Stucky Tells The State Of Michigan To Stick It Where The Sun Don’t Shine

Dear ACT Team,

At 8:35 AM this morning my son got on a train bound for Newark, NJ.

You Gestapo Goons tried to keep that from happening, but couldn’t. Then you Gestapo Goons decided that you’d pump him up with your Poison Shots a week earlier than scheduled … you thought he was leaving next week ….. haha, fooled ya!!

Then you Statist, Control-Freak, assholes decided to call me and give me all kinds of instructions; giving me the contact-names and clinic names where you want me to take my son and force him against his will to take your Poison Shots. And I mumbled, “Yeah, sure.” … cuz I just don’t feel like arguing with brainwashed retarded Gestapo Goons.

But, the joke is on you, you assholes. Now that he’ll be in my care for the next few months … WE’LL DO IT MY WAY!! I won’t be taking him to no fucking clinic. And don’t bother calling … I won’t be accepting, or returning, your calls … except I might refer you to this post. Here’s my final word to you; KISS MY LILLY WHITE ASS!!!!!!

You know who

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 19, 2013 10:04 am

What is it with men who missed the latent “crazy bitch” gene in the gal they inseminated?

That two divorced acquaintances missed billboard-sized indications that they were marrying (and producing children with) women who were certifiably, baying-at-the-moon, nuttier-than-squirrel-turds crazy stumps me to this day.

When the balloon finally goes up, and we move full circle from this androgynous, de-maled and often matriarchal absurdity to a much bloodier, less catty-back-stabby, more bullet-to-the-face barbarism, women who listened to their male-hating sisters and tormented the males around them with impunity may discover that the faux social system they joined put no bars on the tiger’s cage, and that the fury of a male tiger is something they never imagined in their worst nightmare.

If the Bubble ever does give way (and I begin to wonder if Orwell was right, that a stable totalitarianism is possible) I expect to see headline after headline of out-of-work, divorced and put to the wall over child support payments men snapping, ripping their tormentors’ hearts out and then blowing themselves away.

Feminized courts will be the culprit, but forever be unindicted.

September 19, 2013 11:50 am

@Stucky: You need to get with the program, you UNGRATEFUL knuckle dragging Neanderthal he-man mouth breathing cretin.

You obviously can’t fathom that panels of caring and compassionate MI social workers know what is better for your child than you, without a PhD in Child Psychology, do. After all, since said social workers have foregone child bearing and marriage to devote themselves, selflessly, to their good works, they CLEARLY are more qualified than YOU, a mere father and husband, in making decisions about your son.

And how DARE you question the wisdom of those wonderful psychiatrists paid, I’m sure, a pittance, by the state of MI, whom have graciously lent their expertise to your son’s treatment!

Good Gods man, don’t you want what is best for your son???? How can you be so ungrateful to reject the services of all these people who are only dedicated to your son’s well being????

(Sarcasm brought to you by the HZK Through the Looking Glass Brigade.)

September 19, 2013 12:56 pm

Wow, just wow Stuck.

Keep in mind that the Mich gubment drones only work 9-5pm, even our homicide detectives go home at the end of their shift and would NEVER stay late, come in early, to go after a murderer.

BUT, if you are violating a court order, the heads of the departments might freak. Remember, we are the state that prosecuted a family for severe sexual abuse against a daughter that could not speak, or move, yet her “testimony” (which was enabled by an “interpreter” that held her hand and pointed at letters on a board, I shit you not) was used to prosecute, detain and attempt to destroy this family. Even the young son was told his father was beating, tormenting and screwing the sister. He was forced into confessing to complete and utter lies.

Sickening, simply, completely, sickening. And sadly, not the only time, this state’s prosecutors are media-hungry, evil, douchebags.

My sis-in-law used to be a supervisor at the department of children services, though sweet and nice, her views on children, parenting, the world and such, are completely statist and imo, nuts. I’ve found the same statist thought patterns in nearly every gubment department in this state, from the local tax office to the state’s attorney general. Unionist, statist, we always know/do best, fuktards.

Good luck my friend! I’m sending healing wishes to you all.

September 19, 2013 1:47 pm

I have done only one divorce during my practice but what I have been told by friends who do it regularly is that men are basically just seen as a check book in family court. That man who wrote “The other set of books” before he killed himself essentially said the same thing.

September 19, 2013 2:01 pm


My heart goes out to you in trying to do the right thing by your son. You are up against The Do-Gooder Machine and God help you, I wish you and your son the best.

It is not my way to be squishy and gooey and sometimes I use a sledgehammer to make a point when a feather probably be better.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

September 19, 2013 4:20 pm

Stuck: 1000% in agreement! Fuck ’em! Do what’s right for the young man and things will work out.

September 19, 2013 4:52 pm

Stucky, I sincerely wish the best to you and your son. It’s not an easy path you travel but the hard work you both put in should help to bear fruit far into the future. Introduce him to TBP! If he’s anything like you he’ll probably fit right in!

I just read and article in Readers Digest and it was probably the 50th such article I’ve read over the years about vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamins are for the most part, a waste of money and in several instances can be counter productive to your body. By far the best way to get the nutrition you need is by eating foods rich in what you are lacking.

The best thing most people can do for themselves is to drink more water. Your son will need to do that to rid himself of the chemicals they filled him with. Put a teaspoon or two of Braggs apple cider vinegar in it daily.

Get involved in some physical activity with him and watch your moobs melt away! Whatever you do, keep him away from trash like Snookie!

September 19, 2013 5:23 pm

I hope he is better with a meat slicer than his old man. Do not need more missing digits in the family.

Good luck, Stuck.

September 19, 2013 11:22 pm

T4C +100 up