
Michael Ramirez Cartoon

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January 22, 2014 10:55 am


January 22, 2014 10:55 am

Ah, the “tolerance” and “diversity” of the liberal progressive!!!!

Just so ya know, the lefty blogs and radio completely support Cuomo’s statement. Their hatred for conservatives, Tea Partiers and anybody that doesn’t toe the lib prog line knows no bounds.

You should really really really spend some time listening to these people, as painful as it is.

In another era, these would be the “good Germans” that closed their eyes to the presence of the camps right next door or drove the trucks to the camps or sang extra loud in church as the cattle cars rattled past on the way to the camps or closed their windows when the smoke from the crematoriums drifted their way.

Again, read “They Thought They Were Free” by Milton Mayer if you want to see how this kind of hatred in peacetime translated to mass slaughter in war time – at the hands of fellow citizens.

We are not living in the same country or culture or even same mental space as the liberal progressive.

You dismiss or laugh at them at your peril.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
January 22, 2014 12:06 pm

They’re not “funny”; they’re truly dangerous to anyone who loves liberty. BC-LR to all.

January 22, 2014 12:11 pm

HZK, I’ll have to look for the liberal/progressive stations in Houston. So far all I have found are two conservative ones, AM 700 (or is it 750) and 1070. Both are neocon/Israel first central. I listen during my morning and evening commutes. A week or two ago, I was subjected to an anti-iranian rant so rabid and hateful that I actually wrote them a letter in protest. Just last night, 1070 had as consequitive guests, the evil and revolting William Kristol and John Bolton.

This is what passes for “conservative” in Texas? I may have to move back to Oregon. Fuck this shit.

January 22, 2014 12:30 pm

Progressive states like New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and California all have three things in common: unions, gun control and insolvency.

January 22, 2014 1:20 pm

Z says: This is what passes for “conservative” in Texas? I may have to move back to Oregon. Fuck this shit.

Z I have been trying to tell you it’s just not Texas it’s the entire South, hell it’s all of rural America. Here’s the 2012 election map, the blue areas are where you will find like minded people, the red areas do not think like you and never will. It’s counter productive to move to San Francisco and spout an anti gay agenda, as is moving to Texas and pushing a counter Conservative agenda, two different world viewpoints.

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January 22, 2014 1:25 pm

Z it looks like if you move a little to the southwest you could find some Dimocrats, you may be happier there. Just sayin.

January 22, 2014 1:28 pm

Can you speak Spanish? They are probably poor mexicans that voted for Obango.

January 22, 2014 1:36 pm

Millennials and Mexicans voted Obama into office, twice. The liberals took over the school system 50 years ago, and it took that long to completely brainwash one complete generation (millennials). More than 60% of millennials think we need more and bigger government. You can be damn sure the millenials and Mexcans will vote for Hillary and any other crook promising more free shit and bigger government. WTF are you supposed to do when the low information voter idiot millennials are brainwashed liberal imbeciles? And Mexicans living off taxpayers? We’re fucking doomed, sorry.

January 22, 2014 1:38 pm

Idiot liberal socialists will run out of other people’s money, then will come the civil wars and mass murders HZK is talking about.

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January 22, 2014 2:04 pm

@Z: 740 is good for the traffic and weather, the morning guy Matt Patrick is pretty funny but the rest of the day is neocon BS; same for 950 and 1170. While they are more conservative than liberal, they are definitely in the neocon/proIsrael camp.

I do like Michael Berry and his commentary on Sheila Jackson Lee. His website has outtakes of some of Lee’s most infamous statements and antics. Go to you tube for the Shirley Q. Liquor videos. This Shirley Q character also does commercials on Michael Berry’s show.

I am talking about Sirius Progress and MSNBC. (The beemer came with Sirius radio.) It is a hoot to toggle between Mark Levin, white guy conservative(Patriot) and Mark Thompson (Progress), a black guy Marxist on my evening commute. Sometimes I toggle between Fox and MSNBC for shits and giggles as well.

Even the news that breaks in on these shows spins events in an entirely different way or presents entirely different stories. Like I said, we are living in two separate and irreconcilable worlds, the contrast of which will end in violence, IMHO.

What the hell, it’s cheap entertainment and I can bask in the glow of total vindication of knowing that the human race is batshit insane, that the country is going to hell in a handbasket, and that, well, WE ARE DOOMED.

January 22, 2014 2:07 pm


I look at that map you posted, and think “The tyranny of the minority”…

I look at the map again and see battle lines, clear as day… when TSHTF, you can see where Bad Things will take place…

In other words, don’t live anywhere near a red/blue border.

January 22, 2014 2:11 pm

Liberal BBES


January 22, 2014 2:15 pm

Sensetti, I don’t think I have made myself clear. The southern neocons are either batshit crazy, dumb as rocks or hypocrites. Without the FED, fiat currency and massive debt, their beloved wars for israel would be impossible to finance. TEA party my ass….Ted Cruz can go suck a dick.

January 22, 2014 2:21 pm

I agree, the Blue Areas are where the riots will most likely break. Mostly large inner city poor people voting for free shit. Oklahoma looks pretty good, I have a fall back position on the okla/ Ark border should I need it, not a concentration of free shit Dimocrats for miles.

Your State looks good as well.

January 22, 2014 2:25 pm

Here’s a little Cash for you all…

Anyone who don’t like Johnny Cash just ain’t a fucking American… just get to steppin’ and GTFO.

And, considering this was the opening song for Dawn of the Dead, and being as we’re on the cusp of our own zombie apocalypse, I thought it was appropriate…


January 22, 2014 2:35 pm


Sounds good. So long as y’all have a Plan B, a rifle and ammo, you’re good to hook.

We’re not doing too bad… you can see where the trouble will be. Lexington. Louisville. Ashland. But that’s really it. Ashland is important, as it is home to Ashland Oil. If we can get and keep that intact, we can make our own fuels, etc..

The poor bastards I feel sorry for are the ones who are living just north of Ground Zero, like north of Atlanta… that first red county north of Atlanta will burn to the ground… we got kin that live around there somewhere. Hopefully, they’re smart enough to GTFO while the gettin’ is good.

January 22, 2014 3:46 pm

Z I am really warming up to the Tea Party. What is it about them you don’t like? It sure looks like Cruz was correct about Obamacare. I wonder what else he’s right about?

January 22, 2014 4:56 pm

“Progressive states like New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey and California all have three things in common: unions, gun control and insolvency” —— Anonymous

Feel free to add;
— High Taxes
— High Crime
— high Neegrows