3:26 pm


Another rush to judgement. Stand by.


Where did that $3.3 trillion figure come from? According to that “Cost of War” clock you have posted on this site, it’s $1.248 trillion and counting. You also said above, “Only a fool would not realize that all of the ridiculous Federal Reserve interest rate decisions, deficit spending and bank bailouts were caused by the 9/11 attacks and the over reaction to those attacks by your beloved neo-cons.” Yikes. Color me a fool because I don’t get the connection.


You said, “It is MORE ACCURATE to say that entitlement spending and bank bailouts are bankrupting the USA.” Stick with that because I agree. (Plus Cash for Clunkers, GM/Chysler bailout, foolish “Green” loan guarantees, and a host of other losers it would take a year to list.)

September 11, 2011 3:26 pm


Sorry, Stuck does not get to judge this one. The privilege has been rescinded for a valid reason.

His view of the thread was obstructed by his lips around your cock.

September 11, 2011 3:28 pm

“His view of the thread was obstructed by his lips around your cock.”

That’s pretty funny, actually.

I will let you back in the debate if Admin agrees.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
September 11, 2011 3:31 pm

Osama Bin-Laden won a deep whiff of SSS’ 40 year old cowboy boots…

September 11, 2011 3:31 pm

Too late Stuck. The Administrator has been beaten ruthlessly, humiliated beyond recognition.

SSS is here. He couldn’t handle me alone–he is really in a world of shit now.

September 11, 2011 3:33 pm

Come on back and take your medicine. Better recruit some help.

I can handle you alone, but with SSS it will be a rout.

Muck About
Muck About
September 11, 2011 3:37 pm

@Smokie: Keep on kicking!


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
September 11, 2011 3:38 pm

Admin’s busy watching the Eagles help the 9ers take the West…

September 11, 2011 3:45 pm


Muck About
Muck About
September 11, 2011 3:46 pm

Well, when you’re loosing, the best tactic is to beat feet and watch a football game!


September 11, 2011 3:58 pm

When you’re WHAT????????????????????

September 11, 2011 4:00 pm

The Romans drained swamps because they thought that swamp gas caused malaria. They got lucky, obviously, so one cannot apply cause-and-effect rerasoning to their accidental success. If bin Laden, fresh from having broken the USSR’s will in Afghansitan, had guessed that another, succesful attach on the WTC would lead to an American over-reaction, huge, irreperable economic damage, etc., he may just have been lucky.
That said, if he had any detailed knowledge of the 9/11 planning, he was a great fool. To be in on the details of something like that while living as a hinted terrorist on the other side of the world would be an unforgivable breach of operational security. Instead of viewing al-Queda as a hierarchy like General Motors, one ought to think of them as the Amway of terror: The leadership cell provides general guidance and inspiration but leaves local cells to develop their own plans in detail. (This would be similar to Communist ‘cell’ organization in the US during the Cold war, as J. Edgar Hoover described in in “Masters of Deceit.”)
Finally, while bin Laden may have devoutly wished for the WTC and Pentagon attacks to succeed, he likely had very little to do with them, but wanted the prestige of them to be his, and so he took credit for them. I would not be surprised if 19 of the 20 people who knew the details of the plot died in its’ execution. Only their current landlord, Satan, could answer that question for us in certainty. (Speaking of Old Scratch, I have to agree with what the Rev. put out this morning – Satan was the real winner on 9/11, as it unleashed a decade of suffering across much of the world, and it shows no sign of ending any time soon.)

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
September 11, 2011 4:01 pm

Osama won my ordering an extra side of bacon with my breakfast just for the hell of it…

September 11, 2011 4:02 pm

Mea Culpa – That should’ve been ‘hunted’ in the second sentence of the second paragraph above.

September 11, 2011 4:08 pm

@Smokey – I take it you do not like my posting those links. Ha ha, did it on purpose to show you guys what the Other side is saying. Like I cotton to those views. Good on yer, Smokey, you are the only one to actually go read them.

Al-J is absolutely a bunch of motherfucking America haters, too bad Hillary Clinton believes that they are credible journalism, but she is definitely in the hate America crowd and she is Sec of State.

My POINT was that OBL struck at the symbol of American economic might. He was hoping that this one event would cause us to crash. It did not, although it hurt the economy badly at the time. It DID however, set in motion a whole series of events which will help bankrupt us.

I do not believe he could envision that we would erect a multi-trillion dollar security apparatus nor enagage in two wars. He certainly could not forsee the subsequent actions of the Fed. And I never said that, ahem.

That insanity we did all by ourselves. We had more than enough laws, agencies, troops, whatever to deal with Islamic terror.

The “cost” of the wars over 10 years, so far, is about 1 year of deficits in the Obama “budgets”. While the wars haven’t helped our economic situation any, it is our out of control entitlement spending over the last 30 years, with the resultant interest on the debt, which will cause our collapse. The war spending just speeds it up a bit. Muck @ 3:18 post is absolutely spot on.

Here’s another link to make you foam at the mouth, it is The Nation’s 9/11 edition.

http://www.thenation.com/issue/september-19-2011. Read the entire thing, here’s the last paragraph of what the editors think.

“President Obama was elected in part because he appealed to our better post-9/11 selves—the selves personified by the first responders. He promised to respect civil liberties not only because it would keep us safe—“There are no shortcuts to protecting America,” he said—but because it is right. That is something else to grieve: as David Shipler observes in this issue, President Obama may have come too soon in the historical cycle to fulfill his own promise.”

Back to my original point of how the lefties/islamofascists/america haters all have one common theme – Obama is here to save us from ourselves.

THAT is the real danger from 9/11, IMHO.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

September 11, 2011 4:15 pm

So smooth, you just clicky some clicks and loooky:
[imgcomment image[/img]


September 11, 2011 4:21 pm

Much better, Hope.

Muck About
Muck About
September 11, 2011 4:27 pm

@Hope: Thanks..

@Smoky: I meant Admin lost, chicken out and went watching football – not you! I was agreeing with you since way back..


September 11, 2011 4:32 pm

And if it`s a beauty:
comment image

September 11, 2011 4:33 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 11, 2011 4:36 pm


“When you’re WHAT!!!!!” was the third time in a week I’ve spoken up when you have used loose when you meant lose.

September 11, 2011 4:46 pm

Administrator is squirming like a butterfly on a pin now.

It was bad enough with me, then Muck, and now SSS.

Administrator is attempting to beat a hasty retreat without losing face, —correction, loosing face.

Administrator is undoubtedly desperately emailing his legions of sycophants to come online and salvage what is left of his reputation. Pleading frantically for someone, anyone, to bail him out.

This is like Ali vs Quarry, Ali vs Foreman, Hagler vs Hearns, the Colts vs Anybody in 2006.

If this was an NFL game, I’d have won by forfeit.

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