I’ve hit the half century mark. I’m officially an old fart. I will now be able to drive slow in the left lane. I will be able to back out of my driveway without looking. I will be able to block the entire grocery aisle with my cart and pretend not to notice the other people trying to get by. I can now leave 10% tips for waitresses after sending back my food three times. I can now pass gas in public places without worrying about what others might think. I can walk around with toilet paper trailing from my pants. I can shit my pants and still go to Wal-Mart. I don’t have to be my normal positive and uplifting self on TBP. I can be crotchety once in awhile. That’s a relief. 

I breathlessly await my AARP card and all the benefits that await me. I can start to refer to Social Security as my money. I can yell at kids to get off my lawn. Maybe I’ll start to understand the perspectives of the other 10,000 geezers on this site. I will now be in constant danger of breaking a hip.  

At least I’ve got one thing going for me. I’m still not a Boomer.

I prefer this interpretation of AARP. I think it fits my personality a little better.

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Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 15, 2013 9:11 pm

Cue boomer pics from AWD

Nailed it Again!

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 15, 2013 9:12 pm

The Resident Sophist says:


You do realize a sophist doesnt tell the truth? =)

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 15, 2013 9:16 pm

Happy Birthday, btw.

Pass the mustard, champ.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 15, 2013 9:22 pm

Have a great Birthday Jim

Its all good.

TTFN [big storm with tornadoes coming thru Dallas]

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 15, 2013 9:40 pm

“You do realize that a sophist doesn’t tell the truth”

-Kill Bill


David Karadine died an honorable death, surrounded by kind and loyal loved-ones.

Tarantino just keeps getting better…. at directing as well as his acting.

Your starry-eyed darling gave me the worst gummy EVER.

Most of all, Baby Boomers have left a legacy of values, work ethic and stability.

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 15, 2013 9:47 pm

What do you mean by “Colma”. Isn’t that some podunk town on the way to SF with car dealerships, strip malls, Pilippinos and graveyards?

May 15, 2013 9:59 pm

Colma don’t get in the water

70% Of All Sea Lions Dying In California; Fukushima Radiation The Cause?
What could be causing a massive die off across multiple species; seals, walruses, sea lions, plus polar bears, which is affecting whole populations of seal life from the tip of Alaska to the border of Mexico.

Experts in Alaska have been quoted as saying the problem is not caused by bacteria, virus, is not a poison, and is not related to their food supply. No red tides have been associated with this die off. Adults seals, walruses and polar bears are being found with lesions on the skin and their hair is falling out. They are acting lethargic and their immune systems are compromised.

Der Mole, one each
Der Mole, one each
May 15, 2013 10:00 pm

I turned 53 last month and I’m still in the Army Reserves. Have to take a physical fitness test this weekend and run 2 miles. It stinks and I hate it and I almost die doing it but passing the test while some of the young uns fail it makes it worthwhile. Whenever they bitch about anything I always remind them that I joined the army when Jimmy Carter was president and I was born when Ike was in the White House and I have a prostate the size of a softball.
Happy Birthday you old fucker.

May 15, 2013 10:18 pm


Here’s to another trip around the sun! And you are definitely an “X’er.” Those of us who are can all recognize each other!

May 15, 2013 10:21 pm

Colma’s that place with the nasty ass taco stands and skanky crack whores hanging around the community college. right? It’s been so long it’s difficult to remember..

May 15, 2013 10:23 pm

Sorry to inform the Boomers of TBP, but Jim is not one of you.

When Howe and Strauss first came out with their theory, it was in the 1980’s. The actual fourth turning books came out in 1997. The thing about generation theory, is that event effect the character of a generation. It was still too early to tell at the point, the divide between boomers and gen X. Even now, being a Millennial, there is no specific year when my generation ends and the Homelanders begin. It takes a few decades to seal the dates.

Even though I respect Neil Howe, I still think his dates for generations are wrong. I think the Boomers actually start being born in the last years of the 30 and started taking off in the early 1940s. I don’t think that ending of WW2 solidified the date as he suspects. My grandparents were born in the same time frame. They remember nothing of the great depression and very little of being the children of veterans. Their earliest memories were as the war was ending and the new High was beginning. They were too old to be of the summer of love, but my mother who is a month older then the Admin, was 6 months old when the defining moment of the 60s happened. Neither my mother or Jim remember where they were when Kennedy was shot. They don’t remember Beatlemania.

Being born in the early 1960s means you were very young for the moon landing. They both were 10 years old when Nixon resigned from office. My mom told me about her teenage years, which she was emotionally tied to, were more like that 70s show and the movie Dazed and Confused, MTVs creation was very defining. She was very tied to bands like The Bay City Rollers and KISS. Disco with Donna Summers and the Bee Gees at the roller rink was a big deal in her teenage years. I remember her telling me about meeting Joe Strummer, whowas tanning in front of her car when she worked at Holiday Inn. She told be the biggest defining political debate was the Iran Hostage Crisis.

My point with this is, there is a difference between what a young person remembers and what they are emotionally tied to. What you are emotionally tied to, is more likely to shape your view of the world. Which seperates the generations. I emotionally remember 9/11, I was in high school at the time. Those who were in elementary school remember 9/11, they were told it was important, but they weren’t necessarily emotionally connected with the event. Which makes all the difference in defining the generations.

May 15, 2013 10:35 pm

Calamity thank God we are not Boomers. Please break the news to KB, he gets very confused when it comes to all things Boomer

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 15, 2013 10:40 pm

The Administrator is perpetrating a Birthday fib.

California is the worst state I’ve ever come across. Listen to Sensetti, who gives warning to podunk towns off the interstate:

The ocean will not only nuke your nuts into something that looks like a cross between a boboli pizza crust and an old banana peel but, to top it off, really ruins what could be an awesome view.

The Mexicans can’t cook worth half a shit. They don’t even put any lettuce or cheese on their tacos and if you ask for hot sauce they hand you a cup of some chunky salsa instead of packets of “fire sauce”. To top it off their women are not absolutely gorgeous heartbreakers and models of beauty.

Don’t believe the news. Moonbeam isn’t battling his own party and balancing the budgets. Education is beyond all concepts of expensive and even the dogs putt from the ruff.

The weather sucks. It’s freezing and the smog is so thick you can cut it like a cheesecake.

Mothers suckle their children at black-tie dinners and the lesbian mafia will pound on your balls with a pink baseball bat like a wet pinata. Don’t even ask what happens if you don’t have balls.

Trust me.

May 15, 2013 10:44 pm


Like I said, you may remember an event being young. It doesn’t mean you are emotionally tied to an event and define it as a pivotal moment as you were growing up. I remember MTV news, when Kurt Loder came on air and announced that Kurt Cobain had committed suicide. I only knew at the time that weird Al had made a parody about “Smells like teen spirit” and that he was married to Courtney Love. I didn’t know the actual impact his death was on many young Gen Xers. I learned that and became a Nirvana fan 10 years after he died when I was a teenager. A friend of my little brother, who is 10 years younger then me, a few years ago was so excited to tell me that the lead singer of Foo Fighters was the Drummer of Nirvana. At the time I did a face palm, and couldn’t understand how he could be so stupid. Now I get it.

May 15, 2013 10:59 pm

Happy birthday Jim Quinn. Birthdays are good cuz without em your
ASIG has good advice. Parents move with their kids all the time. Plus the aging parents could have a holiday destination. If you planned it right you might end up seeing more if them.

But wtf do we know. Maybe your living the dream already.
I wish u the best in everything.

May 15, 2013 11:01 pm

Fuckin autocorrect

Mary Malone
Mary Malone
May 15, 2013 11:16 pm

Happy Birthday Admin. 50 is the new 40 – so you are not officially an Old Fart yet.

a cruel accountant
a cruel accountant
May 15, 2013 11:29 pm

Hot chick walks to admin and says do you want super sex!

Admin says I will have the soup.

May 15, 2013 11:43 pm

Happy birthday, Jim, of the taurus group. No, you are not a Boomer.

4th turing is a theory not stufy in popiulation statistics.

Pray tell, oh consistent in your stubbornness, what is demographics?

One can argue the cusps, like Calamity, and see other possibilities to think better. One fact, however, stands out, rrefutable: the baby boom started in 1943. The birth rate had bottomed and turned up again. If you think the young military were going to keep it in their pants before being sent off to war, you’re probably a candidate to buy a bridge shaped like a coat hanger.

Or you can accept the government’s misreading of statistics like KB does.

So, Hogan, Perez, and Bell, 2008 — what, no cut’n’paste?

(Btw, Jane) “Generations” 1991also shows Boom 1943 – 1960

May 16, 2013 3:06 am

Happy Birthday, Jim.

May 16, 2013 3:11 am

Congratulations, Admin. I was reading the other day about happiness levels by demographic. Yep, sure enough people in their 20s are the happiest, it wanes in your 30s, and becomes full blown depression over the course of your 40s. By the time you hit 50, you hit rock bottom and are at the average most depressing point of life. Interestingly, if you have children the depression is worse in the 30-50 (researchers think that the financial and emotional pressure of having both dependent children below and aging parents becoming dependant above makes these decades harder for people who are “sandwiched” between) and people without children report higher rates of happiness during midlife. An interesting thing happens at 50 though, things make a turn and as long as people remain in good health they start getting happier, year by year. The average 70 year old, if they are still in decent health, report happiness and optimism levels once again similar to those of people in their 20s. And those who had children and suffered through the “sandwich” decades end up the happiest of all. So congratulations on your old fogey status. Statistically, you have weathered the worst part of life and made a good investment into your future by having a fine family. May you enjoy reaping the personal and emotional rewards of your life work over the coming years. I hope they will be good ones — for all of us.

May 16, 2013 8:28 am

SAH…Yep, sure enough people in their 20s are the happiest…

No shit…Youth,whats not to like?

May 16, 2013 9:12 am

Kill Bill, I see there is tornado damage near Dallas. Hope it did not affect you.

May 16, 2013 10:21 pm


The good news is, things get worse and then they gets lots better.

When you’re younger, you’re too busy to notice aches and pains much, you pay for it later. Then your continue to age and it just doesn’t much get noticed, only accepted and ignored.

Then you are at that intermediate stage where you’re invisible to many people. Beyond that, suddenly, you may not become a gray champion but you’re more likely to be accepted by young people I reckon I have more young friends now than old. So it’s all good.