
With the Obamacare sign-up deadline rapidly approaching (March 31st), Obama is getting desperate in his new ad campaign.


Obama and Pelosi have been crowing that people can finally quit their jobs because of ObamaCare. You know, because people only work jobs so they can get health insurance, and ObamaCare will give them their God given right, privilege and entitlement: HEALTHCARE, for free.



Obama and the liberal progressives really are getting desperate….


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March 15, 2014 1:41 pm

I find all of this hilarious. One would think that all the millennials that elected this buffoon would have run out and immediately signed up for this program but that isn’t the case at all. People vote with their feet and vote with their wallets and with the vote count in, Obamacare is an abysmal failure worthy of anything ever attempted by Venezuela.

Perhaps they can top the Soviet Union and the starvation brought about by collectivization but as fat as Americans are, it is going to take a long time to kill off the land whales.

Perhaps they can top Mao’s Cultural Revolution but millennials are so lazy that I can’t see where they would get the pool of busybodies needed to entirely wreck civilization. I think we might be safe from that.

Whatever the outcome, I hope that it demonstrates once and for all that government is not the solution to our problem – government is the problem.