Our favorite Dartmouth graduate is surely sympathetic to his brethren’s reparation demands. Where are the demands for Injun quotas? Their demands are hysterical in their ridiculous political correctness.

If the country is depending upon these Millennials, we’re doomed.


Dartmouth Students Claim Racial Oppression, Threaten ‘Physical Action’

by Sandor Farkas – Dartmouth College on February 24, 2014

A group of disgruntled students at Dartmouth College sent an 8-page protest letter to leaders of the Ivy League institution Monday calling for reparations for what they claim is the school’s oppressive and racist atmosphere – and threatened “physical action” if their demands are not met.

The list of demands, written by “concerned Asian, Black, Latin@, Native, Undocumented, Queer, and Differently-Abled students,” include:

• Racial enrollment quotas for Black and Latino students to “at least 10 percent each”

• “Ensure that 47 percent of post-doctoral students are people of color”

• “Ban the use of ‘illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, wetback’ and any racially charged term”

• Mandate cultural competency and sensitivity training for professors

• “Ask staff/faculty to use students’ and employees’ preferred gender pronouns”

• Enroll more students in the country illegally (undocumented students); and provide them free legal assistance and financial aid

• Convert ethnic studies programs into full-fledged departments

• Incorporate into each department at least one queer studies class

• Increase the interdisciplinary academic focus on sexualities

• Enact curricular changes to force students to study social justice and marginalization in depth

• Provide gender-neutral bathrooms in every building on campus

• “Create a policy with serious consequences against hate speech/crimes”

• Create a policy penalizing and discriminating against students who use the Indian mascot

• Require school’s conservative paper give up “Dartmouth” name if they use term “Indian”

Enacting these changes and the many others listed on the lengthy demand letter, its authors stated, will “eradicate systems of oppression as they affect marginalized communities on this campus.”

“These systems–which include racism, classism, sexism, heterosexism, and ableism—are deployed at Dartmouth and beyond as forms of institutional violence,” the letter states. “We demand that Dartmouth challenge these systems by redistributing power and resources in a way that is radically equitable.”

The unnamed students go on to assert that by March 24 – the first day of spring term – Dartmouth administrators must publicly respond to each item raised in the letter with “its exact commitment to each one of its demands” and that reparations that require funds “have a monetary commitment in the 2014-2015 fiscal budget.”

“If the Dartmouth administration does not respond by the indicated time, those who believe in freedom will be forced to physical action,” the letter states. “As mentioned before, this proposal is not about interpersonal interactions, but about restoring justice in an institution beset with a history of discriminatory and oppressive practices.”

The letter does not specify what “physical action” will be taken.

The students called their reparations a “freedom budget,” and CC’d a copy of their letter to every student at Dartmouth College.

DEVELOPING: Check back to The College Fix for campus reaction to the letter.

College Fix contributor Sandor Farkas is a student at Dartmouth College.

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Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2014 1:12 pm

Hilarious. No cracks about millenials, that girl that got fired from Olive Garden for being a jackass will be all over you!

I hate these little racists and sexists with their fucking demands. Start your own college then assholes!

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2014 1:13 pm

If Dartmouth bends over to these punks they’ll end up like IKEA, all diverse losing 100 million a year.

February 25, 2014 1:16 pm

It’s a fucking minority epidemic!

Same thing happened at the University of Michigan and the University of California at Los Angeles, Agusta, Tulane, Kansas, Illinois…..

[imgcomment image[/img]

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2014 1:19 pm

Card, last month at University of Minnesota, read about it.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2014 1:23 pm

You have to turn the tables on them. Way after IKEA was on it’s demise, I had a black woman manager who’s only job was to harass me. Dragged her down to HR, made her go through all these meetings, they wouldn’t do anything to her, even though she was useless, but I made her & the HR people pee themselves on numerous occasions. Even brought up race. Fuck their diversity. Oh yeah, she ended up screwing over her boss and leaving for a better job she couldn’t do either.

February 25, 2014 1:25 pm

“If the country is depending upon these Millennials, we’re doomed.”

You are doomed. Millennials owe this country nothing!

February 25, 2014 1:29 pm

Lipoh ,go up there straighten out those spoiled POS. I want ,I demand , and if I don’t get what I want I’ll make threats.I am really starting to dislike this shit.Always threatening and blaming other people.It just makes my heart grow hard.

February 25, 2014 1:34 pm

The purpose of the Black Student Union is to promote and sustain an atmosphere that is conducive to the political, cultural, social, spiritual, economic, and educational growth of students of African descent and the University community at-large. Such an atmosphere can be best achieved and sustained through the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, cultural programming, pro-active leadership, and co-operation within the Black community. In addition to the programs that we put on, we offer funding to organizations across campus to put on programs that may benefit students of African descent. We use our constitution as a guide to ensure that our actions are in good faith and fulfill our duty to improve every aspect of our community. We are rooted in a tradition of activism and community activities that makes the BSU experience truly unique.

February 25, 2014 1:38 pm

So they will take “physical action” if there demands are not met.

Is this not the definition of terrorism??

February 25, 2014 1:41 pm

“The list of demands, written by “concerned Asian, Black, Latin, Native, Undocumented, Queer, and Differently-Abled students,” ……….the letter does not specify what “physical action” will be taken” ———- from the article

The Asians will study even harder and get an A++ on all their homework.

The Blacks will beat the shit out of every Polar Bear they see.

The Latins won’t give a shit as long as Brazil wins the World Cup.

The Natives will ask llpoh to spread nasty lies about Austrians and other Fine White People.

The Undocumented (Mexicans) will press 1 for “booger eater” and start picking OTHER people’s noses for their lunch.

The Queers will get unfettered access to CNN, who will air homo grievances 24×7 …. in other words, no change.

The Differently-Abled will take over Congress … and Amuricans will wonder “Why did things suddenly get better?”.

February 25, 2014 2:29 pm

Anyone who’s even present at Dartmouth doesn’t know the meaning of oppression.

People who make demands like this are drooling jackasses.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 25, 2014 2:32 pm

Let them take their physical action, expel them and then prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.

February 25, 2014 2:35 pm

Letters like that are the reason white people use terms like niggers and spics to describe people who write letters like that.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2014 3:40 pm

Stephanie, your comment is a bit confusing. You owe this Country nothing. Fair enough, but most of you don’t have the wherewithall or energy to move out of your parents basement. How do you propose that you and all of your lazy, video playing brethren all gather the energy to leave the Country?

February 25, 2014 3:49 pm

• Incorporate into each department at least one queer studies class ———- from the article

What. The. Fuck???

Soooo, the Math Department needs to implement Queer Math???


Darthmouth Queer Math Test Question

Q: If the Taliban captured 20 infidels and there were 12 more straight people than there were queers, how many people (X) would the Taliban execute?

A: All of them.

February 25, 2014 3:58 pm

Those Dartmouth Students will one day run the country, just like Nig. Holder

As a freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney General Eric Holder participated in a five-day occupation of an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters with a group of black students later described by the university’s Black Students’ Organization as “armed,”

[imgcomment image[/img]

February 25, 2014 3:58 pm

So stupid that it does not justify comment..


February 25, 2014 4:17 pm

Of course, there is a VERY distinct possibility that this letter/protest is all a hoax.

My bullshit meter went off after just the 2nd listed demand —- “Ensure that 47 percent of post-doctoral students are people of color.” Now, Dartmouth may be the least of the Ivy skoolz, however, I’m pretty sure they can do basic Maf … and would not demand post-doc students be 4(X) the general population.

Homo studies in EVERY department should be the next clue.


February 25, 2014 4:20 pm

Bah. Un-named student(s).

Could be as few as one idiot involved.

Dartmouth has taken a turn to the left in recent years, but doubt it has gone that far.

What a load of crap.

Almost like what is happening at Penn – two suicides in the last year have them running around like a mad woman pissing.

Shit happens.

February 25, 2014 4:22 pm

If you all want to taunt someone, maybe taunt AWD.

A bitcoin exchange bank just went under. 740,000 bitcoins went up in smoke without a trace. At ist all time high that was around a billion dollars worth.


AWD – I fucking told you so.

February 25, 2014 4:23 pm

Stucky, I never knew that Holder was on the Mod Squad.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2014 4:23 pm

Nick, I mean Cosmo, er a Stucky – that’s funny right there!!!

February 25, 2014 4:35 pm

I knew that was Linc.

February 25, 2014 5:21 pm

What is this nations obsession with all the peoples specialty ‘rights’, every night on the news there is some story about women’s rights, gay rights, black peoples rights, gay women’s rights, illegal aliens rights, the rights of the single mom, Hispanic rights and on and on. Why can’t we have on set of rights that work for everybody? Wait a minute……………………. It’s fucking ridiculous!

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
February 25, 2014 5:36 pm

Peaceout, we do, Life, Liberty, Property, that’s it. Problem is all the criminals trying to take them away.

February 25, 2014 5:37 pm

Llpoh, We both told him so, lol.

February 25, 2014 5:38 pm

Oh no…..the clam is back! What sort of wisdom will she impart this time?

February 25, 2014 5:46 pm

In the Google thread Clams said she got a NEW job.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
February 25, 2014 5:46 pm

How can you have a queer studies class in Math? Physics? Engineering? Do they even bother to think about how retarded their demands are?

Name me one person in the entire country who got a degree in Ethnic or Gender studies, that does not work in the public sector, and has managed to achieve anything worthy of merit. There must be tens of thousands of them out there, sucking up oxygen, and not contributing a damn thing to society.

February 25, 2014 5:49 pm

@ Peaceout, that’s because they’re using the wrong terminology. When they say they want “Rights,” they really mean “Entitlements.”

That’s especially true of loser members of the Millennial generation. We can only hope the non-losers outnumber them.

February 25, 2014 5:55 pm

“Planet Earth to Steve Hogan! Earth calling Steven Hogan!! Can you hear us? The letter is a fucking HOAX. Earth, over and out.”

February 25, 2014 6:11 pm

@ Peaceout – They want us all in neatly defined groups so that we can be more easily manipulated and controlled while destroying the individual. Unfortunately for us it appears to be working.

February 25, 2014 6:33 pm

@Cog & @ Thinker I agree, I guess the over saturation and imbalance of all this special interest bullshit just wears me out. Stuff like the NAACP, do we really need this organization anymore? Listening to all these black actors and such rattle on about celebrating their success with ‘their’ people. Special awards for a select group of people. Could imagine the outrage in the media if we had a NAAWP and segregated special awards for white people only. Good Lord, imagine the outrage that would ensue. The news falls all over themselves covering the gay rights parades around the country. Could you imagine if somebody organized a straight peoples parade.

I tell you this shit just wears me out.

February 25, 2014 6:35 pm

Steve Hogan, Dartmouth already has a queer studies program. It’s called admissions.

February 25, 2014 6:52 pm

Stucky says:

“In the Google thread Clams said she got a NEW job.”

Yeah I saw that. The important thing though is that she is respected by her co-workers.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 25, 2014 7:12 pm

If this is a real list of demands from real students at an ivy league school… I guess I should have gone to college. I’m WAY smarter than these people.

Math trumps wishes. Dartmouth can just mail me a diploma.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 25, 2014 7:12 pm

It’s a hoax letter designed to troll indignant Whites into saying naughty things so they can do the old noble lie scam.


February 25, 2014 7:26 pm

Punk – what, you think Dartmouth is the University of Phoenix? They make you come to the middle of nowhere for four years for that piece of paper (which is in Latin, no less). How else can they justify the $60k per year or whatever it costs these days?

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 25, 2014 8:41 pm

Hey! I live three hours northeast of the middle of nowhere. It’s fucking great here.

As the proud owner of a vintage New England home, you can look forward to many years of satisfaction, enjoyment, and repairs.

Steep Thrills
Note the daring slope of the roof, which has approximately the same pitch as Tuckerman Ravine and will get you to the bottom just as fast in case of emergency. A built-in snow-removal system uses heat from the house to melt the white stuff and transform it into those charming full-length icicles featured on New England calendars. (See Appendix B: “Ice Dams.”)

Boxed In
The attic of your old house comes pre-filled with ancient furniture, clothes, and trunks. Don’t worry, none of it’s valuable–your junk will fit right in! The attic is climate-controlled to be an oven in summer and a freezer in winter, just as nature intended.

Rooms with a Flue
Your brick chimney was designed to let small animals come and go at their leisure, providing you with many happy evenings playing “What’s That Noise?”

Breezy Does It
You’ll enjoy fresh air year-round, thanks to patented Flo-Thru technology, consisting of hundreds of tiny air leaks strategically placed around windows, doors, and other openings. Many of these gaps are large enough to let insects pass through, bringing the wonder of nature right into your home.

Hidden Turn-Ons
Light switches in new houses are generally placed just inside entry doors–boring! You’ll find your light switches outside the door, down the hall, and possibly in your neighbor’s broom closet.

Privy Counsel
You’ll enjoy the luxury of 1-1/4 baths (the downstairs toilet was originally an ironing-board closet). The main bath features a clawfoot tub that your friends will ooh and aah over but will not take off your hands, as it weighs only slightly less than the Hoover Dam. There’s no shower, but you can easily add one using a variety of contraptions, most of which will also add a refreshing moistness to the walls and floors.

Wall or Nothing
The walls of your home have been filled with old newspapers that provide an insulating R-value of 0.0002, largely owing to the use of words like “coruscate” and “perspicuous” in the text. The surface is genuine horsehair plaster, noted for its attractiveness, durability, and tendency to crumble to pieces if you try to hammer a picture hanger into it.

Floor Better or Worse
Luxuriate in the warmth and beauty of genuine hardwood floors. They’re guaranteed to be maintenance-free, as long as you don’t care what they look like. They also act as built-in hygrometers, alerting you to excess humidity by popping up high enough to stub a toe on.

Cellar Beware
Your New England cellar is a haven of dampness, coolness, and mold spores the size of rutabagas. Unlike modern basements with their tediously straight angles and smooth walls, your cellar incorporates features of its natural surroundings, such as boulders, ledges, and major root systems. In places, the cellar is actually large enough to let you stand up straight, though generally not where you need to access wires or pipes for repairs. Here, you’ll find handy crawl spaces, home to a variety of interesting creatures, including spiders resembling mohair work gloves. After a long winter, the sound of running water will alert you to the arrival of spring as it passes through your cellar.

The Heat Goes On … and On … and On
Your old house comes equipped with an original furnace the size of a Winnebago. This classic heap o’ technology fires up with a house-rattling roar just a few decibels shy of a space-shuttle launch, giving you the calm assurance that it’s working day and night. Heat is delivered through a single vent to the living room, where it’s free to roam the rest of the house, though it rarely feels called upon to do so. In later models, heat may be provided via iron radiators, which can also be used as anchors by any Class 2 cargo ship.

February 25, 2014 8:46 pm

But hey Punk, you can always throw open the windows and doors, sparay water on the floor, and go iceskating! (Dartmouth administrators, in case you are reading this – I never did that in my dorm hall. Never. I swear it. )

February 25, 2014 9:04 pm

Hey! I gots me a spell checker! Now when I want to call someone a gonorrhea stricken fudge packer, I can do it without changing it to “clap stricken”. Watch out now – my arsenal has increased substantially.

February 25, 2014 9:14 pm

I for one can hardly wait for the pearls of wisdom from Clamster’s new job.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 25, 2014 9:16 pm

LLPOH, my cellar has the added bonus of containing the well. #$@@!!!! Who the fuck builds a house on top of a spring? When the icestorm happened over christmas I very nearly did have a skating rink down there. Was almost wall to wall and a foot deep in places.

February 25, 2014 9:29 pm

This is so monumentally stupid, I had to duct tape my head up so that when my head exploded, my wife wouldn’t have to go around picking up itty bitty pieces of brain and skull, mop the floors and paint the walls…


February 25, 2014 9:40 pm
February 26, 2014 12:35 am

Damn, Punk, where have you been? I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. With Billy’s duct tape head, I’m done for the night.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
February 26, 2014 11:59 am

Ho, ho, ho. I seem to recall Mr. Llpoh bloviating a while back about the incredible intelligence and superiority of Ivy League students, their brilliance blotting out the sun, putting ancient Athens in the shade, while only the filthy, moronic, unwashed dregs of humanity stumbled into public universities. A dirt sandwich was better than a degree from UM, OS, UT, UF or any other educational wasteland. I’ll take that dirt sandwich……………………

February 26, 2014 12:38 pm

If you need a bitness dugree…look no furthur.

Earlier this month, The Post exposed a scheme at Manhattan’s Murry Bergtraum HS for Business Careers in which failing students could get full credit without attending class, but instead watch video lessons and take tests online. One social-studies teacher had a roster of 475 students in all grades and subjects.

Red-faced administrators encouraged a student letter-writing campaign to attack The Post and defend its “blended learning” program. Eighteen kids e-mailed to argue that their alma mater got a bad rap.

Almost every letter was filled with spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.

A junior wrote: “What do you get of giving false accusations im one of the students that has blended learning I had a course of English and I passed and and it helped a lot you’re a reported your support to get truth information other than starting rumors . . .”

Another wrote: “To deeply criticize a program that has helped many students especially seniors to graduate I should not see no complaints.”

One student said the online system beats the classroom because “you can digest in the information at your own paste.”

“Us as New York City Students deserve respect and encouragement,” one letter read. “We are the future of New York City and for some students, The future of the country.”

A Murry Bergtraum teacher said, “I am embarrassed that the school will graduate students who write this poorly.”

February 26, 2014 8:46 pm

College administrators are promoting this behind the scenes. They are straw men in this fake battle. Same stuff happened 45 years ago with anti war demonstrations on campus. The cultural and political war has been lost in America. The reds have won and will only be stopped by civil war.