It’s funny, I was just saying yesterday how every single day brings a new story of some hapless white person being beaten, stabbed, shot, or set on fire by a gang of black yuffs. And sure enough, here’s today’s version. A white teenager set on fire by black yuffs. Some interesting responses to the savage violence. Don’t forget to wear your asbestos suit next time you leave the house.



A 13 year old white teen was recently chased and set on fire by two 16 year old black yoots in Kansas City. The black teens told the white boy he was “getting what he deserved.” This story has caused great alarm across America! How could those black teens do something so horrible in the year 2014? This is just the latest example of young blacks who have not been raised properly wreaking havoc in their communities! My heavens! Pouring gasoline on someone and then setting them on fire? Don’t they know that gasoline now costs $3.59 per gallon? And did they even think what damage gasoline can do to the environment?

Sierra Club spokesperson Hugh G. Rection said concerning the incident:

“We in the Sierra Club are appalled by this brutal and savage tragedy! Yes, yes, we understand the white kid probably got a little burned but the real victim here is Mother Earth! Unfortunately, not all the gasoline was burned on the white boy. Some of it, unfortunately, dripped off him and onto the ground before it could ignite. Mother Earth is weeping and we weep for her!

In the future, if the young African-Americans want to torture a white kid, they should consider using alternative, green methods. Perhaps tying him to a windmill or making him ride in a Chevy Volt (it will burn up eventually). But if the African-American youth insist on gasoline, the Sierra Club recommends an ethanol blend that is environmentally friendly to Mother Earth. This incident has been a tragedy and we hope for a speedy recovery for the environment.”

One of the accused black teen’s grandmother, Shameka Jackson said:

“My grandson is a goot boy! I know he would never do what they say he did. Maybe that cracka said something raciss.”

Here’s the news report:

The EPA has been notified about the gasoline spill. EPA environmental expert Bruce Koskoloski made a statement:

“The EPA has called for a multi-departamental study of the affected area. We have called for the Departments of Energy, Agriculture and Housing and Urban Development to perform a comprehensive examination of Kansas City. As such, it is under the EPA authority that I hereby close down Kansas City and order all citizens to vacate the city limits until the report has concluded, which we estimate will require approximately five years.”

While some parents in the area have called for the offenders to be prosecuted under Hate Crime legislation, the Federal Department of Justice is not sure that will be necessary.

Attorney General Eric Holder said when reached:

“Hate Crime legislation? I’m not sure that will be necessary. After all, the guy dripping the gas on the ground from all over his body was white. But I can guarantee that we will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law for environmental damage done to the local ecosphere.”

When asked about the possibility of racial unrest due to the severity of this attack and his possible action to bring peace to the area, MSNBC anchor and noted tax cheat Al Sharpton said:

“Protest we much and much we will be about this! If the young brothers wanted to bust up a cracka, why didn’t they just use bats or fists? Why waste all that gasoline? That could have gone in my Escalade! These young people don’t know nothing about bustin’ up crackas these days!”

Community organizers are calling for the family of the white teen to apologize for bringing all this negative attention to Kansas City and for having the EPA shut down the city for five years. The parents of the boy have so far refused to apologize, thus angering the local community organizer community.

Local organizer Shabooh Shabaah X said:

“It is the attitude of the parents of the white boy that has kept Kansas City from progressing along the lines of cities like Detroit and Chicago
! They must apologize for the irreparable harm their child has done to Kansas City and for all of the years of white privilege they have enjoyed because their white ancestors committed genocide against the world.”

So far the NY Times, Washington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN have denied any knowledge of the incident.

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/02/white-13-year-old-set-fire-black-teens-environmentalists-concerned/#Y2CAKlOaV61WxWJw.99


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February 27, 2014 1:58 pm

Sounds about right.

February 27, 2014 2:13 pm

First, the negroes started beating on Whitey… 25 million acts of black-on-white violence from 1964 through 1994…

Then, they raped our women.. 37,000 white females raped by negro males a year (that is ONE HUNDRED A DAY)…

Then, they preyed on our old, our weak… “Polar Bear Hunting” amongst the negro community is downright popular…

Now, they set our children on fire… my own son is 13. I would gladly give my life for my son, no questions asked or required… I love him more than life itself… If this happened to him, well…

When will enough be enough?

“If I shall whet my sword as lightning, and my hand take hold on judgment: I will render vengeance to my enemies, and repay them that hate me.” Deut. 32:41

February 27, 2014 2:15 pm

Roasted Polar Bears!!

February 27, 2014 2:18 pm

I am always armed when I go into urban areas.I haven’t had any problems but I am really to use deathly force if necessary.I had some hateful looks but that’s it so far.

February 27, 2014 2:24 pm

I went to KC star just to make sure there wasn’t any truth to the story. Sometimes AWD blurs satire and reality too much.

Or maybe the world is just that messed up.

February 27, 2014 4:29 pm

Well at least Eric Holder and the President are not “concerned”. I’m glad they can remain calm and level headed during events like these. Imagine if they were outraged and panicked like the everyone else!……………..No wait…..what? Nothing to see here. Move along.

February 27, 2014 7:25 pm

These black kids need to be put in prison for life with out any possibility of parole.Their parents are ignorant idiots should be deeply ashamed Obama, Holder clearly encourage white hate by their actions.The only answer is to be armed.

February 27, 2014 10:40 pm

It’s written as if it is an onion story. Was the green leaf forgotten?

February 28, 2014 3:48 am

It’s terrorism, plain and simple. Another fine example of fascists selectively applying the rule of law, the very definition of despotism.

February 28, 2014 10:59 am

donna says:

“These black kids need to be put in prison for life with out any possibility of parole.”

Fuck that! That only punishes those that have to pay for their incarceration. The death penalty needs to be brought back with speed lanes. Public stoning sounds good too. Two inch rocks at a dollar a pop ought to do it.