Originally posted on Seeking Alpha in October 2008. It received 278 comments, most of which were crying Boomers making excuses and screaming that it wasn’t their fault. Accept responsibility for your actions Boomers. Grow a pair and man up.


The Baby Boom Generation will never be mistaken for the Greatest Generation that survived the Great Depression and defeated evil in a World War that killed 72 million people. I hate to tell you Boomers, but putting a yellow ribbon on the back of your $50,000 SUV is not sacrifice.

Our claim to fame is living way beyond our means for the last three decades, to the point where we have virtually bankrupted our capitalist system. Baby Boomers have been occupying the White House for the last sixteen years. The majority of Congress is Baby Boomers. The CEOs and top executives of Wall Street firms are Baby Boomers. The media is dominated by Baby Boom executives and on-air stars. We have no one to blame but ourselves for the current predicament. Blaming Franklin Roosevelt or Lyndon Johnson for our dire situation is a cop out. Baby Boomers had the time, power, and ability to change our course. We have chosen to leave the heavy lifting to future generations in order to live the good life today.

Of course, not all Baby Boomers are shallow, greedy, and corrupt. Mostly Boomers with power and wealth fall into this category. There were 76 million Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1963. They now make up 28% of the U.S. population. Their impact on America is undeniable. The defining events of their generation have been the Kennedy assassination, Vietnam, Kent State, Woodstock, the 1st man on the moon, and now the collapse of our Ponzi scheme financial system. They rebelled against their parents, protested the Vietnam War, and settled down in 2,300 square foot cookie cutter McMansions with perfectly manicured lawns, in mall infested suburbia. They have raised overscheduled spoiled children, moved up the corporate ladder by pushing paper rather than making things, lived above their means in order to keep up with their neighbors, bought whatever they wanted using debt, and never worried about the future. Over optimism, unrealistic assumptions, selfishness and conspicuous consumption have been their defining characteristics.

click to enlarge images

Boomers are currently in their prime earning and spending years. A Baby Boomer turns 50 years old every 7 seconds. The older Boomers had a fantastic run from 1989 through 2004. Median net worth for those between the ages of 55 and 59 rose 97% over 15 years to $249,700 in 2004. Median income rose 52%. The younger generation between the ages of 35 and 39 saw their median net worth fall 28% to $48,940. Their median income dropped 10% over the same 15 year period. It is clear that all Baby Boomers are not created equal. Based on calculations made by the Federal Reserve, at least 50% of Boomers will not have a happy retirement. The bottom 30% will reach the age of 65 with net worth of less than $100,000. They will try to subsist in poverty, dependent upon social security and part time Wal-Mart jobs until they die penniless. The top 30% will retire to lives of luxury and leisure. The middle 40% will muddle through with social security payments the only thing keeping them from an old age in poverty.

We have become a have and have not society. Our economy favors education, entrepreneurship, and creativity. Those benefitting from a good education will make dramatically more money than the uneducated laborers. The top 20% of households make 12.5 times the lowest 20% of households. This ratio was 7 to 1 in 1982. The top 1% of households make 20% of all the income in the U.S., the highest rate since 1928. Does this statistic portend a decade long depression? The difference between now and 1928 is the huge household debt burden of Americans. This usage of debt by the poor has masked the gap between haves and have nots for the last 20 years.

As I drive to work every day in my fully paid for 2002 CRV with 110,000 miles, I have plenty of time to observe my surroundings. Sitting in traffic on the Schuylkill Expressway, I have noticed that the number of luxury Mercedes, BMW, Cadillac and Lexus vehicles seems out of proportion to the number of wealthy people in the Philadelphia population.

When I see an older gentleman, wearing a suit, driving one of these automobiles, I assume that he is a wealthy executive who has put in his time and rewarded himself with a luxury vehicle. But, most of these vehicles are being driven by Joe the Plumber types. As I take a shortcut through some of the more depressed areas of West Philadelphia, I see people talking on their Apple (AAPL) iPhones, Direct TV satellite dishes attached to dilapidated row homes, and Cadillac Escalades & Mercedes parked on the mean streets. This is not exactly the world that Henry Fonda’s character, Tom Joad, described in The Grapes of Wrath:

I’ll be all around in the dark – I’ll be everywhere. Wherever you can look – wherever there’s a fight, so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever there’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad. I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry and they know supper’s ready, and when the people are eatin’ the stuff they raise and livin’ in the houses they build – I’ll be there, too.

When I see “poor” people appearing to live a more luxurious life than myself, I don’t feel jealous. The thought that goes through my head is: Which banks or finance companies were foolish enough to loan these people the money to live this lifestyle? These foolish financial institutions will never get their loans repaid. What does bother me is that the Bush-Paulson-Pelosi Bailout of Stupid Banks will use my taxes to buy these bad loans from the foolish banks.

So, who is the fool in this scenario? The “poor” person got to drive a Cadillac Escalade for a period of time, the foolish banks got bailed out, the bank CEOs took home $30 million, and I lived within my means and footed the bill for the reckless actions of others. It appears that the fools are the Americans who lived their lives according to the rules. The anger is building. I don’t think the politicians running this country realize what true anger looks like. They are used to Americans being herded along like passive sheep.

I’ve heard many Republican ideologues blame the current crisis on the people who took the subprime loans for home purchases. I’ve also heard many Democratic ideologues blame the crisis on the regulators. The ideologues are wrong, as usual. If a poor person has no home, no vehicle, and no prospects; then a bank tells them that they can buy a $300,000 home, drive a $55,000 Mercedes SUV, and live like people on TV; why wouldn’t they say yes? What is their downside? If you have nothing and “The Man” offers you the American Dream, you’d actually be foolish to say no. Now that they have lost the home in foreclosure and the repo man has taken the Mercedes, they are exactly where they were a few years ago with no home, no vehicle and no prospects.

The regulators were certainly asleep at the wheel. They did not enforce existing rules, foolishly waived leverage rules for the biggest investment banks, and believed that the banks would regulate themselves. They were wrong, but they never made a single loan. The commercial banks, investment banks, auto finance companies, and credit card companies made the ridiculous loans to people who could never pay them back in the search for short term profits. Greedy Wall Street executives created an artificial market for the loans in order to generate billions in fees so they could enrich themselves through stock options and obscene bonuses. They spent their false riches on $2 million NYC penthouses, $100,000 Porsche 911s, and $5 million beachfront estates in the Hamptons. Based on the estimated $2 trillion of losses that our banks have generated, the CEOs certainly deserved annual pay 500 times as high as the average worker. There is no way an “average” worker could possibly be talented enough to lose $2 trillion. You would need to be truly extraordinary to lose that much.

CEOs’ average pay, production workers’ average pay, the S&P 500 Index, corporate profits, and the Federal minimum wage, 1990-2005 (adjusted for inflation):

Source: Executive Excess 2006, 13th annual CEO Compensation Survey

The brutal necessary lesson that should have been learned is that if you loan money to people who can’t pay you back, your bank will go bankrupt. The “poor” people who made a bad decision in buying homes and cars they couldn’t afford have lost those homes and cars. The banks made a bad business decision in making those loans. The taxpayer was not involved in these business transactions. This is where Hank Paulson, Ben Bernanke and George Bush, formerly free market capitalists, decided to commit our grandchildren’s money to bailing out the horribly run financial institutions.

Our government has chosen to allow these banks off the hook for their bad business decisions at the expense of taxpayers. Rewarding bad decisions and bad behavior will lead to more bad decisions and more bad behavior. The government has made a dreadful decision that will haunt our country for generations. Now the Federal Reserve has lowered interest rates to 1% again. This is where this horrible nightmare started. The massive printing of currency throughout the world will ultimately lead to a hyperinflationary bust. The law of unintended consequences can be devastating.

Early in the 1st Reagan administration, Americans saved 12% of their income and household debt as a percentage of GDP was 63%. In 1980, the oldest Baby Boomers turned 34. They entered their prime earnings and spending years. This is when something went haywire with our great country. Deficit spending became fashionable for government, corporations and individuals. Dick “deficits don’t matter” Cheney was probably in his glory as the country ran up deficits of money, morals, and brains. The Boomers and our government chose to try and borrow and spend their way to prosperity. As we now know, Mr. Cheney’s advice about deficits not mattering was about as good as his belief that you can fire a shotgun in any direction without implications. The Boomer generation has freely made choices over the last quarter century that has brought us to the brink of a second Great Depression.

During the current Bush administration, Americans’ savings rate actually went below zero, while household debt as a percentage of GDP soared above 130%, a doubling in 25 years. These figures prove that the apparent prosperity of the last 25 years was an illusion. Beginning in 1982, Baby Boomers chose to take the easy road. Saving, investing and living within your means were cast aside as “Old School”. Boomers were handed a better future through the blood, sweat and tears of the “Greatest Generation”. Through their hubris, they’ve squandered that better future, the future of their children and imperiled our entire capitalist system. Between 1989 and 2007, credit-card debt soared from $238 billion to $937 billion, a 300% increase. Household liabilities that are in delinquency or default totaled $775 billion at the end of June, according to data. This is equal to 7.5% of all U.S. household debt, up from 3% just two years ago.

In the last five years, our live-for-today Boomers sucked over $3 trillion of equity out of their homes to fund their selfish lifestyles. At the end of June, there were 2.72 million mortgage loans in default at an annualized rate. For all of 2008, defaults will hit 3 million, up from approximately 1.5 million in 2007, and 1 million in 2006.

What “essentials” do the Boomers invest all this borrowed money in every year? The U.S. Census bureau provides the answers:

  • $200 billion on furniture, appliances ($1,900 per household annually)
  • $400 billion on vehicle purchases ($3,800 per household annually)
  • $425 billion at restaurants ($4,000 per household annually)
  • $9 billion at Starbucks (SBUX) ($85 per household annually)
  • $250 billion on clothing ($2,400 per household annually)
  • $100 billion on electronics ($950 per household annually)
  • $60 billion on lottery tickets ($600 per household annually)
  • $100 billion at gambling casinos ($950 per household annually)
  • $60 billion on alcohol ($600 per household annually)
  • $40 billion on smoking ($400 per household annually)
  • $32 billion on spectator sports ($300 per household annually)
  • $150 billion on entertainment ($1,400 per household annually)
  • $100 billion on education ($950 per household annually)
  • $300 billion to charity ($2,900 per household annually)

The priorities of our Boomer led society are clearly born out in the above figures. We spend more eating out than we give to charity. We spend as much on big screen TVs and stereos as we do on education. This may explain why 37 million (12.5%) of all Americans live in poverty and our high school students trail the students of 25 other countries (including Latvia) in science and math knowledge. Our school system processes many more clueless morons who don’t know the candidates for President, versus intelligent, thoughtful, hard working, driven young people. The $160 billion spent on gambling is indicative of the get rich quick without hard work attitude of the Boomer generation. Even worse, households with income under $13,000 spend, on average, $645 a year on lottery tickets, about 9 percent of all their income. Our government feeds this addiction by siphoning off billions in taxes from these gambling revenues to redistribute as they see fit.

What the data proves is that Boomers love to shop and eat, whether they have the money or not. The top 100 retailers in the U.S. have 250,000 stores that generated $1.7 trillion of sales last year. How could America function without 31,000 McDonalds, 35,000 KFCs, Taco Bells, & Pizza Huts, 15,000 Starbucks, 7,000 Wal-Marts, 2,000 Home Depots, 4,000 K-Marts/Sears, and 8,000 Blockbusters? There are 91,000 shopping centers in the United States. The Advertising industry spends $275 billion per year to convince you to spend money you don’t have for things you don’t need. This generation lacks self control, morals, a work ethic, and savings ethic. Based on the recent actions of our government and corporate leaders, we seem to lack any ethics at all. It is immoral for the Boomer generation to run up $53 trillion in unfunded future liabilities in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to leave as our gift to future generations, while we live it up today. Optimists like to point out that Europe and Japan have much worse unfunded liability problems than the U.S. That is like taking pride in being the best looking horse at the glue factory. In the end, we’ll all still be glue.

The 25 year Boomer borrowing and spending binge is coming to an end. The hangover will be really bad. The Federal Reserve and Treasury are trying to keep the frat party going, but everyone is passed out on the floor. The Case Shiller housing data shows that the 20 largest cities have experienced an average 20% decline in price from their peaks. The futures index predicts a further 10% to 15% loss in value. There are 75 million owned homes in the U.S. One in six, or 12 million homeowners, owe more than the house is worth. With further expected losses, 20 million homeowners will eventually be underwater on their mortgage. In California, where home price declines will be 40% to 50%, half the homeowners in the State will owe more than the house is worth.

If you are one of these homeowners and can afford the mortgage payment, time will eventually bail you out. If you can’t afford the mortgage payment, you should lose the house to someone who can make the payment. This is the failure side of the creative destruction that is true capitalism. If the government steps in to subsidize and eliminate failure, the system will ultimately collapse.

Part two of the great Boomer credit contraction will be the collapse of credit card companies who have mailed out 27 billion credit card offers in the last five years. They are now reaping what they have sown. As Boomers could no longer borrow from their homes, they switched to credit cards to make mortgage payments and car payments. That well is running dry. The losses to card companies will make the losses in 2000 to 2002 seem like good times. Losses in the 1st half of 2008 soared to $21 billion. Losses are expected to total $55 billion in the next year and a half. This brings me to the latest outrage perpetrated upon the U.S. citizens by Hank Paulson and his Treasury cronies.

The credit card industry, which collects 23% interest and $12 billion in late fees from consumers, is lining up to get their piece of the $700 billion bank handout. Capital One (COF) has just received a $3.6 billion injection from the American taxpayer, one week after projecting that their write-offs will be $7.2 billion in the next twelve months. This will allow them to send another million offers to more people who shouldn’t have a credit card. Why not? The taxpayer will pay, if the losses are too high. Why aren’t the pundits on CNBC outraged at this misuse of taxpayer money? Would the bankruptcy of Capital One hurt our country in any way?

The Great American Empire has begun its long slow decline. It may take a few generations to reach its nadir, but the poor decisions already made and crucial decisions postponed in the last 25 years by our Boomer dominated leadership has put our country on a path to a declining standard of living. The U.S. is like a punch drunk ex-champion boxer who still thinks he has what it takes, but is living off his old press clippings. He lived the good life, got fat and didn’t do the hard work required of a champion. A slew of young brash fighters are itching to take him down. It is just a matter of time.

In our heyday during the 1950s, manufacturing accounted for 25% of GDP. In 1980 it was still 22% of GDP. Today it is 12% of GDP. By 2010 it will be under 10% of GDP. Our Government bureaucracy, which contributes nothing to the advancement of our society, now is a larger portion of GDP than manufacturing. Services such as banking, retail sales, transportation, and health care now account for two-thirds of the value of U.S. GDP. We have become a nation of bureaucratic paper pushers. Past U.S. generations invented the airplane; invented the automobile; discovered penicillin; and built the Interstate highway system. The Baby Boom generation has invented credit default swaps; mortgage backed securities; the fast food drive thru window; discovered the cure for erectile dysfunction; and built bridges to nowhere. No wonder we’re in so much trouble.

Now that I have laid out our bleak future, I can tell you that, like Dickens’ Christmas Carol, this is only a vision of what might be. There is time to change our course before our ship wrecks on a jagged reef. David M. Walker, former Comptroller of the United States, at a recent Fiscal Wake Up Tour at the University of Pennsylvania, described what has been happening in this country for the last 25 years in one word – laggardship. The last six months have been a perfect example of laggardship. Our leaders have floundered from crisis to crisis, overreacting and blustering rather than leading. True leaders are proactive, not reactive. After not addressing our energy policy for decades, as soon as oil reached $140 a barrel, Congress lurched into action so their constituents would think they were leading. As our financial system has imploded, government “leaders” have flailed about with one rescue package after another and Congress looks for scapegoats. Meddling, tinkering, and non-enforcement of rules by Congress and other government bureaucracies caused the crisis that they are reacting to. Government creates the problems and then assumes even more power over our lives with their ridiculous “solutions”.

No one in Washington has shown an ounce of leadership in decades. True leadership requires strength of character, clear vision to see the future as it is, the bravery to make unpopular decisions, and the honesty to tell the public the unvarnished truth based on the facts.

The facts are: we have a $10.5 trillion national debt; $53 trillion of unfunded liabilities; a military empire that has U.S. troops in 117 countries and has spent $700 billion on a pre-emptive war that has killed over 4,000 Americans; a $60 billion trade deficit; an annual budget deficit that will exceed $1 trillion in the next year; a crumbling infrastructure with 156,000 structurally deficient bridges; almost total dependence on foreign oil; and an educational system that is failing miserably. We can not fund guns, butter, banks and now car companies without collapsing our system.

I truly hope that President Obama can rise to the occasion and become a true statesman and leader. David Walker lays out our dilemma:

The regular order in Washington is broken. We must move beyond crisis management approaches and start to address some of the key fiscal and other challenges facing this country if we want our future to be better than our past. Our fiscal time bomb is ticking, and the time for action is now!

Ultimately, it is up to the Baby Boom generation to change our country’s course. The oldest Boomer is 62 years old and the youngest 45 years old. It is time for Boomers to take a hard look in the mirror and rethink their priorities. It is time to cast aside the $88,000 Range Rovers, $1,200 Jimmy Choo boots, $5,000 Rolex watches and daily double lattes at Starbucks. It is time to live within your means, distinguish between needs and wants, reduce debt, save 10% of your income, make sure your kids get a good education, not try and keep up with the Joneses, show compassion for your fellow man, and possibly pay more taxes and get less benefits, for the good of the country. We must support true leaders like [former Comptroller General] David Walker and get rid of the old time corrupted politicians who want to keep the status quo. Texas Congressman Ron Paul gives the blunt truth that a true leader is willing to give:

Our government has lived beyond its means for decades. We now face a crucial juncture, at which we determine whether to continue down the path of debt, inflation, and government intervention or choose to return to the economics of the free market, which have been ignored for almost a century. Increased debt leads to higher taxes on future generations, while increased inflation diminishes the purchasing power of American families and destroys the dollar. No society has ever been achieved prosperity through indebtedness or inflation, and the United States is no exception. We cannot afford to continue our current policies of monetary expansion and unending bailouts. Unless we return to sound monetary policy, sharply reduce government expenditures, and realize that the government cannot act as a lender of last resort, we will drive our economy to ruin.

The Baby Boom generation has one last chance to change the course of U.S. history, keep us from wrecking in a storm of debt on the approaching jagged reef and shed the title of “Shallowest Generation”.


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February 2, 2011 1:22 am

This article is a fucking disgrace to both blogging and rational analysis. Here’s Part One of my response to Admin’s vacuous shitting all over Boomers.

According to Admin’s view of the future, his guidepost “An American Prophecy, The Fourth Turning,” by William Strauss and Neil Howell, Boomers were born between 1943-1960. It’s on a chart on page 59 of the book, to include the authors’ definitions of the birth span of GI and Silent Generations. Ok, let’s go with that.

From 1951 until 2006, every Chairman of the Federal Reserve, responsible for establishing the monetary policy of this country, has been a member of either the GI Generation (born 1901-1924) or the Silent Generation (born 1925-1942). Get that, Admin? 55 fucking years of domination of THIS COUNTRY’S MONETARY POLICY BY SOMEONE FROM A GENERATION OTHER THAN BOOMERS.

From 1947 until 2006, every Secretary of Defense has been a member of the GI Generation or the Silent Generation. Get that, Admin? 59 fucking years of domination of THIS COUNTRY’S DEFENSE POLICY BY SOMEONE FROM A GENERATION OTHER THAN BOOMERS.

Would you like me to continue, mate? Or do you enjoy getting keelhauled like a common British sailor miscreant?

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 2, 2011 9:41 am

SSS and Admin are both right. The GIs and Silents started screwing things up, yet the Boomers did nothing to change it.

February 2, 2011 10:04 am

I think the problem with blaming the Boomers is that it paints to broad a stroke. You could easily make the argument that the 13th and Millennial generation would have continued living beyond their means if they had been forced to wake up.

And, what about the generation that raised the Boomers – the GI and Silent? Wouldn’t they share some blame for having raised the Boomers?

BTW, since you travel down Sumneytown Pike, do you know if the Sandwich Mill is still open?

February 2, 2011 10:21 am

Admin –

I love their pulled pork sandwiches. I know my way around that area well having grown up in Perkasie/Sellersville and drove to West Point for work.

I’m a 13er. Having read your blog for a while (but commenting only recently) I know you can be stubborn. What would you think about a short documentary on Boomers and their shallowness? There would be interviews on what values their parents passed onto them, the values they think they passed onto the 13ers, the 13ers interpretation of their parents comments. It’d be a contradictory laugh fest.

February 2, 2011 10:28 am


Since you know your way around that area so well, how about if the Administrator does a short documentary of you pulling my pork ?

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 2, 2011 10:48 am

As for 13’ers and Millenials living beyond their means, it would be very difficult for them not to. The job market has sucked about half the time during the last 20 years, and we had that huge housing bubble. So people my age (early 40s) have had a hard time finding jobs, let alone making decent money, and houses have always cost too much. The Millenials will see lower housing prices, but they will have the worst time finding jobs of any generation yet, and they will be saddled with crippling student loan debt. I managed to buy a home and pay it off, but it’s because I live in an inexpensive part of the country, live in a 2BR condo, have good health, and never had kids. 13’ers and Millenials who want a college education, nice house, nice cars, and kids will always, always live in debt with no hope of ever getting out from under it.

February 2, 2011 10:53 am

Uh mmmm … yeah. Okaaay. Pulling your pork …. riiiiight. .

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 2, 2011 11:07 am

As long as they have the support of the Silents and GIs, who have benefitted mightily from the status quo, the Boomers will probably be able to throw the Millenials under the bus when it comes to entitlements. (13’ers have never known anything OTHER than being thrown under the bus.) However, a united front between 13’ers and Millenials could tip the tables. Some of the Millenials are still in high school, but as they get older maybe they will see how badly they are getting ripped off by their parents. The GIs are almost gone, the Silents will start to die off, and maybe us younger generations can pull off a major coup and yank the entitlement rug out from under the Boomers. They certainly deserve it.

February 2, 2011 11:18 am

Damned Jackass Hippies, ruined the Country!

The Claymobile
The Claymobile
February 2, 2011 11:41 am

Dear Admin. Overall, an excellent article, As a Boomer (born 1952) I see a lot of what you write about. I would like to add one observation. It isn’t just Boomers who are living beyond their means. It’s also 25 & 30 year olds too. I have never paid more than $2500 for a vehicle and it constantly blows me away when a 25 year old kid goes by me on the highway in a pickup that cost’s $50,000!!! I could buy 20 pickups like the one I am driving, for the price of his new pickup! You mentioned in the article that “The massive printing of currency throughout the world will ultimately lead to a hyperinflationary bust”. What will be the characteristic’s of this bust? What should a person do to prepare for this bust? Should I get out of the stock market and buy gold? Finally, how old are you and what generation do you belong to? Thanks.

February 2, 2011 12:21 pm

Admin — “Keep thumbing me down Boomers. Look in the mirror and stick those thumbs up your shallow asses. The truth hurts. Doesn’t it?”
Jim Quin = Hosni Mubarak.

The overwhelming majority of people do not like your views on this particular matter —

— they think you are totally full of shit

— yet you think you hold the upper hand.



February 2, 2011 12:27 pm

Shall we fire up the furnaces now, or wait a little longer? Perhaps we should simply start digging trenches with our excess construction equipment and machine gun the Boomers by the hundreds of thousands into them. A good start would be to make them wear armbands so we all can recognize them. Close their businesses of course, but let’s start with a boycott.

Since all Boomers are clearly mentally defective, all literature, music recordings, etc., should be burned. Any and all of their possessions should be redistributed to worthy generations immediately. All Boomers must have their American citizenship revoked at once.


It doesn’t matter whether the Boomers “got what they deserved” or not. What seems to matter now is the perception that they did/do. Certainly, the Boomer generation is not surprised that there will be no SS for them; they knew this long before the present Millennial generation was born, and while the Xers were yet in diapers.

To their credit, the Boomers have not proclaimed a mass indictment against the Silents, Greatest (so called), and Lost generations that are the architects of the Great Ponzi Scheme. That they have not (as have the Xers and Millennial against the evil Boomer Americans), is probably just maturity showing, as formerly the Boomer mantra was “Don’t trust anyone over thirty” – at least for certain radicals.

Millennial and Xers would do well to consider caution as they are falling for one of the oldest tricks in the book. Certainly “Divide and Conquer” is not new, but it is amazing how well it works.

Millennia and Xer: Your enemy is not the Boomer. Your enemy is the evil that wishes to enslave you, your children, your parents, your grandparents …and our nation. Sharpen your focus – realize that the enemy does not want your attention on him. Should he be successful in turning your power toward your fellow countrymen, he has won. Right now, he is doing a very good job.

Mr. Quinn, did you read the same “The Fourth Turning” as I read? I’m starting to wonder…

If we do not stand as Americans, we are certain to fall.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 2, 2011 1:14 pm


You’re kidding right? The Boomers won’t get their SS? LOL!!!!!!! There are 10,000 Boomers turning 65 every day for the next 10 years. They are getting their SS.”

I have to say I agree with Admin on this one.

Everywhere I look on the Internet, I’d say two or three times a week there is an article explaining how screwed Social Security is. I don’t even read them anymore, because they all sound the same.

GIs: They are almost all gone, they don’t use the Internet, and even if they did their eyesight is so bad they couldn’t read the articles. They made out like bandits on SS.

Silents: They feel smug. They’ve already got theirs, too. They pretend to care what happens to their kids and grandkids, but mainly they are just glad they got to quit their jobs at the age of 62 and are still getting their goodies so they don’t have to depend on those kids and grandkids.

Boomers: They whine. Out of the mouth of every last one of them comes, “But I’ve paid into it my whole life and I’m ENTITLED to get back what I paid into it!” Not once have I ever heard a Boomer say they won’t get their money back. They are ENTITLED to it, so they will get it. They are either so stupid that they don’t realize their money was being spent on those smug GI’s and Silents just as fast as it was being paid in, or they pretend not to know. They will not admit that they got screwed and that the only way for them to get any money back is by screwing their own kids. They play the helpless victim card from beginning to end. Admin is correct to point out that with so many of them, they had the power to do something about it a long time ago.

X’ers: They are resigned. They know they are not getting anything back and view their past contributions simply as taxes that have already been spent on older generations. For this they are (as usual) being called cynical, but they are the first generation to come along that accepts the truth. They don’t even bother whining about it. In fact if you want to criticize them you could say they took it lying down a little too much. The system has always been designed to screw them, which has made them apathetic and disconnected, which is why the system keeps screwing them. Hate to say it, but they could take a page out of the Boomer playbook on this one. The least they could have done is vote Libertarian.

Millenials: Some of them are still too young to know what is going on. Most of them voted for Barack Obama for chrissake, but hopefully they will get smarter as they get older. In this age group, you hear most of them talking about wanting to opt out of SS. They’d like to get out of that losing program before they have paid too much into it and wind up getting screwed like the X’ers. Who can blame them?

All I can say is, most Millenials have Boomers as parents, and many of those Y’s are still living with their Boomer parents. I wonder how the discussions about SS at their dinner tables go.

February 2, 2011 1:25 pm

@Administrator – You wrote: “You keep referring to the evil. WTF. Is this evil personless? Please enlighten us.”

Yes, I read the last sentence. One sentence; a baby’s cry, “Help me Daddy!” So out of place with the rest of the article.

You’ve missed my point entirely. You are heading in a very dangerous direction. Perhaps I do need to “…enlighten…” you. I’m afraid that if I do, you will banish me from the site.

This evil is certainly not “personless.” It has existed for eons.

February 2, 2011 1:41 pm

Fire away Terry.

I can’t wait for this.

BTW, are you a he or a she ? I’m guessing a she.

February 2, 2011 2:24 pm


Judging from the yellow and pink screens on the comments, this is not going well for you. It’s about to get much worse. You said, “Bring it on Boomers. I’ll take all 76 million of you on. Keep telling me how it isn’t your fault, it’s their fault. Keep blaming dead Presidents and men who stormed the beaches of Normandy.”

So the ever shifting new rules, as defined by Admin, are that dead presidents don’t count. Ok, let’s go with that. Do you mind if I turn to James Earl Carter, born in 1924 (GI Generation) and still living? Is that ok with you, Admin?

Guess what happened during Carter’s administration when Congress was still totally ruled by the Silents and GIs. Why, the Department of Energy and the Department of Education were created.

These wonderful new departments have managed to totally fuck up this nation’s energy policy and education system. The stated mission of the Energy Department when it was created was to REDUCE THE NATION’S DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL. At the time, we imported about 35% of our oil from overseas sources. We are currently closing in on 70%. As Maxwell Smart used to say while holding a finger and thumb close together, “Missed it by that much.”

Over at the Department of Dummies, which has spent over $1 TRILLION DOLLARS since its inception, we have yet another example of total failure. The Education Department was supposed to improve our public education system, yet things have only gotten worse. We certainly have more teachers and smaller class sizes, just what the unions wanted, but our students are performing more poorly than ever. The highest percentage of high school graduates, nearly 76%, was achieved in 1975!!! It has declined steadily since then.

I stated over on your “American Eulogy” article that the Boomers certainly have their fair share of blame for this mess we’re in, and we certainly do. But it ain’t all our fault. A lot of this shit occured well before we took the levers of power.

Now, how much longer can you stand this horrible beatdown you’re getting?

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 2, 2011 2:49 pm

Boomers won’t get rid of the Dept. of Energy or Education because they are not libertarians. However, neither are X’ers or Millenials, and the Silents have never done anything but be along for the ride. Everyone wants their free shit, no matter how old they are. Essentially, we have three choices to make:

1) Do we want high taxes or low taxes?
2) Do we want minimal government or lots of government?
3) Do we want to balance the budget?

We can pick any two. We have been choosing “low” taxes and lots of government, at the expense of balancing the budget, for decades. Now we will be shocked – SHOCKED, I TELL YOU! – to see that when we don’t get to use the credit cards anymore, and have to live on what we make, we will see our standard of living go down. Well no shit.

Right now it’s like a game of musical chairs. No generation wants to be the one that gets stuck without a chair. If we were really going to do the right thing, we’d spread the pain evenly across all age groups. By “the right thing,” I mean deal with this situation as it exists now and going forward. Obviously if we’d been doing the right thing all along, we wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.

And yes the youngest generations are the least to blame, but that’s what you get for having stupid parents.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 2, 2011 3:15 pm

Admin, if I was running for President, I would REFUSE to talk about the abortion issue, and the same goes for gay marriage. Most of my views on the issues would be similar to those of Ron Paul, and I figure since he didn’t get elected neither would I. No one would vote for me because I would dish out the brutal, honest truth. I wouldn’t stand there and tell people that they could have low taxes, lots of government handouts, and that we could do all this without racking up debt. If you want to get elected, you have to say things like, ‘Everyone gets a mansion!’

February 2, 2011 3:25 pm


I readily admit that, as a class of people, the boomers eat shit.

But this beat down is brutal. You will be lucky to be on life support when it is over.
More likely, they’ll have to call a hearse.

Just a friendly word to the wise. DO NOT engage SSS unless you have an ironclad case. Otherwise, he’ll hand you your shit, as he is doing.

They only time I’ve ever taken him on was when I KNEW Enron traders were responsible for rolling blackouts in California. KNEW.

You’d better come up with some ammo in a hurry if you expect to salvage even a smidgen of self-respect. This thing is going downhill for you fast.

February 2, 2011 3:45 pm


Re the last sentence of this “moldy oldie, but butt-ugly badie” article, you said, “The Baby Boom generation has one last chance to change the course of U.S. history, keep us from wrecking in a storm of debt on the approaching jagged reef and shed the title of “Shallowest Generation”.

When you wrote that, who was, and still is, the Senate Majority Leader? Why, I believe it’s Whorehouse Harry Reid, born December 2, 19fucking39!!!!! Makes him a Silent kind of guy.

Now, if you had just a teeny, tiny sense of how Congress works, you’d know that Harry and his fellow Democrats can block just about any piece of Boomer-inspired legislation to improve the mess we’re in. What would you suggest the Boomers do about Harry?

You keep violating the first rule of holes, “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Drop your shovel, and I’ll happy to give you a hand on getting out. It’s getting pretty muddy and dirty down there where you are.

February 2, 2011 3:49 pm


The boomers are responsible for more advances in medicine and technology than any other generation.

Don’t you think that indicting an entire generation of people is a bit over the top ?

I mean, you may piss and moan about Ipods and cellphones, but I imagine your fat ass has no problem gobbling microwave popcorn while using the remote control or surfing the net.

ALL compliments of the 76 million mongoloid Boomers.

February 2, 2011 4:14 pm

Admin dancing around with his arms in the air claiming victory on this is akin to Leon Spinks claiming he handed Tyson an ass whupping.

It seems Admin has resorted to questioning the intelligence of the judges. As even all politicians know, the terminal mistake is to call the voters stupid. The evil red thumbs will now flow like water.

For what it is worth, I have a foot in both camps. As a whole, boomers have shown some shocking judgement.if you look at wealth distribution, not all of them were irresponsible good for nothings – a great many were salt of the earth and responsible. However, I am more concerned about what I see from the next gen or two down.

February 2, 2011 4:26 pm

Smokey claims he is all natural – no enhancements. I will have to take his word for it as I have no intention of getting close enough to look for incision scars.

February 2, 2011 4:40 pm


As Joe Wilson so aptly put it, “You lie!!!!”

You said to me, “Who elected Reid? BOOMERS!!!”

That’s a fucking lie. In 2010, Boomers voted overwhelmingly for Reid’s opponent, Sharron Angle (a Boomer born in 1949, btw). Go to ANY detailed analysis of the Nevada voters who went for Reid, and you’ll find that it was the young Hispanics who got him reelected.

You just make shit up as you go along, don’t you? This is getting pathetic. I’m going to go take a nap.

February 2, 2011 4:46 pm

Well, Admin, From what I can see through Google, the first Drive-Thru burger place was created in 1948, so the Boomers couldn’t have had that much to do with it. The Space Program was largely a GI/Silent project.
I suppose you have to give the Boomers credit for all their cultural achievements. They have, compared to other generations, been less focused on science and technology and more on music, literature, television, etc. American culture is certainly richer today than it was in the 1950s. Strauss and Howe at least nailed that prediction.
I was born in the early nineties, and i’ll reserve judgment on my own generation. (Millenials?) We haven’t had any time to make ourselves known.

February 2, 2011 4:58 pm

I must admit that I’m having second thoughts regarding playing my cards. While I enjoy this site, and have gained from reading it daily, it may not be worth it to engage …or it may.

I have fought racism and hate in my own generation all my adult life. I doubt I’ve made a dent, but my moral compass hasn’t let me stop. I’ve been very rough on my own generation. I’ve fought the Me-ism and vain materialism, and have nothing to show for it.

Now I see the specter of hate rising again …more and more in the open air. Hate that is as poison as racism, hate that will split our nation just when we need the opposite. So, if I engage in this Inter-generational Hate War – have I just added fuel? There is no doubt that Americans are going to need to be united as best we can be. I have no illusions regarding the future; I’m well aware that we are headed for Crisis.

Comes a time when you are tired of fighting, but yet a totally new battle looms. So, I don’t know. I don’t have all day to sit in front of a computer; several families depend on my income and the benefits of my employment.

Should I decide to engage, you will know it.

February 2, 2011 4:58 pm

Admin is kicking your old crusty pampered asses up and down the 30 blocks of squalor you dipshits.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
February 2, 2011 5:04 pm

Who voted for the Federal Reserve Act? Not Boomers, they weren’t even born yet. Who voted for FDR and Social Security to begin with? Not Boomers. This shit was set in stone long before Boomers hit the scene. The article needs a rewrite.


February 2, 2011 5:05 pm

Admin – I blame myself, aalong with a great many Boomers, for failing to adequately consider the long run as it impacts our children. I have tried to teach my kids properly, but for sure I could have given more thought to future and should have started taking more of an interest. A great many remain blissfully ignorant, to the detriment of our children. That is really criminal. There is enough info out there for people to make proper judgements – yet still it seems they are running toward the oncoming train.

Boomers have indeed been living an enchanted life. That is a wonderful thing. To pass the bill to the future generations is a travesty.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
February 2, 2011 5:11 pm

Boomers could have and still can changed the Federal Reserve Act and SS. They have done nothing. Nothing is set in stone. More Boomer excuses.-JimQ

A Boomer named Jack Kennedy TRIED to do that, and he ended up DEAD. After him, they went after Bobby. This could not have been changed. It was set in stone by the Illuminati.


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
February 2, 2011 5:24 pm

You can’t change anything on the grand scale. Nothing will stop the crash of this civilization. You can only look for the best place to ride out the storm. If a Cyclone is coming, writing before it arrives lets people take shelter, but it doesn’t stop the destruction. The destruction is inevitable, but warning people can Save some lives. Save As many As You Can.


February 2, 2011 5:33 pm


I step out for an hour to bicycle and come back to this. I am ACHING for your fat ass to tell me that laptops are pre 1970, or that the software that runs this blog was developed by some other generation. Kind of hard to dodge that, huh? I mean, everyone knows Bill Gates is behind that.

Yes, THAT Bill Gates

A mongoloid product of the Boomers that has REVOLUTIONIZED computer technology worldwide.
Now he is deploying his billions of dollars to fight disease and famine globally.
What a fucking piece of shit!!!

Next I guess you’ll say that Steve Jobs is not a boomer either. The same Steve Jobs that invented Apple Computer and has taken Apple stock from $7 per share in 2001 and borderline solvency to a market cap today surpassing Microsoft. How many people does that fly-by-night Apple outfit employ, anyway?

February 2, 2011 5:35 pm

One of the reasons I have a boot in both camps is that I know there are countless Boomers similar to me. My partner and I pay business taxes and personal taxes HUNDREDS of times more than the per capita average. We are not alone in this. Many on this site pay way more than their fair share. We cannot really be held to blame for the shit that is happening. We keep our heads down and our asses up trojaning along. Sure, we could have been smarter politically, but we have been busy doing the right thing, and that should count for a lot. Then there is of course those who have lived my lifestyle without having earned it. They will be an enormous drain for years to come. That is a disgrace.

But can Boomers be held directly responsible for the FSA? What about for the 10 percent of the population (blacks) that suck up 40 percent of welfare monies? Yes we can to the extent of having allowed politicians to survive. But what alternative leaders of vision have there been to chose from? In hindsight we should have pushed the issue far harder. To have placed iny trust whatsoever in politicians was a monumental error.

It is too late to avoid crisis. Maybe we can stave off annihilation.

February 2, 2011 5:40 pm

Smokey – mostly have time for Gates. Jobs, on the otherhand, is a scum sucking parasite. He owes everything to Wozniak (spelling?) Who was the technical brains behind Apple. Jobs is a marketer – and I hate marketers with a purple passion. Fuck Apple.

February 2, 2011 5:47 pm


You are what, mid-forties now ? Your fat ass has been of age now, what, TWO AND A HALF DECADES? YOUR ENTIRE GENERATION?

What a goddamn pathetic, cheap cop-out. A MINIMUM of TWENTY FIVE years to change things, and your generation hasn’t done shit. Not a goddamn thing but complain.


But goddamn, whatever you do, DON’T accept any responsibility for your generation’s failure to do a goddamn thing for TWENTY FIVE YEARS. And, whatever you do, goddamn, don’t concede that any of this country’s failed policies have been institutionally embedded in our society since FDR.
Yeah, according to your hopelessly warped, biased version, the Boomers should have rectified the fuckups. NOT the generation prior to the Bommers, and goddamn, not YOUR generation.



I’ve torched your fat ass now. Come on back for some more. There’s more medicine where that came from.

February 2, 2011 5:51 pm

Smokey – you bike? Tell me something, how do you keep your wanger from getting tangled up in the chain? It is an ongoing problem for me.

February 2, 2011 6:00 pm

Admin said to SSS

“You are right about one thing. This is getting pathetic as you flail about like a salmon on a hot rock.”

Uh, huh. You’re pissed off because I so cleverly used your favorite book, “The Fourth Turning,” to destroy your ridiculous arguments and shoved it so far up your ass that you’ll be shitting toilet paper for a year.

Hey, Snake

How about you taking a great big flying fuck at a rolling doughnut. Why don’t you ever say anything of substance so we can get a good look at that empty skull of yours? You jump in the middle of this polite conversation, kiss Admin’s ass, and think your feeble comments have somehow contributed. What a fucking pussy.

February 2, 2011 6:06 pm

SSS – for fuck sake, don’t own up to reading Snake’s shit (preferably don’t even read it). It only encourages him.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
February 2, 2011 6:08 pm

I write about the coming storm so that people will prepare also. Preparation can also mean taking back the reigns of power and taking actions that will lessen the blow to the country.-JimQ

I applaud you for the efforts you make in warning people. I also would like to see some taking back of the reigns of power, but I suspect that will have to wait until the Conduits fail and those in power no longer have the means to protect themselves.

Finally, I feel its important to place the Blame correctly, and its not in the hands of J6P, because he never really had any control, that was sewn up even before the First American Revolution. By the Illuminati, not the Boomers.


February 2, 2011 6:19 pm

” Your depressed again.” LOL

Talk to me about Bommers some more.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
February 2, 2011 6:23 pm

Not all Boomers are Illuminati and not all Illuminati are Boomers. However, ALL Illuminati are GUILTY, whereas not all Boomers are guilty. Therefore, if you want to make a generalization and lay blame, the proper place is in the hands of the Illuminati, whatever generation they come from.


February 2, 2011 6:23 pm


I use a stationary bike. I have a large hydraulic jack that I use to lift my wanger up to rest on the handlebars while I ride. I reinforced the handlebars with forged steel to support the weight.

February 2, 2011 6:25 pm

You’ll be laughing when I’m finished with you.

February 2, 2011 6:25 pm

Smokey – cool! I will give it a try. Please send photos of you using it so I can build it to spec.

February 2, 2011 6:28 pm


Snake is a drive-by blogger. He never says more than a sentence or two. The antithesis of RE.

Snake smokes my pole.