Obama is going on TV tonight to blow smoke up liberal’s asses and set a new record for lies told during one speech. He’s going declare himself dictator, with a rash of new executive orders that circumvent Congress and the Constitution. He’ll paint a rosy picture of the economy and Obamacare. He’ll tout all the jobs and our economic recovery, and blame rich white people for all the problems in this country.

Needless to say, I won’t be watching his happy horseshit, and neither will most of the nation. Nobody with a functioning brain believes a word he say anymore, because he’s a pathological liar. All that will be accomplished is him setting himself up to become dictator. He’s got to be stopped, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone with the stones to challenge him (and his terror organizations: the NSA, IRS, and DOJ). Enjoy what’s left of this country while you can….


The “Real” State Of The Union

Submitted by Simon Black via Sovereign Man blog, 01/28/2014

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, members of Congress, fellow citizens:

This summer we will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I.

This senseless, destructive war was started and championed by politicians who cared nothing for the 9 million people who lost their lives.

And in doing so, they began a century of warfare which continues to this day.

Our military industrial complex is larger than ever. We have nearly 2 million troops and national guardsmen, plus 3.5 million civilians employed in the defense sector.

With such awesome capabilities, we continue to resort to violence and death to exact political goals which benefit a tiny elite.

Read more:

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January 31, 2014 10:12 am

@ I_S

I guess you saw the CBS special that EXPLAINED that this phenomenon was only a spiraling missile launched from a Russian submarine. Well, I guess that’s all there is to that story then…right…just like there isn’t anything else to the story from the missile launch from a submarine off the coast of California a few years back when Obama was visiting Asia….They tried to say that was merely jet contrails until enough “credible” people called bullshit!

Only a missile launch that went bad right?!

January 31, 2014 11:11 am


In a general broad sense — not specific individuals — I have never really liked the Yankee mindset. It’s just one of elitism, snobbery, and arrogance. I wish my parents would have immigrated to South Carolina. And if there’s ever another North-South war, I’m leaving NJ in a fucking heartbeat. I’m “Southern” in my heart.

January 31, 2014 11:50 am

Here ya go Stuck…

January 31, 2014 12:05 pm


Y’all are gonna have to learn how to speak Southern… and develop a taste for collard greens, kale, okra, cornbread, mush, grits, catfish… you all are gonna need a full-size pickup truck (preferably an older model with a little rust and a clapped-out interior… and a gun rack), a John Deere ballcap (with a suitable amount of grime), ropers and/or boots, couple shotguns and rifles – preferably handed down from your old daddy or granddaddy. Beards are optional, but encouraged. I detest mullets, so I won’t recommend them.

You should observe April 3rd of every year as a day of mourning… that was the day Richmond fell.

You will have to learn to pull over when encountering a funeral procession and remove your hat, if any. Even if you didn’t know them. Ignoring this will piss off a LOT of folks and mark you as an outsider.

“Damnyankee” is one word.

Once you get down here, you will only cross the Ohio river if you HAVE to. And depending on where you settle, some folks will still consider it “Up Nawth”. Folks from Mobile think that WE live in the North, and it’s hilarious… but there are no degrees of “southern”…

Shit, I should write a relocation guide…

January 31, 2014 12:35 pm

Stucky said,
” So one should take their decades long history of learning, observing, and experiences and just throw them out the window. We are NEVER allowed to make instant judgements as to whether or not an item/idea has the ring of truth, or bullshit. No, Comrade, you MUST investigate! Where do you find the time.”

There you go again with your strawman arguments…putting words into my mouth so that you can “defeat” my supposed logic-inspired words coming from your keyboard. I never said that…What I said is that human beings like to conserve cognitive energy…it is a physiological fact…so we use stereotypes and “classifications”, labels that all comprise our methods of observing, making sense of and acting on external stimuli. These patterns of behavior, also known as schemas are what we tend to rely on to determine if we should invest more or less time into “NEW” information…The problem for most of us is that our schemas, at times, prevent us from doing so. Couple that with the pressure on us from peers that we respect who do not “believe” or have not become “aware” of this new information and it is very easy to see how very intelligent people can be willfully ignorant to other aspects of this global transformation of society that is currently accelerated in pace.

January 31, 2014 12:53 pm

I am not putting words in your mouth.

This is EXACTLY what you said. YOUR words.

“The people on this site and in the world that know and are 100% certain that they know these things aren’t true, WITHOUT ANY RESEARCH, ADDITIONAL THOUGHT, OR IMAGINATION are the scariest group of people on the planet!”

What I wrote @11:04 is entirely correct.

January 31, 2014 1:01 pm

@ stucky
I’ll copy and paste your words below again to see what “words” you put into my mouth and if this is what you got from my previous words; stop being so damned defensive….otherwise remain willfully ignorant!

“So one should take their decades long history of learning, observing, and experiences and just throw them out the window. We are NEVER allowed to make instant judgements as to whether or not an item/idea has the ring of truth, or bullshit. No, Comrade, you MUST investigate! Where do you find the time”

Where did I say that in your copy and paste of my words:
“The people on this site and in the world that know and are 100% certain that they know these things aren’t true, WITHOUT ANY RESEARCH, ADDITIONAL THOUGHT, OR IMAGINATION are the scariest group of people on the planet!”?????????????????????????????????????

January 31, 2014 1:05 pm

No plato, I missed the CBS special. I’m an amateur astronomer with a complimentary interest in human space activities. At the time of that spiral pattern over Norway, NORAD tracked and continues to track things like that as part of it’s space debris avoidance protocols. There are hundreds of billions of dollars worth of satellites up there and events like the failed launches present quite a hazard. Satellite tracking sites accessible to anyone can be used to track things like this yourself. As a matter of fact, there are hobbyists who specialize in tracking satellites and all man made objects in space are classed as satellites.

There are times when the owners and operators announced intended venting of waste products and fuel from satellites and using the aforementioned satellite tacking sites you can view these events if your position on Earth coincides with the events. I’ve seen numerous waste dumps from the Space Shuttles over the years. I’ve also observed failed rocket launches on a couple of occasions.

Yeah, I know, I just fell for the govt line plato. Everything truly is a conspiracy when you have no critical thinking skills.

I’ll ask again plato, what can I do about these conspiracies? What useful steps does the tin foil hat club offer with respect to these conspiracies? I’m listening but I only hear crickets. Reminds of the Underpants Gnomes on South Park. Step one: Collect underpants. Step two: ??? Step three: Profit. Little fuckers have no idea what they are doing or even why but they soldier on. Sounds exactly like the tin foil hat club.

January 31, 2014 1:22 pm

“I’ll ask again plato, what can I do about these conspiracies? What useful steps does the tin foil hat club offer with respect to these conspiracies? I’m listening but I only hear crickets.”

Does it make you feel better to label individuals who you don’t understand as “tin foil hat wearers?” As for what can you do about these conspiracies ….. hmm….I think a bunch of people ARE doing something about it…First and foremost, AWARENESS must be spread….just as in the case with the economic system and the fraud on Wall St that Jim and all of us rail against on this site! The knowledge and insight gleaned from the articles and comments from TBP and other sites is spreading awareness and a more accurate understanding of our economic conditions domestically and globally. Once enough people become aware and a critical mass has been obtained, change can be discussed and, later, implemented. The same could be said for these crimes against humanity known as geo-engineering!

Not that long ago, just the belief that the Federal Reserve was a group of banks and not a U.S. government entity who prints our money would have earned you the label TIN FOIL HAT wearer or conspiracy theorist! These terms do nothing but divide and conquer! Thanks for assisting in that, your self-appointed masters appreciate your hard work!

January 31, 2014 1:23 pm

admin, that picture should be TBP logo!

January 31, 2014 1:26 pm


Holy shit. A Quoting War. Let’s try something else to see if we’re on the same, or different, pages.

1) I spent maybe 2 hours of my life checking out the Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory. I’ve concluded that it’s bullshit. Now what do you have to say about that.

2) There are a group of people who actually believe, and have a Society, that says the Earth is flat. I have zero interest in reading what they have to say. Now what do you have to say about that.

January 31, 2014 1:34 pm

@ stucky

I say that is your opinion; am I going to berate you and put you down because of your opinion based off of 2 hours of research? No. Will I use this as a guide to filter your responses…absolutely…just like you and I_S most certainly will do for myself and others.

Yes, there are people who believe that the Earth is flat still, there are also people who believe in reptilian shapeshifters and that the moon is a spacestation….it doesn’t mean that I can’t learn something from these beliefs about myself and others…How you choose to spend your time is your business….well…and the NSA’s business…but don’t be an arrogant douche to others because YOU KNOW for a fact that geo-engineering projects are not taking place!

January 31, 2014 1:41 pm

“I say that is your opinion; am I going to berate you ” ——-plato

Well, that’s better.

That’s quite different that saying people who 100% know bullshit when they see it — like, Flat Earthers — are, your words “the scariest group of people on the planet”. That is offensive.

” … but don’t be an arrogant douche ” —— plato

Krist. To quote Ronald Reagan, “There you go again.” You’re taking this conspiracy stuff waaaaay to seriously.

January 31, 2014 1:49 pm

“Does it make you feel better to label individuals who you don’t understand as “tin foil hat wearers?”
————- Plato to IndenturedServant

“Thanks for assisting in that, your self-appointed masters appreciate your hard work!”
————- Plato to IndenturedServant

1. Plato is offended at name-calling. Specifically, being called a tin foiler.

2. Plato resorts to name-calling. Specifically, that I_S follows “self-appointed masters”

3. Plato fails to see the irony and hypocrisy, therefore Plato is kinda nuts.

I hope he does some research on that.

January 31, 2014 1:55 pm

“Conspiracy stuff?” What is a conspiracy anyways Stucky? We throw around words often and I think in doing so we forget their meanings.

con·spir·a·cy (kən-spîr′ə-sē)
n. pl. con·spir·a·cies
1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
2. A group of conspirators.
3. Law An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.
4. A joining or acting together, as if by sinister design: a conspiracy of wind and tide that devastated coastal areas.

There are countless conspiracies going on every single day! Most of us are too busy to do anything about it or spend any cognitive energy concerning ourselves with them until their results are UP in OUR FACES….our affecting our environment and personal spheres of influence. That’s why gradualism is such a nasty trick! It relies on knowledge of how the human mind works to push through agendas that, if a majority of individuals were simultaneously aware of, might dissent against and prevent from being implemented.

Let me try a Bible reference for you STucky: John 12:40 “He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, that they may not see with their eyes,” I think this a great illustration as to why some of us get it and others don’t (this is not to say that those who don’t get it will never get it) The story of Saul/Paul comes to mind…but I think it explains why some people see and others don’t….Why some are still potential “agents of the matrix” and others are not.

In the Age of Information, Ignorance is a choice – Danny Miller

January 31, 2014 2:00 pm

Stucky said, “2. Plato resorts to name-calling. Specifically, that I_S follows “self-appointed masters””

@ STucky

Nope, I’m just of the opinion that we are ALL OWNED! But there I go again, saying something apparently so ludicrous to most of us that our defensive shields will immediately go up and flame will be thrown….LOL

I align myself with George Carlin’s beliefs about our current system in Amerika!

January 31, 2014 2:17 pm

Cry me a river.

YOU throw flames. You call non-believers the most dangerous people on the planet. You called me a douche. You accuse I_S of following his self-appointed master. That’s a pretty serious charge drilling right down to the man’s integrity. Where is llpoh?

I merely called you nuts after all this.

Nice Bible verse —- “HE has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, ..” He, who? He be Jeebus. Clearly it’s not my fault, Jeebus blinds me from seeing. You are much more fortunate. Jeebus loves you better … so you can see conspiracies others can’t. Lucky bastard.

January 31, 2014 2:28 pm

LOL…I wasn’t crying…I was stating the obvious. Come on….how many times have you cried and LEFT this site because you got your poor little feelings hurt? GTFOOH!! I didn’t call “non-believers” the most dangerous people on the planet…there you go again putting words into my virtual mouth! LOL…your true colors are showing! I said that ANYONE who is 100% certain that they KNOW for a FACT that geo-engineering projects are NOT being conducted is a dangerous person.

Don’t trip…I’m owned too! Sucks doesn’t it! LOL

I thought you’d appreciate the Bible verse and write exactly what you wrote in response! YES, you are correct! JEEZUS loves me more than you! DUH! That is what I would have gotten from that wise verse from the B I B L E

January 31, 2014 3:27 pm

” … how many times have you cried and LEFT this site because you got your poor little feelings hurt?” —- plato

I believe three times.

That’s not bad considering all the time I’ve been here and all the shit I’ve taken.

And if you don’t stop, it’s gonna be four, soon.

January 31, 2014 3:46 pm

“The south has enough strikes against it even if you exclude racism and in my mind, racism is the number one reason the south will will always be a pathetic and miserable place.” ——– I_S

I missed that the first time I read the post. Wow! That’s a pretty strong statement. I guess that would make the Northeast a virtual heaven? Hey, it sucks here too. I’m not sure where in this country you WON’T find racism. Please let me know where this Shangri-La is. Oreo only made it 100x worse.

George Carlin has some pretty funny stuff about people getting upset at words.

For blacks I guess the slur against whites is “cracker”. Doesn’t bother me in the least. Why? Because I don’t LET it bother me. It’s really that simple. It took a while to learn that. I was called both “Nazi” (some) and “Kraut” (mostly) as a youngster in school. By the time I was a senior in high school and having heard it ten thousand times it really lost it’s power over me.

January 31, 2014 3:51 pm

@ I_S

“George Carlin has some pretty funny stuff about people getting upset at words.” He also appreciated the usage of words and the significance of their meanings compared to people’s perceptions of their meanings!

February 1, 2014 12:48 am

Stucky, I’ve never spent enough time in the northeast to know if it is a virtual heaven or not. I would think that racism in the NE has a different vibe to it. Down south it’s tradition, handed down from one ignorant generation to another ad infinitum. That is why the south will always be a pathetic and miserable place. What is that famous quote about the definition of insanity? Yeah, you know the one.

It’s not words that piss me off, it’s how the words are used I take issue with. When used unnecessarily and with bad intent, intelligence goes out the window.

February 1, 2014 12:51 am

plato said:
“platoplubius says:

@ I_S

“George Carlin has some pretty funny stuff about people getting upset at words.” He also appreciated the usage of words and the significance of their meanings compared to people’s perceptions of their meanings!”

I’m well aware of the brilliance of George Carlin. I think the english language is magnificent in it’s enormous variety.

February 1, 2014 1:23 am

plato said:
“Does it make you feel better to label individuals who you don’t understand as “tin foil hat wearers?”

I never really gave it any thought one way or the other.

As for what can you do about these conspiracies ….. hmm….I think a bunch of people ARE doing something about it…First and foremost, AWARENESS must be spread….

Okey Dokey! I’m aware! What’s the next step?

The knowledge and insight gleaned from the articles and comments from TBP and other sites is spreading awareness and a more accurate understanding of our economic conditions domestically and globally. Once enough people become aware and a critical mass has been obtained, change can be discussed and, later, implemented. The same could be said for these crimes against humanity known as geo-engineering!

I agree entirely. Feel free to submit or post articles about the various conspiracy theories out there and discuss to your hearts content. I have no problem with that. Just don’t get pissed off when people post opinions about it that don’t agree with yours.

“Not that long ago, just the belief that the Federal Reserve was a group of banks and not a U.S. government entity who prints our money would have earned you the label TIN FOIL HAT wearer or conspiracy theorist! These terms do nothing but divide and conquer! Thanks for assisting in that, your self-appointed masters appreciate your hard work!”

LOL! That is quite a leap to compare the nature of the Federal Reserve to the President intending to nuke Charleston, SC but hey we mere mortals rarely possess any real proof of anything now do we?

As I alluded to earlier, if someone asks what they can do to protect themselves from the impending political, social and economic collapse, I can literally offer dozens of ideas that will help them out whether the collapse happens or not. The same cannot be said of most of the conspiracy theories out there. My personal belief is that we need a complete reset that includes abolishing the central banks. Once the source of “free, thin air money” dries up most if not all of the money used to fund these so called conspiracy operations will go away. An incredible number of problems will naturally sort themselves out once the corrupt money goes away.

February 1, 2014 7:21 am

Yeah, right, Stucky. Who’s the peacock?

Although, that is a reasonably impressive word study of “tekton”. I wasn’t married to the idea of Jesus being a carpenter. The CONTEXT of the discussion was what did Jesus do between the age of 12 and 30?

I stated he has was likely engaged in the same occupation as his step Father, Joseph, as was the custom in his day.

Thanks for clarifying MY point.

February 1, 2014 8:50 am

I agree with your assessment of not using words that most find offensive and do nothing to drive a good conversation. I still find it astonishing that an entire group of people are so fixated on a word they find oppressive and spend so much energy trying to make sure that the melatonin deprived never ever use “that word” that they cannot see the forest through the trees. There are people who will never like black people. No matter how many laws you pass, no matter where you bus there children for school, no matter how many jobs you set aside for them. Just as the Sunni will never like the Shiites and the Japanese will never like the Chinese, they need to get over it, but they will not. They are programmed to feel they are the victim. It will not change in our lifetime.

February 1, 2014 9:10 am

“Stucky, I’ve never spent enough time in the northeast to know if it is a virtual heaven or not. I would think that racism in the NE has a different vibe to it.” ———— I_S

I dunno. To me racism is racism. I never thought about it having different vibes. I don’t even know what that means? That it is less overt in the North than the South?

I’ve never lived in the South — except at Lackland AFB in Texas, and that doesn’t count — so I would have no way of knowing.

I will say this …. the North is HEAVILY segregated in terms of housing, probably worse than the South. In my town the black population is 5%. They all live in one small area. Same for my parents’ town. Same EVERYWHERE.

Ever heard of “White Flight”? I think that’s a Northern thing. I remember living in Newark when it was quite white. Black moves next door … the white neighbor moves to the suburb … the next day, seemingly. Poof, within a matter of a decade Newark is predominately black. I guess in the North we like Negroes more than Southerners … at least we say we do ….. we just don’t want to live near them.

Curious … what state do you live in?

February 1, 2014 9:48 am

“There are racists on both sides, the children generally less so than the parents, because they see the ignorance of it. So, it takes generations as the more racist die off” — Non

My son started asking questions early, like “Why is it they always make the white guy look stupid on TV”?… and a lot of other observations.

Kids don’t ‘see the ignorance of it’. By the way, thanks for calling me ignorant. Anti-racists ALWAYS use the word “ignorant” to describe those who don’t ascribe to their opinions, the vast majority of the time without knowing the background of the person they’re accusing of ignorance or why they came to the realization they did… which is really fucking stupid.

Your whole premise that ‘it takes generations as the more racist die off’ implying that eventually at some nebulous point in the dim and distant future everything will be unicorns and rainbows and skittles…. that’s just bullshit.

People have felt and thought certain things about others since we first fell out of the trees a quarter million years ago… and, judging by their writings that go back centuries, it stands to reason that IF everything was going to be unicorns shitting skittles and rainbows, it would have happened by now. But it hasn’t.

Walking around blind to the obvious about others will get you maimed and killed… so, good luck with your anti-racism…

February 1, 2014 9:48 am

“The CONTEXT of the discussion was what did Jesus do between the age of 12 and 30? …. Thanks for clarifying MY point.” ——– Nonanonymous

And my point was that you, Bible Thumper extraordinaire, merely parrot what you read without investigating.

For example, you said ……. “what did Jesus do between the age of 12 and 30”. What a tired old worn out question. Everyone starts with age 12 because of one verse where Jesus “debates” in the Temple. Pfft. The real question is what did Jesus do his entire life before 30.

A minor issue, but it makes MY point.

February 1, 2014 10:19 am

Err, once again, Stucky has no point. Classic atheist troll.

Billy, you’re a bit defensive about being called ignorant. Your son recognized the racism. That’s not ignorant, you fukwad. I’m mostly anti-ignorant and willing to admit when I’m wrong.

Your ant-racist rhetoric falls flat.

So, there, two TBP trolls taken down in one post. A new record for me.

February 1, 2014 10:57 am

“Err, once again, Stucky has no point. Classic atheist troll.” ——- Nonbrain

More proof …….. as if I needed it …… to your massive ignorance. EVERYONE here knows that I am NOT an atheist. Everyone. Except you, because you have no brain. You have a few functioning cells in your brain stem as life-support … mostly shitting all over yourself … and nothing else.

Billy’s description of you as a shitting stupid pidgeon is spot-on …. even though it is an insult to pigeons.

February 1, 2014 11:08 am

“White flight is a white thing, not just a damnyankee thing…” ——– Billy

While I have never lived in the South, I have traveled enough throughout to form an opinion.

I’m talking about housing only, not white flight. It SEEMS to me that blacks and whites aren’t as reluctant to live amongst each other in the same neighborhood.

Am I right or wrong?

February 1, 2014 2:27 pm

” … the merciless bombing of newbies, which I believe you were spared ”
———– El Coyote, formerly just Juan, to Billy

Me and Billy had a pretty good shit-fest early on. I did not spare the rod. I bitch slapped his newbie-ness, but he fought back vigorously. You must have missed that.

Just 9 more posts to reach 300!

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 1, 2014 2:33 pm

my buddy said he had a knack for pissing people off. he said if john ever went postal, he’d come in demanding, where’s chris?! I mention that to say this, I like you I-S, if I ever went postal, I’d kill you last. no wait, that would be Llpoh.

February 1, 2014 2:40 pm

” I like you I-S, if I ever went postal, I’d kill you last.”

LOL! If I ever went postal I’d kill me last too!

February 1, 2014 3:01 pm

“the merciless bombing of newbies, which I believe you were spared and said so when I commented that was a raciss pass they gave you, is something that deters and discourages many a new fuck noob. Those who dismiss this site as simply a circle jerk of ingrained ideas has no clue that those who stay have been hazed and ass raped verbally and have earned their stripes.” — El Macho

Dude, were you even here? One of the first threads I ever posted on ran hundreds of posts, with most of the posters (the old timers) bagging on me. In fact, after dozens of posts, someone said that to my credit, I didn’t back down. I suppose that was my christening…. I find it surprising that you said that they took it easy on me, all things considered…

Hardly anyone “gives” me a ‘rayciss pass’… Llpoh just loves to preach about that to me, and several others are ALWAYS quick to jump my shit when I say That Which Must Not Be Said…

You tell me I get a gut reaction? Why don’t you cast your glass towards those who get butthurt over ONE STINKIN’ WORD? Non, I_S, others… and I’ve been called much, much worse by way better than any of them, and that shit didn’t bother me in the least.

I don’t particularly care what you call me… just don’t call me late for dinner.

February 1, 2014 3:11 pm



Exactly- I wasn’t taught evil raycissm by my parents. They were neutral on the subject. Matter of fact, I never heard daddy say anything about blacks one way or the other… the closest he ever got was when he bagged on my older sister for playing rock music too loud – he DESPISED rock music and called it “That damn jungle music – stick clickers, pan bangers and rock knockers”…

It was negroes who initiated me into the wonderful world of raycissms… the intimidating stares, groidles of them on the skreet corner trying to intimidate people, having a gun shoved in my face, family members who were attacked – including me, etc.. and that was when I was in my 20’s, which was about 20 years ago. It’s only gotten worse since then…

February 1, 2014 3:13 pm

“If he could could transport the beautiful state of Kentucky to my location where minorities are less than 4% of the population ….” ———I_S

Why won’t you disclose which state you live in?

Anyway, minorities are only 4%, eh? That may be one reason you don’t see racism as an issue. It’s easy to not experience racism when one doesn’t have to live amongst them. (see my post at 3:00PM, just above).

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 1, 2014 3:21 pm

aw shit, I’m gonna miss 300.

February 1, 2014 3:35 pm


February 1, 2014 6:42 pm


Very interesting how you made your choice. When it comes our time to do the same the first consideration will be warm weather. I am sick and fucking tired of cold weather, ice, being indoors, etc. fuckit

I know you never said racism was not an issue. And my comment about the 4% was just a general comment, not specific to you. I remember the first time my uncle visited from Austria and how surprised he was at his sister’s (my mom) attitude towards blacks. He didn’t have a problem with them and mom said that’s because he doesn’t live with them.

February 1, 2014 7:52 pm

Billy needs to add a couple of ponies to his stable. I no longer am reading his schtick. Kinda too bad.

February 1, 2014 8:25 pm

Stuck – where have you been? It has long been known that IS lives in AK. Along with AKAnon, and less fortunately RE.

February 1, 2014 8:35 pm

Stucky, et al, in thinking about it as I was replacing light fixtures in my shop today I realized that what really pisses me off about racism and racists is the *loss of potential*. This isn’t limited to that topic alone. Humans are just fucked up. Sure we all have our moments of brilliance and great accomplishments or at least most of us do. However, collectively we always tend toward the extreme end of everything despite clear evidence that this is not in our best interest. It’s never enough money, it’s never nice enough shit or enough land or even ice cream. Consider for a moment that just a handful of generations will end up using almost every drop of oil the Earth ever had. That is a rather profound thing in my opinion.

We get tied up with avarice, envy and hate in nearly every endeavor. In my mind this represents an enormous loss of potential and when you get right down to the nitty gritty, humans are better than that. The reality may be that we are not in fact better than that, but we sure as hell could and should be.

Racism and all the multiple aspects of the coming collapse represent the most gargantuan waste of time and effort and resources in the entire history of the world. For fuck sake, people in general can’t even have a simple conversation about these topics. Look at the sorry state of our education system and imagine you are a child withering away in it. How much different would your life turn out if you had to suffer the education that most kids get these days. In my mind that is just wasting lives & minds and it’s not much of a stretch to equate that to a crime against humanity. Sure, some of us will turn out as ignorant dolts regardless of education but teaching kids to be obedient drones instead of teaching meaningful life skills like grammar, rhetoric and logic almost guarantees failure and is an enormous waste of potential. How many Einstiens or Ben Franklins are we missing out on?

Personally, I try to be a better person in small ways all the time. I’m continually modifying my behavior, learning new things and trying to live a less wasteful life with the ultimate purpose of having consideration for everyone that comes after me.

It seems to me that the longer our species evolves, the dumber we get. I’ve long had an opinion that humans were never meant to live in large groups. We’d be better off living in nomadic tribes of a few hundred at most.

February 1, 2014 8:39 pm

WordPress is not allowing me to log in for some reason so my posts are coming up as anonymous.

February 1, 2014 8:58 pm

IS – you can type your name in the little box thingy that says name. Duh.

How many years you been posting here? Sheesh.

February 1, 2014 9:21 pm

I tried that too. It’s in the box as I type this but it does not come though in the comments. WordPress booted me earlier and sent several comments to several posts into the ether. They initially appeared and then vanished.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 1, 2014 11:22 pm

Llpoh said you need to add some ponies to your stable, a much nicer way of saying what I said about a ‘one note scrote’ (keep in mind I did not call you a scrote I had said you tended to sound like one, a significant technicality). I-S said he has an issue with your shitting in the stream of conversation for the same reason as Llpoh suggests.

Here’s my take on it, my buddy john found some good girly magazines and we were pleased to have them at work when they were still legitimate and not frowned upon by HR. The bad part was that some of them had pecker tracks on the pages. Your comments at times are like that, sorry, Billy I hate to be the one to tell you, as a friend, you have internet halitosis.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 2, 2014 12:14 am

Where’s that promised guide to the South? At least give me a collard greens recipe.