Ben Bernanke’s last Federal Reserve meeting concludes today. His reign or error is over. The man never saw the housing bubble. The man never saw the 2008 crash coming. The man’s solution to our debt problem has been to encourage the addition of trillions in debt to our existing mountain. The man’s solution to every problem is his printing press and helicopters. He will now write a book about how he saved the world and eventually be hired as a “consultant” by his Wall Street bank puppeteers.

At 2:00 pm today he will announce the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve. Will he announce a tapering of the $85 billion per month to just $75 billion per month? The MSM is attempting to create a frenzy of interest, but the country just yawns. At least 98% of the morons in this country don’t even know that Bernanke is buying $1.2 trillion of debt per year in order to prop up the stock market and this joke of an economy. If you asked the average shmuck on the corner about the taper, they’d think it was Justin Bieber’s new hairstyle. Does Bernanke have the balls to disappoint his Wall Street owners? Or does he want to go out with the stock market hitting all-time highs? I believe he will not announce a taper, setting Yellen up for the fall that will happen in 2014. Bernanke is a cowardly toady for the ruling elite.

But this is TBP, where the people are awake. So let’s have a multi-part poll.

When will Helicopter Ben and the other Fed goons begin a taper?

  1. Today
  2. January
  3. March
  4. Never

If Bennie Bucks announces a taper, how much will it be?

    1. $5 billion
    2. $10 billion
    3. $15 billion

If Bennie announces a taper, the stock market will…..

  1. Fall dramatically
  2. Fall mildly
  3. Rise dramatically
  4. Rise mildly
  5. Yawn and do nothing

If Bennie delays the taper until sometime in the future, the stock market will……

  1. Soar to new all-time highs
  2. Soar to new all-time highs
  3. Soar to new all-time highs

When the ultimate result of Bernanke’s reckless policies is the destruction of the American economic system, he should be…….

  1. Hung from a lampost on Wall Street next to Dimon and Blankfein
  2. Drawn and quartered
  3. Electrocuted like the dude in The Green Mile without wetting the sponge
  4. Shot in the head with a 44 Magnum by Clint Eastwood after he says “I gotsta know”
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harry p.
harry p.
December 18, 2013 9:43 am

-today (and gold will get hammered)
-5 billion (but it won’t actually matter because they will imiidiately start buying somewhere else that will increase by atleast 5 billion OR Yellen will institute her own form of “stimulus” in the spring so she can make her own impression on teh market)
-fall mildly
-take it seriously eventhough it is a lie and have a tiny selloff to finish the day only to forget and continue upward tomorrow
-Hung from a lampost on wall street with dimon and blankfein but then the 3 of them are used to make a “Human Centipede”. The Human Centipede will then be electricuted before being drawn and quartered. The pile of parts will then be put in a pile, doused in lighter fluid and set ablaze. Once the fire has run its course and only a pile of ash remains, there will be a line formed for people who want to pay their respects i.e. spit, urinate or defecate on the ashes (personal preference).

in reality i don’t think they will ‘taper” today, maybe announce it for the future. the economic numbers aren’t good enough, eventhough the criminals in place contrive them.
and i don’t think bubbles, dimon or blankfein will ever “pay” for the crimes they ahve committed.

December 18, 2013 9:46 am

4- never. Any change announced will be an increase.


1-the lamppost, only because it’s the only option in which Blankfein and Dimon join him.

December 18, 2013 9:57 am

No taper, news of taper delay sends stock market to stratosphere, Bennie retires to private island in the Caribbean, American Middle Class finally destroyed.

Junkies/addicts and their pushers NEVER stop unless they: 1) die, or 2) are incarcerated. Never.

Years of watching the druggies and the dealers do their endless ER visit roulette until #1 or 2 occurred have convinced me of this.

Bennie/The Fed and Wall Street/fed.gov are merely the shinier, kewler, more powerful version of the gutter junkie and his pusher.

It is now QE or die.

December 18, 2013 10:14 am

4. Never, never is a long time, eventually they will stop because it just won’t matter anymore.

But in the meantime.

Stock market will rise, PM’s will fall, inflation will be reported down, velocity of money will be down, deflation will be a bad word, debt will continue to rise, unemployment will continue to rise, interest rates will eventually rise, then maybe we unravel?

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
December 18, 2013 10:33 am

They will never taper. The government needs to keep the FSA and the war machine fed, and can’t possibly raise enough tax revenue to do so.

December 18, 2013 10:56 am

Actually, I taper about 95% of the times I take a dump. Diarrhea and occasional lumps from eating too many granola bars account for the other 5%

December 18, 2013 11:49 am

DaveL, thats some funny shit!

December 18, 2013 1:54 pm

They will never taper and the market will make all time highs.

December 18, 2013 2:05 pm

Fed “Tightens” – Tapers $10 Billion
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/18/2013 – 14:01

Despite the world of mainstream media pundits proclaiming the US is recovering nicely and that a taper is priced in (and the warning that the 5Y auction gave this morning that it’s not), markets are already reacting violently to the Fed’s decision to announce a small ‘taper’…


December 18, 2013 4:19 pm

Well, I wouldn’t call an approx 10% drop a taper.

The stock market is so disconnected from reality that Bennie could sacrifice a goat on the floor of the NYSE and the DOW would go up in response as obviously such an act (even involving 1 person and 1 goat) is “promising for an increase in the meat supply, improved employment in the agricultural sector and increase in restaurant demand”.

First dip below a DOW of 15K and this “taper” will be “amended”.

Just like every single economic indicator of the last decade when such an indicator is found to fly straight in the face of the economic reality on the ground.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
December 18, 2013 4:42 pm

Does this mean the government has to figure out a way to cut $10 billion per month out of spending?

December 18, 2013 5:11 pm

It’s all an illusion, a distortion, it’s nothing but smoke and mirrors. I believe half of what I see them do and not a Damn thing they say.

Just keep walking, your almost there, prosperity for everyone is just a step or two away.

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 18, 2013 5:22 pm

No Taper
Fall Dramatically
Soar to all new highs.
None of the above:
He and all central bankers should be held by muslim terrorists for a few weeks with the threat that their heads will be cut off and then be miraculously saved and then, just when he thinks he’s back in the sweet arms of safety, promptly feed him to Stonecipher’s Dogs.

December 18, 2013 5:35 pm
Fool on the hill
Fool on the hill
December 18, 2013 11:41 pm

The chopper chopcock is shtuppin Yellen.

Wonder if her old man knows?

December 19, 2013 12:13 am


You ignorant savage (heh), it’s tapir, not taper.

Anyway, without reading any news reports and cross my heart and hope to die, I’m guessing the taper will be cut to $75 billion. Am I right? Let me check. Yes!!!!

Once again, SSS nails it. Admin and I are taking suggestions for the SSS TBP Hall of Fame Award which goes to the most outstanding contribution for cogent, thoughtful, and influential commentary on this site. Please submit your comments and/or pics befitting this award asap.

December 19, 2013 9:25 am

There are no other buyers of the CONgressional controlled Treasury spending.

If Ben “tapers” $10m a month in the paper we are allowed to see him buy/create, $10m – likely more – were just be shifted onto the trillions in printing that we mostly are not allowed to see.

The Fed has poured billions into foreign-held banks over the past 5 years (probably more), could it be that these “banks” will now turn around and use said amounts to “buy” t-bills?

I’m firmly in the camp that we are only allowed to see the tip of this iceberg. I look around and see lots more federal cash than seems to ever be reported being spent.

I see a bunch of rich fucks than simply cannot be so naive and mis-educated that they cannot see what is happening to the real American family. Nor the economy, nor the government overreach everywhere.

I see that the shit is just going to continue being shoveled until our former world-changing Middle Class is completely subjugated and mostly eradicated. Well, except for the connected servants that will work for the rich and gubment. That “middle” will be just fine, or, at least, better than most of the rest of us.

There is only one option for TPTB, and it is Ponzi-on, we all know this train can’t stop until it runs full-on over the cliff and then we will just transfer what little fiat and physically held PMs into some new “one-world” or North American regional (baby steps) currency.

Those trusting their banks and brokers are going to one day wake up and find themselves stripped of huge amounts of their wealth, capital and savings. Overnight we will become impoverished and the Fed will play on.

Sucks seeing devastation coming and feeling like a boy crying wolf.

Of course when we are spiraling out of “control” we will be told, and sold, that “no one saw this coming.”

Thieves and liars, Gramps always told me to stay away from thieves and liars. So wish I could.