Hat Tip Boston Bob


The Coyote



The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor’s dog, then bites the Governor.

The Governor starts to intervene, but reflects upon the movie “Bambi” and then realizes he should stop because the coyote is only doing what is natural.

He calls animal control. Animal Control captures the coyote and bills the state $200 testing it for diseases and $500 for relocating it.

He calls a veterinarian. The vet collects the dead dog and bills the State $200 testing it for diseases.

The Governor goes to hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote and on getting his bite wound bandaged.

The running trail gets shut down for six months while Fish & Game conducts a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is now free of dangerous animals.

The Governor spends $50,000 in state funds implementing a “coyote awareness program” for residents of the area.

The State Legislature spends $2 million to study how to better treat rabies and how to permanently eradicate the disease throughout the world.

The Governor’s security agent is fired for not stopping the attack. The state spends $150,000 to hire and train a new agent with additional special training re the nature of coyotes.

PETA protests the coyote’s relocation and files a $5 million suit against the state.



The Governor of Texas is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks his dog.

The Governor shoots the coyote with his state-issued pistol and keeps jogging. The Governor has spent 50 cents on a .45 ACP hollow-point cartridge.

The buzzards eat the dead coyote.

And that, my friends,

is why California is broke

and Texas is not


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February 3, 2014 12:45 pm

Too funny…and true !

February 3, 2014 12:56 pm

CNN headline on the California story; “Democrats humanely care for wounded wildlife”

CNN headline on the Texas story; “Republicans attempt mass genocide on innocent animals”

Nuclear war breaks out in the Middle East, but CNN runs the coyote stories for almost 24 hours straight. The ME war end in an hour and a half. The next day CNN interviews coyote experts and also the dead coyote’s mom, dad, and seester. Americans feel informed and grateful, so they contribute millions to the Wounded Coyote Project. matslinger posts some bullshit about coyotes and the end of America as we know it.

Life goes on as normal, a catastrophe narrowly averted, thanks to CNN.

February 3, 2014 1:37 pm

On the subject of shooting there is a recall of some WINCHESTER® 22 Long Rifle RIMFIRE AMMUNITION:

February 3, 2014 1:51 pm

California is run by Dimocrats, Texas is Run by Republicans. Bottom Line don’t vote Dimocrat, if you do, you get what follows, dumbass policy by brain dead Libs.

We will be hunting Dimocrats with dogs before this shit comes to an end.

Thanks Admin for pointing out just how fucked up Dimocrars are.

February 3, 2014 1:56 pm

Animal rights nuts are one of my big peeves:

Home 10

February 3, 2014 2:22 pm

Flash run the numbers Republican States vs Dimocratic States and tell me which ones are better off.

February 3, 2014 2:57 pm

Hey Admin,

Why do you not sit your ass down and tell us why you think that mankind acts like we do.

As a whole I mean. The big picture.

February 3, 2014 3:29 pm

KaD says:

Animal rights nuts are one of my big peeves: Thumbs Up

Did anyone miss this?

“The German High Court found PeTA guilty of paying people to skin animals alive. The witness who committed this act for PeTA, a videographer, told the court that he didn’t understand why they wanted it done that way, but he needed the money. This video was made in a third world country and the prosecutor found the man in the video who skinned the animal.”

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 3, 2014 3:39 pm

This started out as a joke by Dallas Federal Reserve President Richard Fisher back in 2012

February 3, 2014 4:24 pm

Gov. Perry used a .380ACP. 🙂

February 3, 2014 5:15 pm

Sensetti says:

Flash run the numbers Republican States vs Dimocratic States and tell me which ones are better off.

Define better off.

February 3, 2014 7:06 pm

@Flash – Financial solvency, low taxes, gun rights,

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 3, 2014 8:40 pm

flash says:

“Ryan’s comments follow GOP House leadership releasing a plan last week that outlines a path toward legal status for some of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants now in the United States.

Why should we grant any of these people legal status?”

Does the phrase political expediency mean nothing to you? It is wrong for men to marry other men and women other women. Yet you and bb have no problem with that, all you fuckers get the red ass about is that one dumb fucker gets a break. You got lucky when you were born here, I don’t mean your protoplasm, your parents were going to spawn and have whatever, I mean your consciousness, the being you call “I”, you got lucky. But you and that fucker bb (hey buddy) keep snarking about illegals. Well, asshole, if the repubes don’t change anything about their platform, they will keep losing and watching the dems turn the nation over to assholes like you who want the best the world can offer without lifting a fucking finger. Yes keep the modern day slavery of illegal status in place so Walmart, Kmart, Taco Bell, Chipotle and countless fast food restaurants, old folks homes and hotels can provide you with the luxury formerly only available to the 5 percenters. Guess what asshole, in heaven you will not have illegals to wipe your ass.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 3, 2014 8:43 pm
February 3, 2014 8:46 pm

El Coyote

Holy crapola. I can’t recall you using the f-word so often … or, seeing you so pissed.

Well done, hombre’! (Did I spell that right?)

Kick flash’s ass!!

February 3, 2014 8:55 pm

El Coyote we have 92 million working age Americans that don’t have jobs tell me why we need 12-20 million uneducated foreigners added as citizen?

We are a nation of laws you break the law you pay the price. Those fuckers broke the law, send them home, this is not their home, Mexico is their home.

I am not anti immigration, I am anti illegal immigration. If they are allowed to break the law and walk, I have some laws I don’t like.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 3, 2014 9:00 pm

old sarge said, you turn the spigot off or keep mopping. if you read my first line, I said, flash is being an obstructionist because of his pig headed idea that some things he will not abide.

February 3, 2014 9:37 pm

sensetti- Financial solvency, low taxes, gun rights,

written where?

el coyote-Yes keep the modern day slavery of illegal status in place so Walmart, Kmart, Taco Bell, Chipotle and countless fast food restaurants, old folks homes and hotels can provide you with the luxury formerly only available to the 5 percenters.

I’m neither repube nor 5 per-center and your argument is enough not to support either or their dire need for cheap labor via a nation of chimichangas who can only be depended upon to form a gang of fucktards confused enough to imagines themselves a nation at war against the next ghetto block …. bathub drugs and shanky bitches with neck tattoos are their modus operandi and have never built of substance outside of a tunnel under the border for smuggling drugs….millions more will only finish the job of culture destruction begun by mixing the feral African stick man with the western civilization..

February 3, 2014 10:54 pm

El Coyota , the economy can only support so many people .Adding 20 million more will only make situation worse.It hard enough for legal americans to find jobs.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 3, 2014 11:24 pm

flash says:

“Not only are those costs laid on your back but so are those of your neighbor who is of lower skill, intelligence or education than average but who is an American citizen and is unemployed specifically because those illegals are here.”

You sound like a liberal, wah wah. Did you not read Llpoh’s article explaining that sometimes people are unemployed through fault of their own? Employers want to hire people who can do the job, who can break their backs and pick fruit and vegetables before winter sets in. We had a gal over here, several months pregnant, died of heat stress and dehydration because farmer flash did not provide water or water breaks. I read of the crop left in the field when migrants were prevented from working in the southeast, they tried using prison labor and even welfare folks but they can’t do the job, they are too used to sitting in their easy chair posting comments online about them illegals taking all the good jobs.

if you went back and read my comments on the matter, you would find that I have said much the same things you did, however, I do not mix facts and use drug trafficking criminals as an excuse to deny legalization to people who are not criminals. You do not stop at equating illegal immigrants with gangsters but you go on to conclude that all illegals are Mexicans and that they all came over across the desert. A lot of them came here on a passport and overstayed their permit. They come in from all places but it is most convenient politically to point south as the point of origin since people like you have a blind spot for illegals from Europe and eastern Europe. The same holds true for the public perception that Mexicans are the biggest group on the welfare rolls. look around and tell me which group is the fattest and I will tell you which group is on welfare. They sure as hell did not get fat busting their ass working.

Why don’t you post a semi nude pic of yourself, flash, I’d like to see your toned body in all its glory. I’m sure you have really been busting your ass for your neighbors’ sake, since you bleed so much for their tax burden.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 3, 2014 11:37 pm

bb says:

“El Coyota , the economy can only support so many people .Adding 20 million more will only make situation worse.It hard enough for legal americans to find jobs.”

I am not talking about adding, I said that if the repubs are talking reform, they have not moved one inch from their losing position of 2008. The Seahawks will continue to punish the white Broncos so long as they continue to deny any reform. I am as much disgusted with the bullshit Harry stringing illegals along with the bait of reform. And they give blacks just enough welfare to keep them dependent on Massa Reid. So, there is where I stand, I do not like the democrats (particularly because of the homo politics) and I see no way the repubs will ever win if they continue to listen to the flash mob, reactionary hypocrites. I say hypocrites because they are of two minds, they approve lawless acts in marriage yet deny legalizing heterosexuals becuase they are from another country.

February 3, 2014 11:42 pm

I had a construction company in early 2000’s had 45 employees, laying natural gas pipelines. The Gas company brought in contractors from south texas who employed non English speaking illegal aliens. To make a long story short, I could not compete with the low bids, sold out and layer off American Citizen. That’s wrong anyway you want to paint the picture.

I am no longer in that business but my bother is in Oklahoma. The company he works for is loaded with illegals. YES the are displacing American workers.

Yes, being in this Country without proper documentation is breaking the law and makes you a criminal. Period.

February 3, 2014 11:52 pm

The contractors exploiting the Mexicans should be lined up and executed. I refused to do it, I could have but refused to play the game.

I know older guys that at one time made a good living as carpenters, brick layers etc, etc. The hiring of illegals in those lines of work now make it impossible to raise a family on the low wages being paid.

Bottom line, in the construction industry the Mexicans have displaced American workers and driven wages way down.

February 4, 2014 12:05 am

Two things.

Whenever I contract for work to be done here on the farm (repairing the barn roof, pouring concrete, etc) I make my wishes very, VERY clear to the contractor about who I want working on my farm. If he cannot conjure up the people I want working, then thank you very much there’s the door and I move on to the next contractor.

The second thing is that the assholes who bitch about not being able to “fix” the illegal problem because there are too many of them? Bullshit. Set a date of one calendar year in the future – if you’re an illegal, you best be gone by then. After that date? Offer a $5000 bounty for each illegal captured and dropped off at the local sheriffs office. We’d have our country back in 18 months.

Maybe I should be in charge….

February 4, 2014 12:16 am

El Coyote

I have a SERIOUS proposition for you.

We have a very nice 3 bedroom house, 3 baths, a den, wood floors, and a huge deck. Small yard but lots of trees.

Do you know any Mexicans in Mexico with a similar house? I’m even OK with 1.5 baths and no deck. I would like to be near the water and greenery.

HERE’S MY OFFER: Find me a Mexican willing to EXCHANGE citizenship papers!! I’m sure we can work out the legal issue. I can’t wait to get the fuck outta here … your guy can’t wait the fuck to become a USA prisoner …errr, citizen. It’s a match made in heaven.

Whatchya got?

February 4, 2014 12:24 am

Billy in charge,oh but hell no.I wouldn’t put you in charge of running a shit house.You would get mad and burn it down , probably with people in it taking a dump.Meathead

February 4, 2014 12:42 am

Hell, lets just annex Mexico, kill the Drug Lords and take over. The problem is we can’t manage the 50 States we have now.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 4, 2014 12:49 am

sensetti says:

“The contractors exploiting the Mexicans should be lined up and executed. I refused to do it, I could have but refused to play the game.”

So maybe Cesar Chavez was a socialist but he was for the American worker. Which is why he’s not so well revered in the immigrant community. I hear you Sensetti, I told my buddy John he was doing it all wrong, other guys were hiring illegals and paying them the going rate but they did not pay their social security and medicare portion. I told my buddy Robert, we are in the wrong business, those illegals are making more than we are, he said, yes but they sure as heck are EARNING it. Construction is hard work, same as farm work, you can’t get many legal residents to work for cut rate wages like they do.

El Stuck, the irony of the border is that as my buddy Phil said, over there if you wear torn jeans and you are skinny and you build your own house, you are considered poor. Over here people are impressed by such things. My sis in law said when they were young girls living in Salvy land, people made fun of them for being so skinny. Now that she is a plump middle age woman she would have to go to Salvy land to be considered hot.

February 4, 2014 1:49 am

Fuck, I can’t believe I am writing this: Put Billy in charge.

February 4, 2014 5:10 am

Simply fine the ever living shit out of anyone employing them. I mean make the employers destitute.

End of fucking story.

I would cut my nuts off before employing an illegal.

The reality is they do not want to solve the problem.

By the way, the crap about illegals working cheap is largely crap. I as involved in a huge study that disproved that, for the most part. Illegals suck up good paying jobs, not just fruit picking jobs.

Lots of Mexicans are skilled, and get paid accordingly.

A country’s first priority is to protect itself, and that means its borders.

February 4, 2014 7:52 am

El Coyote , please provide more phony comments I never made. You could entertain the board for hours in debate with yourself.I’ve yet to mention once the ‘taking of our jobs” although that is is a factor at play , but the true blight is the bastardization of western culture via the influence of third world ferality.

And then there is the popular vote issue .Sure getting our peas picked for half-price is great, but getting our pockets picketed to support the billions of dollars in entitlements, healthcare costs , housing and education to support the pea pickers is a damn stupid trade by We the people just to eat cheap peas out of season.This amnesty bill is a corporate play on the stupid…

diversity is out strength , they said.. and those that can’t run their own civilized country will soon be running ours.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 4, 2014 8:55 am

AKAnon says:

“Fuck, I can’t believe I am writing this: Put Billy in charge.”

Ha! Billy’s cool. But you’ve heard the saying, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Soon we would be deputized and kids would be incentivized with – turn in your parents and get a free iPad plus an upgrade upon conviction.

And Native Americans don’t get a free pass when the mass round ups start, if your brown, your going down.

Fuck you flash, it’s a big topic, I don’t know when I misquoted you. I will review it later.

February 4, 2014 10:54 am

“Ha! Billy’s cool. But you’ve heard the saying, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Soon we would be deputized and kids would be incentivized with – turn in your parents and get a free iPad plus an upgrade upon conviction.

And Native Americans don’t get a free pass when the mass round ups start, if your brown, your going down.” — El Macho

Actually, no.

I wouldn’t encourage kids to turn their parents in for a couple of reasons. The first being that I fucking HATE snitches. Snitches were ‘that kid’ and they grew up to be ‘that guy’… little fucking weasels… if I encouraged snitching, all the kids would end up like bb, so no way…

Second would be that I would rescind the automatic citizenship you get if you’re born here. EVERYONE knows that Messican chicks get knocked up and then wait until they’re ready to drop, then jump the border so their spawn can be an anchor baby… Yeah, well, say goodbye to that shit. The kids wouldn’t snitch because they’d also be deported right along with Hay-zoos and Maria…

And Indians? When did I ever say they were on the shit list? Anyone who can’t tell a Cherokee from a Mestizo is a fucking ‘tard and should be set adrift in the Atlantic… in a bedpan. Off the coast of Haiti.

Oh, and H1B visas? Ay-dee-os Hadji… turn your curry-smellin ass around, get to steppin, get back on that piece o shit boat you got here in and go back to whatever 3rd world shithole you came from. I give a fuck what you got on your SAT’s or how good an engineer you are… buh-bye.

1965 Immigration Act? Buh-bye.

All those Somali pirate scum they imported to places like Minneapolis and Maine and North Dakota? Yep, they’re gone too. Back to Da Muddalan’ for you where you can do your best to raise yams and goats and have your very own prayer rug… maybe in time you too can be a warlord and torture people!

BIG fucking wall between Messico and us… from the Baja to Brownsville. 100 feet tall, 20 feet thick and extending way below ground. Seismic sensors, trembler switches, mines and barbed wire. OH! And we’ll create a No Go Zone – buy up every house on the US side for 1000 yards at better than market value. Once we own all the houses, bulldoze them all. Even the foundations. Drone patrols over our southern border, backed up by a rotating shift of National Guard troops. Good luck with those tunnels…

ANY tunnel we find to be operational after that will be considered an act of war. We find a tunnel? We execute those making the tunnel, annex part of Mexico and eject the locals. Second tunnel? Twice the area annexed and we eject those locals again. Third tunnel? We bomb Mexico City.

“Boat People” from some carib shithole? Sorry. The Coasties have to shoot at something for practice…

February 4, 2014 11:46 am

Billy ,that’s what you would do but this is not a billy the dictator nation (thank God ).You have to work with the democrats at least for now.I don’t like illegal or even legal immigration because I know they are using immigration as a weapon against the white Christian population and this is what the elites hate.So people from third world shit holes to further weaken and divide the white population in hopes of destroying all Christian influence.White conservatives are the only.ones standing in their way of one world government ,one world economy.The elites are nothing but dressed up devil worshipers who want complete control over us and they will use anything to further their agenda…..the ends justify the means….billy ,kinda the way you want control over the birds but the starlings basically say F -you and then you kill them with your shotgun because the starlings will not worship you….am I right ?

February 4, 2014 12:05 pm

“,kinda the way you want control over the birds but the starlings basically say F -you and then you kill them with your shotgun because the starlings will not worship you….am I right ?” — bb

You’re off your fucking bean, bb…

No, wait! You’re right! If only I spoke Starling, then they’d make me their King! Derrrrppp….

You’re an idiot. I will say this exactly once, and if you continue on with your fucktardedness, I will assume you’re just being your normal, fucktarded self and didn’t pay attention –


I shoot them because they won’t “worship” me? Dude, you have to scrape the resin out of the bottom of the pipe before you reload it and smoke crack, otherwise that shit will rot your brain… wait… too late. My bad. Forget it. Just keep on tokin’… .

And because you’re still being a whiney butthurt little bitch about this bird thing, I promise you I WILL buy a HeroCam and come spring when those filthy fucks start swarming, I will record the action and post it here just for you…

February 4, 2014 12:22 pm

It hasn’t been so long since we provided amnesty and a path to citizenship, as well as $15,000 fines per illegal for employers and increased the INS in size and scope. Less than 30 years, and if memory serves closer to 20.

And here we are.

So, #1 issue is fining the hell outta employers for failure to comply isn’t working because even Nancy Pelosi continues to risk it. That obviously won’t work/isn’t working.

#2 issue is people that are not supposed to be here. Seems we have the same problem AGAIN – else we wouldn’t have the same situation again – so what we have tried in the late 80s/early 90s obviously doesn’t work either. Path to citizenship and many chose not to go that route. Why would today be any different?

Either we just didn’t go big enough, or do it right enough, or maybe, just maybe, those issues are not the true problems but symptoms of said problems.

Maybe the problem is that we don’t guard our borders.

Or, maybe, it is that, well that and the fact that being an employer and complying with the millions of potential laws and regulations for that “privilege” of giving somebody a job, has reached the level that paying a fine and being invaded by gubment is easier and cheaper.

Or maybe it is both those and the fact that there has always been a serf societal strata that digs our ditches and is willing to literally shovel shit for those that think themselves better.

As for jobs Americans “won’t” do, BULL! It isn’t that we won’t do it, it IS that we cannot afford to when we are forced to pay the income taxes and comply with this nation’s layer upon layer of fines, regulations, laws, fees, licenses and the like. Oh yeah, don’t forget child support, illegals don’t have to pay that either. Not to mention that in every job where an illegal is working, there are citizens working right along side them. The whole “jobs Americans won’t do” was proven to be bullshit by perusing the SSA’s job industry information a decade ago and nothing has changed since then.

Finally, wow Coyote your venom for people that don’t love the people you approve of is a sight to see.

I do not remember reading much in the way about Jesus telling me to be judge and jury of other people’s hearts. Nor do I remember him telling me I had the right, hell the moral obligation, to run around denying others rights, contracts, and wish a government shoved so far up their asses that they will regret the pursuit of their binding contracts.

But, according to many like you, I’m wrong. My god demands that I treat these people badly, demands that I petition the government to treat them worse and unfairly, and then asks that I spread my hatred of their hearts’ desires, because it offends my dainty Puritanical sensibilities.

Whatever. You just keep on “fighting” about other people’s lovelives while our freaking country is burned to the ground under our new Regulatory Utopia.

Then, when that isn’t good enough, fight about a situation that is only a symptom of the disease, thus fixing nothing, but creating a larger leviathan (both sides apparently want that) with more Americans plunging into poverty and despair and more guards and prisons and courts.

I’m truly at a loss when I confront my reality, the reality that even those people I think smart and well-informed are willing, hell want to, continue to lead us down this dark fascist path.

Both sides want more government, more laws, more rules, more fines, more, more, more, more.

One thing is for sure, they will both get it. Good and hard.

February 4, 2014 12:45 pm

Billy ,l like the way you fall hook ,line and enjoy playing with you.As the joker said .

You’re just too much fun…

February 4, 2014 1:17 pm

“No one can be as dumb and crazy as bb unless it’s done on purpose. bb is trolling all you curs on a daily basis … and you fall for it. haha”
—————- something I, Stucky, have been telling you all for MONTHS on end

And now … NOW! … bb actually admits it.

“Billy ,l like the way you fall hook ,line and enjoy playing with you.” —-bb


February 4, 2014 1:32 pm

“I like the way I’m trying to play off being owned by you… you stuck your foot so far up my ass I can taste boot polish, but I’m trying to play that off, too… please don’t beat my ass any more… I’m all out of tissues” — bb

Sorry bb, no can do.

Those poor, poor starlings are going to die under my guns. I’m going to film it, and you’re going to watch.

Sucks to be you.

February 4, 2014 1:54 pm

” ..since people like you have a blind spot for illegals from Europe and eastern Europe.” — El Coyote

Red Herring!!!

The below link will show tables of every possible demographic — “Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 2011”

Illegals from Europe are so small they fall in the “other” category, under 1%.

Try as I might, your comparison of immigration laws to homo weddings makes zero sense to me.

Your video (Three times a wetback) …. nice …. they sing about some dude name “Juan” who helped them out ………. was that YOU?

February 4, 2014 6:47 pm

Teresa – I said fine the ever loving shit out of them, not pass laws that authorize fines. The actual fine will be the deterrent.

I propose that hiring illegals be treated in a manner similar to selling drugs, etc. That the proceeds – ie. the profits, assets, etc, of a person or entity hiring illegals be considered the proceeds of crime – which they are, if illegals are used in aquiring such assets. As such, SEIZE the fucking assets, and the assets of the managers. If you hire illegals, you lose your business and your home due to such being proceeds of crime. Do not just pass the law, but actually do it.

Make it easy to protect yourself – require proof of US citizenship, or authority to work in the US. Copies of passports/greencards will do. It is not very hard. So long as you have those on file, you are cool. Otherwise, you lose everything.

Time to quit screwing around with this shit.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 4, 2014 9:22 pm

TeresaE says:

Finally, wow Coyote your venom for people that don’t love the people you approve of is a sight to see.

I do not remember reading much in the way about Jesus telling me to be judge and jury of other people’s hearts. Nor do I remember him telling me I had the right, hell the moral obligation, to run around denying others rights, contracts, and wish a government shoved so far up their asses that they will regret the pursuit of their binding contracts.

But, according to many like you, I’m wrong. My god demands that I treat these people badly, demands that I petition the government to treat them worse and unfairly, and then asks that I spread my hatred of their hearts’ desires, because it offends my dainty Puritanical sensibilities.

Whatever. You just keep on “fighting” about other people’s lovelives while our freaking country is burned to the ground under our new Regulatory Utopia.”

I reserve my venom for flash, llpoh and bb. I don’t hate flashy, I hit him between the eyes for equating all illegals with gangsters and drug runners. I informed him that a lot of them work to make his life easier. He chooses to focus on the cost to taxpayers in the future. He conveniently forgets that boomers are retiring at the rate of 10,000 per day (according to admin) for the next 30 years or so and that they will be collecting (according to llpoh) $30,000 per year. Where are his croc tears for the poor taxpayer? Llpoh is a nice person, an honest businessman (as well as Sensetti) but the world of business is not populated by men such as he. If there were no jobs offered to illegals, they would stop coming here, they also have a way to get to Europe and probably will do so when the USA stops pitting workers against each other to keep wages low. Obama is doing his part to increase black employment opportunities by deporting record numbers of illegals. Still, the draw is not just jobs, the gangster ‘coyotes’ are trafficking in drugs and smuggling OTM people over here for premium prices. They have increased their business in the coke, meth and marihuana smuggled over land. They come in on temp visas as well. Flash is not telling me anything I don’t have an idea of, that they are coming in droves through south Texas because that is the smugglers highway, the shortest path into the USA from Colombia.

you mis-read my comments, no problem. I called him a hypocrite because he has never said a word about gay marriage. Instead, like a flash mob, he is all over the issue of illegals, which made me wonder why he is so concerned about folks who break one law but is so cavalier about folks who break another law.

You seem to be shaming me for my words, whatever. Let me change the topic just a bit, I read that the movie groundhog day covers a time loop some 20 to 10,000 years long in which phil connors relives the same day over and over. as we watch the movie once, maybe 10 times, we are not aware that it would take phil a long time to learn to play piano, speak French or memorize the seconds it takes for an entering busboy to drop a plate. In our minds, it is a facile trick to learn all these things in one or two weeks time. Flash makes the same mistake in assuming that we can round up and deport 11 million people who are determined to hide as long as possible. I also added that they are not all brown, some 43% are OTM, other than Mexican. I did not mean to say Billy would decree spying, I said even the leader’s best intentions can be corrupted by zealous minions. in the past two mass deportations, a lot of the deportees were legal residents and native born citizens who happened to be brown. Entire families were deported in the 30’s and to a lesser extent, the 50’s.

Look Teresa, I do not worry too much about two guys sucking each other’s dick, I offered tom tackett’s view that they leave more women for us. I even commented on NonA’s pic of two men kissing as possibly a bible portrayal of David. I’m close to 60 and shit like that doesn’t make me squirm. You say that I am being judge and jury of other’s lives, I counter that it is Flash who thinks that, like phil connors, he is a ‘god’ because he wakes up everyday expecting it to be the same as yesterday – without a care.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 4, 2014 9:38 pm

For the record, I like flash, I even credited him for his advice about skipping stuff I didn’t like to read.
If you tell anyone that you are a believer, they come up with all kind of constraints on you. For shame they say, and you call yourself a Christian…the unspoken shit is, (that’s why I will never believe, I wouldn’t want anybody to call me a hypocrite). But when you call someone a hypocrite, you elevate yourself in judgement.

February 4, 2014 9:49 pm

Coyote – you save your venom for me? Man, you are gonna need to save up for years before you tackle this big boy.

Here is Coyote just getting ready to bite me on the finger:

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February 4, 2014 9:54 pm

Coyote – you do not need to round illegals up – that as you said would be nearly impossible, if not totally impossible. Instead, just cut off their ability to survive in the US – no jobs, no handouts, no SNAP, do not let them access education or free medical care, etc., and they will pack up and wade home.

It is not impossible to do. And it can be done very quickly indeed, if there was a will to do it.

February 4, 2014 10:15 pm

El.coyote.,.what did poor old bb.ever you ? You resentful because he’s smart and good.looking .At least that’s what the women tell me.BB is sorry for calling you a taco ,a wetback and
A few other things.BB has been called a lot worse things by people on this site so it not all bad.

February 5, 2014 12:24 am

Coyote – somehow I am not flattered to be in bb’s company. But you are the man, my friend. But re flash, I gotta say you may want to rethink considering him a gentleman. He is capable of being right nasty when the mood takes him.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 5, 2014 12:43 am

oh, I am calm now. I was speeding on some instant coffee i first posted. if he got nasty, well I have gotten torn to shreds by you before. don’t worry I did not put bb on the same level pedestal as you. I could figuratively look up your address. (I hope T4C isn’t reading, she hates pervy sounding bro shit)

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 5, 2014 12:54 am

bb says:

“El.coyote.,.what did poor old bb.ever you ? You resentful because he’s smart and good.looking .At least that’s what the women tell me.BB is sorry for calling you a taco ,a wetback and
A few other things.BB has been called a lot worse things by people on this site so it not all bad.”

my boss said, two wrongs don’t make a right…but two rights, make a left…

I learned from llpoh not to worry about name calling, just a couple of things bother me, three really, shitting on cali, wrapping yourself in the flag and referring to America as ‘my country’ when you are talking to other Americans, disrespecting women of any race creed color or sexual orientation (especially if they have big boobs). with the exception of Hilary and Marse O

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 5, 2014 1:43 am

Reading thru the posts.

Some salient points




Shit got weird.