Obama is going on TV tonight to blow smoke up liberal’s asses and set a new record for lies told during one speech. He’s going declare himself dictator, with a rash of new executive orders that circumvent Congress and the Constitution. He’ll paint a rosy picture of the economy and Obamacare. He’ll tout all the jobs and our economic recovery, and blame rich white people for all the problems in this country.

Needless to say, I won’t be watching his happy horseshit, and neither will most of the nation. Nobody with a functioning brain believes a word he say anymore, because he’s a pathological liar. All that will be accomplished is him setting himself up to become dictator. He’s got to be stopped, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone with the stones to challenge him (and his terror organizations: the NSA, IRS, and DOJ). Enjoy what’s left of this country while you can….


The “Real” State Of The Union

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog, 01/28/2014

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, fellow citizens:

This summer we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I.

This senseless, destructive war was started and championed by politicians who cared nothing for the 9 million people who lost their lives.

And in doing so, they began a century of warfare which continues to this day.

Our military industrial complex is larger than ever. We have nearly 2 million troops and national guardsmen, plus 3.5 million civilians employed in the defense sector.

With such awesome capabilities, we continue to resort to violence and death to exact political goals which benefit a tiny elite.

Read more:

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January 28, 2014 7:58 pm

I will not provide my usual witty, insightful and delightful instantaneous response to Obongo’s lies, conflations and delusional blatherings.

Fuck him and all who follow him.

I have far better things to do with my time and so do y’all.

Get busy.

January 28, 2014 8:05 pm

Dammit Hope – you owe it to us to provide the witty, insightful, and delightful responses. We put up with endless streams of doom, and your stuff is a tuny little starsparkle in a field of black.

So get on with it. We deserve a little joy in our dread-filled lives.

January 28, 2014 8:06 pm

The amazing part is anyone cares what he has to say! Who is looking forward to this speech? Millions of liberal turds and ignorant grade school civics class kids? How many people haven’t figured out it doesn’t matter what a politician says? At this point, no joking, I pretty much assume the opposite of whatever I hear on TV. If the resident claims unemployment is down, I assume it’s up. I’m usually correct with this one. If he says the economy is stronger, I assume we’re weaker. I’m still correct on this one. If he says we’re seeking Peace in (insert country here) i.e. Syria, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, I assume it’s war we want and, again, I’m usually correct on this one. If he claims it’s a clear and sunny day, I can assume it’s asteroids and earthquakes and frogs and blood raining from the skies. I’m usually correct on this one, too.
When will Americans learn you can’t believe in speeches anymore? Regardless of your side of the aisle, your favorite resident was a bald-faced liar, too.

January 28, 2014 8:07 pm

matslinger – someone will surely take the pain of actually watching that dumbsumbitch and will regale us with what lies he spouts this time. We will, as you suggest, respond appropriately and with due decorum.

January 28, 2014 8:18 pm

I’d rather have a hot poker shoved up my ass than watch that lying murdering teleprompter reading prick.

Of course having that half black Kenyan as president is like getting a hot poker shoved up our asses every day for the last five years.

January 28, 2014 8:23 pm

Yeah, I admit it… I’m going to watch, but only because my love of history includes watching it unfold.

Not sure I can regale you with the insanity of it as well as Hope or Stucky could, but I may post something as it goes.

Already have the Lagavulin 16 poured to deaden the pain a bit…

January 28, 2014 8:39 pm

Preview of Obama’s speech.

January 28, 2014 8:26 pm

I wish someone would show something of equal value, like Terrance and Phillip or shaving a dog’s anus, or something, just for equal time.

January 28, 2014 8:49 pm

Hope, I will miss your blow by blow commentary. I will not be watching Obango either. I may try and catch the Tea Party response, that”ll be the only rational oratory worth listening to.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 28, 2014 9:16 pm
January 28, 2014 9:16 pm

Oh, God, this is going to be hard to stomach… and he’s only finished two sentences.

God help me.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 28, 2014 9:19 pm
January 28, 2014 9:22 pm

Now, I would tune in to hear Obango say

“Effective immediately I resign the Presidency. Senator Ted Cruz will be sworn in as President forthwith. I can’t open my mouth without lying, Obamacare was a misguided policy, I have shamed this office and harmed this Great Country, for that I’am truly sorry. Senator Cruz was correct all long and has earned the chance to lead. After years of old White men leading this Country you gave a 1/2 Black Gay Negro a chance, (you stupid bastards) now we hand the reins to a Mexican. Good luck with that, now I am off to golf for the next 30 years on your dime, Obango out”

January 28, 2014 9:22 pm

Several years ago, I had to have a bone marrow sample taken.

The morphine was not effective.

Imagine a large gauge steel needle drilling a hole through your hip. And then the sample gets stuck in the needle, so they have to drill another hole…

I would rather go through that again than watch the flim-flam negro…

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 28, 2014 9:23 pm
January 28, 2014 9:25 pm

Can’t. Take. It. Any. Longer.

January 28, 2014 9:31 pm

Damn it must be bad! I knew there was no way I could watch the lying Bastard.

January 28, 2014 9:32 pm

Gil Scot Heron RIP…

January 28, 2014 9:39 pm

matslinger, sorry, but I just couldn’t take the self-congratulatory bullshit — especially after he called out Michelle for what a wonderful example of something or other she is. He followed that up with something about how a “son of a single mother” could become president.

After all the lies about jobs created in the last five years, the glorious housing recovery, and ending the wars in the Middle East, I had to turn it off.

January 28, 2014 9:49 pm

“I hope somebody, somewhere is figuring out a way to get Obama impeached, to save what’s left of this country, before hellfire rains down on the just (it will surely rain down on the unjust) for allowing this idiot and his minions to wipe us out wholesale. I never thought one person could cause so much damage, hatred and death. Good reminder there really is evil in this world, and it’s on TV.” —- So sayeth AWD

Dude, he’s already trampled the separation of powers and seriously exceeded his Title II authority. First, by rewriting huge swathes of Obongo-care (which he does not have the authority to do. It is a law passed by Congress. Any changes have to be submitted to congress and voted on). The second was him recently increasing hourly rates. Congress sets that, not him.

Him going in front of a camera and declaring that he doesn’t have the time to wait for Congress and that he has a pen and a phone…. I’m just waiting, waiting for him to dissolve Congress (after first ginning up some false flag event and getting Congress to vote him a version of The Enabling Act)…

If someone doesn’t step up and start the impeachment process against him… I think we’re very close to the brink of war…

January 28, 2014 9:58 pm

LOL, T4C… cute.

I popped back in time to hear him propose his “My RA” (he bungled the term and couldn’t get it right, which makes me think it’s not even very well-thought out, just created for the purpose of this speech) to help all the poor people who can’t afford Stock Market Bingo. (yes, the scotch is having an effect now)

He then went on to claim that Obamacare is helping people afford health care so well that a government plan to afford retirement is warranted. Kind of.

Then he said some shit about keeping the “American dream of home ownership” alive and asked Congress to send him legislation. He did not say what that meant or how it was going to happen. One assumes it’s because they’re going to start giving homes away for “free.” Like health care.

The “hard work and responsibility” and “right to pursue dreams” is too much. Pouring another Lagavulin.

January 28, 2014 10:00 pm

Oh, fucking hell, PLEASE… “it shall not be the size of our bank account that allows the right to vote…”

Dude, are you serious? You scored the biggest donations ever in 2008.

Oh, and now he’s on to Sandy Hook…

January 28, 2014 10:04 pm

Blah blah blah. Yeah, sure, the Republicans are going to impeach Obama. Just like they were going to stop Obamacare, hold the line on the debt ceiling, stop illegal immigration, and whatever else I’m forgetting. To paraphrase the Bush dynasty, the Republicans are a bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

These days, with Bitch McConnel and John Boner running the show and folding like a cheap suit at every challenge, it’s almost like the RNC exists as the dummy opposition vote set up by the DNC. The RNC is the DNC’s Emmanual Goldstein.
Like that fake libertarian the DNC ran in VA last year to sucker the libertarians away from the Rs to take over VA’s govt.
Don’t believe me? Just keep voting for Rubio-he’s a REAL conservative who would never support something the DNC wants, like shamnesty for millions of undocumented DNC voters. And keep supporting Boner and Bitch who say we can’t oppose or defund BarryCare because it’s “the law of the land.”

The RNC seems to exist only to pretend to offer a check on the DNC, while failing at any substantive change/preservation of the system. All they seem to do is suck balls. Maybe I’m wrong and they’re really trying to defend America, but I’ve never seen it.

After seeing the shameless way they killed all opposition at the national RNC convention and ran Robot Romney, I’m all but done with the Rs. I wrote in last time and I’ll write in again next time if they don’t run a candidate with a spine AND a pulse.

BTW-perhaps we should all just vote for Hillary this time and hasten the end. Let’s all just register DNC and go on the dole and call for wealth redistribution, increased taxes, currency controls, bail-ins, demand social justice and whatever and go on disability. It’s like a long, long movie-let’s get this shit over with, I already know how it ends.

January 28, 2014 10:11 pm

Blah Blah Blah.
What he says is irrelevant. What he does (or does not do) is much more important.
Expect nothing from these clowns. They’re playing their parts in the show-nothing more.

Abandon all hope, ye who vote here.

January 28, 2014 10:13 pm

All I can add is that the American people need to elect some people to Congress — no, not Republicans, but rather real patriots and thinkers — who will not only offset this madness, but also call for impeachment, censure or anything else at our disposal to restrict his use of unilateral power to accomplish what he feels necessary.

I’ve watched some of the early speeches of Hitler and Stalin. The similarities are astounding. And frightening. We need to see if he (or rather, his puppet masters) attempt to actually implement any of this, but need to be ready to take action if they do.

January 28, 2014 10:23 pm

Thinker- Why? What’s the point of voting new blood into congress? I still vote, mainly out of habit, since I don’t believe it matters anymore. No matter who wins, we still lose.
Let’s say you like what Rand Paul says. Wow! 1 guy out of several hundred politicians and black-robed vultures says something you support-that will show em’!

Let’s say somehow the libertarian party gets a few seats, in fact, let’s say they have the best election run ever and sweep the house with 20% of the seats available AND 20 seats in the Senate with the DNC holding most of the rest. Woopty-freaking-do. Now the Libertarians are a minority party, the RNC is a minority party, and the DNC is a majority. Seeing how the RNC operates, they would never support the libertarians and would collude with the DNC to shut them out. Plus, now you have several years to coopt the libertarian candidates with the same whores and treasure they buy off the RNC and DNC with.

The issue is academic, since the American people are so absurdly stupid, they’re just going to keep voting for whoever promises the most freebies and unemployment money.

January 28, 2014 10:29 pm

Drink Rum-it’s the drink of choice in a banana republic.
As long as America is going Communist, can we finally end the embargo on Cuba and start bringing in the cigars and booze?

January 28, 2014 10:30 pm

The only way to affect change from within such a corrupt system is to bypass all the bullshit that makes DC function.

Good luck with that, the size of the grass roots movement it would take to get even a simple representative elected is impossible.

January 28, 2014 10:39 pm

T4C — thanks, I’ll take a case of that any day. Doesn’t surprise me Denninger had the same reaction I did.

Gilberts — our system is designed to be gridlock for a reason. We’ve seen how it worked in the House, and it would definitely help to have that in the Senate as well. I’m not in favor of Republicans, however; I’ll take Libertarians and Independents any day, as long as they support the Constitution and Rule of Law. All they need to do is raise enough hell to stop the Progs from bypassing those two things. Long enough for society to take care of the rest.

January 28, 2014 10:40 pm

Republican Response – Story time with Aunt Nellie. Are you f%*^king kidding me? No wonder they couldn’t win a beauty contest in a race against a pack of armadillos. I give up!!

Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
January 28, 2014 11:15 pm

Too much Obama drama.
I made it for 2 minutes of the SOTU he should STFU lying sack of shit.

Watched moonshiners instead.

January 28, 2014 11:17 pm

My kid was asked to watch it for his American history class so I watched most of it….Did anyone else notice how much Boehner kept his facial expressions in check whenever Obama said something ludicrous! Terrible poker face!

January 28, 2014 11:28 pm

Anonymous says: Republican Response – Story time with Aunt Nellie. Are you f%*^king kidding me.

Anon, tell me how the 1/2 Black Gay Negro did. Was he impressive? After 6 years does he have this country headed in the right direction? Does he have a solid plan for the rest of his term? Did he tell any new lies, or retell any old lies? Give me your assessment.

January 28, 2014 11:48 pm

I tried to watch Obama’s speech from the perspective of a foreigner to the U.S….and in doing so, was completely offended! The arrogance and matter-of-fact attitude he exhibited with all of the self congratulatory antics (women high-fiving other women when Obama promised to close the gender wage gap or the “son of a bar-keep” Boehner ovation and the painfully agonizing ovation of 2 minutes that wounded Army soldier Corey Remsburg received? My heart went out to Corey and his father! I felt that they were being used as a spectacle to improve Obama’s rating numbers….to be honest, I thought Obama used this state of the union to address his pathetic popularity numbers so that he can still be relevant in influencing the midterm elections…..Look at each aspect of his speech, he even threw the Republocrats a bone with his ideas on Immigration reform (National biometric ID card) and his ass-kissing of Boehner in front of Millions of onlookers! How do other people in other countries not think the American people are a bunch of “useless eaters!” as Obama’s former National Security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski has referred to us Americans as.

Obama said: “Today, the federal minimum wage is worth about twenty percent less than it was when Ronald Reagan first stood here.” What is interesting is what Obama didn’t say; or said without having to admit. Inflation-BABY!! We have to raise wages because of inflation! So how is our economy recovering?

One of Obama’s Grand promises: “Let’s do more to help the entrepreneurs and small business owners who create most new jobs in America. Over the past five years, my administration has made more loans to small business owners than any other.”

There is so much wrong with the below statement that I don’t even know where to begin…
“One of the reasons why is natural gas – if extracted safely, it’s the bridge fuel that can power our economy with less of the carbon pollution that causes climate change. Businesses plan to invest almost $100 billion in new factories that use natural gas. I’ll cut red tape to help states get those factories built, and this Congress can help by putting people to work building fueling stations that shift more cars and trucks from foreign oil to American natural gas. My administration will keep working with the industry to sustain production and job growth while strengthening protection of our air, our water, and our communities. And while we’re at it, I’ll use my authority to protect more of our pristine federal lands for future generations.”

Here’s an Executive ORDER Obama promises to make happen:
“In the coming weeks, I will issue an Executive Order requiring federal contractors to pay their federally-funded employees a fair wage of at least $10.10 an hour – because if you cook our troops’ meals or wash their dishes, you shouldn’t have to live in poverty.”

Can you say rapid price inflation coming?!

January 28, 2014 11:51 pm

If you want a link to the transcript of the speech you can find it below:

January 28, 2014 11:56 pm

Thanks platoplubius

January 28, 2014 11:59 pm

BTW don’t forget to take Osama’s advice

“tonight, I ask every American who knows someone without health insurance to help them get covered by March 31st. Moms, get on your kids to sign up. Kids, call your mom and walk her through the application. It will give her some peace of mind – plus, she’ll appreciate hearing from you.”

January 29, 2014 4:35 am

Welcome to the United States of South America bitchez!! Where the govt doesn’t give a flying shit about what u think. They just keep feeding you shit through a fire hose. As long as enough dumbasses believe it they’re good. Soon we’ll have a church of obummer, just like they have a church of maradona in Argentina……Gotta go lie in fetal position for a while.

January 29, 2014 4:49 am

He can take his health insurance and stick it up his ass. I won’t sign up. I’ll die before I do.

January 29, 2014 6:09 am

Thinker-I would love it if a 3rd party could win, but you must know in your heart of hearts none can. The 2 parties, or the megaparty with 2 wings, will never permit it. The fate of any 3rd party can be seen in the Ross Perot campaign, the Tea Party/OWS experience, and, most recently, in VA last year where the DNC backed a libertarian candidate who was a total sham-he was bought and paid for by the DNC to draw votes from the Rs.
I don’t like the Rs, but of 2 bad choices, they’re Socialism Lite. At this point, I have little faith that voting matters anymore. The candidate who could actually do something good has no chance of getting into the system. Haven’t you seen how they treat anyone who might be truly good? If your character isn’t completely destroyed, you will be marginalized as a nut, called a terrorist!, denied airtime, failing that, you can still be bought. Barry came to power pretending to be above the fray and look what we got.
Plus, the mainstream will never step outside the 2 party paradigm, so keep voting libertarian if you want-I see no future there. The Rs and Ds will close ranks to prevent 3rd parties from ever succeeding, even if one of them must lose for a while. The Rs at this point don’t really seem to care if they win-they seem to just hate their grassroots.

January 29, 2014 6:31 am

For you masochists out there here is the full transcript …

January 29, 2014 6:32 am

I kept my word and watched the basketball games.

However, I did want to see the Republican response. There were others but the one I saw was delivered by someone I never saw or heard before … Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA).

Here was Ms Freud’s immediate reaction —- “Who is she talking too? Grade school children?”. Yeah, that’s how she came across with her sing-song voice inflections and overall demeanor. She started talking about her status as an “everywoman” ……. Growing up on a farm, raising three children including one with Down’s. You see ………… she’s just like you and me!!!!! Then she started talking about how great America is. Then I turned it off. I had to take a shit, and that was quite more enjoyable … and quite a masterpiece.

The internets today will have a flurry of articles. Pundits will naval gaze. Some will hate, some will love. But, in three days time it will all be forgotten. Another Obama masterpiece flushed down the dustbin of history. We need a leader. We got a speechmaker.

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” —————– Lao Tzu

January 29, 2014 8:08 am

Stucky, his 9 million number signed up for Obamcare was total bullshit. If his lips are moving he’s lying.

January 29, 2014 8:17 am

Obama’s bullspeech is 12 pages long. You shouldn’t have to read it. So, because I am benevolent and kind I have decided to reprint the speech here. The ONLY editing I did was to take out the lies.


————————————————————————— –

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, my fellow Americans:

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

God bless you, and God bless the United States of America

January 29, 2014 9:13 am

Does anyone know if the minimum wage increase for federal workers and contractors triggers wage increases for union employees whose wages are tied to the minimum wage?

If so, it would be an act of war against the American people with a big middle finger.

I doubt that anyone would disagree that public sector spending has replaced private investment. Which makes Obama’s executive order not only unconstitutional, but bad policy. That is, unless we want a centrally planned global economy, which seems to be the direction we’re headed.

When collapse occurs, whether imminently, as indicated by the currency controls put in place this week in China, Russia, and the UK, or further down the road when US public sector spending simply overwhelms it’s ability to borrow and spend, it will be proof enough that one cannot centrally plan a social order, which is at the heart of a sustainable economy. There are just too many people who hate the US, but want it’s prosperity. The US is the freest county in the world, in spite of all that has happened since 9/11. Unfortunately, because of the Patriot Act, NDAA, FIA, and others, acts named curiously opposite of what is intended by the act, the potential is there for the US to reverse course.

In fact, it is the US federal government which has infringed upon individual freedom more so than any other institution the world has ever known, in sheer scope alone starting with the American indigenous population. The motivation for most of the infringement is personal gain for politicians and bureaucrats, which would be commonly referred to as corruption.

A corrupt government ceases to be representative of the people, and as such should be resisted at every turn.

I liked the Republican rebuttal last night, didn’t get to see all of it, but I find it a bit disingenuous, as well, given the speakers willingness to throw the American people under the bus in the name of corporate interests.

I would like to see every penny of Tarp 1 and 2 clawed back, as well as every dime earned by banks borrowed at zero percent interest from the Fed, and every dollar borrowed from future generations of American citizens, and the 1 percent prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as is being done in Iceland as we speak. I didn’t read about that in the MSM.

The Information Age has to mean something more than an opportunity for Satan to gain a further stranglehold over that which God created.

January 29, 2014 9:40 am

@Non – You were doing so good until that last sentence. You were almost lucid there for a moment old boy.

Still, a downvote for you.

January 29, 2014 10:00 am

@PC, very funny! I was just explaining to my daughter how the world system could be tweaked to work for everyone, but it doesn’t because of greed and corruption. And it never will because of the Devil and his influence in the world.

The only defense against the Devil is a knowledge of the truth of God’s Word, and there’s nothing more important. Maybe that’s why the Devil is so intent on destroying the Truth ever since the first mention of Christ in the bible. Cain, the first murderer, slew Abel. Egyptians killing all the first born of Israel when the angel of death didn’t take care of it during Passover and Moses survived. Herod had all male children under the age of two killed in Judea, his parents fled to Egypt. If the Devil hates Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, so much, there must be something to it.

I’ll take what’s behind door #1, the truth of God’s Word and all of the promises of God contained therein.

I was also explaining to my daughter how land prices increase as population density increases. She wants us to have a larger yard, so her solution is forced birth control. They start so young.

January 29, 2014 10:27 am

Obama Allows Great Lakes Water To Be Sold To China As Half The U.S. Faces Extreme Water Crisis

Right now, the Great Lakes hold approximately 21 percent of the total supply of fresh water in the entire world. Considering the fact that global water supplies are becoming extremely tight, that is an invaluable resource. One recent UN report projected that two-thirds of the people in the world will be dealing with “water stress” and 1.8 billion people will be facing “absolute water scarcity” by the year 2025. So why are we allowing foreign corporations such as Nestle to make millions upon millions of dollars pumping water out of the Great Lakes and selling it overseas? Considering the massive worldwide water crisis that we know is coming in the years ahead, shouldn’t we be doing everything that we can to protect this precious natural resource?

Most Americans don’t realize this, but earlier this year water levels in Lake Huron and Lake Michigan were at their lowest levels ever recorded.

January 29, 2014 10:31 am

@Sensetti – I can assure you I am not an Obama jock strap (supporter). Most everything he espouses goes against the very fabric of my upbringing. I am just commenting on how screwed up the R party is. They don’t have the sack to call this guy out and expose him for what he is. I am an Independent but did go to the R caucuses and was selected to go to the County Caucuses. If I get the chance I’m going call all of the candidates out on their feel good BS and see if I can get a real answer rather than platitudes. Didn’t get a chance to do that during the local caucus. Our Representative didn’t give time for questions. Go figure. Dammit!

January 29, 2014 10:57 am

Nonanonymous’s total ignorance of anything Biblical is on full display. Again.


“Cain, the first murderer, ….” ———- Nonbrain Person

Wrong. Abel’s murder was the first RECORDED murder. There were other humans alive somewhere for when God cursed Cain with some mark (a tattoo, acne, ??) Abel said “I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me”. Also when Adam and Eve left the garden … Cain and Able took wives outside the garden. It is reasonable to assume there were murders in human society prior to Abel’s.


“Egyptians killing all the first born of Israel when the angel of death didn’t take care of it “—nonbrain

Egyptians did NOT kill “all the first born of Israel”. First, the decree was to kill only males, not females. Second, Pharaoh decreed that ISRAELI MIDWIVES — not Egyptians — drown the boys. Third, the Bible itself explains that the decree was never carried out. It wasn’t the “angel of death” who did the killing, it was “The Lord” …. and Egyptian kids were killed, not children of Israel. Total utter fail by Nonbrain Idiot.


“Herod had all male children under the age of two killed in Judea,” “———- Nonbrain Person

Yes, that’s in the Bible. But it probably didn’t happen. Apart from the Bible, there are zero secular records this occurred. Early church records such as the ‘The Martyrdom of Matthew “ states that 3,000 baby were slaughtered. Surely SOME secular Jew or Roman or other extra-biblical source would have made note of that!! Nada. Zilch. The story almost certainly was invented in order to fulfill an ancient Messianic prophecy by Jeremiah

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