Some states are going to drug test welfare recipients, and the liberal progressives are howling, claiming it’s racist and targets minorities. Why the hell should somebody get money I worked for so they can light up a blunt while enjoying their free SNAP food, free cash, free housing, free healthcare, free cell phones and internet and drinking 40’s?

I know of welfare moms that sold diapers they got on welfare for cash to buy drugs. Others sell their SNAP and EBT benefits for cash to buy drugs. Should we be supporting illegal drug use with our tax money? I don’t think so.



Do you think welfare recipients should be required to take a drug test is the basic question here.

Now, leave it to a liberal to manage to twist and turn something into the race card blame game when it comes to this matter. And that’s exactly what Eboni Williams managed to do the other day.

“Mississippi is joining the list of Republican-governed states that plans on drug testing welfare benefit recipients. The state senate approved the bill which now heads to Governor Phil Bryant’s desk Wednesday.

Substance abuse treatment is required the first time someone tests positive. The second time, that person loses benefits for 90 days. A third positive test would result in a loss of benefits for up to a year.

On America’s Newsroom, Radio talk show host Eboni Williams said drug testing weeds out people who are using welfare benefits improperly. However she said there are two problems with this legislation.

First, a person only has to be tested if the state deems him or her likely to be a substance abuser. Williams said that could result in stereotyping and discrimination.

The other problem she identified is that children of drug users receiving welfare could suffer. “They’ve got to put something in place – a food bank, breakfast programs, free lunch programs, something so that those children are still getting food despite their parents’ behavioral choices.”

Radio talk show host Elisha Krauss said, “This is a temporary assistance program. It is not what we would dub as a food stamp program. And the issue with this is that we’re supposed to be supplementing people’s actual needs, not supplementing their drug abuse.”

Krauss said Williams has no proof that the officials implementing the legislation would specifically target minorities. “Then you’re assuming that only minorities are drug users, and minorities are using the system.”

“That’s actually the point though, Elisha,” Williams argued, “Is it’s the arbitrariness in which it’s applied.”

Both guests agreed that everyone who receives welfare benefits should be tested.


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March 16, 2014 5:10 pm


March 16, 2014 5:10 pm

I’ll say it one more time:

If government benefits are contingent upon drug-testing, then the first in line should be the government employees and politicians. Once those ranks are purged, then test on.

After all, THEY make many times MORE than the welfare folks and bringing to light the hypocrisy would fix more than budgets..

Shoving more people into desperation will not fix a fucking thing.

But will make you feel all better about yourselves, right up until the time you are being shot for your dinner.

Hypocrisy knows no bounds in this world. None. Wonder how many of the lawmakers that signed the bills would submit to drug testing right now?

Wonder how many are on multiple, prescribed, mind meds?

Wonder how we can continue to focus on minutia and bullshit as our entire country is burning to the ground?

Ah well, not in this world, maybe in the next.

March 16, 2014 5:12 pm


March 16, 2014 5:13 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

March 16, 2014 5:21 pm


March 16, 2014 6:19 pm

Exactly as the “nurse” said, I’m subject to no-notice drug and alcohol checks so I can keep my job. Just so I can have 50%+ of my salary stolen by govts at all levels. And given to La-A(La dash A) and Shitavious so they can pump out more niglets and participate in the Knockout Game. Ain’t diversity wonderful?

March 16, 2014 7:36 pm

I’m for drug testing as long as the person on the welfare has to pay for the testing or any other fees involved with counseling or treatment. Otherwise this will turn into one more taxpayer funded fuck up by the government that will continue to cost us more and more.
They will put who they want in charge of screening, or counseling. We just have to foot the bill.
But just think of all the new jobs created!

March 16, 2014 8:41 pm

Instead of infringing more and more on individual liberty to address the SYMPTOMS of the problem, lets fix THE problem shall we?


Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
March 17, 2014 8:20 am

For the record, I don’t think drug testing welfare recipients is racist. The Left’s welfare policies are in no way intended to lift people out of poverty or get them back on their feet. Sometime long ago this may not have been the case but that time is long gone, today’s welfare is just a handout for a permanent underclass. Ending welfare entirely or putting these types of requirements are an attempt to change the values of society as much as eliminate spending, a noble cause, really.

The system has been designed to be gamed. There was some kind of state government study in Maine within the past few years that was looking for cases of welfare fraud, I don’t remember the specifics, they couldn’t find any. No shit, that’s because its working perfectly.

Since we’re tying stipulations to government money why not add a few to the corporate welfare handed out as well. Social welfare isn’t the only part of our welfare system being gamed or is in need of a values change, the Right always brings up the specter of Anti-Business and Anti Jobs when the conversation turns in that direction, though.

This belief that each party has, that they can have it both ways, has resulted in both sides getting everything they want for decades. THAT is why we’re in the shape we’re in.

March 17, 2014 10:56 am

Punk, that is what happens when there is no standard for the truth, and no distinction between right and wrong, only relativism. Truth does not require a majority opinion, and a majority opinion is no guarantee for the truth.

“Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. (John 17:17 ESV)

Punk as FU*K
Punk as FU*K
March 17, 2014 10:58 am

Sorry, forced sobriety is no excuse for a welfare state.

March 17, 2014 11:27 am

Race has nothing to do with it.

Your are CELEBRATING yet one more gubment boondoggle, full of paid-for-life-better-than-the-likes-of-us, gubment bureaucrats and another department.

The sheer cost of drug testing the MILLIONS on the dole is breathtaking.

So, just like so many other of our nanny state rules, many will feel all safe and snug as nothing is accomplished and another Orwellian nail is shoved into our coffin.

But goddamn, we’ll save a couple million by dooming more kids to the foster care system (that we pay for), and then paying all the new unionists to make sure our great-grandchildren’s money is well spent.

Wtf people, just wtf?


Even the people that SEE some of the evil, continue to ask for MORE OF IT!

And jobs AWD? bwaaaahaaahaaaa

Where? After the minimum wage increases 35% and millions see their purchasing dollars further diminished as businesses are forced to come up with money they don’t fucking have?

Jeebus, people are cracking me the fuck up. Jobs, burning in hell, allowing the gubment to grow bigger (and pay their potsmokers without batting a fucking eye), just, cripes…

Whatever, keep on keepin’ on AWD. Rail against the victims while sucking the tit of the communists and elite.

Futility and Puritanical fervor at its finest. We sure do love to punish people, and create new gubment departments and expense to make sure we punish them good and hard.

How’s that been working out for us? I’m sure THIS time it’s different.