Submitted by Ron Paul of The Ron Paul Institute,

Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen testified before Congress for the first time since replacing Ben Bernanke at the beginning of the month. Her testimony confirmed what many of us suspected, that interventionist Keynesian policies at the Federal Reserve are well-entrenched and far from over. Mrs. Yellen practically bent over backwards to reassure Wall Street that the Fed would continue its accommodative monetary policy well into any new economic recovery. The same monetary policy that got us into this mess will remain in place until the next crisis hits.

Isn’t it amazing that the same people who failed to see the real estate bubble developing, the same people who were so confident about economic recovery that they were talking about “green shoots” five years ago, the same people who have presided over the continued destruction of the dollar’s purchasing power never suffer any repercussions for the failures they have caused? They treat the people of the United States as though we were pawns in a giant chess game, one in which they always win and we the people always lose. No matter how badly they fail, they always get a blank check to do more of the same.

It is about time that the power brokers in Washington paid attention to what the Austrian economists have been saying for decades. Our economic crises are caused by central bank infusions of easy money into the banking system. This easy money distorts the structure of production and results in malinvested resources, an allocation of resources into economic bubbles and away from sectors that actually serve consumers’ needs. The only true solution to these burst bubbles is to allow the malinvested resources to be liquidated and put to use in other areas. Yet the Federal Reserve’s solution has always been to pump more money and credit into the financial system in order to keep the boom period going, and Mrs. Yellen’s proposals are no exception.

Every time the Fed engages in this loose monetary policy, it just sows the seeds for the next crisis, making the next crash even worse. Look at charts of the federal funds rate to see how the Fed has had to lower interest rates further and longer with each successive crisis. From six percent, to three percent, to one percent, and now the Fed is at zero. Some Keynesian economists have even urged central banks to drop interest rates below zero, which would mean charging people to keep money in bank accounts.

Chairman Yellen understands how ludicrous negative interest rates are, and she said as much in her question and answer period last week. But that zero lower rate means the Fed has had to resort to unusual and extraordinary measures: quantitative easing. As a result, the Fed now sits on a balance sheet equivalent to nearly 25 percent of US GDP, and is committing to continuing to purchase tens of billions more dollars of assets each month.

When will this madness stop? Sound economic growth is based on savings and investment, deferring consumption today in order to consume more in the future. Everything the Fed is doing is exactly the opposite, engaging in short-sighted policies in an attempt to spur consumption today, which will lead to a depletion of capital, a crippling of the economy, and the impoverishment of future generations. We owe it not only to ourselves, but to our children and our grandchildren, to rein in the Federal Reserve and end once and for all its misguided and destructive monetary policy.

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Erasmus Le Dolt
Erasmus Le Dolt
February 18, 2014 12:30 pm

David Stockman referred to Yellen’s testamony as ‘politburo econimics’. This woman and the elites she represents will determine our financial future and that or our decendents. How can that be? Yes, it will end badly and let that be soon so we can start again with the first item on the agenda being… criminal prosecutions.

February 18, 2014 12:30 pm

When will the Fed madness stop? That’s hilarious, not until the dollar is worthless toilet paper, which won’t be long.

The Chinese just dumped the second largest amount of Treasuries in history, and Japan dumped several billion worth. As their own credit bubbles blow, they’ll be dumping even more. Which does NOT bode well for the U.S., who’s going to buy all our IOU’s? Oh yea, the government is going to force people to buy our IOU’s, MyRA, Obama’s wealth confiscation scheme. The Fed and the government are completely out of control, and nobody besides Ron Paul does anything about it. But when our biggest creditor, China, starts dumping our IOU’s, the end is near.

February 18, 2014 1:09 pm

Yeah, and the biggest joke is that Belgium (the EU) bought our IOUs. As if Europe didn’t have enough debt already.

February 18, 2014 1:34 pm

What’s ludicrous is when I engage in a debate on facebook or my local opinion section in the paper about the failure of keynesian economics vs Austrian economics the universal response is
“Name one country that has successfully used the Austrian economic system.”

My response is to ask if the current system has produced wealth or debt. Silence is followed by “America is the wealthiest nation on earth.”
The average Joe doesn’t understand the difference between having a bunch of stuff that he owes money on, vs assets.

Somehow America from 1776 up through about 1920, was a generally capitalist, free-market nation and grew from mere peasantry to a economic world super power in 150 years.
Then we had to fuck it all up with a central bank. Our economy is about 75% based on consumer spending, and that requires the average Joe to keep going into debt to create the current version of wealth to save America.
Nothing will change until change is forced upon us.

February 18, 2014 2:58 pm

Card…change will come from the muzzle of a gun .

February 18, 2014 3:02 pm

I for one am in no hurry to see the dollar collapse. We’ve had 100 years of assigning value to everything based on those little pieces of green paper and the imaginary numbers in our bank accounts. When that system collapses, the large corporations that produce and transport our food will immediately stop doing so as they are not set up to barter and, frankly, what do the people even have to barter other than their labor?

It isn’t just our banking system that is too big to fail but our food and energy production as well. If those go as a result of a dollar collapse then all bets are off. Famine, disease, civil war and ethnic cleansing is what will follow. As much as I dislike the Federal Reserve, we had better replace it rather than wait for it to destroy the dollar.

February 18, 2014 3:16 pm

Treasuries are stored value of dollars, and are, of course, in dollar denominations. If people start dumping bonds, like China, the value of the dollar collapses. This is what China’s end game is anyway. Then, there’s the derivatives markets. They blew up the financial system in 2008, and instead of outlawing derivatives, the banksters have doubled down.

“The senior most assets backstopping the $600 trillion derivatives market are SOVEREIGN BONDS: US Treasuries, Japanese Government Bonds, German Bunds.

By keeping interest rates near zero, and pumping over $10 trillion into the financial system since 2007, the world’s Central Banks have forced investors to misprice the most prized collateral backstopping the entire derivatives system: SOVEREIGN BONDS.

So, what happens when the current bond bubble bursts and we begin to see bonds falling and yields rising?

Another collateral scramble begins… this time with a significant portion of the interest rate derivative market (over 80% of the $600 TRILLION derivative market) blowing up.

At that point, rising yields is the last thing we need to worry about. The assets backstopping a $600 trillion market themselves will be falling in value… which means that the real crisis… the crisis to which 2008 was the warm up, will be upon us.

This is why Central Banks are so committed to keeping rates low. This is also why all Central Bank policy has largely benefitted the large financial institutions (the Too Big To Fails) at the expense of Main Street. THE CENTRAL BANKS AREN’T TRYING TO GROW THE ECONOMY, THEY’RE TRYING TO PROP UP THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS’ DERIVATIVE TRADES.”

February 18, 2014 3:25 pm

And then there’s this: +106%: Obama Has More Than Doubled Marketable U.S. Debt

…despite the massive increase in the government’s marketable debt during Bush’s eight years, Obama managed to accumulate more additional marketable debt in his first five years in office than all the presidents who preceded combined.

February 18, 2014 3:29 pm

Obama is burying us in more debt than can ever be paid back. That’s his plan, buy votes by getting everyone dependent on the government, bankrupt the country as we default, declare martial law, take over as dictator. His plan is working great so far.

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February 18, 2014 4:24 pm

AWD any place Dimocrats are in charge the results are the same, degradation, debt, and bankruptcy soon follow. The reasons behind this outcome are universal and incontestable, Dimocrats and Dimocratic voters are parasites. Unable to exist without sucking the life out of the productive, in other words they are useless. Soon, very soon, we will hunt them with dogs and be rewarded with a monetary bounty, not to mention the favor of the Creator above.

February 18, 2014 4:26 pm

AWD, speaking of bonds, tomorrow Detroit is fighting it out once again in fed bankruptcy court. Detroit will attempt to claim that a “pledge” was made to pay back debt, not a “promise”, and that the two are not the same. So in effect their bonds are unsecured loans they don’t have to use tax revenue to pay back. I suppose obama will write the check?

Can you imagine what implications this will have to the entire muni bond market if the judge sides with Detroit? $3.7 Trillions are sitting in muni bonds.

February 19, 2014 12:50 am


Are you nutz? Seriously? I grew up in a military family and was surrounded by active duty and veterans as a child. One thing was made very clear to me by all the enlisted men that had ever witnessed or taken part in combat and that was that “Only an idiot wants to go to war.”

These institutions are now too big to fail because, well, they are now too big to fail. When they go, the thin veneer of civilization will probably go with ’em and the end result could be a 90% reduction in the inhabitants of this once great nation. Unless some kind of miricle happens, that will mean that YOU will lose friends, family and, perhaps, even your own life.

Though I served through a number of conflicts, I am grateful that I never ever had to see combat. Existing as a slave, living in a hole in the ground, drinking heavily chlorinated water, never sleeping and eating crap food was enough for me. I am not so foolish as to wish to see it all come crashing down.

February 19, 2014 9:42 pm

The madness won’t stop, ever. Well, not in its entirety. Our human history is a story rife with madness, and quests for power, resources, control. Same as it ever was.

There is truly nothing new under the sun.

What is going to stop is this society – specifically a large and growing middle class – based upon infinite growth in a finite world.

I don’t “wish” it to be this way. I don’t wish for the outcome that we will have.

But, it doesn’t matter what I wish for.

Hyper complexity is destroying, has already destroyed, our society. The elite lining their ever larger pockets by government decree has destroyed/is destroying the rest. We are going to crash and burn in an epic way.

The only question is, is it possible to survive, hell, to thrive, as a modern society crashes and burns?

Our entire way of life is contingent on the rest of the world needing us. As we issue more edicts, drive up the costs of food and everything else, hunt down and kill others’ citizens with no regard to borders, sovereignty, or human life, to think this can continue on is insanity.

What is insane is thinking, hoping, it won’t stop. Even as other countries put into place the means to cut us off.

Some of us still hang out hope that it can be fixed and life can continue on pretty close to the way it has been for the past 70 years.

Good luck to us all.

And hang on folks, the ride is just beginning to experience turbulence, I hope we can stay afloat a bit longer.