I decided since the entitlement stereotype of Millennials is here to stay, I better embrace it.


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Clam attack
Clam attack
March 1, 2014 2:54 pm

As long as you embrace it I’m sure it will work out for you. Keep the dreams alive. Lol

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
March 1, 2014 3:00 pm

Hilarious! Just not quite sure if she’s for real or putting us on. BC-LR to all

March 1, 2014 3:45 pm

The sound isn’t quite synchronized with your lips …. so I just looked at your boobs. Was that wrong? A couple times there was even a hint of cleavage.

You need a picture or some other wall hanging.

I am officially on-board. YES!!!! You ARE for fucksure sake ENTITLED to more than minimum wage! You went to skool, they told you it was necessary, you studied vewy hard –especially English, and now you’re just a fuckin Salad Prepper. Goddammit, that ain’t fair!! You should be making $50 bucks an hour, minimum.

Go on strike. Demand more. Arrange a Million Person Salad March in front of The White House. I will be sure to be there and join you in your struggle for equal entitlement for all. (I’ll be the guy with the massive cucumber in in pants.) Unite, workers, unite!!!

March 1, 2014 4:18 pm

No one puts a gun to the heads of minimum wage workers. They have other choices.

You will disagree with that. You would be wrong. There are always other choices.

March 1, 2014 5:54 pm

Now that they have health insurance, they don`t have to work. They can be poets or artists. They should refuse to work for minimum wage, that will show`em.

March 1, 2014 5:59 pm

Just don’t go to work. That’s a choice.

March 1, 2014 6:23 pm

Lots of generations have suffered government schools the Metros are not new.

The only difference is after the Metros figure they’ve been brain washed by government schools they vote Democrat.

Stephanie Shithard
Stephanie Shithard
March 1, 2014 6:32 pm

I have a degree. That means I am smart. I am entitled to a high paying job. I expect others to support me while I learn to use Facebook and Youtube and spend time with my friends. It is only right.

March 1, 2014 6:53 pm

“No one puts a gun to the heads of minimum wage workers. They have other choices.” —- Me

And those choices would be?? —— Stephanie Shepard says:


I’m sure it will come to you.

March 1, 2014 7:10 pm

Stephanie, let’s put evidence to the contrary aside and say you are smart and competent, a quick learner and a multitasker.

Forget the dead end jobs then. Look into yourself and decide what you would really like to do. Then find a current opening for an entry level position in that field. You are more likely to get an interview at a small company that lacks an HR dept (which arbitrarily screens resumes). When you get an interview, express great interest in the position. Try to get the manager or owner to like you. When he inevitably says, “I enjoyed talking to you but I can’t hire you because you have no experience,” offer him a deal:

Offer to work for free for one month. At the end of that month, if you prove that you can meet expectations, then you are hired and paid the going rate for the job. If not, you leave with some experience and you can try it again.

It works. Trust me.

March 1, 2014 7:23 pm

Stephanie, one more thing:

When you’re an old boomer fart like me, i.e. competent, experienced and battle-hardened, nobody gives a fuck what you do in your spare time other than a subject to talk about over lunch. When you are young and have no track record, it is important. You may get an interview solely because someone is interested about something you did. Feel free to embellish a bit but don’t bullshit or you’ll get called on it if the interviewer is knowledgeable. If you’re a Ron Paul type, you might talk about something you did to support his campaigns. You might say you stepped boldly into the lions den (TBP) and battled all the old boomers courageously (or until they simply got bored and didnt give a fuck). Whatever, you get the idea.

March 1, 2014 7:42 pm


Kudos on the video and once again putting yourself out there.

I listened carefully and homed in on this quote from the video, “When you go to work for somebody who knows less technology than you, yeah, it tends to rub you the wrong way.” Have you ever thought about turning this to YOUR advantage?

I encountered this situation MANY times as a senior supervisor and manager. Frickin technology was overwhelming and hitting me like a tsunami. I asked my people YOUR age to help me through the rat maze. Nearly all of them were females. They were overwhelmingly supportive and helpful. And they read about it on their performance reports. It’s called teamwork.

March 1, 2014 7:47 pm

As a Boomer, I actually feel great compassion for Millennials and to a lesser extent Gen X. Even though our Boomer generation broke thru a lot of the bullshit to make it possible for these younger fucks to enjoy the good side of our society (instant communication, labor-saving tech, medical advances, etc.), the young’uns have been suckered into student loan debt which can’t be discharged, and generally an economy that will never compare to the opportunity we enjoyed as a generation.
I DON’T feel (as many of these kids want to lay on us) responsibility for all the B.S. we’ve gone thru post 911. That shit is coming from some very evil, selfish, greedy bastards whose composition crosses many generational divides. I’m as pissed off at the lack of opportunity and jobs as they are.
All that being said, Millennials aren’t any more entitled than any other demographic grouping.

March 1, 2014 8:01 pm

Wow, Clammy’s put on the pounds. Too many bread sticks? Too much booze? Yikes…

March 1, 2014 8:27 pm

Millennials are entitled to:

a) pay 6-8% interest on their student loan debt, 4-6% above prime
b) pay SS taxes, Medicare taxes, income taxes so the boomer can enjoy life
c) Live in mom’s basement, helping collapse the housing market
d) Be responsible for the nation’s collapse at the hands of Obama
e) Continue to vote in democrats ad infinitum, destroying what Obama hasn’t.
f) Demand redistribution of somebody else’s stuff, stuff they don’t have but deserve
g) Everything they want, none of which they’ve earned
h) Continue to think diversity and affirmative action are good things
i) Push for a full communist state, fulfilling their utopian dreams
j) Continue to think smart phones make them smart (instead of zombies)
l) Believe empty political platitudes and the vacuous leaders that spew them
m) Believe we’re all equal, and have the right to homes, jobs and healthcare
n) Believe they are right, just because they say so
o) It’s someone else’s job to provide them with a job
p) Empty sex, empty relationships, and empty souls
q) Let big government run their lives
r) Continue to support incompetent unqualified leaders because they look good
s) Be complicit slaves to their corrupt debt holders
t) Believe college equals cash
u) Believe narcissism is somehow a good thing
v) Think social media is somehow social
w) Believe interacting with actual people is so 20th century
x) Continue to believe in big government, even though it is $17.3 trillion in debt
y) Support the welfare state, the disability state, and the food stamp state
z) Think for themselves, although 99% of millennial are unable to do so

March 1, 2014 8:51 pm

The only thing a person is entitled to do is………………die, beyond that be as creative as you wish to earn a living. John

March 1, 2014 9:31 pm

SS – out of curiosity, what tech do you know?

March 1, 2014 9:37 pm

I never felt that I was entitled to any damned thing beyond courtesy and politeness. Job? I’d learned a subject which was in demand–and was quite likely to continue to be in demand even four years later. Took me six years for professional registration, though. A BSME only means you know what book to look in.

Trouble for a lot of kids is that they major in “Not Wanted”, which is not even up to Underwater Basketweaving for employability.

A good lawn-maintenance guy in the south can make $80K a year. Or buy a backhoe, sell work, and gross over $100K in the south with its year-long work time. (Operating and maintenance costs run $15/hr at most; mine were less.) Welders, machinists, plumbers, electricians–they don’t live too shabbily.

The ancient rule of the entrepreneurial capitalist: Find a need and fill it.

March 1, 2014 9:45 pm

The people that make money out of tech are those that understand what it does, not those that are just capable of running apps, programs, etc. Software and system engineers, some programmers, etc will make good money. If you do not have those skills and qualifications, tech will pay poorly. Also, even older folks who are not up to date on current apps and programs but understand what computers do can do well as managers.

Fact is, most techies are a dime a dozen. They can run tech but not think. It is the thinking that employers pay for.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 1, 2014 10:39 pm


How about starting a house painting contracting business? Every part of the country has a basically unlimited supply of houses that need exterior painting. You’d probably have to do enough of it yourself (maybe six months) so that you’d knows the ropes. Once you have enough knowledge to estimate man-hours, you could drum up work via hand-delivered flyers, etc. and hard work doing evening sales calls. Paying $10-12/ hour would probably get sufficient capable laborers. Make sure you pay workmans comp and payroll taxes. Add up labor and materials cost and add at least 100% gross profit to create your bid. Require 1/3 deposit at time of contract, 1/3 when work is under way and 1/3 upon completion. If you town is big enough, you could probably run four three man crews for 8 months out of the year. Five years from now you could be upper middle class.

March 1, 2014 11:13 pm

“No one puts a gun to the heads of minimum wage workers. They have other choices.”

Absolutely. You don’t have to take a shit job. Keep holding out for a management position and see where that gets you.

Seriously, kids-who cares if you can turn on a laptop, update the facebook, or post pics of your latest bowel movement on Instagram? Anyone can do that and millions do.
That’s masturbation, not work experience.

Want a job? Offer an employer return on the expense of hiring you. If all you got is a sheepskin from the U of XYZ, you’re almost totally worthless.

Also, in an age of practically universal higher education (and limited competence), I think the trades are probably worth more. If you can do plumbing, electrical work, auto maintenance, or heating and air, I suspect you have a much brighter future than folks with psych and lesbian literature and ed studies degrees.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 1, 2014 11:36 pm

Hey Stephanie,
Ever considered housecleaning? or Commercial cleaning? There are always people who will pay for a good cleaner. I’ve been self employed since 2007 and loving it. If you are good with money and don’t spend like a drunken sailor, which I am not, a business can be created easily.

March 1, 2014 11:46 pm

“It appears every so often that it is forgotten that I am a woman. I have no intention of getting my hands dirty nor should I. I would be a horrible choice for any labor intensive job as would any woman”.


Ok, Stephanie. You just lost me as a supporter, which I’m sure will be the cause of many sleepless nights for you. Heh.

Your statement I quoted above is patently absurd. You cannot have it both ways, young lady. I will leave it to you to interpret what I mean, about which you could care less, I’m sure.

March 2, 2014 12:21 am

Clam you took T4c advise from last vid , good job. Keep working at it.

March 2, 2014 12:31 am

There is nothing more exciting than watching a person grow before your eyes. This chick fell on her face out the gate just like Barbaro. But she refuses to be put down although many have offered to euthanize her. Her vids keep improving and if anyone complains about her rack, buy her a damn push up bra already.

Clams, try standing closer to the camera in anchor fashion, it may satisfy Stuck’s complaints about the bare wall. Maybe you can fix the sound sync. Your hair looks great but if you could imitate news women and get a more professional look that way…

Everybody that is trying to get Clam an hourly job should consider that there are plenty of kids to fill that role, did folks try to get Picasso a house painting job? (if you complain about the wild comparison, it is called ‘hyperbole’ [make air quotes as you pronounce:High per Bowl eee] which I use to get your attention.) The chick has an inner talent that is fighting to come out and folks are trying to tamp it back in with their short-sighted sense of defeat.

This is not a whitewash of the Clam’s previous admitted law-breaking but I figure she might warrant a waiver, a pardon, if you will…call it entitlement disease.

March 2, 2014 12:33 am

I guess she just set the women’s movement back by about 100 years.
Well, I guess barrista slots are always open at Starbucks and you can always be a teller at Bank of America.

I got a buddy who is the essence of a true entrepreneur. He can and has sold anything and everything from ball point pens to backpacks to senior class trips to Mexico to advertizing. He could sell sand in Arizona. He didn’t get that skill by sitting on his butt-he told me when he turned 18, his dad told him to get a job by the end of the day or find a new home. He laughed his old man off and was booted out of the house by dinner time. The next day, he had 3 shit jobs and worked them all until he figured out which 2 to discard. He’s never been unemployed since.

March 2, 2014 12:40 am

sensetti says:

“Clam you took T4c advise from last vid , good job. Keep working at it.”

before the Clam hits me over the head for not knowing how to enlarge the vid, Cntrl + looks good when I get only the head shot.

March 2, 2014 12:42 am

Or you could just marry someone with a lot of money.Never have to worry about working .That sounds like the plan for you SS.

March 2, 2014 12:47 am

bb, are you proposing something to Clammy? SS shows a little cleavage and bb bites. (notice how my second sentence is symmetrical, read it and weep, Billy.)

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 2, 2014 12:49 am

Steph, Work is hard. I understand not wanting to do it. If you want to just marry someone who will earn all the money (like you had your ex-fiancée finish painting the apartment), I have no problem with that. Just be satisfied with whatever he earns, and don’t start bitching at age 50 that you’re not fulfilled because you never “had a chance” to have a career. Most jobs have high quotient of suckitude. That’s why they call it work.

Wendy Davis
Wendy Davis
March 2, 2014 1:01 am

Iska Waran says:

“Steph, Work is hard. I understand not wanting to do it. If you want to just marry someone who will earn all the money…”

Worked for me, Clammy

March 2, 2014 1:15 am

Stephanie, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but women with your attitude have a way of serving in “labor intensive” jobs at low wages for life… like being a waitress at truck stop, an orderly in a nursing home putting bed pans under people who weigh 250 lbs, and other exhausting, physically demanding grunt work that pays almost nothing and leaves a person exhausted and often injured. Believe me, before the women’s movement, no one ever stopped women from lifting patients who’d fallen on the floor, or carrying trays loaded with 30 lbs of dirty dishes, or any of a number of other disgusting and degrading jobs.

Don’t be contemptuous of “labor intensive” or blue-collar jobs that pay well. Friend of mine with an MBA and a CFA, as well as REAL math skills and a fine resume, painted houses for cash after the brokerage firm she worked for collapsed, taking her last good paycheck with it. I found out while quite young that there are a number of “men’s” blue collar occupations that are far less physically demanding and pay a lot better than doing crap like waiting table, a garbage job if ever there was one.

March 2, 2014 2:40 am

Ugh! That video was terrible. She kept droning on and on about “academic” skills and technology yet produces a terrible video. This, my friends, is what being 37th in Math looks like. We are not even in the top 20 in Reading or Science as of last year.

Hey Millennial! Why would I bother to hire you when Asians totally kick your ass is Math & Science? Why would I ever bother hiring someone from the dumbest generation ever produced in the history of this nation? Why?

Own it, you’ve worked hard (or not) for it.