A confluence of events last week has me reminiscing about the days gone by and apprehensive about the future. I’ve spent a substantial portion of my adulthood rushing to baseball fields, hockey rinks, gymnasiums, and school auditoriums after a long day at work. I’d be lying if I said I enjoyed every moment. Watching eight year olds trying to throw a strike for two hours can become excruciatingly mind-numbing. But, the years of baseball, hockey, basketball, and band taught my boys life lessons about teamwork, sportsmanship, winning, losing, hard work, and having fun. There were championship teams, awful teams and of course trophies for finishing in 7th place. As my boys have gotten older and no longer participate in organized sports, the time commitment has dropped considerably. Last week was one of those few occasions where I had to rush home from work, wolf down a slice of pizza and head out to a school function. It was the annual 8th grade Spring concert.

My youngest son was one of a hundred kids in the 8th grade choir. I think it was mandatory, since none of my kids like to sing. As my wife and I found a seat in the back of the auditorium where we could make a quick escape at the conclusion of the show, neither of us were enthused with the prospect of spending the next ninety minutes listening to off-key music and lame songs. I’ve been jaded by sitting through these ordeals since pre-school. But a funny thing happened during my 30th band concert. I began to feel sentimental about the past and sorrowful about the future for these Millennials.

The Millennial generation was born between 1982 and 2004. Therefore, they range in age from 9 years old to 31 years old. There are approximately 87 million of them, or 27.5% of the U.S. population. In comparison, the much ballyhooed Boomer generation only has 65 million cohorts remaining on this earth. The Millennials will have a much greater influence on the direction of this country over the next fifteen years than the currently in control Boomers. There has been abundant scorn heaped upon this young generation by their elders. In a fit of irrationality befit the arrogant, hubristic, delusional elder generations, they somehow blame a cohort in which 54 million of them are still younger than 21 years old for many of the ills afflicting our society. This disgusting display of hubris is par for the course among these delusional elders.

Are Millennials addicted to their iGadgets, cell phones and Facebook pages? Probably. Do they spend too much time on the internet and playing PS3 & Xbox? Certainly. Have they been indoctrinated in social engineering gibberish like diversity and planet worship by government run public school bureaucrats? Absolutely. Are they young, foolish, immature, irrational and not respectful towards their elders? You betcha. Teenagers have acted like this forever. You acted like that. The ongoing crisis in this country and our unsustainable economic system are in no way the result of anything perpetrated by the Millennial generation.

Can the Millennial generation be blamed for the $17 trillion national debt, $222 trillion of unfunded un-payable social obligations promised by corrupt politicians, $1 trillion of annual deficits, undeclared wars being waged across the globe on behalf of the military industrial complex arms dealer mega-corporations, economic policies that have resulted in 48 million people dependent on food stamps, tax policies that enrich those who write the code, trade policies that benefit corporations who gutted the industrial base and shipped jobs overseas to slave labor factories, or monetary policies that have destroyed 96% of the dollar’s purchasing power? They had no say in the creation of our untenable welfare/warfare state.

There are no Millennials among the 535 corrupt bought off politicians slithering down the halls of Congress. There are no Millennials running the Too Big To Control Wall Street banks. There are no Millennials in charge of the mega-corporations that buy and sell our politicians. There are no Millennials at the upper echelon of the Military Industrial Complex or in the upper ranks of the U.S. Military. But, and this is a big but, they have done most of the dying in the Middle East over the last ten years in our multiple undeclared preemptive wars of aggression. They have died under the false pretenses of a War on Terror, when they are truly dying on behalf of the crony capitalists who profit from never ending war. They have been fighting and dying to protect “our oil” that happens to be under “their sand”. If the energy independence storyline was true, why is our military perpetually at war in the Middle East?

The Millennials will also be required to do the heavy lifting over the next fifteen years of this Fourth Turning Crisis. The Silent Generation is dying off rapidly. The Boomer generation has done some hard living and some hefty eating and with the oldest of their cohort hitting 70 years old, their supremacy will begin to diminish over the coming fifteen years. At 87 million strong, and millions yet to reach voting age, the Millennials will become more influential by the day regarding the future course of this nation. The question is what will be left of this country by the time they assume control. They are saddled with $1 trillion of student loan debt, peddled to them by the government and Wall Street with the false promise of good paying jobs and the opportunity for a better life than their parents lived. They have obediently followed the path laid out by their elders, but they have been badly misled. This American dream has been shattered upon an iceberg of debt, delusion, deception and denial. The unsinkable American empire’s hubris and arrogance are leading to its demise. The Millennials are coming of age during a Crisis that will reach momentous magnitudes over the next fifteen years, and they had nothing to do with creating the circumstances which will propel the chaos and anarchy that ensues. But, they will bear the brunt of the dreadful consequences.

Generational Bridge

“The Boomers’ old age will loom, exposing the thinness in private savings and the unsustainability of public promises. The 13ers will reach their make or break peak earning years, realizing at last that they can’t all be lucky exceptions to their stagnating average income. Millennials will come of age facing debts, tax burdens, and two tier wage structures that older generations will now declare intolerable.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The kids on the stage at the 8th grade Spring concert were all around 14 years old. They are unaware they are in the midst of a twenty year period of Crisis. The boys are at that gawky looking stage with pimply faces and gawky limbs. The girls mature quicker than the boys at that age. These youngsters have barely begun their lives. I was amazed at their proficiency with a wide variety of musical instruments. They displayed poise and talent. The soloists exhibited composure well beyond their years. The performers were all musically endowed and proved that hard work and practice pays off. They were clearly enjoying themselves. They were all dressed in their Sunday best. I found myself enjoying the show despite my jaded attitude upon entering the auditorium. Even my son, wearing one of my ties, actually appeared to be singing during the choir performance. What I saw were hundreds of bright eyed Millennials with their hopes and dreams for a bright future intact. They have no idea what trials and tribulations await them.

I reached a milestone on the age chart last week that had me ruminating about yesteryear and contemplating the future. I reached the half century mark. Birthdays generally do not faze me, but the intersection of the 8th grade concert and my landmark birthday had me pondering my purpose for inhabiting this world. I’ve likely realized two-thirds of my life. The final third of my life will be spent trying to maneuver through the minefields of this Fourth Turning. I’m a father to three Millennial boys. I consider it my duty to defend and support them during this Crisis. Strauss & Howe wrote their book in 1997 and predicted a Great Devaluation in the financial markets around the time Millennials were entering their twenties. This Crisis began in September 2008 with the worldwide financial collapse created by Wall Street “Greed is Good” Boomers, as the oldest Millennials entered their twenties. It continues to worsen as more Millennials approach their twenties. We’ve reached a point in history when the elder generations need to sacrifice in order to insure younger generations have a chance at some form of the American dream.

I believe each generation has an obligation to future generations. We are bridge between preceding generations and future generations. We have a civic obligation to manage the resources of the country in a prudent manner. It’s our duty to leave the country in a financially viable condition so younger generations have an opportunity to live a better life than their parents. Every generation that preceded the Millennials has achieved the goal of having a better standard of living than their parents. I don’t believe my boys will enjoy a better life than I’ve lived. We’ve lived well beyond our means for decades. Government, Wall Street banks, corporations and individuals have run up a $56 trillion tab and are sticking the Millennials with the bill.

The $17 trillion national debt accumulated by elder generations to benefit themselves and $222 trillion of unfunded entitlements promised to themselves is nothing but generational theft. It’s immoral and possibly the most selfish act in human history. I’m ashamed that my generation and older generations have committed this criminal act of theft. Deficit spending today with no intention of repaying that debt is a tax on future generations. This egotistical abuse of power by the current and past regimes must be reversed voluntarily or it will be done by force. I’m 50 years old and will dedicating my remaining time on this earth fighting to create a sustainable future for my kids and their kids. The lucky among us get eighty years on this planet to make a difference. When did the definition of success become dying with the most toys and spending your life screwing your fellow man by accumulating obscene levels of wealth at their expense? If Boomers and Generation X have any sense of guilt about what they have done, they would be willingly offering to sacrifice their ill-gotten entitlements.

Not only are those currently in power not proposing to scale back their spending, debt accumulation, or entitlement transfers, but they have accelerated the pace of each in the last five years. An already unsustainable corrupted economic structure is being driven towards collapse by psychopathic central bankers and cowardly captured politicians. These are acts of treason against the youth of this country and larceny on a grand scale. It will lead to generational warfare and these crooks will pay for their transgressions. Strauss & Howe suspected in 1997 the elders might cling to their illicit profits acquired at the expense of the Millennials:

“When young adults encounter leaders who cling to the old regime (and who keep propping up senior benefit programs that will by then be busting the budget), they will not tune out, 13er – style. Instead, they will get busy working to defeat or overcome their adversaries. Their success will lead some older critics to perceive real danger in a rising generation perceived as capable but naïve.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The elders who represent the status quo do perceive real danger in the rising Millennial generation. The initial skirmishes occurred in the midst of the Occupy protests. The young protestors initially focused on the true culprits in the crashing of the financial system and vaporizing of the net worth of millions – Wall Street bankers and their sugar daddy at the Federal Reserve. In a display of status quo bipartisanship you had liberal Democrat mayors in cities across the country call out their armed thugs to beat the millennial protestors into submission while being cheered on by Fox News and the neo-cons.

The existing status quo regime provides the illusion of choice, but both political parties are interchangeable in their desire to control our lives, flex our military might around the globe, indebt future generations and write laws to favor their corporate and banking masters. The establishment is showing contempt for the futures of our youth. Their solutions to the criminally created financial crisis have been to reward reckless debtors and bankers at the expense of future generations. Their doling out of hundreds of billions in student loan debt and artificial propping up of home prices has effectively made it impossible for millions of young people to get their lives started. Boomers have done such a poor job saving for their retirements they are unable to leave the workforce. Since January 2009, despite adding $400 billion of student loan debt, Millennials have a net loss in jobs, while the Boomers have taken 4 million jobs.

Strauss & Howe anticipated that older people would be anguished to see good kids suffer for the mistakes they had made. They thought the elders couldn’t possibly be shallow enough, selfish enough, or immoral enough to deny the Millennial generation a chance at the American Dream. They were wrong. The old regime has no plans to step aside or sacrifice on behalf of younger generations. The implications of this resistance will be dire.   

“The youthful hunger for social discipline and centralized authority could lead Millennial youth brigades to lend mass to dangerous demagogues. The risk of class warfare will be especially grave if the 20% of Millennials who were poor as children (50% in inner cities) come of age seeing their peer-bonded paths to generational progress blocked by elder inertia.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

The social mood in this country continues to deteriorate as the sociopathic financial elite accelerate their pillaging of the working middle class, steal money from senior citizens through zero interest rate inflationary policies, and enslave our youth in the chains of crushing debt and promise of dead end jobs. When the next leg down in this ongoing depression strikes like an F5 tornado, the simmering anger in this country will explode in a chaotic frenzy of violence and retribution. The chances of class and generational warfare have increased exponentially due to the actions of the elderly regime over the last five years.

Generational Sacrifice

You got your whole life ahead of you, but for me, I finish things.” – Walt Kowalski – Gran Torino   


A couple days after the Spring concert I was flipping through the 650 channels on my TV with nothing worth watching when I stumbled across the 2008 Clint Eastwood movie Gran Torino. This was the third episode within the week that had me thinking about the future of my kids. It was his highest grossing film in history. Eastwood played a bigoted tough guy Korean War veteran whose Detroit suburban neighborhood had deteriorated into a dangerous gang infested Asian war zone. The movie did not follow the standard Eastwood plot where he kills dozens of bad guys. He grudgingly befriends two young Millennial teenage Laos refugees who live next door. He had lost his wife of 50 years. He was in his 70s and dying from some undiagnosed illness. I viewed the movie as an allegory for the generational sacrifice that should be taking place now.

Eastwood’s character, Walt Kowlaski, decided to finish things his way. He realized the two Millennials would never find peace or have a chance at a better life until the criminal gang running the show in the neighborhood were confronted and defeated. He knew he was too old to kill six gang members singlehandedly, so he made a choice to sacrifice himself and be gunned down in cold blood in front of multiple witnesses so the perpetrators would go to jail and allow his Millennial companions to have a chance at a better life. He sacrificed his life for the good of young people who weren’t even related to him.  This message has not connected with the elder generations who control the purse strings and political system in this country. The media propaganda machine supporting the existing regime continues to peddle a storyline that debt doesn’t matter, consumption is good, saving is for suckers, and passing the bill for unfunded entitlements to future generations is not immoral and cowardly. Walt Kowalski displayed courage, bravery, and valor that is sorely lacking in the elderly generations today.

At the age of 50 I have a choice with my remaining 20 or 30 years. I can choose to keep accumulating material goods with debt, voting for politicians who promise never to cut my entitlements, believing deficits growing to infinity are beneficial to the economic health of the nation, supporting the military industrial complex as they wage undeclared wars across the world, applauding the Orwellian fascist surveillance measures instituted to give the illusion of safety while sacrificing freedoms and liberties and selfishly looking out for my best interests. Or I can stand up to the corporate fascist old boy regime and lure them into a violent response that will ultimately lead to their downfall. I’m willing to sacrifice what is supposedly “owed” to me on behalf of my kids and all Millennials. They don’t deserve to start life in a $200 trillion hole created by their parents and grandparents. It is disconcerting to me that more Boomer and Generation X parents are unprepared, unwilling or too willfully ignorant to forfeit entitlements awarded them under false pretenses in order to preserve a decent standard of living for their children and grandchildren. The Bernaysian propaganda programmed into their brains over decades by the sociopathic central planning status quo has created this inertia.

The inertia will be replaced by frenzied activity when this unsustainable system ultimately fails. Time seems to be standing still. People have been lulled into a false sense of security even though history is about to fling us into a chaotic transformational period in history. How do I know this is going to happen? Because it happens every eighty years like clockwork. The best laid plans of the men running the show will be swept away in a whirl of pandemonium, violence, war and reckoning for sins committed against humanity. There will be no escape.

“Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning the way you might today distance yourself from news, national politics, or even taxes you don’t feel like paying. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted. The Fourth Turning necessitates the death and rebirth of the social order. It is the ultimate rite of passage for an entire people, requiring a luminal state of sheer chaos whose nature and duration no one can predict in advance. The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

Our country has entered a period of Crisis. We may or may not successfully navigate our way through the visible icebergs and more dangerous icebergs just below the surface. The similarities between the course of our country and the maiden voyage of the Titanic are eerily allegorical.

The owners of the ship (Wall Street, Washington politicians, crony capitalists) are arrogant and reckless. They declare the ship unsinkable, while only providing half the lifeboats needed to save all the passengers in case of disaster in order to maximize their profits. The captain (Ben Bernanke) has been tendered the greatest cruise liner (United States) in history. The initial voyage across the Atlantic Ocean has drawn the financial elite ruling class (financers & bankers) onboard, occupying the luxurious state rooms on the upper decks. But, the lower decks are filled with young poor peasants (Millennials) who are sneered at and ridiculed by those in the upper decks. A maiden voyage should always be approached cautiously. A prudent captain would not take undue risks.

Our captain (Ben Bernanke) wants to make his mark on history. He considers himself an expert in navigating dangerous waters (Great Depression) because he studied dangerous waters at his Ivy League school. It doesn’t matter that he never actually captained a ship in the real world.  He declares full steam ahead (reducing interest rates to 0% and throwing vast amounts of fiat currency into the engine room boilers). Midway through the voyage, the captain is handed a telegram warning of icebergs (potential financial catastrophe) ahead. If he slows down the vessel, he will not set the speed record and receive the accolades of an adoring public. He ignores the warning and steams on to his rendezvous (eternal disgrace) with destiny.

In the middle of the night, the lookouts (Ron Paul, John Hussman, Zero Hedge) cry iceberg!! But, it is too late. The great ship (United States) has struck an enormous iceberg (debt & currency crisis). At first, it seems like everything will be OK. The captain and crew assure the passengers that everything is under control and their evasive action has saved the ship. But below the waterline, the great ship (United States) is taking on water (toxic levels of debt, un-payable entitlement promises, trillion dollar deficits, political & financial corruption). The engine room (Federal Reserve) works frantically to alleviate the damage (QE to infinity). The captain is sure the compartmentalization of the ship will save it. One of the designers of the ship (David Stockman) sadly declares that the ship will surely sink. The captain orders the band (CNBC, Fox, MSNBC, CNN) on deck to distract the passengers from their impending fate with soothing music. The owners of the ship (Wall Street, Washington politicians, crony capitalists) aren’t worried. They collected their fees upfront and over-insured the vessel. They anticipate a windfall when the ship sinks. It worked last time.

To avoid mass panic, the crew (government apparatchiks) has locked the youthful poor peasants (Millennials) below deck. The captain and his crew are content to let them go down with the ship. They’ve decided the women, children, and senior citizens (Middle Class) can also be sacrificed. The financial elite ruling class (financers and bankers) are piling into the boats with the ship’s jewels, escaping the fate of the peasants. The captain (Ben Bernanke) has no intention of going down with the ship. In a cowardly act, he leaps onto the 1st lifeboat to be launched. We are on a voyage of the damned. The great cruise liner (United States) has a fatal wound and is headed for a watery grave. Are we going to let the owners, captain and crew dictate who will be saved in the few lifeboats or will we rise up and throw these guilty parties overboard?


It comes down to the abuse of power by a few evil men and their henchmen as they have centralized their control over our financial, political, economic and social institutions. The existing social order is an ancient, rotting, fetid swamp of parasites that will be drained during this Fourth Turning. The Millennials are rising and will be the spearhead of the coming revolution. As each day passes they will become a more powerful force and the power of the existing regime will wane. Meanwhile, the band will play on as the ship of state descends into the abyss.

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May 23, 2013 11:41 am

Sorry millennials, you’re screwed. 30% unemployment? ouch…..

Delinquent Student Loans Hit Record, 30% Of 20-24 Year Olds Are Unemployed And Not In School
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/23/2013

Almost a year ago we shared a calculation according to which “Over $120 Billion In Federal Student Loans In Default”, suggesting that the next credit crisis has already arrived. Since then the topic of the student loan bubble has become a household topic. Sadly, that does not mean it has gotten any better. In fact, according to the latest Education Department data it has gotten as bad as it has ever been. As Bloomberg reports, not only have overdue student loans reached an all-time high but the number of young people aged 20-24 out of school and unemployed is at a record high: not quite astronomic by European standards, but hardly a ringing endorsement of an economy set to transition labor tasks to the next generation, especially with the employment of those 55 and older at all time highs.

May 23, 2013 11:43 am

The problem of where do you start to fight may become apparent from peeling back the political framework layers – and figuring out the true goals of change.
We arrived at this juncture of crisis through subtle incremental moves of those who wanted to keep the dominant power and money centralized in a few. Distraction kept us from early mass recognition the elite have always been planning and executing these goals for centuries, while most Americans, with positive individualism, sought just to lead their lives and their local communities under the American Ideal – an independence the banking elite of Europe feared the most from the American revolution from its beginnings, and have sought to reverse. It took two tries for such bankers, connecting with American counterpart, to set up a controling central bank. The first one failed to continue in 1836, blocked by Andrew Jackson.
It takes a lot of thought to form an effective opposition to the central banks, because in the end, with the population growth, there has to be a reasonable ACCESS TO CREDIT to prevent unrest and chaos. The banking elite know that, except in their playbook, they disguise as not their fault, through a series of natural AND artifically assisted BOOM & BUST cycles, the periodic recycling of wealth to themselves continuing society’s serfdom – of course, coupled with purposely minimizing financial education of the masses to better enable exascerbating the cycles.
Interestingly, in this dawning Age of Aquarious – the information age, replacing the Pycean Age – the two faced (two set of rules) age, the 2008 crisis recycle was more blatant as the banks had miscalculated and needed the direct political intervention to save them from their excesses. Congress, stampeded by a 770 point drop in the stock market and their own lack of financial accumen, wrote them an unconditional check, payable by a limitless deficit and ultimate burden on taxpayers.
2008 was a moment where positive change could have occurred. Congress could have protected ONLY bank depositors, let fail the central banks and the AIG holding companies of the world who owed those banks [AIG subsidiary insurance companies providing insurance to companies & individuals could have largely survived on their own or been made solvent at much less cost], and have the Treasury issue currency direct without paying interest to the banks – and changed course toward fiscal sanity that still provided ACCESS TO CREDIT. Only this time the ACCESS would be largely to the real economy where profits could begin to climb America out of its financial hole. From 1970, the financial industry went from an economy facilitating 4-5% of GDP profits to an almost 28% controlling domination just before the 2008 crisis. But Congress knew its political power had come to rest only on its ability to hand out money for political favor – as it had long abdicated a role of doing what is in the long term interests of the people in general as Henry Hazlitt wisely presented back in his 1946 “Economics in One Lesson”.
Federal government power is now so extreme, with so many in society being made dependent on money from government, that it obviously cannot be directly challenged without complete violent chaos and martial law. It concerns me we left the draft system for an all volunteer military. Not because the soldiers and sailors have less idealism; rather it is the greater susceptibility to their falling for doublespeak government propaganda, coupled with the Whitehouse culling military leadership that apparently would tend to side with the people.
With all that, where can we go as a people. There needs to be a mechanism for the people to have greater access to credit – but in a way that does not continue the malinvestment criticism of easy money. At our direct end it needs to be gradualism to prepare for change; providing money for economic growth outside traditional banking is one element – with a narrower spread. At the government level, gradualism won’t work so well with all the entrenchments. Unfortunately, the martial law approach is just as likely to protect the elite banking interests because the politicians know that is where their source of unlimited money – and unlimited power, has derived from. Perhaps if that money power went in house Congress could see a way to gradually change direction without chaos. Taking small steps to restore governmental checks and balances may be one approach – but there has been too much siding with statists historically. One real way to assert power is through established power – individual states sovereignty; it is still alive.
Seeking change peacefully presupposes that we on the earth are not required by our respective paths to undergo major chaos periodically – and that power does not require chaos to redirect it. Is it destiny or choice? As someone said, maybe both are happening at the same time.

May 23, 2013 11:51 am

Harry P-
You’re right.
I read a scary statistic this last year that said the average college graduate never opens another book after graduation and the average American family doesn’t buy 10 books in a year.
WTF? No wonder everyone’s a moron.

May 23, 2013 12:09 pm

Howie can’t comment or even tippy- toe anywhere near the truth because if Mr. Metro-sexual dared take an honest overt peak at the true source of the coming socioeconomic conflict , his corporate sponsors would take what’s left of his spine and feed it to the lame stream media for a snack.

May 23, 2013 12:14 pm

LOL…no shit..

Study: Women 40 Percent More Likely To Develop Mental Illness Than Men
ATLANTA (CBS ATLANTA) – There is a gender gap for mental illness, with females being up to 40 percent more likely to develop some type of mental health condition than their male counterparts.

A new study to be published by Oxford University Press finds that women are nearly 75 percent more likely than men to have suffered from depression, and approximately 60 percent more likely to report an anxiety disorder.

…the only hope…. and easily freed via three accessible keys.

The Three Keys to Saving Western Civilization

May 23, 2013 12:32 pm

Breath in, breath out.
Wax on, wax off.
Time to smile.

A Gallup poll recently asked a group of animals; “Are human beings fucked up, or what?”

This was their response;
[imgcomment image[/img]

May 23, 2013 12:38 pm

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Boss Boomer
Boss Boomer
May 23, 2013 12:47 pm

Here’s a suggestion to the millenials

Get a job in home healthcare,

That way you’ll always have a job wiping the asses and changing the diapers of baby boomers when they shit themselves.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 23, 2013 12:56 pm

Stucky said:

“People / groups I generally hate and would personally love to dispatch to the Great Beyond in the coming Great Shit-storm Of All Ages. This is a VERY incomplete list;

Congress ……….. about 525 of ‘em

Senate ………. about 95 of ‘em

Politicians ………. the rest of ‘em

IRS employees ………. maybe even the janitors there

Lawyers ………. 95% of ‘em

Bankers ………. probably no exceptions

Free Shit Army ………. all but one sterilized pair, for museum purposes

Fred Thompson, Henry Winkler ……… and every other cockfuk pushing Reverse Mortgages

John Calipari —– scum, cheater, the very embodiment of “win at all costs”

Honey Boo Boo ……… and every person involved in Reality Shows from producers to participants

Advertising People ………. they, not Satan, are the original “Father of Lies”

1% super elites …………. only after they are tortured for a few days

MSNBC, CNN, FOX, et. al. …. just because. I’d leave one anchor alive from each network, just so that I can watch 975 non-stop hours “reporting” the same event over and over and over ….

Viagra ………. Cuz they ram their Hard Dick commercials down my throat all fucking day on every fucking TV station I watch, and making me explain to my grandkids what Erectile Dysfunction is. Feminine smelly odor cure products aren’t far behind.

Anger / hate simply because of a person’s age wouldn’t make my list even if that list had a thousand entries. It’s simply not on my radar screen. There are so damn many really Bad Actors who need to be pushing daisies. Yet, here WE are, TBPers arguing about which generation is the shittiest, and which generation needs to pay for the sins they committed, and which generation will enact payment even to the point of armed conflict. I reject this train of thinking vehemently. So solly. I guess that makes me a “Denier”.

In the end, when all is said and done, when one generation counts the dead bodies of another generation, we’re ALL fucked. Even the “winners”.”

I suspect the Gray Ghost Boomer the Millenials will get behind will be coming from this direction with his rhetoric. I can’t say I’m too far from the same place myself. (Since I never watch TV, I’m spared the drug companies trying to sell me Viagra.) There is plenty to be pissed about, regardless of your generation.

It’s the anger that I’m scared of..that’s what makes people decide that it’s worth “breaking a few eggs to make an omelet” I’m just afraid it will be a shit omelet, and all of us will have to eat some of it.

What this turning is also missing is some kind of Black Swan event that will focus the anger that already exists, and make all the fat, happy, deluded people get just as mad as we are. When that happens they will find their Leader…probably the biggest, loudest nutjob out there. Maybe Alex Jones will be elected President.

May 23, 2013 12:57 pm

I would like to be the one to report a hitherto never before seen phenomena here on TBP.

188 posts ………….. and not even one titty picture!!!

May 23, 2013 1:19 pm

Boomer parents in retirement
[imgcomment image[/img]

Millennial son contemplating his future
[imgcomment image[/img]

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 23, 2013 1:29 pm

“The Pessimist Complains About The Wind, The Optimist Expects It To Change…. The Realist Adjusts The Sails” -William Arthur Ward

May 23, 2013 1:48 pm

Same Boomers as above, back in the day.
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No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.
~ Anonymous Hippie Quote

Yesterday’s just a memory, tomorrow is never what it’s supposed to be.
~ Anonymous Hippie Quote

May 23, 2013 2:06 pm

Fucking thumb ring wearing, liberal arts major, cigarette smoking, unemployed, tattoed Millennial losers. I bet they don’t even pay taxes.

May 23, 2013 2:20 pm

AWD you are the epitome of why millennials can’t stand boomers. In the exact post you accuse us of being big government liberals you post a stat showing the opposite to be true!!!! The plurality leans libertarian!! What are you smoking dude because I want some. You are a joke, learn to count. Then you post dozens of straight up unfounded insulting BS (the cartoon and your following bigoted explanation of why this is some one else’s fault.) You are a joke who has only wanted to retire and get things out of his life and the exact problem in this country. Your whole generation bucked the American trend of building businesses and decided your American Dream was retirement and home ownership. Guess what, if you didn’t save up enough money to retire with, your retiring impoverishes others, and your whole flipping generation did just that!!!! Morally bankrupt losers, who’s real problem is that they thought rules were for other people. What the Boomers did to this country, destroy the greatest economic power in one generation is a crime! People need to go to jail in that generation and I fear that isn’t going to happen.

May 23, 2013 2:22 pm


Reading your columns is always like experiencing a nice bowl of fresh, juicy strawberries with a chunk of rotting baloney concealed at its bottom. Your problem is that you analyze like a libertarian but when you prescribe, your prescriptions are tainted with the poisons of collectivist communitarianism. I’ll give you a free clue: all of the things for which you scourge the older generations are rooted in the same collectivist premises, some of which you seem to embrace. Take this little gem, where you write:

“We have a civic obligation to manage the resources of the country in a prudent manner. It’s our duty to leave the country in a financially viable condition so younger generations have an opportunity to live a better life than their parents.”

It’s not “our money,” Jim. It is money earned or stolen by individuals, by following or violating rules, some just, many unjust. “Our country” is an abstraction. “Our generation,” is an abstraction referring to a collective, not the individuals who comprise it. “Our duty” cannot be to “save the country.” If the country could be “saved” by controlling it, it would not be in the trouble it is in now, because the delusional collectivist fantasies of the prior generations, who also thought they were “saving mankind from itself” would have worked!

You blather on about “sacrifice,” but Ayn Rand had the number of people who talk like that. She pointed out that they really envision themselves as “collectors of sacrifices.” I think Rand was mostly right, but I think she should have expanded her list to nihilistic self-sacrificers who, for all of their supposed nobility, intend to make certain that others are sacrificed first, before climbing on the altar themselves. I saw “Gran Torino” also, and it was a good movie, but it was good because Clint Eastwood’s character decided his own values and chose his own actions accordingly, as an individual, pursuing his own values. When you write, especially phrases like: “generational sacrifice that should be taking place now,” I detect the sickening thread of collectivist reasoning that seems to favor pushing people into the Walt Kowlaski role. That’s not “heroism.” It doesn’t work that way. That is exactly the same kind of thinking that got the world into the mess in which we currently find it.

The problem is Jim, you have no faith in the underlying reality that gives your predictions validity. Look here, where you write this nonsense: “It is disconcerting to me that more Boomer and Generation X parents are unprepared, unwilling or too willfully ignorant to forfeit entitlements awarded them under false pretenses in order to preserve a decent standard of living for their children and grandchildren.” You’re still talking about “saving the Titanic” if only those precious few “leaders” renounced their greed and made “the right decisions,” “the ship” could be saved, or “the right people” could be saved. You condemn and exhonerate in broad strokes, according to arbitrary generational categorizations. The epitome of injustice is the propensity to dispense punishments and rewards not upon individual merits or iniquity, but upon the criterion of membership in an arbitrarilly assigned abstract group, like a generation. You should listen to yourself, and stop to think. Furthermore, you’re refusing to acknowledge the fact that the problems are systemic. The United States, “our generation,” “their generations,” etc. are all abstractions. It is in the name of these abstractions that unworkable systems have been erected in the first place. There is no saving an otherwise sea-worthy ship; the truth is that the Anti-federalists were right about Constitution in the first place. It was a dangerous centralization of power that would only grow more problematic with time, until it collapses. There is no saving the ship, Jim. The time to have saved it was when it was still on the drawing board. The United States is not “a great cruiseliner” it was a ship of fools from the begining, put together by people who thought they’d found a way to beat history.

So, Jim, you can start a drum-head trial of the “captain” and “crew” if you want to do so. More than likely, it will end up in a riotous battle on the deck in the effort to make your lynch mob fantasy come together, without even the bitter satisfaction of likely success, and it will interfere in everyone’s ability to get to a lifeboat. Meanwhile, the ship is still sinking. It will sink whether you lynch the captain or not. I’m all for not allowing jackals to decide who lives and who dies. Fine, let’s keep them from locking the doors to the steerage passenger area, if we can. As it is, all that “deciding” is the problem from the get-go, but you’re talking like the only problem you have with “deciders” deciding who lives and who dies is that you don’t like the deciders’ generational composition. If you’re talking of starting a fight to “throw the bastards overboard,” you’re talking counterproductively. That kind of talking isn’t going to get anywhere but violence and chaos in the attempt to decide who deserves to be fined or punnished and who deserves to be “remunerated” or “helped.”

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 23, 2013 2:26 pm

One final left, then I’m going to come lay some turds on the wall-eyed throwbacks.


This article was purely an act of intellectual expression, yet the thumb-sucking doper-turned-fucknut club shows up covering their raw asses in fear of another bendover-session from the big swinging dick of reality.

Bill: You finally got the joke, perpetrated a year ago.

AWD: If you actually believe that anyone under the age of 30 with half a brain would vote for McCain or Romney, you need to get your head checked. I wouldn’t have when I bought the “lesser of two evils” line at that age. I know that reducing statistics, multiplying ratios and applying them to overall demographic statistics is difficult, that’s why we listen to accountants and even economists. That’s why the Administrator broke your graphs down.

Obama is the President. He won the elections because more people voted for him in electorally significant states. A larger percentage of boomers and xers voted. Get over it.

I’ll be back.

May 23, 2013 2:33 pm

Robert must hold a liberal arts degree, only someone so useless could use that many words to convey so little thought.

May 23, 2013 2:36 pm

…I was flipping through the 650 channels on my TV with nothing worth watching….

That is why I kicked my sat. TV service to the curb in Jan.. A hundred bucks a month for nothing to watch. No thanks.

Great article, Jimmy!


May 23, 2013 2:41 pm

Nice to see you Llpoh.

May 23, 2013 2:44 pm

@Bostonbob – That was Stucky, as was the AWD post of Kate Upton.

May 23, 2013 2:47 pm

This barely booming / Gen Jones mother will be paying off the kids college loans (one down, two to go) because I’ve decided the long term benefits of investing in debt free kids may be better than the 401K/Pension/SS/Medicare that may or may not be there in 14 years when I retire – that is if I still have a job to retire from.

Perhaps the Minnie’s “grey ghosts” are the leaders in their personal lives – individuals that worked to make the future less problematic, gave inspiration and support, and allowed them the freedom to pursue dreams and challenges without being enslaved to the bankers.

People used to have kids AS their old age pension – what goes around comes around.

harry p.
harry p.
May 23, 2013 2:47 pm

was that the “real” llpoh?

May 23, 2013 2:48 pm

I was once told “Robert ” is just a Bob with an attitude.

May 23, 2013 2:49 pm

I should have known.

May 23, 2013 2:56 pm

I am a Generation X’er. I don’t think I got much. My parents, baby boomer, are among some of the most selfish people I know. My father was very abusive. No, you can’t blame your parents for everything, but they are very important contributors to how your life turns out. Both my sister and I had very low self-confidence and didn’t marry well. I got divorced, lost all of my money (since sticking it to the man is really about the government getting out of paying welfare or anything to the ex-wife who refused to get a job – this always happens regardless of how much of a total bitch the wife is). My parents got a big inheritance and went and bougt a 40′ diesel pusher, brand new. No, they couldn’t guy a used one from ebay for $30 000 and budget 10 grand to repair it any bugs and get it in tip top shape. When it is old, it will be worth very little due to depreciation. I will never get the inheritance from my parents that they got from their thrifty parents. Baby Boomer ruined their children’s live, get money from their parents and then brag about “spending their children’s inheritance”. If a court every orders me to support my parents in their old age because they are not responsible with their money and are not financially prepared for retirement, I will leave the country and never come back. I am so sick and tired of selfish baby boomer who don’t care about anyone except themselves. I will be happy when the government can no longer afford to pay pensions to selfish old people who take, take, take and never give back half of what they had to their children.

May 23, 2013 3:16 pm

Admin also dopples.

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 23, 2013 3:20 pm

Olga said:

“Perhaps the Minnie’s “grey ghosts” are the leaders in their personal lives – individuals that worked to make the future less problematic, gave inspiration and support, and allowed them the freedom to pursue dreams and challenges without being enslaved to the bankers.”

I consider it my greatest accomplishment that I’ve managed (not done, but almost) gotten my kids through college without them getting into debt. I have my last two finishing up undergrad now…and three who may still be looking at grad school…I hesitate to foot the bill for my daughter to attend law school or my son to pursue a MFA…but I’d rather do my best to help them than see them take the government money and put on the shackles that come with it.

May 23, 2013 3:23 pm
May 23, 2013 3:27 pm

i am 30, barely, born in 83. I feel like I am the bridge between everyone below and those above 45. Millenials and Gen Xrs only differ in outlook upon the future. Xr’s have been screwed mostly since day 1, while the millenials were over coddled. I grew up a military brat so I was lucky to get the super tough love at times.

i haven’t paid a red cent for a single penny allegedly borrowed for college.I don’t disagree about the generational “issues” confronting us however I stand on firmer ground.The debt based money system is fraudulent if one can articulate the legal foundation it rests upon. I wont go into it too deeply for its a secret only barely beginning to come out of the private and merge with the public.

Suffice it to say if one attempted to verify any alleged (public) debt, one may find out the signatory is the notemaker, is the holder in due course, is the security’s true owner. No bank has ever lent its own funds, it simply monetizes your signature into a security and asks you to pay them back because you think you’re dealing with a living man or woman, a true equal.

Corporations are legal fictions for wo/men to hide from other wo/men in commerce (paper war). Wake up. If this were your friend, your friend would lend their actual equity they saved up. When you dont pay, your friend is actually in the hole hurting since his wealth (balance sheet) took a hit. The bank is only “losing” a ledger entry, not equity, not a cent of its own book money.

I received a degree in corporate finance. I almost didnt because I called out all of it for what it was, make believe. The capital asset pricing model is a borrowed physics formula and guess what? Physics can’t agree big stuff must = little stuff and yet our entire economic foundation rests upon a model with make believe inputs. Rationale markets? Tulip mania? I mean c’mon…I had big ideas on what “high finance” was…I didnt realize you could learn more watching the movie “trading places.”

So I made a smart move. Instead of going through law school, i started reading law books on my own for the last 6 years and let me tell you I’ve remade suma cum laude. Its startling what one finds out when they actually test what they read in old law books. American common law exists…I use it nearly every day, so do you. You just didnt know it; let me show you.

scroll down almost all the way on bottom:

Jurisdiction of the State Courts
The jurisdiction of the state courts extends to basically any type of case that does not fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the federal courts. State courts are common-law courts.

Everyone pointing out all the problems is great, I did that for a long time being “the sky is (going to) fall guy. I made a lot of fake money shorting the problems; no one really cared including me and I studied money since roughly 12. So I began focusing on the solutions the last 1.5 years. I do not have all the answers. Did you know Kings ask the questions? Is asKING really that hard for the true heirs of America?

Let me please leave you with a story. A (potential) peace officer pulls you over and demands to see ID for “infraction X”. What if you asked a simple question? Sir, I see you’re claiming to be a peace officer by your uniform and marked car, so can you please tell me what man or woman you saw me harm?

S/he’ll either say, no one (doubt it) or “THE STATE OF X”…oh ok, so officer, where does that STATE OF X gets its power from? The government s/he MIGHT say…so then the final question…who does the government derive its power from? Peace officer will be in breach of their SWORN DUTY to the CON.stitution if s/he does not say, THE PEOPLE…excellent officer, well today you have breached the peace of one of THE PEOPLE and absent a man or woman claiming I personally harmed them or their property, there is no harm and your “duty” is beginning to interfere with my right to travel freely. Duties never supercede rights absent you witnesses harm now do they?

btw wo/men…did you SIGN the CONstitution? Then you aren’t a party to it…truth is heavy, so very few of us can carry it…

I’m wishing us all the strength to find our way together through this generational turning.

peace and one love,


May 23, 2013 3:37 pm

“What the Boomers did to this country, destroy the greatest economic power in one generation is a crime!” —— Luke

Over-simply much? Which comic book did you get that from?

Keep hating the wrong enemy, folks. See how that works out for ya.

I have less in common with many of you than I thought. And I’m beginning to regret that I have invested so much time and effort here. But, then again, I’m an old selfish phat phuck Boomer who doesn’t know any better while I go about destroying America. You haters are fuckin’ nuts.

May 23, 2013 3:41 pm

Sorry Stuck, many under 30 don’t have much sympathy for the boomers. The American dream door was slammed in the Millies face. The debt left to us is going to effect Gen X the same as they see their own children suffer from the boomer spending boom.

May 23, 2013 3:44 pm

@patrick – Most of them would respond that harming laws found to be in the common good still make you a law breaker, and enjoy your ticket.

Your ploy only works if the judge seeing your case gives a shit about the constitution. Recent history suggests they would find an excuse to throw the book at you.

Floribunda Rose
Floribunda Rose
May 23, 2013 3:48 pm

@Thinker – Thank you!

@Admin – The Grey Ghost Boomer that leads the Millennials and other generations is Steve Jobs (May He Rest in Peace). He has lead them to buy and use everything Apple. They may not own a car or a house but if I had to bet, I’d bet most of them have some type of iMac, MacBook Air, iPad, iPhone, or at the very least have an iTune song downloaded to a player. It’s just too bad most of the products are not MADE IN AMERICA The Millennials also know Apple needs another Jobs to keep status quo. I haven’t heard yet of the Boomer genius innovator that is going to replace his leadership and be the Grey Champion.

Found this:
“Designed in California, made in America: Apple to Build New Macs in Texas.”

May 23, 2013 3:49 pm

@Stucky – While its fun to hate the Boomers, the reality is that it solves nothing, and really isn’t that founded.

They are an easy target, and unfortunately for all us generational warfare is just another way to divide the masses.

United we stand, divided we fall. Its no wonder the .001% are having their way with the world.

May 23, 2013 3:51 pm

The Grey Ghost Boomer that leads the Millennials and other generations is Steve Jobs

No, no. no, just hell no. Steven Jobs was just good as selling a product. All apple products are made by Foxcon by over a million cheap labors in China. Steven Wozniak came up with apple and should get all the credit.

May 23, 2013 3:51 pm

Holy shit, I hope this was sarcasm:

“The Grey Ghost Boomer that leads the Millennials and other generations is Steve Jobs (May He Rest in Peace). He has lead them to buy and use everything Apple. They may not own a car or a house but if I had to bet, I’d bet most of them have some type of iMac, MacBook Air, iPad, iPhone, or at the very least have an iTune song downloaded to a player. ”

Wow I’ve checked out today. Vacation doesn’t start for another hour unfortunately 🙁

May 23, 2013 4:59 pm

@ TPC – come to court and watch history, then. turn off tv and stop reading MSM on what we’re doing…sovereign and citizen are mutally contradictory terms if one would study…(not that you haven’t but you’re close to saying it, so lets go there u know :)) dad was a cop so I field tested it before use.

but keep being sheep, its all good…

May 23, 2013 9:17 pm

I hope the M’s can get past their self-pity to focus their energies on making things better. I wish them well.

May 23, 2013 9:25 pm

I just wanted to note to you that obama is a millennial by your figures(Ie he is part of your savior generation per your chart). and as anyone with eyes can see he is a part of a terribly destructive group of peoples currently on planet earth. And also add that the so called boomer generation is from 1942 to 1964, so I am confused as to where your figures are from. Now having said that I wanted to also say that the current problems facing humankind on the earth is totally about the human ego that currently craves money over the human heart and the daily pursuit of some kind of spiritual and family life. This is what is currently destroying our culture. Generations dying off do not improve a culture, and frankly the people born at the end of any group as for instance the boomer born from say 1958 to 1964 are very, very different than the ones born in say 1942 and 1943.. Please so not create groups based on ages, groups are peoples of like minded thoughts/ideas. Old can learn from young and young can learn from the oldsters in any generation. I agree that we should let all the debt be forgiven, after all the debt is the bansters not the peoples, we foolishly allowed the bailed out of the banksters with trillions( not billions) in bailouts, so we they should start paying us the people back today as we basically loaned them money to get out of the debt they created with bad business ventures and investments which is no different than if I lent you a few thousand to pay your business debts off. Hence we should not pay them one red cent from this day forth, they didn’t fill out loan documents as they should have but they owe us the money nonetheless. By the way there is a group that called in the debt of the banksters at the court of geneva and they won. The banksters owe we the people our money back. Next we need to stop with credit expansion and learn to save money yes and also ourselves from debt slavery immediately. To start with get uninvolved with fiat currency and start buying and using gold and silver and bartering. Prices will drop substantially and that will be for everything from ice cream to houses and yes they will be “losses” of fiat currency. Oh well, it is time for a reset and hence a time to return to our roots of the first generation of Americans who arrived her to Jamestown in 1609. Each person must take responsibility for themselves and their families,each person must make that responsibility a priority everyday. The government was created by us for us, now we must move back to our original and currently existing Constitutional Republic, that has been shunned by those currently “in”power” peace to all, stand up for your rights and the rights of your children and families every single day, say not to the ones who do not honor our Constitution and bill of rights, because thats what America is people, a group of people who honor the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights, that’s the glue that holds us together, we all agree on those to very important documents.

May 23, 2013 9:40 pm

In sociology circles there is a concept of cultural transmission where knowledge, ideas attitudes are transferred from one generation to the next. In shoter lived generations this would mean more rapid evolution of ideas. In generations that stick around forever, they curse the young and humankind evolves more slowly – at a retarded pace.

Soylent Green.

May 23, 2013 9:58 pm


Your writing leaves much to be desired. You clearly qualify for the “histrionic” personality disorder type. The good news is you can now get on disability and never have to work again. From the looks of things, there probably isn’t much you could do anyway.

Man, the comments get worse and more inane the longer a post runs. geesh.

May 23, 2013 10:27 pm

As a generation you had it all and yet you pissed it away, corrupted it, regulated, licensed and made money off it. The boomers squandered the remains of a dying republic and sold it off piecemeal for fascism, comfort and security. Your generation sold all the following generations into debt and chains to the corporate-banking-government company store. I hope you live long enough to fully understand the horror created and just maybe reap what you’ve sown.

May 23, 2013 11:25 pm

Attention Millenials, and other young whiners/crybabies/losers who feel entitled.

Blame the boomers all you want. But they never called the shots. Those who have the gold do. That means Wall Street who in turn own presidents and the congress pukes.

You want to fix it?

Then get ready to fight and die because that is what it’s going to take to get the levers of power back from Wall Street and the globalist elite.

You try standing up and going after these bastards in their lairs. They don’t hide. But that’s hard isn’t it?

Instead your generation bitched since Bush II was in office and never did squat. You went to hippy style marches, wrote screeds at DKOS and DU, smoke lots of pot. BFD. OWS was a pathetic self-indulgent joke done by college students on break. All they did was leave a filthy mess just like they did when they lived with their parents.

Posers and losers.

Admin wants old people to be suicide troops since the younger people are too cowardly to do shit. That’s really pathetic.

Maybe Admin ought to lead the way, every movement needs a martyr.

Go after Blankfein or Robert Rubin, the later was the major architect of the misery we are now in.

That won’t happen. This is all a clown show,.

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 23, 2013 11:31 pm

Yale is offering a free download through Itunes on game theory.

Take the course.

Unless you’re afraid of simple mathematics.
Unless your idea of abstract thinking rivals that of an escargo snail.

Stop being a pawn, or shut the fuck up.

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 24, 2013 12:57 am

Attention Millenials:

Don’t listen to the Cynic. He speaks of nothing but prescribed death and destruction for no other purpose than his individual paradigm expressed as a gain through small percentages added to a sinister probability.

Proceeding along that paradigm will result in shatttered expectation and misery.

Band together and fight loneliness, misery and perpetual disappointment. Do not inflict violence but in self-defense. Live well, lt the chips of others’ fall at your feet and preserve what is dear:

The expression of humanity.

Fuck the bullshit. Live it large. The calculus is in your favor.

The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 24, 2013 1:04 am

Ignore the culprits. There is no crime in that.

Richard Wax
Richard Wax
May 24, 2013 1:08 am

I like Jim’s posts. He obviously digs deeper and has a way of presenting it. He’s a good writer, way beyond my capabilities. But I also liked Roberts assessment too. More academic but certainly understandable to someone who has the capacity to think outside their own box, or the box that Jim builds. He got a thumbs up from me. Now can we turn our attention to Kate’s boobs. Actually her face in that picture was more fun to look at. What a package!! Oh, and don’t forget to tell me to fuck off.

May 24, 2013 1:24 am

Richard –

Fuck off.


The Resident Sophist
The Resident Sophist
May 24, 2013 5:27 am

Keep hating the wrong enemy, folks. See how that works out for ya.

“The youthful hunger for social discipline and centralized authority could lead Millennial youth brigades to lend mass to dangerous demagogues. The risk of class warfare will be especially grave if the 20% of Millennials who were poor as children (50% in inner cities) come of age seeing their peer-bonded paths to generational progress blocked by elder inertia.” – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

Indeed, we will see exactly what “works out for ya”….

“There is no cause without effect, and no effect without a cause”

-The Kybalion (1908)