This movement is growing. You can try to rationalize who these people are, but you will be wrong. This isn’t about Republican or Democrat. It isn’t about socialism or capitalism. This is about the mood of the country. The people protesting are young and old. They are liberal and conservative. This is about anger raging against the machine. This is the beginning of the end for the old order. They don’t know it yet, but they will be swept away by the mood change in this country. These small protests will morph into something bigger. They are peaceful so far, but someone will do something stupid. A protestor will kill a cop or a cop will kill a protestor and then things will explode. This is a Fourth Turning. Bad shit happens during Fourth Turnings and people die. Don’t think for one moment these protests mean nothing.

Occupy Los Angeles protesters camp for second night at City Hall

October 2, 2011 | 10:07 pm
  Shayne Eastin, 27, of Los Angeles

Protesters who have camped outside Los Angeles City Hall since Saturday, inspired by on-going Occupy Wall Street demonstrations in New York, will spend a second night sleeping on the pavement this evening.

Loosely organized by a group called Occupy Los Angeles, several hundred people marched and rallied Sunday, holding signs that blasted corporate influence on government. They used Internet sites to mobilize and get attention.

Photos: Sunday’s protest and parade downtown

Tents and blankets dotted the lawn in front of City Hall on Sunday, as people came and went from the encampment. Some stood on the sidewalk holding signs. Sunday night passing cars periodically honked in a show of support.

“It’s been a very peaceful demonstration,” Los Angeles Police Department Sgt. Mitzi Fierro said. “They’re out there exercising their First Amendment right, so we’re going to allow them to continue as long it doesn’t become an unlawful assembly.”

Following a procedure established Saturday night, the protesters were to be moved from the grass on the south lawn of City Hall to the sidewalk at 10:30 p.m. Sunday, and back from the pavement to the lawn at 6 a.m. Monday.

Occupy Boston protesters march through downtown Boston

Suzanne’ Kreiter/The Boston Globe
Protesters with Occupy Boston marched through downtown Boston today.

By Brian R. Ballou and John R. Ellement, Globe Staff

About 100 people are marching through downtown Boston this morning as part of the Occupy Boston protest.

Accompanied by Boston police officers who stopped traffic at key intersections, the protesters first gathered in the city’s Financial District this morning and then marched to the State House where they stood on the steps, chanting slogans and holding signs.

Some of the signs included “capitalism is organized crime” and “where’s my golden parachute?”

Most of the protesters appeared to be in their 20s. As they walked through the streets they called out to passersby.

“We are the 99 percent,” one group would shout.

“So are you,’’ another group shouted in response.

During the walk, a handful of people apparently heading to work, briefly joined the protest. One woman handed to the marchers the cookies she had made for co-workers.

The group, called Occupy Boston , is inspired by Occupy Wall Street, a demonstration entering its third week in Manhattan’s Financial District that led to the arrest of 700 people Saturday on charges of blocking the Brooklyn Bridge. The effort has spread to dozens of communities nationwide, with tens of thousands of people participating.

In Boston, the protests had been building for several days, and on Friday swelled to about 1,000 in Dewey Square. Police arrested 24 people on trespassing charges when they refused to leave the Bank of America building nearby.

The demonstration, largely fueled by social media, is aimed at calling attention to what protesters call the ‘‘bottom 99 percent’’ of America who are hammered by rising costs for education, housing, and health care.

“Occupy Wall Street” protest movement seeks a Philadelphia foothold

October 02, 2011|By Harold Brubaker, Inquirer Staff Writer

Ahuviya Harel wore a Soviet flag Thursday to the first Occupy Philadelphia planning meeting, one of many efforts nationwide aiming to echo New York’s two-week-old Occupy Wall Street protest against the “greed and corruption” of the richest 1 percent of Americans.

Communism is “my ultimate goal, in many years, for this country,” Harel said, glancing down at the flag, because “the rich keep getting richer, and everybody else is just struggling to get by or getting poorer.”

Later, after the meeting of about 200 in the soaring, ornate sanctuary of the Arch Street United Methodist Church, Shawn McMonigle, who overheard Harel’s comment, urged:

“Don’t skew us with that communist dude.”

McMonigle and the young men he was standing with outside the church said they were not sure how they would change the economic and political systems, though they agree that socialism and communism had been tried in other countries and were not the answer.

McMonigle, an unemployed Fishtown resident, expressed common ground for his group, which comprised a paralegal student stressed about the debt he is taking on to get a degree and a job, a business consultant who said he had seen firsthand the traps financial companies set for the poor, and a retail manager.

“Whatever is happening in the world is not working for the majority of people,” McMonigle said.

In that, the would-be occupiers of Philadelphia, mostly in their 20s, sounded much like many 60-something businessmen who are terrified of the future and convinced that the “dysfunction of our political system,” in the words of former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, has stacked the economy against them.

The Philadelphia group aims to capture the spirit of Occupy Wall Street, which was inspired by Adbusters, a Canadian activist magazine hoping to spark street demonstrations of the kind that toppled Arab regimes in the spring. Protesters began occupying a park near Wall Street in Manhattan’s Financial District on Sept. 17.

Dozens of such groups have since formed across the United States, spurred by anger at the power of giant corporations, frustration at joblessness, and exasperation with politicians who refuse to increase taxes on the richest 1 percent of Americans while slashing programs for the poor.

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October 3, 2011 11:42 am

i guess this is stupid too,smokey or can you feel the transformation coming?

October 3, 2011 12:14 pm

The social fabric today is not your Grandfather’s social fabric of the First Great Depression.

GDII is going to be fucking ugly.

Brad ONeal
Brad ONeal
October 3, 2011 12:34 pm

What’s really funny is that the richest 1% won’t pay much of the new taxes. They will move out of the country or otherwise shield their money through trusts or LLC’s. The taxes will fall on the middle class who will be the real casualty of all the economic turmoil. Want to rage against the machine? Go protest the FED. Go protest the IMF. Go protest the WTO. Go protest George Soros for God’s sake! He and guys like him are the biggest beneficiaries of all the government power to redistribute wealth. Who do they support for office? They give a lot of money to Democrats. They’ll feed the rubes who continue to vote for them all the while deflating the value dollar and destroying the middle class. Go occupy the Fed if you really want to accomplish anything. It is at the nexus of all your rage. Ron Paul 2012.

October 3, 2011 12:37 pm

I’m gonna’ need more popcorn,that is if that fat-ass libtard poser Christie hasn’t scarfed it all up.

Ya’ think the bankster bail-out cost us out the wazoo, just elect Christie into office and see the nation royally reamed with a major grocery bill trying to feed this baby whale.

October 3, 2011 12:47 pm

Hey, if i change my last name to Banker , does that mean i get a bailout too?

And ,has anyone else realized that banker rhymes with wanker? Coincidence?
I think not.

October 3, 2011 12:53 pm

I agree, protesters or police will have to die. It might galvanize and motivate all the fat shitheads sitting at home watching “Kardasians” and “American Idol”. They will not be able to sit on their asses and eat doritos and twinkies and feel right about themselves, for once in their lazy worthless existence. Maybe someday they will realize being on SNAP, welfare, disability and unemployment is not the American dream. Or, Obama will sweeten their benefits even more, provoking more fucking laziness, gluttony and sloth.

I hope all the people that sold their souls to the student loan debt devils just to get an education, all the people that sold their soul to the banksters just to get a house to live in, all the people that sold their soul to credit card companies to be good consumers, and all the people that sold their soul to the Chinese/Japanese/Koreans so they could be cool and drive a fucking Camry or Sonata will finally start protesting and saying enough is enough. Oh, wait, they might miss “dancing with the stars”. Get off your ass and protest!

Hollow man
Hollow man
October 3, 2011 12:54 pm

Thank goodness for blogs like this. For I now live on a small farm in the middle of nowhere West Texas with my wife and 3 boys. Goats, chickens cows freezers, water well. It is not perfect but it is better than being in the big city. I got here thanks to web sites like this and a good dose of common sense from the gene pool. Jst saying thanks to all of you.

October 3, 2011 1:01 pm

Hollow man:

You are indeed NOT a hollow man. Circumstance, fate, God, has lead some people out of the cauldron, the crucible that cities will become. Some people have been delivered. The others will have one helluva battle to fight; against the FSA, the government thugs, the legions of police and protectors of the 1%. It’s going to be an epic battle, with an armed populous. Good versus Evil. And we got ringside seats. TBP has provided the background and storyline all these months leading up to this. Keep your powder dry as long as you can.

October 3, 2011 1:09 pm


Speaking of transformations:

When you finish that white owl you are smoking, look on the left side of your keyboard. About halfway up is a key that says CAPS

If you use that key, you can capitalize letters in your comment. That way, instead of PROVING you are a fucking imbecile, at least some people will still have doubts.

October 3, 2011 1:17 pm

Let’s see. In another post 401K statements are going to be a shocker because the average Joe on the street doesn’t pay attention or know what’s going on. But here, the same average Joe is goint out to protest? Protest fucking what?

October 3, 2011 1:30 pm

there you go talking dirty again,nothing of substance—-oh, i am the e e cummings of tbp–i do not need capitals or even punctuation now that i think about it poetic license

October 3, 2011 1:44 pm


You seem to be preoccupied with Christie’s weight. Some kind of weird man-love, really. You are a closet fatophobe. Try to control yourself. It is unbecoming of you.

October 3, 2011 1:45 pm

I went to one of these Amped Status protest a while back, No one showed up. So, I’m staying away from this one, for the good of the Movement.

October 3, 2011 2:08 pm

So what do they think well happen with theyre protest?Most likely is violence.

October 3, 2011 2:18 pm

For our Florida Members and Lurkers:

Occupy Orlando

We the American people are peacefully assembling and organizing to exercise our first amendment right to discuss and share the facts about the state of our country and the disproportionate influence of corporations, banks, oil companies, and hedge funds on our democracy so we can amend our policies and enforce our laws to protect and serve all of our society equally.

General Assembly Wednesday October 5th 2011 7:00 PM
Orange County Regional History Center
65 East Central Blvd, Orlando, Florida 32801

I will be there. Got cuffs?

October 3, 2011 2:20 pm


You leaving the artillery at home or are you bringing it?

October 3, 2011 2:27 pm

Leaving the big shit at the fortress. I think I can survive a night out in Orlando with just a couple hundred 9mm rounds, a few smoke grenades, and some molotov’s. Should be fun!

October 3, 2011 2:44 pm

@ stuck,

sorry, I couldn’t resist.

I had no idea you were so sensitive.

BTW, do you think Christie used to be a cop? If not, he certainly has the build for it.

Here’s a freebie. If open season is ever declared on cops, stay the hell out of Dunkin’ Donuts if you want to continue suckin’ wind.

October 3, 2011 3:14 pm


KILL ‘EM ALL!!!!!!!!

October 3, 2011 4:24 pm

An explanation of the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Have you ever played monopoly ?
The object of monopoly is to build up your wealth empire by buying
properties to rent, hotels, public services like the water company and
railroad services and slowly squeeze out your opponents until they can
no longer afford your rents.
Monopoly starts with a limited amount of funds in the bank and
eventually one person has so much of that cash that even the bank has to
borrow from that person to pay out others collecting their pay for
passing go or the whole game ends.
There is only one winner in monopoly and that person ends up with
everything while all other players are slowly drowned in debt until they
give up.
Our US economy is a lot like that monopoly game!
Only in monopoly everyone starts out with the same amount of cash and
through the luck of the dice and some desire to defeat everyone else
one player gets ahead.
In real life we don’t all start out with the same cash to start life.
When we are born most of us (middle class) have pretty much the same
starting funds but the wealthy have the advantage on us because they
have been playing a long time and have passed their wealth on to their
kids and grand kids etc. and we are now playing against them and their
collective wealth.
Just like in the game of monopoly the wealthy have used their
inherited and collective wealth to buy up all the property, hotels, and
public services that the new players need to survive and they rent these
to us to increase their wealth.
The wealthy also own the majority of banks, corporations and
businesses that produce the food we eat, clothes we wear, and goods we
use every day too survive.
In America our monopoly game of an economy has now resulted in just 1% of the people having 90% of the wealth!
These wealthy people have played the game well and now control just about everything including the government through lobbyists.
They now have so much wealth and power that if they decided to stop
the flow of funds to banks and businesses they could very effectively
destroy our economy and probably most of the worlds economy that is tied
to ours.
Now these wealthy people are not stupid and they do not want people
to stop playing the game (revolt) so they pretend they are helping you
using a fallacy called the trickle down effect and through the threat of
taking away the services and goods you need to survive.
The wealthy will tell you they create the jobs you need and all the
goods you need and without them you would not be able to survive so if
you will leave them alone and not tax them they will trickle down the
jobs you need and goods you need.
Occasionally one of the players will start to get ahead by
challenging the wealthy for their wealth by starting a new business the
wealthy do not own but the wealthy are quick to buy these up to add to
their wealth or push them out through lawsuits and laws designed by
their lobbyists to suppress new businesses that threaten their wealth.
The biggest fallacy of the monopoly game economy that the wealthy use
to stay in power is that they help others to build wealth. They build
support for their power by making people believe that their survival
depends on them for their jobs so the majority of players willingly
support these wealthy because they fear losing their jobs, homes and
toys that they believe would go away without the wealthy.
These serfs of the wealthy are the majority of American people which
have made their lives so dependent on the wealthy that they will fight
tooth and nail to keep them in power through political movements to keep
any government action of the people from taking away the privileges of
the wealthy through higher taxes and regulations.
The wealthy also know that only by suppressing the people can they
maintain their power so by using their lobbyists and political
connections they try to take away any public services provided by taxes
and privatize them under their ownership so that they can rent these
services to the people.
It even becomes more dangerous as the wealthy can now also control
the military and law enforcemnt by controlling the government and
military contractors that can be used to suppress anyone that speaks
against them and directed to an agenda of world domination (ever played
the game of risk).
For this purpose they would end public schools, universities, college
loans and grants, social security, medicare,medicaid, and anything that
helps the middle class to survive because then these people that use
those services become fully dependent on the wealthy for everything.
We are now faced with a monopoly board that is completely controlled
by the wealthy and anyone joining the game is at a complete
Our only option is to stop playing the game. Put all the play money
and pieces back in the box and try something new that respects all
This can only happen when the majority 99% around the world refuse to support the 1%.
How you do that could be by refusing to use their services, refusing
their handouts, staging protests, filing lawsuits, and making a general
nuisance of yourself that draws attention to what they are doing.
If every person that in the world that is in the 99% just stopped
working and buying and using the services of the 1% for just 1 week Wall
Street would collapse and the 1% would be forced to recognize the power
of the 99%.
That is what we need and it must be organized. Occupy Wall Street is just the beginning!

October 3, 2011 7:12 pm

King Shat: “In real life we don’t all start out with the same cash to start life.
When we are born most of us (middle class) have pretty much the same
starting funds but the wealthy have the advantage on us because they
have been playing a long time and have passed their wealth on to their
kids and grand kids etc. and we are now playing against them and their
collective wealth.”

So the real solution would be to level the starting field by killing off EVERYBODY and starting evolution over again. And guess what?, After just one generation, there will be some with more than others.

October 3, 2011 7:16 pm

King Shat again:”This can only happen when the majority 99% around the world refuse to support the 1%.
How you do that could be by refusing to use their services, refusing
their handouts, staging protests, filing lawsuits, and making a general
nuisance of yourself that draws attention to what they are doing.
If every person that in the world that is in the 99% just stopped
working and buying and using the services of the 1% for just 1 week Wall
Street would collapse and the 1% would be forced to recognize the power
of the 99%.:

And i’ll bet you want to be the leader of the new society.

October 3, 2011 7:38 pm

King-shat – there are things called paragraphs and line breaks. If you push the button labelled “enter” you get a nice break between run-on sentences. Like this:

See – it makes it much easier to read long posts.

October 3, 2011 8:37 pm

Yes, I could have done a better job with that post. I copied and pasted it from another blog (I think it was the Dailypaul. It was a reader comment. I thought it was interesting. As with most things I read I do not agree with every idea in the article.



you will find their official demands. You can vote on each one of them also, if you wish.

Admin – Remember, remember the fith of November. See you all on the other side.

October 3, 2011 8:40 pm

@ admin.
People are their government.
If this statement is true , then who are we afraid of?

October 3, 2011 8:45 pm


Maybe you could post that as an article?

October 3, 2011 8:46 pm

Flash is high. What are you high on Flash? WE the people are no longer the government. Come on man.

October 3, 2011 8:53 pm

King-Shat smokes my pole.

October 3, 2011 9:24 pm

I fixed a spaghetti bolognese last night. Testing the spag for the proper _al dente_ I took one piece out of the pot. Hmmm, 11-1/2 in length and thought, What does that remind me of?

October 3, 2011 9:30 pm

Picking college football winners gives Smokey an erection, due to excitement.

The blood drains from his head and mesentaric system, and he gets a little dizzy.

It takes about 2 gallons to fill a 11 1/2 inch trowser snake.

Thus, the college football picks don’t turn out so well.

October 3, 2011 9:36 pm


Looks like you found 2 pole-smokers. Novista and AWD. I’ve never heard another man talk about another mans one-eyed-viper unless he was gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

October 3, 2011 10:09 pm

Some NYC police responding to a peaceful protester.

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 4, 2011 1:48 am

You must hang around with a lot of gays to have arrived at such a statistic, King. Unless your methology is FITH. And your astute analysis of a fixation on having a smoked pole?

Or you can just copy one from somewhere else.

April 13, 2012 6:55 pm

where’s the part with all the rapes? Like the countless amounts of rape that goes on at these things?

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 13, 2012 7:38 pm



2) You don’t know shit

3) Gargle some sweaty sack

April 13, 2012 8:26 pm

lol who doesn’t know anything now? I’ll tell you who, the occupytards. Way to protest nothing guys you really changed the world. Now all the fascists who aren’t paying the art and women’s study’s majors 7 figure salaries know where they stand

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
April 13, 2012 9:06 pm

Glenn Beck [Theblaze] is a moron.