Okay, I hate Bill Maher. He’s the reason I cancelled HBO. His liberal drivel is beyond listening to. He loves Obama and the rest of the liberal progressives, and never misses a chance to shit on this country. Like most liberals, he’s insane, as was evidenced by his psychotic ranting on his last show. I wonder what God has in store for him….


Bill Maher: God a ‘psychotic mass murderer’ who ‘drowns babies’

Late night comedian Bill Maher told his HBO “Real Time” audience on Friday that God was a “psychotic mass murderer.” He made the comments during a conversation on the biblical story of Noah and the upcoming Hollywood version of it that’s about to hit the big screen.

“But the thing that’s really disturbing about Noah isn’t the silly, it’s that it’s immoral. It’s about a psychotic mass murderer who gets away with it, and his name is God,” Mr. Maher said, adding, “What kind of tyrant punishes everyone just to get back at the few he’s mad at? I mean, besides Chris Christie.”

SEE ALSO: Atheists threaten suit over 9/11 memorial with Christian cross

Mr. Maher continued: “Hey God, you know you’re kind of a [expletive] when you’re in a movie with Russell Crowe and you’re the one with anger issues. […] Conservatives are always going on about how Americans are losing their values and their morality, well maybe it’s because you worship a guy who drowns babies.”

In addition to believing in God, Mr. Maher said that the real problem conservatives face today is the restrictions they but on themselves, not the restrictions enforced by big government, The Blaze reported.

“I’m reminded as we’ve just started lent, that conservatives are always complaining about too much restraining regulation and how they love freedom, but they’re the religious ones who voluntarily invent restrictions for themselves.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/mar/15/bill-maher-god-psychotic-mass-murderer-who-drowns-/#ixzz2wA0AAoob


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March 19, 2014 1:21 pm

It’s called the “Idiom of Permission”. You can look it up.

I suppose you’re correct, it wasn’t the devil himself, it was devil spirits, the ones who kept not their first place and are reserved in chains in utter darkness until the judgement. (Jude 1:6).

Stucky likes to pick and choose what he believes, like an a la carte menu. I prefer to believe the truth.

In case anyway is paying attention, Stucky has to tear other people down to make up for his own inadequacy issues.

TE, El Stucko doesn’t have a thought process except to tear down the truth of God’s word. Don’t be fooled or beguiled otherwise. Look up “Idiom of Permission”, God never killed anyone or committed evil, ever. That he allowed it to happen is not a fair characterization, either, but I’m not a defense attorney and god almighty doesn’t need one. Man does, and we have one in Jesus Christ,

Stucky is convinced he’s right, and will never be convinced otherwise. Just ask his ex. Don’t project your issues on me, bro.

March 19, 2014 2:09 pm

Nonanon, In other words, the Hebrew idiom of permission is just the thing needed to align the Hebrew interpretation of god with the goodness of Ahura Mazda. No doubt this developed when the Torah was converted from oral tradition to paper, about the time that the zoroastrian king Cyrus sent the Jews and their stuff back to Jerusalem and committed to rebuilding Solomon’s Temple.

But I’m sure it’s just coincidence.

March 19, 2014 2:11 pm


I am FAR from convinced that I am “right”. But, that doesn’t keep me from giving what I believe and think are the best possible answers. I KNOW that I could be wrong. I even I suppose I am more wrong than right …. and when some offers a BETTER explanation, I am more than willing to admit it. For, you see, I am not wed to the idea that the Bible is infallible. For example, if you have a better explanation as to why Gawd killed 70,000 people because of a census, well, let’s hear it!! I don’t give a fuck if I’m right, or wrong. I’d rather follow truth, wherever it leads.

But, you do not roll that way at all. YOU are the one with all the answers. YOU know that you’re going to heaven. YOU know that others who don’t buy into your narrow interpretations are going straight to hell. YOU are the one who throws Bible verses in our faces every day, even on posts having nothing to do with religion. YOU accuse me, and all others, who question YOUR view of things as “tearing down” the Bible. (And might I add, while adding NOTHING to further understanding.)

And you have the unmitigated gall to accuse me of needing to be right? What a fucking laugh riot you are. You display the worst kind of arrogance on this board, bar none; that of a blind man who refuses to acknowledge he is blind. There is no one here, honestly, whom I disrespect more than you, a know-it-all stupid fool for Jeebus.

March 19, 2014 2:19 pm

One last thing. Kindly refrain from calling me “bro”. First of all, what are you, a Neegrow? I am NOT your “bro”, your pal, your TBP buddy, or even a guy to have fun with on this forum. Your views are loathsome to me. In real life I would discard you like week old trash. I wouldn’t exchange two words with you. Not many people have read the entire Bible, or studied it. So, understand this; the ONLY reason I respond to your posts is so that people can consider a counterpoint to your religious bullshit.

March 19, 2014 3:54 pm

Stuck, I’m surprised you have nothing better to do. You can argue with the truth all you like. Doesn’t make it any less the truth, or you any less wrong.

The word of truth is infallible. Your denial of the truth makes anything you say suspect. That you hate me only proves my point, bro.

March 19, 2014 4:14 pm

Zara, if that’s what you want to believe, who am I to argue?

Zoro lived 6th century BCE, Abraham lived in the 2nd millennia BCE. What’s your point?

I appreciate the romantic sentiment you have for Z’ism, albeit a bit misdirected. But hey, if you get Stucky to agree you have the BETTER explanation, then I’ll concede.

March 19, 2014 4:40 pm

Blow me, bro.

March 19, 2014 5:14 pm


Regarding the antediluvian civilization: if we go back to the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4 we find two lines descending. Cain began a pagan civilization and Seth, his younger brother, had a son Enosh – “and then began men to call upon the name of The Lord.” Noah was a descendent of Seth and Enosh. See Gen. 4 and 5. Genesis 6:1-4 are intriguing verses which may give major clues to the character of the existing civilization(s). I suggest that some sort of corruption of the race had occurred, perhaps demonic in nature. Some scholars have done some intriguing work on this topic.

As far as the Davidic census affair goes, I agree with you that David’s willfulness and pride was the issue. David had been God’s man for a long time and knew better than to disobey.
Being like you and me, however, he did disobey, and it was relative to his specific role as king of the Hebrews. As such, the whole nation had to bear the consequence of his error. (In contrast, the sin with Bathsheba was personal in scope, and so were the bad consequences).

As I see it, the Old Testament is a rather thorough catalogue of man’s obedience to god’s commands for a relatively happy and successful life on a corrupted planet, and the disobedience which resulted in SHTF to a greater or lesser degree. Perhaps there’s something to teach us?

March 19, 2014 5:36 pm

“I suggest that some sort of corruption of the race had occurred, perhaps demonic in nature.”
——– Gayle

That concept is interesting. But, HOW does it work?

Do demons have demon penises? Demons get horny? So, that would also mean angels also have angle weenies. But, the Bible says angels do not marry. So, are angels just whoring around? Exactly how does a being that is Spirit copulate with human flesh? Do little demon sperms know they’re swimming towards a human egg? Do demons only like actual copulation, or do they also like Blow Jobs in a pinch? Why are there only male angels and demons? Why aren’t there female demons wanting to fuck my eyes out?

These are all serious questions. I want answers!

March 19, 2014 6:11 pm


Some people believe extraterrestrials had a shot at it.

Perhaps it is more palpable to ponder whether the line of Seth had been completely corrupted by intermarriage with the Cainites? Hmmmmmm.

March 19, 2014 6:49 pm

Nonanon, Most scholars place Zarathustra’s birth at around 1000 to 1400 BCE, although there have been zoroastrian temple ruins discovered that are even older. Nobody knows for sure who came first, Abraham or Zarathustra but we do know that Abraham was born in Iraq, which is a lot closer to Zara’s turf so maybe Ahura Mazda simply advised him (Ahura Mazda does not command) to bring the good news to the Jews.

The last time I really studied this shit was about six years ago and I went to a Jewish messageboard to discuss it. The Jews (mostly scholars hung out at this place), did not deny the connection between the two faiths and did not want to debate which came first. Their conclusion was that God revealed himself independently to two peoples, the ancient Persians and the Jews.

March 19, 2014 8:04 pm

bb, Nonanonymous, et al:

I commend you all for preaching the gospel of eternal salvation that all may hear and none have an excuse of ignorance. As Paul advised you to preach the good news in season and out of season, this you have done tirelessly. I fear you may be preaching out of contention, no matter, as Paul said, as long as the good news is preached. Remember to share your good news with a sense of hope and a feeling of happiness and inner peace.
It isn’t that the message is new to folks here; many of them could recite the gospel of salvation in their sleep if you happened to rouse them at a late hour with such a question. They do not have any issue with the message but with the sender of the message. In that case, remember the words of the Savior, it is not you they reject but me. No man can be converted at the point of a lance. It would be as invalid as a confession made under duress.
Your constant repetition is becoming a droning noise in the background. Paul said he preferred to be all things to all people so that he could keep his message relevant and timely. Constant repetition takes the meaning and freshness out of any message and, like a blinking traffic light, sooner or later it will be understood the synch has failed and it will cease to mean anything.
Paul said he would not want to save others and lose his own salvation. There is a big difference between being a preacher of the good news and being an accuser bent on damning a sinner to hell. If you have a message of hope to share with others, then give them hope. If they leave your presence in fear for their mortal soul, you have lost another soul for heaven. Bless them all and let God sort them out, do not to be a stumbling block for others.
Preach if you must, to the newcomers to this site that they may leave here depressed about the real condition of the world but filled with hope in the afterlife. Please, leave my friend Stuck alone. He could teach some of you and refresh the memories of others. Preaching to the Stuck is like trying to convert the Pope; he is not a baby in need of the milk of the gospel, he could teach you much more himself. It isn’t funny anymore to heckle the Stuck with dire warnings and condemnation. Remember that all things are possible for a forgiving and merciful God. To fail to believe in that is to fail to believe God, which is the same mistake Adam and Eve made for which they paid heavily.
Now, kindly leave my ‘bro’ Stucky the fuck alone. Unless you want to be friends with him and shoot the breeze on other things…

March 19, 2014 8:33 pm

Zarathustra says: “Their conclusion was that God revealed himself independently to two peoples, the ancient Persians and the Jews.”

Gayle says: “As I see it, the Old Testament is a rather thorough catalogue of man’s obedience to god’s commands…”

March 19, 2014 10:14 pm

“I fear you may be preaching out of contention, no matter, as Paul said, as long as the good news is preached. ” ——— EL GORDO

You see, my friend, there’s the rub. I would guess that most people do not want Bible verses thrown in their face. But, OTOH, Christians feel it’s a necessary obligation to do so.

It seems silly to me to feel this desire to preach to Americans. It’s not like we’re Aboriginal natives deep in the heart of the Amazon. This is a Christian nation … by heritage. We have religious freedoms. There are a bazillion Bibles available …. including every possible version online. There are Christian stations on teevee around the clock. Some cities have churches on every corner. Christian bookstores are a billion dollar industry. So is Christian music. You can’t be anywhere in the USA where there isn’t Christian radio. And so on. It’s not like we heathens have never heard the Word. We have! A bazillion times. We don’t need to hear it another bazillion times.

I’m not trying to censor anyone … not even Nonanonymous. I try to be filled with the Holy Spirit — as I know you are — and I try to be more understanding. I only wish TBP preachers would practice more self-restraint, and bring up The Word when it is GERMAIN to the actual conversations being held …. rather than the crazy willy-nilly, “Oh, gee! I think I’ll toss some scripture verses into the mix!”

March 19, 2014 11:23 pm

Stucky says:

“I try to be filled with the Holy Spirit — as I know you are —”

The beautiful blonde was bitching at me. B—, I say, you are lecturing me…

I don’t like sermons either, heard too many at church, 3 days a week for about 8 years plus Christian radio. When I left the church my wife tried to pressure me, lightly – her methods are like her hands, soft. Anyway, she said, you’re Catholic, you can go to church once a year. No, I’m not, I said, just because I stopped going to church doesn’t mean I’m going to start worshipping idols.
I left those guys but I don’t put my faith in man or idols.

As for being filled with the Holy Spirit, now you are sounding like one of those slick televangelists. heh.

I like your discussions on the bible. A lot of writers prey on the bible illiterates, you got a good calling here, correcting the bullshit. I don’t mind Z’s comments, he doesn’t get pushy. He seems interested in sharing correct historical stuff also.

Bible Literacy 101, TBP University has got all the bases covered.

March 19, 2014 11:36 pm

Stucky says:

“Oh, gee! I think I’ll toss some scripture verses into the mix!”

They are brainwashed. One of the big reasons I left was because of the mind-fucking going on.
For example: if you think of ink elephants you will go to hell, so don’t think of pink elephants. Now that you accept being told what to think or not, I use that acceptable premise to lead you to this: if you think or say negative things about the church leaders, you will be punished or go to hell.

Brainwashed people want to share their delusions with others. I prefer to keep it real, at least keep it between the ditches.

March 20, 2014 9:51 am

“Brainwashed people want to share their delusions with others. I prefer to keep it real, at least keep it between the ditches” ——— EL GORDO

Yes, and you do an EXCELLENT job of keeping it real.

You are one of my favorite posters here. Seriously. I greatly enjoy your pithy comments and cutesy stories. I always click on posts when I see your name under “Recent Comments”. Keep up the good work.

And to the one person who automically votes down your posts no matter what …… “hey, get a fucken life you worthless douchnozzle!!!”

March 21, 2014 3:07 pm

El Gordo, I should take spiritual advice from someone who professes they have left the church? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe church is a physical thing. Jesus taught the church is his body. Which brings me back to my initial question.

El Stucky, you first, bro.