I decided to get into the election spirit for the 2014 for our legislative branch election. Every Wednesday I will post an article entitled “Legislative Scumbag of the Week”. I will disclose their net wealth, their connections, how they voted, how long they have been in office, and if they are up for re-election in 2014. If they are up for re-election I will disclose who is running against them, their platform, and financial contributors. If you want to participate, look up your Congress and Senate Representatives for your district and post their name in the comment section.



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Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 10, 2014 8:00 pm

Hey Steph,
If you have any pluck in you at all… Do Ron Paul first.

Watch these fuckers howl.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 10, 2014 8:21 pm

Damn I was thinking Rand but typed Ron… Just trolling for thumbs down in any event…

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 10, 2014 8:43 pm

Mr. Nobody for president

February 10, 2014 8:44 pm

Every single post the clammerhoid has made is painted red, and she thinks I am irrelevant! Damn, that is funny. I guess maybe she is color blind.

People come to her posts to abuse her. She has not noticed that as yet. Too busy looking for someone else to blame for her miseries.

February 10, 2014 9:03 pm

Hmmm.. Am I missing something? All the down votes for Stephanie trying to out our corrupt congress critters…

Well I think it is a great idea, carry on!

February 10, 2014 9:10 pm

The clam is the one judging what matters, not me. She made the judgement, I simply pointed out perhaps she might take a look at her own relevence, as around 5 to 1 seems to be the ratio of folks that find her comments unfavorable.

Who is she to judge what is relevant. She is an admitted failure. She admits to being severely damaged goods, and places the blame on her parents. She is an admitted tax cheat. Despite her professing many skills, she cannot secure/hold a reasonable, or unreasonable for that matter, job. She is an admitted loan defaulter. She claims to be well-educated, but even a cursory perusal of anything she has ever written shows that to be untrue. She is an admitted Obama voter. She admits to taking it upon herself to run off her employer’s customers. I can go on and on at all of the things she has admitted about herself. None of them are flatering. None of them would I be proud to admit – but she thinks her world view is worthy of acclaim. I do indeed pity her at times.

None of the things she admits are flattering. They all point to a severely damaged and deluded individual. They all point to someone who not only has never accomplished anything, but to someone who has no intention of accomplishing anything. She is going to wallow in self-pity forever.

And she has spat in the hand of every individual on this site that has offeed words of advice. she tells them to fuck off, that they have no right to comment. That she is the only one with such a right, and that all of their experience, education, and wisdom account fornothing.

It is incredible that she thinks she has ANYTHING to offer. She is a taker. She will always be a taker. She knows nothing else. She has no sense of honor, integrity, or responsibility.

How can she teach anyone anything? She is to damaged to learn anything herself, so she will never have anything worthwhile to pass along.

February 10, 2014 9:16 pm

It comes down to this. She is not striving to be better than she is. She is instead always trying to either justify that she is in fact honest and honorable, when she is in fact not, or she is blaming others for her failures.

She has been offered the chance here by many to learn and grow. But that will not happen. She has convinced herself she is right in all things, when in fact she is corrupt to her very soul. It is too bad.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 10, 2014 9:17 pm

LLPOH has been on here for years.
His articles are damn insightful and tell the truth about what running an honest business is like in our times. That is a valuable perspective to have regardless of being a business owner or not.

He can say some not very nice things, he has been very mean to me before, in fact. But that doesn’t alter his relevance to the site.

I think what Stephanie meant is that LLPOH is not relevant to HER purposes on the site. I’m sure she wasn’t implying that by allowing her to post articles the Administrator had altered HIS purpose for operating this blog.

February 10, 2014 9:20 pm

llpoh, how is she a taker exactly? Do you know her personally?

Is she wanting to take our social security or medicare benefits?

When it comes to taking, there is no greater taker than me as a boomer taking the most resources this earth has to offer than any generation before and after me.

“It is incredible that she thinks she has ANYTHING to offer. She is a taker. She will always be a taker. She knows nothing else. She has no sense of honor, integrity, or responsibility.”

Well personally I have yet to meet a young millennial who understands half the bullshit that society spews down our throats for the bullshit that it is. It’s refreshing to hear their story and that a few “get it!”

February 10, 2014 9:24 pm

llpoh, and Fellow Clam Mockers (FCM)

She writes a 98 word post. It is not informative. It contains no wit, no humor, and zero originality. It basically says nothing other than “I’m taking down names”. It’s pretty much a worthless post. A waste of time.

Yet, there are 68 comments, including this one.

Whose fault is that? Yours. And, mine, for the 8 responses. WE are her enablers.

I’m ending that today, with this post. It will be difficult to do … making fun of her ignorance is fun. But even that is getting old and tiring. It’s too easy.

When I see her name in future threads, I will NOT even read it. I swear. You and other FCM might want to do likewise.

February 10, 2014 9:24 pm

Clammy states that people here do not care about the youth. That is bullshit and she is lying. Everyone here cares. But she is too busy trying toinvent a story to see the truth.

What is happening to the young is an abomination. Every single regular on this site knows it, and acknowledges it.

She does not like the answers and advice we give. We suggest people be educated, hard-working, thrifty, responsible, diligent. Those things are too hard for her, and for many young people. and of course for many old, as well. THe majority of boomers are not those things.

Nevertheless, that is still the solution – the world needs honest, diligent, educated, hard-working people. If a young person is to have any hope of a reasonable life, he or she will need to embrace those things.

But that is not the answer she wants. She prefers to claim we do not care about the young. We care. But we cannot make the young responsible, thrifty, educated and hard-working. They must do that themselves. We can only offer the truth of it.

February 10, 2014 9:27 pm


How about you swallow some of my Snail Juice?

Do you go to her website, look at her picture, and Choke-The-Chicken?

February 10, 2014 9:29 pm

Stuck – I was about to reach the same conclusion.

Punk – thank you. I mentioned before how extremely glad I am to see you here. I have asked after you many times. I know you went through some tough times. I want to ask you about your business, and how it is going with you. You have always been one of my, and I think I can say the whole site’s, favorite folks. I have learned much from you.

Dustwallow – you are commenting without knowing what she has admitted about herself. It is not pretty.

February 10, 2014 9:31 pm

I’m sorry all, I didn’t realize we were trying to take Stephanie down a few pegs. I guess from the other comments that she is a menace to TBP and needs to be stopped from posting on this site.

My bad. Her posts made me think of my kids and my emotions got the better of me is all.

I didn’t fully understand the intent of most the posters. I just didn’t get the memo on the silliness of her posts.

February 10, 2014 9:36 pm

Can Stucky and llpoh tell me what Stephanie did wrong so I can better understand what’s going on here?

February 10, 2014 9:54 pm

Dustswallow says Can Stucky and llpoh tell me what Stephanie did wrong so I can better understand what’s going on here?

Stuck already answered that question. He has pulled the pin and will not return and add to the comment count. Here’s your answer

Stucky says: She writes a 98 word post. It is not informative. It contains no wit, no humor, and zero originality. It basically says nothing other than “I’m taking down names”. It’s pretty much a worthless post. A waste of time.

February 10, 2014 9:57 pm

Dustwallow – all you need to know is that above I said the following things were of value:
hard work, responsibility, thrift, dilligence, education.

The clam comes back, and quote: ” he might have to admit *gasp* that he valued the wrong things”. Amazing, isn’t it.

The clam believes honesty, integrity, education, thrift, hard work, diligence are the wrong things to have valued.

There is much, much more, but that is the crux of it. It really is incredible. That she openly admits that these things are wrong to value. Her behavior echoes her words. She is entirely without integrity. She is dishonest, she is untrustworthy, and she is deluded. She establishes it again and again.

February 10, 2014 10:07 pm

“Dustswallow says Can Stucky and llpoh tell me what Stephanie did wrong so I can better understand what’s going on here?

Stuck already answered that question. He has pulled the pin and will not return and add to the comment count. Here’s your answer
sensetti says:

Stucky says: She writes a 98 word post. It is not informative. It contains no wit, no humor, and zero originality. It basically says nothing other than “I’m taking down names”. It’s pretty much a worthless post. A waste of time.”

Wanting to out the corrupt congress critters is “a waste of time”

I understand now, this makes sense, thanks sensetti!

February 10, 2014 10:37 pm

Well I guess Stucky is too big of a pussy to explain why a young girl is in the wrong to try and out the corrupt congress. Figured as much – what a pussy little girl snail he is!

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 10, 2014 10:39 pm

LLPOH said the following things were of value:
hard work, responsibility, thrift, dilligence, education.”

Bear in mind, my friend. There isn’t one single government agency or major conglomerate that hasn’t been skullfucking these exact qualities out of society for decades. With extreme prejudice. The lower class has been routinely and systematically made fat, stupid, sickly, drug addicted and skill-less, all under the guise of helping them. They fall for it because they honestly don’t know any better.

Fuck me, I only have three out of five.

February 10, 2014 10:54 pm

Punk in Drublic – what three out five do you have? Fat stupid and sickly is my guess. Just need to be drug addicted and skill-less for the perfect pentafecta.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 10, 2014 11:04 pm

Just checked. Yup.
Still three out of five.

February 10, 2014 11:07 pm

Stucky, so sorry for my previous out-burst. I just really don’t understand why you hate Steph…I’m frantically looking at past posts to try to get a bigger picture. I originally was thinking of a bully attacking someone like my daughter and the thought of ripping said bully apart and doing it slowly and painfully as possible is all.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 10, 2014 11:09 pm

You probably think I used a double negative to be ironic.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 10, 2014 11:20 pm

Stucky is a Prophet. He thinks Stephanie is a dumbass.
Steph is a Nomad. She thinks Stucky is full of shit.

That’s the he said she said of it all. No specifics needed really.

Plus, Stucky likes dramatic exits.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 10, 2014 11:44 pm

Dustwallow says:

Can Stucky and llpoh tell me what Stephanie did wrong so I can better understand what’s going on here?

See her initial post on TBP, somewhere in the May ’13 timeframe. She came across as having all the integrity and substance of a chimera. Lots of fun to watch but so is a mud wrestling match, ok, that’s too classy, more like watching a couple of drunk chicks fighting.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 11, 2014 12:51 am

The author formerly known as Calamity reminds me of this quote from my favorite movie of all time, (next to ‘Heidi”) ‘Alien’:

[Clammy is the] “Perfect organism…[her moral malleability] is matched only by [her] hostility… I admire its purity. A survivor… unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality. “

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 11, 2014 12:54 am

Dustwallow says:

“I VE been having problims ,well funk Stucky anyway. I love Stephanie she’s hot. Good night to all you.”

if you’ve been jerking off to her video, (of course you have) you better go to the free clinic, your left hand has crabs.

Agh, sorry, Clammy. Your hot to some guys, I’m sure.

February 11, 2014 7:41 am

Ya know Clammy, this is not a bad idea for a series of articles but you are preaching to the choir here at TBP. I don’t know what the demographics are of the site visitors here but it seems like the site attracts more x’ers and boomers.

Personally I think you’re barking up the wrong tree exposing politicians at the federal level. People are too married to their political parties. You might do better by educating people about the evils of debt and central banking. Regardless of party, central banking is killing us all.

February 11, 2014 7:43 am

What the hell is up with econman, sillyman and dustwallow? They must be victims of ObamaCare and losing their policies has caused them to go off their freaking meds.

February 11, 2014 1:01 pm

“Ya know Clammy, this is not a bad idea for a series of articles but you are preaching to the choir here at TBP. I don’t know what the demographics are of the site visitors here but it seems like the site attracts more x’ers and boomers.”

Valid, but I think we as citizens need to start shining a light on these assnozzles. We have the most unpopular congress in history. That means something. Everybody likes to vote in the presidential election as if that is what determines how our country will operate. We 100 Senators messing things up. We have 435 Congress members messing things up. These are the people who we elect that are suppose to do our bidding. They are suppose to uphold our constitution. Many are scoffing at Obama’s arrogance about executive orders, but he is right. With a pen and a phone call he can bypass congress. This is dangerous. Our congress will stand aside and let it happen. Hoping for scraps that can be thrown their way.

This site does cater to Xers and Boomers primarily, but it should still be here for Mills. Plenty are frustrated and don’t know why. If a Mill does cross this site it would be a good source of information foe them. I ended up reading this site because of Admin’s picking apart these bullshit financial reports from the government and corporations, then laying out was was really going on. I think the best articles (That I hope he will do an update on soon) is the Depression 2.0 article. We are in a depression, except it is invisible. There are no soup lines because of EBT. There are no help wanted signs because of online application, and businesses are “Always accepting applications”. The broader view is our economy has mostly crashed, but cannot see it with their own eyes.

February 11, 2014 5:54 pm

“Valid, but I think we as citizens need to start shining a light on these assnozzles. We have the most unpopular congress in history. That means something.”

I think it means that people already know how corrupt the politicians are. Unfortunately they keep voting for the bastards because more bastards are the only choice we have. One Ron Paul or Rand Paul out of 535+ is not a choice. THey create the problems and then they offer up the solutions. How convenient! Maybe pointing out how democrats and republicans are the opposing sides of the same, closing bear trap might get their attention. About four years ago I finally realized that since the day I was born the country has steadily gone downhill whether the republicans or democrats were in charge. They are both evil and as many point out, voting for the lesser of two evils still results in evil.

At the end of the day you have to cut off the head of the hydra………central banking. An unlimited supply of thin air money enables all of the evil from corporations to banks to government. Take away the ability to print money out of thin air and you will be amazed at just how quickly the bullshit stops.

My point with posting your series for the choir here to read is simply that there must be other blogs that attract many more minnies than TBP. You got off to a bad start here and I suspect it will always be an uphill climb for you here. However it’s not all bad. Think of TBP as a proving ground. If your work can stand the light of day here, it should be bullet-proof anywhere else. Good luck.

February 11, 2014 7:36 pm

“Actually, I am very well informed. Did you know I read two books, cover to cover this past week? Working on my third.”
—-Stucky @ Stephanie

“Cook books don’t count as reading.”
—-Stephanie @ Stucky

Good one. Stephanie is sharpening her skills on this site. Beware, folks. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll scroll back up and continue reading the thread.

February 11, 2014 8:10 pm

Hmmm. Some pretty sorry-ass comments by just about everyone on this thread, and that includes YOU Stephanie, as if you care what I think.

Anyway, she has an interesting project she’d like to pursue, as stated in her article. Despite the intense criticism, I’d encourage her to carry on. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

February 11, 2014 8:23 pm


SSS says:

“Actually, I am very well informed. Did you know I read two books, cover to cover this past week? Working on my third.”
—-Stucky @ Stephanie

“Cook books don’t count as reading.”
—-Stephanie @ Stucky

Yes, I love it! WIT BEATS SHIT any day and every day.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 11, 2014 8:44 pm

she doesn’t need encouragement, if your not here for the abuse you shouldn’t be here.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 12, 2014 12:01 am

Clammy, you do cats well, leave the dogs to someone who knows what they are doing, namely – Llpoh.

El Coyote
El Coyote
February 12, 2014 12:42 am


El Coyote
El Coyote
February 12, 2014 12:53 am

The tall one actually looks like Llpoh’s ferocious Jack Daniels or Jack something or other.