Who’s going to save this country? Who is going to rise up and cast out our socialist and fascist leaders? What kind of country are we going to leave those yet unborn? Not the millennials. So what future do we have?



Planet of the Millennials

Out: Family, religion, social cohesion, environmentalism, achievement, personal responsibility, hard work, saving.

In: Selfies, sexting, gay marriage, pot, “diversity” (read: whites in the minority), communism, gender issues, affirmative action, political correctness, student loan debt, credit card debt, anything goes and nothing matters.

After fifty-some years of full-frontal assaults on everything that made America the greatest nation on Earth, libtards seem poised to achieve total victory—i.e., the catastrophic destruction of the United States (if not the entire Western World).

The collapse of the Soviet Union took the “best and brightest” by surprise. But anyone paying attention knew that the rot ran deep in that corrupt empire, and that once the edifice began to crumble, the hollowed-out core would not withstand the downward pull of gravity.

I believe there are more similarities between today’s USA and yesteryear’s USSR than there are differences. Our government is centralized, colossal, and corrupt. Citizens are likewise corrupted because we increasingly realize that it’s a pay-to-play game, and so honesty is for suckers. Social trust therefore goes down the tubes, and the social fabric disintegrates. Add to this the State being used as a tool to control enterprise; to suppress religious freedom; to crush dissent; to silence critics; to enforce bland homogeneity of thought and obeisance to “moral and intellectual superiors” in government.

Add to this a media landscape that glorifies total self-indulgence, bottomless sexual perversion, and indiscriminate drug use; that mocks any and all traditional and religious values; that pushes the cult of “diversity” in every TV show, movie, commercial, magazine, newspaper, etc. Add to this an educational establishment that is more interested in indoctrinating our young with insane and nonsensical leftist claptrap rather than arming them with facts and the ability to think critically.

Add to this racial and cultural balkanization thanks to “diversity” and “multiculturalism”. Add to this endless distractions courtesy of an endless torrent of gadgets, internet-based services, and entertainment media that has its art down to a science.

Add to this voting people into office that have no experience, no qualifications, never run a business, never done a thing in their lives, just because they’re women, or minorities, to usage collective guilt learned in schools since birth. Add to this electing the most destructive president, the worst president in our history to office, twice. Add to this demanding bigger government, government in charge of providing jobs, wanting to redistribute money and property, pure communist ideals by any other name.

Add all this together and you get…Millennials.

Picture our society as a tower, with the upper floors evaporating as lower floors pop into existence. If the lower floors (i.e., the younger generations) are a made of sand, then the whole structure will quickly collapse.

Unless we, collectively—enlightened Millennials included—can turn this ship around and correct course before the next generation takes the helm, the Millennials may very well be that generation Reagan warned us about.


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March 17, 2014 9:33 pm

Punk in Drublic says:

“Are you going rural or full fledged ex patriot?”

Once a patriot, always a patriot.

March 17, 2014 9:43 pm

Hey Punk what happened to your Air bender avatar?

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 17, 2014 9:54 pm

Logging in is such a pain… It’s like, three extra clicks. I have an old-ish laptop. Plus, I have a thousand viruses on my puter from all the porn sites I go to., so it is extra slow.

March 17, 2014 10:28 pm

yeh, well disable java pid, not javascript.

not that there is any thing wrong with porn

March 17, 2014 10:32 pm

And no, I didnt google google for porn, though that hypocrite search engine tried to fuck admin.

also fuck urchin

March 17, 2014 11:55 pm

Punk – I will post what I have underway. Hopefully folks can offer suggestions for improvement r addition.

March 18, 2014 12:30 pm


How do I know my daughter is a good teacher? I know, because after 25+ years in various schools myself I can spot a good one or a bad one in a heartbeat. I know what makes a teacher great. I’d bet you do too, with your background. I’m not some schmuck who happens to have a teacher in the family. This is Eddie you’re talking to. I’ve been around the block.

Ever watch Stand and Deliver? Was Jaime Escalante a good teacher? She’s that caliber. She has, at age 31, a 25 year background in participating in one of the best GT summer camps in the country, first as a camper, then as a lifeguard, and now as a teacher. Last summer she taught physics to kids by teaching them to make Rube Goldberg machines. I wish I could show you the videos.

She has a Masters in Science Education, but she has an undergrad degree in Psychology and she speaks and writes fluent Spanish. But more than that, she can USE what she learned, and she has natural talent. She’s way smarter than most teachers, and she’s a natural at the job. Frankly I was surprised she went that route. I’d have never thought when she was a teenager that she would be where she is now.

I’m willing to bet that you have had at least one teacher in your life who stands out, head and shoulders above the rest. One that you remember. One that not only taught you something worth knowing, but who also shaped your character and influenced you for life. Teachers like that are not too thick on the ground, as we say in Texas. You get one, or maybe if you’re lucky, two or three along the way.

She’s that kind of teacher. You can believe whatever you like, as usual.

March 18, 2014 1:04 pm

Ed, glad to hear there is still some hope!

March 18, 2014 3:32 pm


AWD usually has a link to your site but mistakenly left it off on this article.

I added the link at the top.