Guest Post by Stephanie Shepard

In the 1990’s Neil Howe and William Strauss wrote the best selling books on generational theory. They created a new historical theory and proved that history was not linear, as most would believe, but it was a cycle. An 80 year cycle, the average time of a human life span, of four different generations interacting with one another throughout history. Their expertise has been hailed as accurate and prophetic interactions of the generations.

I don’t agree with Howe that I am a Millennial. The defining characteristic seem very off to me, they always have. I am suppose to be civic minded and a team player. I have never identified with those groups. I was suppose to be a over protected child and given trophies for showing up. I never identified with those childhoods. I am suppose to be a digital native who has always the internet and instant connectivity. I remember a childhood of playing outside.

Through my own observations and nostalgia, I can attest there is another generational cusp. A big one. Generation X and Millennials are a bigger cusp than any of the generations. Estimated I would say by two decades. A solid generation right in the middle. Generation Xers are estimated between 1964-1982, and Millennials are estimated between 1982-2002. Of course there is back and forth bickering of these dates. It still doesn’t change my theory of a full generation in the middle, starting in the mid 1970s and ending in the mid 1990s.

Generation X and Millennial Cusp

In the 1970’s the first no fault divorce law was passed in California, it gave couples the right to divorce without explanation, and seemingly with little consequence. The social and economic structure went unharmed for a few years. The consequences bore out of the new mass divorce rates would take a decade to effectively observe.  Largely they were swept under the rug as just a sign of “troubled adolescence” of the teenage Gen Xers.


“As my bones grew they did hurt,
They hurt really bad.
I tried hard to have a father,
But instead I had a dad.”
“I just want you to know that I.
Don’t hate you anymore.
There is nothing I could say,
That I haven’t thought before.”








The first rise of the teenage angst culture started in 1991 with the release of “Smells like Teen Spirit”. The early wave of Gen X were getting out on their own, to only realize there was nothing waiting for them. Much like their childhoods, their was no warm embrace in the real world. They were on their own to figure out and survival mode would be the generational characteristic that would forever stay. The Nomad Generation was fulfilling their roles in the generation scheme.

Following Nirvana’s long shot success, many other Seattle grunge bands began to emerge in mainstream music. A new genre was born out of childhoods of being in the shadows of their parents’ vanity. They grew up raising themselves, going home to empty houses, and watching wholesome value programming of the Brady Bunch. Never knowing a two parent household and homemaker mothers. The wave of the latchkey childhood had begun and would continue for decades.

When Neil Howe wrote about the Millennials there were a few characteristics that he did not anticipate lingering from the Gen X childhood. For over two decades birth control, abortion, and divorce would define a huge cusp generation. Many of the Millennial predictions have not come true because of not taking into account how culturally changing the effect have been. Gen X childhood alienation was not an abnormal trend. The same traits that stirred contempt in their generation carried over to the Millennials.

Generation X and Millennials have an odd connection. The cusp I am referring to is one of a generation raising itself. While many of the Millennials had single moms or working moms, their entertainment was largely unguided. Millennials grew up with Generation X writing and producing the very same entertainment. The music, television programming, movies, video games, and cartoons were written and produce by older generation Xers. Older Millennials were the target audience in the late 1980s and early 1990s.  The cultural influence of entertainment during the time had a lasting impact.

The Alternation Rock and Rap during the 1990s, written by Xers, were the storytellers of the pain Millennials were facing while growing up. My parents are divorced. They got divorced in 1991, I was five years old. The first memories I have of my childhood were of my Dad working and never around. My mom stayed at home with me, while my brother went to school. When my Dad was home I heard screaming, intensified anger on both sides, and being woken in the middle of the night to my Mom packing bags. There was even one morning I woke up to the living room destroyed along with ranch dressing drying to the walls of the kitchen.

When it comes to divorce my family is saturated in it. My parents both grew up in divorced households. Both of my parents were raised by their mothers and had part time Dads. My grandparents were born on the Silent/Baby Boomer cusp, and they loved their divorce. Most of my grandparents were divorced multiple times. This cycle didn’t end  until they started to age. Now my parents get to suffer the burden of their final expenses. No houses to inherit or funds to pay for their debts. All the money was spent on divorces and child support payments.

The Divorce Burden

Prior to the popularity of divorce, couples remained together, and accumulated wealth over the course of their lifetimes. Many were quite successful in paying off their mortgages, building savings, aquiring health insurance, life insurance, and making plans for retirement. When divorce came into the picture, that structure was demolished. Nobody owned houses outright by the end of their career. Both parties were left poorer, single moms started applying in mass for welfare and fathers had to pay the expenses two separate households. Instead of building savings, a debt fueled lifestyle because the norm.

Now as many Boomers are at the age of retirement they have nothing. After multiple divorces and starting multiple families, they have no wealth security. They cannot collect pensions and benefits from their spouses, they cannot pay off their homes, and they are not able to pay off the debts they accumulated in their lifetimes.

This saddles the younger generations to pay for their parents and grandparents carefree attitude. A generation who never thought they would get old. Now as they age they have no plan B. Their children are not better off either. With no wealth accumulation, most of Generation X and Millennials have a student loan bubble and multiple credit card debits. I heavily doubt Generation X or Millennials will be lining up to pay for their parents retirements.

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Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 6, 2014 5:58 pm

LLpoh- Do you have employees to berate. I would hate to think I am taking up your valuable experience.

February 6, 2014 6:01 pm

Yes, I know it’s Latin. Even our village idiot could figure that out. And yes, my sphincter is indented as it should be. Thank you. That’s better than prolapsed.

Tell me though, what fucking GOOD does it do to dwell on who sank the ship? Does it put more money in your pocket? Does it help you find a job? Do you get a tax break? My guess is that you’re just emulating your beloved savior who blames Bush for everything.

Why not focus on succeeding IN SPITE of the shitty hand you were dealt? Huh? I’ll tell you why…….it’s because you are exactly the same as the Boomers at heart. Had the gravy train kept rolling along for another 20-40 years as it did for the Boomers, you Minnies would have built upon Boomers excesses and taken that shit to new heights. You’re just pissed off because it fell apart before you had that chance.

February 6, 2014 6:22 pm

“Choose well when you marry”


Pirate Jo, how arrogant, self-righteous, and sanctimonious can you be?

Please tell me with a straight face that you never, ever made a bad choice or screwed up, even in a major matter.

In a perfect world, we would all A. find the perfect “soulmate” somewhere between the ages of 21 and 28, and B. have $100K in the bank when we marry, and C. Have two perfect children with no health or behavioral issues or “special needs”; D. come from perfect natal families with generous parents ready to welcome their new son in law or daughter in law, and E. always have a decent “breadwinner” job for at least one of the adults.

In a perfect world, the two mates would discuss and come to an agreement on every single issue before they married. They would make sure they both have “clean slates” and no emotional, familial, or financial baggage to bring to the union. The husband’s trashy family or the wife’s anal-retentive mom or overbearing dad, of course, would not be allowed to interfere with the new couple in any way. The new pair would of course share exactly the same values.

And neither one would ever change.

Let me tell you something: people change. They change, or some latent insanity or other really major flaw that might not manifest itself for YEARS after you marry and breed, suddenly sprouts up. In the case of an old school friend of mine, a sweet girl who was the class Paragon, and is to this day one of the warmest, sweetest, wisest, and most maternal people I know, married her high school sweetheart, a warm, personable teddy bear of a guy who we all loved, and who all of our parents loved. Her parents were thrilled and so were his. He was such a stand-up, reliable guy, warm and loving and loyal, for the first decade of his marriage. But then something happened. Somewhere around the age of 30, for no cause anyone could discern, he melted down into schizophrenia and became very violent and volatile. My friend ended up with her nose crushed, and had to have reconstructive surgery. Her husband stalked her for two years after, and finally blew his brains out.

People change. The woman you thought was an absolute princess, beautiful, smart, a finance major, with a warm, gentle personality, becomes spiteful harridan who puts you down on every occasion, an irresponsible, neglectful mother and a spendaholic who runs up $4000 a month in CC bills on clothes, and then sleeps with your best buddy. Shall you continue to live with this?

In my family’s case, my father was just fine as long as he was in the military, where he had structure and reasonably decent influences. jHe brought his check right home, was a loving father, and was all in all someone my grandparents were happy to see my mother married to. But the minute he left for a civilian job ( a very good one, by the way) and my parents bought a little house in a state that had racetrack gambling, he molted down into a drunk and compulsive gambler who wrecked cars or got into barroom brawls he invariably lost, every other week. He also lost jobs every 6 months and my mother’s income as a bookkeeper was the only reliable income we had. Unfortunately, it was spread very thin paying off all the car rebuild bills and other expenses related to having a loud, noisy drunk with a hair-trigger temper and no self control in the house.

And people wonder why I so LOVE living alone.

February 6, 2014 6:33 pm

IS – I’m a Boomer and feel somewhat responsible for the shit that has befallen my children. Succeeding was something we got to enjoy and is no longer is possible for most of the kids coming out of college today. So I’ll happily take the blame for the current shitstorm we find ourselves in. We allowed it to happen on our watch. The power elite took over the world and we silently bla e it on our kids, How fucked up our we!

February 6, 2014 6:51 pm

Dustwallow, I appreciate your sentiments but truth is that evil, corrupt men enabled the Boomers and all the other ills we face via central banking. Prior to that, evil corrupt men perverted the Constitution. We are ALL living with the results of those actions. This shit was/is planned.

I’m not blaming Minnies for anything except wallowing in self-pity and blame. That is one of the ONLY things they have control over and they choose the easy, unproductive way.

February 6, 2014 7:03 pm

IS – I enjoy your posts and am glad you see the truth as I do. We as Boomers have to accept that our children are extremely fucked as the advancing technology overtakes their lives. They have a fraction of the chance we had to succeed in during their lives.

February 6, 2014 8:17 pm

what a thread this is. llpoh, why did you waste your time trying to argue with stephanie? you would have had better success trying to find the fountain of youth in a tree stump. yes i understand she insulted stucky in the most vile way–but he himself dismissed it. why go on?

stephanie, i don’t like grammar nazis, (because lord knows we all need an editor) but you really ought to grab hold of warriner’s grammar book and take a few months to absorb the material therein. or, you could just read a few books to get the hang of writing without sounding like a idiot. you might therefore rid yourself of the unforgivable habit of writing “suppose” or “divorce” instead of “supposed” and “divorced”. for example, you would say, “am i suppose to believe this nonsense?” notice the absence of the letter “d” there? it’s really painful to read your material, let alone your childish comments. this does not mean you don’t make some good points, but being literate would at least make you more credible.

i’m a little puzzled why the admin lets you post. he may be amused by the subsequent verbal pie throwing. i don’t know. but if you persist in making a hash of the english language i will go full kingsley amis on your ass.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 6, 2014 8:35 pm

TPC says:

“@bb – “just admit you are lazy and selfish.”

Funnily enough, I always tell prospective employers and my bosses that I am the laziest good for nothing son-of-a-bitch they will ever meet.

There is nothing I hate more than redoing a job, so when given the change I will always pick the path of least resistance and do it write the first time.”

Kevin commenting on Me and John’s efforts: “appears these guys aren’t lazy enough, Phil”. He then went on to show us an easier way.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 6, 2014 8:41 pm

the bb posted a very interesting comment, apropos nothing, I wanted to copy it or ask where he got the words from, was it a quote? there is a beautiful mind there but he is content to hang out with me in the balcony where we are content to kibitz. some are born trolls, lucky trolls though.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 6, 2014 8:49 pm

archie- I am amazed you don’t know to capitalize.

February 6, 2014 9:06 pm

lol, stephanie. i certainly do know how to capitalize, but i am not a good typist. in fact, i am a terrible typist. i am willing to admit this. will you admit that you are terrible at thinking and writing?

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 6, 2014 10:09 pm

Do I dare say her name? S—is the reinvention or the reincarnation of the writer formerly known as Clammy. Folks here love her idiosyncrasies and never miss a chance to see her and Llpoh butt heads. When Clammy rolls into town, her Kaufmanesque bluster draws people who love to hate her and anticipate Llpoh’s Lawler tearing into her.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 6, 2014 11:02 pm
February 6, 2014 11:47 pm

TPC ,see I got you to do a little bit of thinking and you are lazy.Troll ,stupid ,who really gives a shit .I told you once I could get on you bad side any time I choose and there’s not a damn could do about it.I am on your bad side ?Oh pls say yes!!!!!!

February 7, 2014 4:46 am

346 total Thumbs Down for Stephanie

February 7, 2014 7:35 am

Admin, Anon miss counted anyway.

February 7, 2014 8:12 am

I read and liked the article. Also all the comments. I`m with SSS.
I`m divorced, with no kids and no regrets. My parents are born in 1932 (dad) 1940 (mom) and still together. Both worked.

Currently I`m spending my life savings and do some under the table work and life sucks.


February 7, 2014 8:18 am

Anonymous had to take a piss at 4:42 AM.

Anonymous was thirsty at 4:43AM and had a swig of orange juice.

Anonymous can’t go right back to sleep after pissing and drinking.

Anonymous said, “WTF, instead of counting sheep let’s count Clams.

Anonymous felt much better after tallying the results, and slept like a baby.

February 7, 2014 8:23 am

“Admin, Anon miss counted anyway.” ————- sensetti

sensetti posts his analysis 7:35 am, almost three hours after Anonymous, and fails to take into account additional anti-Clammers continuing to vote down.

Anonymous is never wrong in these things.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 7, 2014 8:33 am


“And people wonder why I so LOVE living alone.”

Actually, you kind of just proved my point. Maybe “in a perfect world” more people would do just that.

February 7, 2014 9:54 am

“TPC ,see I got you to do a little bit of thinking and you are lazy.Troll ,stupid ,who really gives a shit .I told you once I could get on you bad side any time I choose and there’s not a damn could do about it.I am on your bad side ?Oh pls say yes!!!!!!”

To be honest, I think you are a latent copy of McAfee, gone sentient. Well, a rough approximation of sentience anyways.

February 7, 2014 10:35 am

We’ll this has been a lot of fun. For concluding remarks, I would like to draw attention to one of llpoh’s comments:

Llpoh says:

Sensetti – if they draft clammy it is really gonna be ugly. You have seen her vid, right? Like two miles of dirt road. Like a dog that has chased too many parked cars.

No wonder she is so sour. A two bag woman for sure.

End quote.

This the low point, but indicative of his overall remarks. Just my 2 cents here, but any time a 50 or 60 year old man feels a compulsion to anonymously attack a 28 year old woman’s intellect and physical appearance, take it as a fact that he is seriously addicted to internet pornography. It is a common addiction these days, and people underestimate it’s effect, particularly within a marriage. Bottom line is, successful marriages are about mutual self giving, and viewing porn is incompatible with that, and trains ones subconscious to first expect and then demand one sided physical gratification. That is a dead end, and frustrating in the extreme, but almost certainly explains the unnecessary hostility exhibited here.


Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
February 7, 2014 10:47 am

“Pirate Jo: What’s the best way to fix a broken arm? Simple, never break it. See, sounds just as stupid when applied to other things.”

Breaking your arm is an accident, like spilling milk or tripping over something. Getting into a rotten marriage isn’t an “accident.” Gravity doesn’t cause them. It’s a result of your own poor choices. When I say “Choose wisely when you marry,” I’m just saying take some ownership of your own choices and be an adult. Or don’t get married at all – you don’t have to.

February 7, 2014 11:17 am

Solid Dumb, you should really hang out out here a bit more before spouting your hair brained opinions. Methinks your 2 cents may be speaking from personal experience.

The bearded clammy has a short but illustrious history here. She IS a sour woman and she demonstrates a lack of intellect quite often. Her go to comment is “go fuck yourself” and she even takes a shit on those who offer genuine praise or constructive comments. She also lies, or at best stretches the truth. Should llpoh return anytime soon, he might take the time to ‘splain it to ya.

The two bag woman comment is a new one to me. I’ll have to look that up after my nap.

February 7, 2014 11:24 am

Indented Sphincter, thank you, but my work here is done. If I ever post again it will be under new anonymous poster tag. Huzzah!

February 7, 2014 11:41 am

“The two bag woman comment is a new one to me. I’ll have to look that up after my nap.” —- I_S

That saying is older than me. It refers to a woman so ugly you need two bags before you Boink her … in case the first bag breaks.
“Later” ——- Solidum

First thing you’ve said that makes sense.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 7, 2014 11:58 am


Sol as in solitary. Dum as in…well, you know.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 7, 2014 12:00 pm


First of all. Your experience with divorce sounds absolutely hellish, I’m truly sorry for that. Twenty years of fighting after the separation… I don’t know how anyone can justify that kind of behavior. The basic idea behind divorce is each person going their separate ways, letting go of the pain you have caused each other. Clearly, your parents were unable to do this and you and your brother paid a price for it. Children, of course, complicate the process. Money adds another possibility of contention. These are issues that require a certain amount of civility to resolve, not reasons to abandon it (civility) altogether.

Also, I completely agree with you in regards to the similarities between Xers and Millennials, its something I have been thinking about for a while. I have wondered if there is a Hero archetype buried in the millies or if they are being raised as Nomads. If the “anomaly” that happened during the civil war fourth turning might be happening again.

I also wonder if the Heroes are going to rescue us from the growing police state or enslave us in it. But that is another discussion altogether.

That being said, I have some other comments for you.

1. Bringing up Stuckninja’s son, CJ. A low blow? No fucking maybe about it, that shit is uncalled for. The kid has schizophrenia. Calling that an “emotional problem” is a bit of an understatement. Implying that his chemical imbalances and resulting mental instability are a result of his parent’s divorce is not only ignorant it is obviously intended to produce guilt for something that is out of Stucky’s control. Grow up.

2. What LLPOH said:
Your claims are not supported by facts.

What you heard:
Your feelings are invalid.

You really should go back and read Thinker’s post about the victim mentality, as this thread is dripping with it. Healthy people do heal from emotional wounds, I am very sad for you that your parents were not able to teach you that. Seems to me you learned form your parents the exact opposite.

5. You have made countless posts to the effect that if someone has never had divorced parents they can’t know how it feels. Let me remind you. Unless and until you have been married and made a choice to be with someone for the rest of your life, then watched that relationship fall apart in front of your eyes, you have no idea what your parents went through.

Your experiences and your feelings are valid, but they are limited. You would do well to recognize that.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 7, 2014 12:08 pm

Punk in Drublic

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I hate all of you! Move along.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 7, 2014 12:14 pm

Steph, most marriages fail because of money issues. All across the generational board.

Why you keep trying to paint Strauss and Howe theory all over that genuine problem of divorce in America today only you can say.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 7, 2014 12:18 pm

Mom and dad fighting?

Children, “GO OUTSiDE AND PLAY!!”

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
February 7, 2014 12:26 pm

I hate all of you! -Steph

The only thing I hate is eggplant and because it is not a Human.

February 7, 2014 1:20 pm

Future diary of Steph and her millennial friends, Obama lovers one and all! And commies…

2-27-15 Dear Comrade Diary, I have been liberated from the endless and soul-crushing (if I may coin a phrase) slave labor of employment! Thanks to the far-sighted and compassionate legislation handed down to us from Dear Leader, my employer can no longer afford to keep me full-time. Eat that, you capitalist, bourgeois profit-monger! Dear Leader has made it impossible for you to keep me, and now I am FREE – free to pursue my own life, my own goals, to remain on Facebook in my parents’ basement indefinitely with no more concern for my healthcare. This is the greatest thing since the Emancipation Proclamation, but better because Dear Leader is the greatest president in all of American history.

5-11-15 Dear Comrade Diary, things get better and better every day. My bourgeois parents have been hoarding money all their lives. They call it saving, living within your means, investing responsibly, planning for the future, and even more nauseating things that I can’t say without feeling my bag of Doritos coming back up. I prefer to think of their excess wealth as being wrung from the bleeding lips of widows and orphans. Why are there poor people in Guinea Bissau? Because, and I’m totally embarrassed to say this, of my parents. Well guess what happened to them? Dear Leader made them pay their fair share! Finally! They said they’ll have to sell the house and start working part-time at Wal-Mart. It serves them right for living the high life in a sea of poverty. I bet it’ll teach them some important lessons in responsibility and social consciousness. You rock, Dear Leader!

5-18-15 Dear Comrade Diary, I have to get used to a smaller room in our double wide. My parents insisted that I help them with moving what was left our possessions like I’m their slave or something. Well, I brought in my own computer and even plugged it into the wall. You’d think they’d be ever grateful for that, but apparently not. They say I sulk too much. Well, why shouldn’t I? They didn’t even keep the widescreen TV and our old entertainment center. Man, life sucks, but at least I have health care.

8-27-16 Dear Comrade Diary, my parents just got a letter from, and their plan just got cancelled. It said they were too old and no longer needed access to health care since their lives were approaching “natural post-natal demise” anyway. I guess I’ll miss them when their time comes, but it’s only fair to the polar bears that there be less people to destroy the planet, and I’m ready to make any sacrifice to save the environment.

11-9-16 Dear Comrade Diary, Dear Leader just got elected to a third term! 98.4% of America voted him to victory over Republican extremist disabled minority kitten hating John Boehner. ABC News says he’s the “first president to get 100% of Kenya’s electoral votes since George Washington.” I don’t what electrical votes are or who George Washington is, but if he voted for Dear Leader he must be for the people.

9-14-17 Dear Comrade Diary, well this bites! My parents aren’t around anymore, and I haven’t worked in two and a half years, and I don’t have any money, and now I’m being told to pay something called rent for the trailer. I live here! Why should I have to pay rent? It takes almost all of my welfare check just to eat four times a day. Well, I know Dear Leader will think of something.

11-12-17 Dear Comrade Diary, I knew Dear Leader would come through! Some men just showed up and told me to pack my things (and some warm clothing) because they were going to send me on a train ride. And the train ride is free! Hey, like that’s no problem with me – I’ve earned it. Anyway, I’ll make my next entry just as soon as I can get back to my computer.

February 7, 2014 1:32 pm

@Anon –

11-13-17 Dear Comrade Diary, I can’t believe we made a Chemist our leader. He has turned our entire economy towards drug and explosives production.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
February 7, 2014 3:31 pm

Punk and drublic,

“Calling that an “emotional problem” is a bit of an understatement”

Those are Stucky’s words, he says his son has emotional problems, that is how I have read him phrase it.

“The basic idea behind divorce is each person going their separate ways, letting go of the pain you have caused each other.”

The constant fighting after divorce is not uncommon. My situation was not unique. Many kids experience the back for forth, questioning about what the other parent is doing, and fighting when one of the parents start dating again. Money being fought over is also very common post-divorce.

“2. What LLPOH said:
Your claims are not supported by facts.

What you heard:
Your feelings are invalid.”

I don’t take Llpoh seriously. He is a joke to me.

“Unless and until you have been married and made a choice to be with someone for the rest of your life, then watched that relationship fall apart in front of your eyes, you have no idea what your parents went through. ”

There is not one comment or one sentence in my story that I speak on behalf of what a parent goes through with divorce.. Not my experience. I never pretended it was. Stucky, on the other hand, tried to speak on behalf of children from divorce families, which he has no experienced. Many children do grow up and it leads to them forgiving their parents and accepting life for what it is. Nearly all make future decisions off of their upbringing. Most notably the delay in marriages and low child births. Also money issues tend to still with them.

February 7, 2014 4:04 pm

Punk – really good to see you here. Wasting your time on clammerhoid, but good to see you!

February 7, 2014 7:00 pm

Thanks for the edumacation Stucky! Just to clarify, are the bags condoms or for the head?

Seriously, I’ve never heard that particular insult before. Must be an east coast thing. Spending so much time around the military you’d think I would have heard that one before. TBP is a veritable font of knowledge.

Oh yeah, welcome back Stucky.

February 7, 2014 7:01 pm


February 7, 2014 7:06 pm

Did I beat Stucky to 200?

February 7, 2014 7:08 pm

My life is complete!

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 7, 2014 7:40 pm


I am currently fucking the horse I rode in on. As per your request.

El Coyote's conscience
El Coyote's conscience
February 7, 2014 10:00 pm

IndenturedServant says:

“Thanks for the edumacation Stucky! Just to clarify, are the bags condoms or for the head?”

a double bagger (as in ‘the unknown comic’) is one bag for her and one for you.

Clam attack
Clam attack
February 7, 2014 10:51 pm

The clam is beyond hope. I thought that was universally agreed upon already.
I feel sorry for any loser that stuffs her and sticks around for her righteous woe is me attitude. Guaranteed to be divorced after getting tired of apologizing for being fuckin wrong all the time.

Fuck her and all bitchez like her. I hate people that can never admit when they are wrong, and are toooo stupid to learn from it.

Most people here can learn more in a paragraph from llpoh or stucky any day.

Only good thing about her is she reminds me of why I hate people who won’t listen to those with more life experiences.

No Stiffy for Steph
No Stiffy for Steph
February 7, 2014 11:50 pm

“Guaranteed to be divorced” — Clam attack

Seriously, do you think anyone would marry an attitude like that?

I am betting she’s a sexually frustrated lesbatic.

February 7, 2014 11:59 pm

No stiffy – women hide that attitude til after they are married. So will clammerhoid. She will take up residence in a place where there is generous alimony, will smile and act all innocent, will do her best to attract a guy with some dough, then will dump his unsuspecting ass as soon as it is possible for her to cash in.

May God have mercy on his soul. And may he have access to some good antibiotics.

February 8, 2014 12:17 am

To Stucky:

I’m very sorry for your poor son, and you and your wife, too. Having had two friends whose latent schizophrenia became manifest after they passed their teen years, and that devastated their lives and those of everyone close to them, I can imagine what you all are going through and how terrified for your son’s future after you are gone and can no longer protect him.

There’s nothing you or your wife could have done to prevent it. It happens, that’s all- something goes wrong in the hard wiring of the brain, usually long before birth, as far as anyone can know. But that is small comfort to those afflicted or the people who love them.

Here’s hoping that better treatments will come along even if they only help the symptoms.

February 8, 2014 12:28 am

Anonymous says:

“Admin, Anon miss counted anyway.” ————- sensetti

sensetti posts his analysis 7:35 am, almost three hours after Anonymous, and fails to take into account additional anti-Clammers continuing to vote down.

Anonymous I did not count them. I just wanted you to recount them.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 8, 2014 12:50 am

El Coyote’s conscience says:

“a double bagger (as in ‘the unknown comic’) is one bag for her and one for you”

Lance said, “that’s a nice (Cowboys) shirt, did you get two; one to shit on and another to cover it up?”

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 8, 2014 1:28 am

you guys are trying to make me go bb on you. as tough as you talk here, I know in your mind you are saying, ‘I’d tap that’. how long has it been you had any young stuff? it would be like if you tried to smoke a whole joint like you did decades ago, you would be fucked up in a heartbeat. today’s young women are not demure and inhibited. clammy would ride you like a hurricane and fuck you crazy, do not even try it. dammit, I am going to violate my one rule (not the 12 noon rule) and repost my favorite song which reminds me of my ex:

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 8, 2014 1:31 am