Obama is going on TV tonight to blow smoke up liberal’s asses and set a new record for lies told during one speech. He’s going declare himself dictator, with a rash of new executive orders that circumvent Congress and the Constitution. He’ll paint a rosy picture of the economy and Obamacare. He’ll tout all the jobs and our economic recovery, and blame rich white people for all the problems in this country.

Needless to say, I won’t be watching his happy horseshit, and neither will most of the nation. Nobody with a functioning brain believes a word he say anymore, because he’s a pathological liar. All that will be accomplished is him setting himself up to become dictator. He’s got to be stopped, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone with the stones to challenge him (and his terror organizations: the NSA, IRS, and DOJ). Enjoy what’s left of this country while you can….


The “Real” State Of The Union

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog, 01/28/2014

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, fellow citizens:

This summer we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I.

This senseless, destructive war was started and championed by politicians who cared nothing for the 9 million people who lost their lives.

And in doing so, they began a century of warfare which continues to this day.

Our military industrial complex is larger than ever. We have nearly 2 million troops and national guardsmen, plus 3.5 million civilians employed in the defense sector.

With such awesome capabilities, we continue to resort to violence and death to exact political goals which benefit a tiny elite.

Read more:

Notify of
January 29, 2014 6:44 pm

matsliger – I have not really ever addressed you before, I think. But your circle jerk comment has provoked a response.

What say you go fuck yourself. Maybe there are a few cocks in your neighborhod you haven’t sucked yet. That could keep you occupied for a while. Your response to whatever happened above, which I did not follow, was to take a shot at the whole site. What an ignorant piece of shit. Seriously, you now have my undivided attention, you asswipe.

January 29, 2014 6:49 pm


I don’t get mad at matt …… probably because 99% of the time I have no fucking clue what he’s talking about.

January 29, 2014 7:05 pm

Agnostic? Thanks for the reply!

January 29, 2014 7:07 pm

Mat – you said, and I quote – “This site reminds me of that, a small, peer group of people in a circle jerk, all trying to make the other guy cum first….”

That was aimed at the site, not a group within it.

I am glad you will not use the f word. You fucking cunt. Maybe you should swear off the c word, too. You douchebag. Oops, there goes the d word. You cocksucker. Damn, another c word. Motherfucking dickhead. Oh boy, a combo attack – the m word in conjunction with another d word. Shit head. Smegma breath. Bastard. Fuckwit. Fudgepacker.

I am just getting started with you, asshole.

January 29, 2014 7:15 pm


Just tell llpoh you’re sorry, or some derivative thereof. Do it quickly. Nip it in the bud.

llpoh will fold like a cheap suit. I have seen it happen several times. He has a mean streak but, he can be amazingly kind and gracious. Really.

January 29, 2014 7:22 pm

matslinger says: Detox with “Bentonite clay (calcium not sodium base)

Bentonite= Drilling Mud. I bought it out of Wyoming by the semi load when I was in the Directional Drilling business.
[imgcomment image[/img]

January 29, 2014 7:26 pm

Nope. Not sincere. Does not cut it. The bloodletting will continue.

This is a place where you can say and do as you fucking well please. Political correctness can be checked at the door. Don’t like it – fuck off.

But if you slur the site, you get what you get. And mutslinger is gonna get it. He will pray for fuck off, as that is but a gentle kiss on his cheek compared to the shitfest that is coming.

January 29, 2014 7:27 pm

People know lots of stuff around here. Bentonite clay. That is a new one.

January 29, 2014 7:32 pm

LL, holy shit, you’re not fooling anybody. Your an arrogant asshole who thinks success gives you right to say and do as you please. What was all the bullshit you were talking about charitable works?

Do you kiss your wife with that mouth?

You’ve been corrupted by Stucky, as he just able as slimey as they come. I suggest you take a time out and have another drink. This shit is about to get real.

BTW, I prefer 90 proof Ezra Brooks. It’s cheap and it’s oak aged. I’ll think I’ll go fix one now.

January 29, 2014 7:34 pm

Oops, was that too soon?

January 29, 2014 7:34 pm

Fuck you, Stucky!

January 29, 2014 8:07 pm

Non drinks cheap booze. There is a surprise.

January 29, 2014 8:33 pm

Who are you calling cheap?

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 29, 2014 9:09 pm

Balzytch says:

“Isn’t there one post on TBP where:

a) stucky and nonanon don’t get into a bible bitch session
b) bb doesn’t make a bunch of retarded comments
c) El Coyote doesn’t post a bunch of stupid fucking irrelevant videos
d) flash doesn’t cut and paste irrelevant material
e) Matslinger doesn’t post incomprehensible irrelevant material

I get tired of wading through all the crap to get to the good stuff.”

Stucky covered the reply nicely. As for item c. above, I asked T4C why she didn’t post a particular song and she said that she left it to me and others to do that. I listened to her. The vids are not irrelevant, at times the title alone is my comment – bust a move, jump – on the jump you fuckers post. other times it is a single verse in the lyrics and if you know the song you will recognize the verse quickly. sometimes it is the mood of the vid, a particular part of the music. I thought seacruise was a bit too obvious but now I realize that could be too subtle for you, if you have any questions, ask and i’ll ‘splain it to you.

my buddy john had no use for the rest of the newspaper but the sports section, if this is your issue, please feel free to skip all the stuff you don’t like, as flash advised me to do.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 29, 2014 9:19 pm

first six seconds are loud, don’t know why.

January 29, 2014 10:24 pm

Jack Nicholson, now there’s someone we can all emulate. Thanks, Satan!

January 29, 2014 10:38 pm

Mat, I went to and clicked on Satellite, there’s no “water Vapor” drop down.

I’m old enough and I’m an IT professional, I can follow properly documented steps. Maybe there’s a reason you’re only getting a 70% accuracy rate.

I get close to 100% with God’s Word. I like my track record. Can’t say so much for tin foil hat weather engineering conspiracies.

You have a science background, so do I, as opposed to some liberal arts pukes on this site. If you say something, I’ll investigate, until you’re proven a fraud. So, prove me wrong. Document your shit or Get the Fuck Out. If I’m wrong, then please accept my apology in advance. Otherwise,

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 29, 2014 10:40 pm
Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 29, 2014 11:06 pm

Well. so much for the Google ads.

A shocking new Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Barack Obama, while in a rage, ousted four of the United States top ranking military officers after they refused to detonate a nuclear device “in/near” Charleston, South Carolina this past week and, instead, exploded it off the Atlantic Coast. -Mat


Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 29, 2014 11:09 pm

biggest HAARP blast I’ve ever seen ! -Mat

Think wave guide instead.

January 29, 2014 11:10 pm

matslinger-seriously? You’re posting that stupid nuke conspiracy crap? That garbage keeps raising its head and it gets sillier every time I see it. Alex Jones started that stupid rumor. He might get something right from time to time, but he would confuse a morning bowel movement for the new world order if it would get him more listeners. I’ve heard him announce a random power blackout was the NWO, too. Just cuz’ you’re paranoid doesn’t necessarily make your claims accurate.

Were a nuke to be detonated in real life, I suspect seismic and radiation sensors would quickly detect such a thing. Oh, since when do US conspiracy idiots get copies of Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) reports?! That stuff should be somewhat difficult to get. Even worse, you’re mixing 2 different conspiracy theories now-that stupid Sheldon Songstrom rumor was totally different and also equally BS. If that one were true, for one, they miss that Songstrom is a retired state rep (not a national-level politician as is implied) from the 1970s-hardly the guy to be “in the know.” Next, that rumor previously said they would cancel leave for the military in November-I didn’t see that with anyone I know. And they also claimed the Russians were sending 15k troops to police the middle atlantic states. None of that happened and the rumor THAT is drawn from has been dispelled elsewhere.

I’ve been in a position to hear all the rumors and conspiracies for years and they’re absolutely silly, ignorant, nonsense. It’s even worse seeing the same old rumors recycled from the 1990s and spread around like current info, like the ones about Russians infiltrating the US to take over.
All this focus on ridiculous conspiracies keeps idiots from paying attention to real life, which is bad enough.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 29, 2014 11:29 pm

You know what Obamas greatest trickery was?

Getting derms to believe he was a Marxist.

And getting the donks to believe he was a populist.

January 30, 2014 12:06 am

@ Mat

What does the color spectrum at the bottom of the animation show? I see a HUGE light brown circular object moving east of Oklahoma…Light brown is at the far left of the spectrum with it going all the way up to violet and blue to the far right.

January 30, 2014 7:27 am

Jeebuz! TBP is attracting some real winners these days. I thought some of the stuff matslinger posted early on was pretty good but then he went full bb with Alex Jones bullshit. I’m not dismissing the shit he posts but do we not have enough to worry about with our govt and economy being usurped? bb gets dumber with every comment and nonanon is giving him a run for his money.

Since Smokey left there have not been nearly enough beatings around this place!

January 30, 2014 7:56 am


I, Stucky, formerly esteemed holder of the title “Da Judge” do hereby submit to TBP Regulars only, the following Status Change via Nomination, thusly, as follows;

REQUEST to remove bb (PBUH) as “Village Idiot” to be replaced by matslinger.

Just ONE Thumbs Up vote is required for Official Approval.

Humbly Submitted
Da Judge

January 30, 2014 8:08 am

Mornin’ Stucky! I wanted to pitch an idea your way and see what you think. Considering all the love most TBP’ers have for LEO, a few of us should request a ride along in our local communities and compare notes. What got me thinking about it was your run in with the law over that CO2 detector. Good idea or have I gone full bb?

January 30, 2014 8:26 am

matslinger says: Guess I should have looked harder, I didn’t see the circle…. HAARP mirror?

What’s the big deal about a Harp mirror?

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 30, 2014 8:28 am

Good morning, IndenturedServant.

I think it’s a good idea …. probably a great idea if you live in a larger city.

I don’t think there’s been a murder in our town in a decade. 90% plus white, so there are no drug busts and precious few robberies. Yeah, I know, that’s raciss. I suspect it would be most boring traffic tickets and such.

Of course, I have a potty mouth and such a strong disdain for The Men In Blue that I face the risk of being arrested right in the squad car.

Cop to his partner: “Joe! Look! There’s a 10-24 violation …. jaywalking!! We better give him a ticket!”
Stucky: “Why don’t you copfuks fuckoff and catch real criminals?”

Can I logon to TBP from jail?

January 30, 2014 11:18 am


The people have spoken. You are the new Village Idiot. Congrats.

Sorry, bb. You did have a nice run.

January 30, 2014 11:18 am

Marty, Et al;

I don’t think mat should replace BBQ as Village Idiot. I find mat’s posts to be very interesting. I don’t know if I believe every popular conspiracy theory out there, but I’m convinced there’s more to our reality than meets the eye. I “fell down the rabbit hole” in 2007 or 2008 during the first wave of this crisis, and the trail keeps leading me in new and different directions. I can always take the new information, filter it, and then decide if it fits in the puzzle or not.

For instance, I’d never heard of orgone energy until a few months ago. Who know, maybe they CAN alter weather patterns? maybe they can. Maybe not. Either way, it’s interesting to think about the ideas. BBQ rarely, if ever, gives us anything to think about.

I think there’s a lot of truth to this expression: ” not only is the universe weirder than you imagine, it’s weirder than you CAN imagine.”

January 30, 2014 12:40 pm

@ Mat

check out the short video above! Now they have designed touchable holograms! They want to use it as a foundation for a new “interface system” like the computer keyboard and tablet…this way they could keep using the interface system and merely apply new apps or updates to it….HERE is the future.

January 30, 2014 1:36 pm

@ Mat

I’ll have to check that vid out later when I have time…it seems interesting. Thanks for the link. You said you were in Arizona eh and that you contributed to some work about geo engineering???? what type of work do you do in Arizona? I’m not too far from you in the central valley of California

January 30, 2014 5:16 pm

IS – I am doing what I can to keep beating the morons. But there are so many of them and but one of me. Please feel free to join in.

I see mutslinger gets stupide by the minute.

January 30, 2014 7:20 pm

matslinger, suppose I did believe that. What can I do about it? More importantly, since you already believe that, what are YOU doing about it? What is the tin foil hat club DOING about it? You talked about there being degrees of truth in conspiracy theories and being able to filter it. You need to start by filtering out Alex Jones. He’s just a gas filled windbag who requires sensationalistic hyperbole to get his message out. When it comes right down to it, he’s just a compliant pussy as illustrated by his dog and pony show with the TSA while on his was to do an interview on Piers Morgan. Fucking pussy folded like a cheap suit!

I’m busy trying to make sure I have what is necessary to survive the political, economic and social collapse headed our way. Add that to having a wife, two dogs and a fantastic job and I’m just about maxed out.

Sorry to hit and run but I’m off to work.

Play nice kiddies!

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 30, 2014 8:54 pm

I-S, no doubt Billy loves the N(igger) word and AWD loves the O(bese) word. Old Sarge said, you just have to figure out their offsets, you’ll be alright. I enjoy their posts and evident passion for their topics.

You’re right, Mat sounded rational at first and later I assumed that if I no longer understood what he said, it was because I missed something in the thread. At times he rivals T-bird’s mystical posts. Although, T-bird has a sense of common courtesy where Mat is apparently a functioning autistic.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 30, 2014 9:02 pm

matslinger says:

“I backed away from a comparison of Obama and Jesus, Jesus has a records problem too,
no documentation of where he was from age 12 to age 30… Gnostics say he was in India.”

Your a paragon of discretion, Stucky would have been all over that shit. We also have no records of where you were the last 8 years. Cynics say you were in your mom’s basement trying to make contact with your home planet.

Really, like I should give a fuck what Gnostics say…Your an asshole and I wonder why Nonanon, who promised to look up shit posted without evidence, would give you a pass on that idiotic statement.

January 30, 2014 11:02 pm

Uh, no. I was trying to look up the vaper chart on NOAA, he posted a link of it, but lost me with the copy and paste BS. Personally, I think he’s full RE, but the wood fired generator and off grid stuff sounds cool. Not sure how effective solar can be in northern MN, maybe wind?

I don’t give a fuck what Gnostics say, either. I’ll take my scripture straight up, thanks!

January 30, 2014 11:09 pm

Mormons think Jesus visited the NA indigenous population 2000 years ago, too. Not very likely.

Joseph was a carpenter, and I think it’s generally accepted that Jeebus worked with his dad, which would have been the cultural norm in Judea.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 31, 2014 12:18 am

matslinger says:

“pseudo intellectual religious ideological malcontent hypocrites… with a serious identity crisis…”

you’re projecting dude. and you used the time worn “hypocrite”, wow that was a zinger. I’d ask but I believe you don’t have any idea what that means, you just learned to call anybody who professed any religious belief a hypocrite. from the radical handbook, demand proof, they can’t prove their beliefs vis a vis their actions. no shit. so you refuse to believe in anything because you have the perfect excuse for your failure to live up to something.

I don’t mind being called a hypocrite so much as I mind being called intellectual, Stucky said I’m ‘smart’, I can live with that but intellectual is going too far, Matty.

January 31, 2014 12:41 am

I dunno, matslinger, you sound like you’re a candidate for mall ninja.
You’re a mayoral candidate and you push this kind of conspiracy stuff? Somehow I don’t think you’re going to get far if your ideas actually get out in public.

I, for one, don’t believe Barry will nuke an American city. I don’t believe it will happen. I don’t believe it could happen. He might be the worst president ever. He might be a bunch of other folks’ bitch. He might be pathetic-but he’s not a Bond villain. To build him up to the point where he’s capable of incinerating an entire city is to confer far too much power and evil on a mere dismal enigma of a man.

The same conspiracy theories that are floating around today were floating around 20 years ago. They just keep dusting them off and whipping them out-but there’s no proof, no support, no evidence, and nothing any rational person would believe in.
There are a lot of people in the govt who are focuses solely on stopping nuclear proliferation. I have worked with some of them. I’m pretty sure they’re not part of a secret plan to do the exact opposite. It isn’t like govt people are soulless blood-sucking demons with black ichor running through their veins-they got car payments and kids and mortgages and cable TV just like everyone else. Go to DC sometime at rush hour and see if they’re monsters or just humdrum cubicle mice going to work in big, shabby office buildings.

I don’t deny a nuclear attack is possible-I just deny that our own govt will do it. We have more than enough enemies and it isn’t hard to at least build a dirty weapon, if not an actual nuclear one.

January 31, 2014 1:32 am

@ Matslinger

I appreciate your willingness to put yourself out there and debate topics that most on this site and in the world would immediately deem “crazy”….This reaction is psychological of course and not abnormal. It is a typical response reinforced by the silence from the MSM and current peers they have identified with in some facet. Some are stubborn and have been brainwashed in the social system for the entire lives…I use the Matrix reference to help explain some of this. Remember in the movie that Morpheus and Trinity were concerned about attempting to “unplug” someone that old, and who had never known anything but the matrix, from the matrix.

In response to your question, perhaps they have not permitted themselves the time nor do they have the desire or energy to put effort into researching what you say….I usually appreciate I_S’s comments on other topics; sadly, comments like “What can I do about it?” are defensive schemas, patterns of behaviors, we develop by habitually relying on one interconnected way of making sense of incoming external stimuli. Some lack knowledge on the subject and we have been trained in this culture to immediately attack that what we do not know or understand…WE can thank “HOLLY” WOOD” for that…

Ever hear of Alan Watts? Cutting thru The Matrix? I highly recommend this vid:

The people on this site and in the world that KNOW and are 100% certain that they know these things AREN’T true, without any research, additional thought, or imagination ARE THE SCARIEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET! Stanley Milgram’s obedience studies come to mind.

January 31, 2014 1:36 am

@ Mat,

BTW, I watched the video you recommended on the exotic monatomic substances! THANKS! Very thought provoking! That picture in the video depicting what NASA was working on “warp drive” technology LOOKS AWFULLY FAMILIAR!!!

Remember the SPIRAL…sure looks similar to this one above Norway [imgcomment image[/img]

January 31, 2014 3:03 am

Plato, that spiral was created by a failed third stage rocket booster on a Russian rocket. It is exactly what you would expect to see from a rotating mass ejecting a liquid or gas into the upper atmosphere as it increased altitude.

The tinfoil hat club can turn anything into a fucking conspiracy.

January 31, 2014 3:39 am

matslinger said:
“I ‘m running for mayor this year, and will probably win”

So as mayor, do you intend to do something about HAARP or Obama’s attempt to nuke Charleston or is there some lower hanging fruit to worry about? You certainly sound like a politician but don’t take that as a complement.

One of the greatest things about TBP is the tremendous depth and breadth of knowledge people have. That breadth of knowledge doesn’t come from having closed or locked minds as you claim and by no means have you heard from all the regulars.

You’re not the first newb to show up here without knowing anyone and proclaim that we have closed minds, foul language etc. There are no rules. Post what you want here (subject to the kindly and polite request by admin to abide by the new Google rules) and be prepared to back it up and defend it against all comers because you will not get a free pass.

January 31, 2014 3:45 am

El Coyote @ 24:18, excellent comment. I still have my eye on you! If you turn out to be “you” and bb, I’m gonna be fucking pissed!

January 31, 2014 4:15 am

sadly, comments like “What can I do about it?” are defensive schemas, patterns of behaviors, we develop by habitually relying on one interconnected way of making sense of incoming external stimuli. Some lack knowledge on the subject and we have been trained in this culture to immediately attack that what we do not know or understand…WE can thank “HOLLY” WOOD” for that…

What a load of horseshit! Sometimes a question is just a fucking question. I was dead serious when I asked “What can I do about it?” If someone comes here and asks what they can do about the impending political, economic and social collapse I can give them hundreds of suggestions that will truly help them out even if a collapse never happened. What does the tinfoil hat club have to offer?

I don’t have a problem with anything matslinger posts here but if I have an opinion on it, I may or may not comment on it. Don’t like it? STFU. I happened to appreciate the video he posted here about high fructose corn syrup despite it’s length. It helped me put a few more pieces of the “food puzzle” together in my mind. I’ve known for 20 years that something is wrong with our food and HFCS fits the bill.

Like I tried to tell Clammy and Billy, I can learn anything from anyone as long as it’s not wrapped in BS. I tend to have a very sensitive bullshit meter. It has served me well for 47 years. I’ve never been swindled, cheated, taken or screwed when I’ve paid attention to it. I tend to trust it and employ it in my daily search for knowledge. That search led me here. matslinger needs to slow down a bit and sniff the bushes. I’m not ready to write him off like bb.

January 31, 2014 4:25 am

Platoplubius said:
“The people on this site and in the world that KNOW and are 100% certain that they know these things AREN’T true, without any research, additional thought, or imagination ARE THE SCARIEST GROUP OF PEOPLE ON THE PLANET! Stanley Milgram’s obedience studies come to mind.”

Again, more horseshit. There is not a more open group in my opinion. If you’re patient, pay attention and can get past the bravado you’ll see that we all learn a great deal from each other despite the shit flinging. It’s a rare day indeed that I do not learn something new or fill in another piece of the puzzle. The Burning Platform kicks ass because of its Pulp Fiction delivery and the dialogue is amazing.

January 31, 2014 9:40 am


If you put this thread back under “Latest Posts” it might get to 300 comments.

I’m not done with some of these curs.

Just sayin’

January 31, 2014 9:45 am

“Joseph was a carpenter, ….” ———-Nonbrain

The majority of casual Christians believe this so I should give you a pass. But I won’t because you flaunt your Christianity like a peacock for all to see and behold. Yet, you know not even the most basic aspect of Jesus’ life … what he did for a living. You are what I call a Parrot Christian …. you simply parrot what you hear, but you never actually investigate.

Quite simply, the Greek word translated “carpenter” is “tekton”. It means builder or craftsman. THAT IS ALL. The word requires a modifier to know exactly what kind of builder — a carpenter would be a “tekton of wood”, or a mason a “tekton of stone”. But the two Scriptural references of Jesus being a carpenter leave them out. The only thing we know with 100% certainty is that Jesus was a “builder”. Period, end of story. Everything else is conjecture.

The idea that Jesus was a carpenter occurred as early as 100 years after Jesus’ death by who wrote Jesus made various farm instruments. And in e Gnostic Infancy Gospel of Thomas the writer has the boy Jesus miraculously extending wood that his father cut too short.

COULD he have been a carpenter? Yes. But it’s unlikely. The region where Jesus was raised was relatively devoid of trees. Very few items were made of wood; door-frames, maybe tables and chairs, farm implements such as yokes and plowshares.

A more likely trade would have been mason as there were rocks everywhere. Houses, furnishings like stone tables, millstones, winepresses, were all made of stone. Some people thing a stonemason fits better with the image of Jesus …… He is the stone builders rejected, Jesus will build his church on the Rock, the wise man build his home on the rock, and so forth. Again, all conjecture.

But to quibble about whether Jesus was a carpenter, mason, or whatever is MISSING THE POINT that the writers wanted to impart. In fact, I believe the Gospel writers PURPOSELY left out the tekton-modifier.

The point is that Jesus was a LABOROR – a blue-collar worker, if you will — a man of humble origins not born in high social standing, doing commoners work that was lowly and despised. The One who fashioned the universe with his words, He comes to Earth and humbly fashions chairs or wine-presses with his hands. That picture fits beautifully with the rest of the Gospel picture of Jesus.

January 31, 2014 10:05 am


the human mind does not like change…it is conservative in nature….so it is a typical response when receiving new information that you already have formed pre-existing beliefs on and schemas with….this does not make US less of a human…this is just one aspect of being human…being aware of this aspect is key in attempting to minimize what Sartre called exhibiting “bad faith” towards one another. I agree, that many of us on here are more open minded than the average American…but unfortunately, with our Public indoctrination system working so well and HollyWood distracting us and informing us for decades, being more open minded than a Zombie isn’t saying much!

Anyways, I still stick to what I said earlier…any HUMAN BEING who can immediately and in definitively dismiss ANYTHING at FACE VALUE without, first, entertaining the notion that they do not have all of the pieces to the larger picture, is naive and dangerous. I ALSO agree that someone who blindly accepts the first thing they hear and isn’t skeptical and doesn’t critically analyze the information is gullible and dangerous! There must be a BALANCE!