Need a break from the doom and gloom?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the terrible news lately? Take a few minutes for some small town Maine humor. The pilot episode of a locally produced reality show unlike anything else on TV. No quotas, contests or rivalries. Just simple country folk, honest and hard working as the day is long, getting together for a few laughs. Guys like these are the bread and butter of our nation, they’re not the movers and shakers of society, they’re the work horses. What ever happens in DC, they’ll still be up before dawn to work the land and their fingers to the bone.

Author: Punk in Drublic

Mainer 4 Life!

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March 1, 2014 5:37 pm

thanks for the video punk in drublic. i live about 100 miles north of newcastle, and this video could have been shot here easily. i love how those guys have big guts, smoke, look like shit, but are most likely strong as oxen. my friend and neighbor down the street is retired now. i have known him for over a quarter century. he, a true blue mainer, has a massive gut (he calls it his workbench), has chicken legs and skinny arms, and is about 5′ 5″. yet, about ten years ago, when i was having trouble moving my newly bought 350 lb. wood stove around, he came over, said that i “don’t know nothing”, called me a “cunthead”, and told me to step aside. he muscled that fucking thing into place like it was nothing. my jaw hit the floor. i love maine.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 1, 2014 6:29 pm

Cool! I thought I was the only Mainer on the site. I’m a skinny bastard myself but growing up in the country has made me stronger than my chicken legs would have you expect. I’ve impressed a few people over the years not because I can lift all that much but cause I didn’t fold in half trying. Cowshit Corner is only a couple of towns away from me. I used to ride past on my bike as a kid, on my way to a friend’s house, on a hot summer day you can smell it from a half mile away. God, I love the smell of cowshit.

Glad you enjoyed it.

March 1, 2014 6:40 pm

Maine Hillbillies. Duck Dynasty, Maine version.

Charming video. Really. Enjoyed it. I would not mind hanging out with those folks. Cowshit!!!

March 1, 2014 7:00 pm

Thanks, Punk.

Loved listening to the unique Mainer accent.

I couldn’t agree more with your introductory comments, especially “Just simple country folk, honest and hard working as the day is long,” and “Guys like these are the bread and butter of our nation.”

Did anyone notice their age? This Tweener did. Boomers all. Heh.

March 1, 2014 7:54 pm

Very similar to Southern Indiana. Good folk out on the rural routes. Just gotta watch out for the crazies and if you’re from outside or left and moved back, keep your mouth shut or prepare for the repercussions.