“…I also want to abolish the Federal Reserve…The value of our dollar and the level of our interest rates are not supposed to be manipulated by a few members of the power elite meeting secretly in a secret palace…”

A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank.

“When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans.”

“1913 wasn’t a very good year. 1913 gave us the income tax, the 16th amendment and the IRS.”

“One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government.”
Ron Paul

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March 24, 2014 8:45 am

“1913 wasn’t a very good year.”
I’ll say.It gave also us that rotten toothed Anglo -progressive Woodrow Wilson who set out to drive the final nail in beginning of the end of the this grande experiment in Republicanism….not to grating US citizenship to an island of banana peelers i.e. Puerto Rico, another third world shit-hole perpetually propped up by American taxpayers.

Thirty-five percent of the population is on food stamps; 35 is also the percentage of working-age Puerto Ricans actually in the workforce. Public finances are in a dire state: Debt is at $70 billion and bond issues are rated as junk.

Plainly the USA should get rid of this millstone. That’s easier said than done, though. In theory I guess Congress could simply end the “commonwealth” relationship and cut the place loose. In practice this would mean revoking the citizenship of the 3.7 million inhabitants. And what about the five million or so Puerto Ricans who reside in the USA?

Another approach would be to get Puerto Ricans thinking that independence might be a good idea. Perhaps we could try oppressing the place: Make them tenant farmers under absentee landlords, proscribe use of their native tongue, and shut down their churches. Hey, it worked for Ireland.

Or possibly we could fool them into thinking they are sitting on great wealth—a Caribbean Dubai. Underground oil might be hard to fake, but we could sprinkle a few raw diamonds or gold nuggets around.…

I’m fantasizing, of course. We’re stuck with the wretched place and its unproductive, unemployable people. Those Spanish qualities that General Henry noted are with us in perpetuity, one more legacy of the appalling Woodrow Wilson. Can’t we dig that guy up and hang him in chains, as the Royalists did to Oliver Cromwell?


March 24, 2014 9:12 am

I was born and grew up in Allentown, Pa. (Thank god I got out in 1972) I can tell you Puerto RIcan’s have heavily contributed to the downfall / ghetto conditions around the Lehigh Valley, Jersey, and NYC.

These people have no culture, no direction. An Island nation waiting for a handout.

Their economy is very poor, and getting worse. We should cut this albatross loose!

March 24, 2014 10:27 am

I grew up between Lebanon and Lancaster PA. Many farmers in Lebanon County grew tomatoes for Campbell soup of Camden NJ. The tomatoes were picked by Puerto Rican migratory workers who were happy for the work. Then the Omnipent all knowing Federal Government stepped in and told the farmers they had to do this, that and other things for the migrant workers. The Government mandates made growing tomatoes non-profitable so the farmers switched to other crops. The unemployed Puerto Ricans moved to N 12th Street in Lebanon and went on welfare. Their offspring have expanded east to N 8th St and are still on welfare. Not all but most followed this plan. Integration is the time period between when the first smoked Democrat moves in until the last white moves out.

I went to collage in Bethlehem PA which adjoins Allentown. Allentown was a very nice city until the government decided to lower the crime rate in NYC by transplanting the smoked Democrats to other cities. The program worked as far as lowering the crime rate in NYC and was trumpeted as a successful program ignoring the other half of the equation.

In both instances the government was the activating agent and not the Puerto Ricans or smoked Democrats. For every problem Government tries to solve is it creates one or more problems of equal or greater dimension. There is good money to be made in creating or prolonging a problem as a consultant.

“It is far from clear weather good intentions plus stupidity or evil intentions plus intelligence have wrought more harm in the world.” Dietrich Dorner in his book, “The Logic of Failure”

March 24, 2014 10:31 am

Let me make it clear what third-world is. The media has taught most people to think that third-world is a synonym for “brown people.” In actuality, third-world refers to nations that were once great and decayed through the same process the USA is undergoing now. The citizens had no unity and became selfish, and so the ability to organize shared central services and institutions faltered, thus the society reverted to an anarchistic state of kleptocracy, disorganization, theft, corruption, filth and confusion. If you go to any third world nation today, that is what you will find: filth and confusion. That is the future of the USA. It was a clear path as soon as its democratic citizens became accustomed to having the power to vote esurient law into reality and thus benefit themselves at the expense of the whole; later, in order to preserve power, the same people decided to actually import third-world citizens to thwart the majority and guarantee the perpetuity of the bennies.


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March 24, 2014 11:09 am

It’s just disgusting – that Miller-Young. I mean really, a ‘university’ actually turning out trash like this? And legitimize it? Have we lost all sanity?

I agree with Flash: If we can’t see this trend / behavior for what it is -and make a course correction – then we are becoming the ‘turd world’ nation. Hell, we’re beyond the course correction – we’re goin’ the same place as Flight 370.

Someone needs a PhD in porn? A moral cesspool. Takin’ a look at the picture – man I wouldn’t fuck her with a stolen dick. Those front teeth – looks like she could eat corn-on-the-cob through a knot hole in a fence.

March 24, 2014 11:22 am

Flash ,who passed the 1964.immigration bill.Who keeps pushing for third world shit to flood this country.Who flash ,who?

March 24, 2014 12:39 pm

bb, I know you may find this hard to comprehend, but in 1964 the majority of southern voters where white.It was only after the ’64 Civil Rights Act signed by Johnson that the Repug Party began to attract Southern voters.

After signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson famously told an aide: “We just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time.” He was right. But he had also done something else: delivered African-American votes to Democrats in overwhelming proportions.

And, thus the Repug Party thinks by supporting Amnesty to millions of illegal aliens they will avoid an exodus of the brown bloc, which they don’t seem to notice never votes Repug anyways.But one thingis for certain, there are millions of white males leaving the party of stupid, and it makes little or no difference what the bed wetting party does to attract the brown skin block, they already lost the pale skin.

“If we don’t pass immigration reform this year, we will not win the White House back in 2016, 2020 or 2024,” John Feehery, once a top aide to former Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, wrote recently. Even if that prediction proves hyperbolic, recent history gives Republicans ample reason to take the danger seriously. Democrats have long wooed racial and ethnic minorities more vigorously than the Republicans have. Their presidential candidates have won a majority of black and Hispanic votes in every election since exit polls began

.By 2030, the Pew Hispanic Center projects, the Latino electorate will double in size. The House speaker, John A. Boehner, has made clear he considers overhauling the immigration system important to the party’s future. He first won his seat in 1990, when Democrats controlled Congress but Republicans still dominated presidential races.

“Ask 1970s and 1980s Democrats how well presidential elections go when you allow your congressional wing to take the lead,” Mr. Schnur observed. “Ultimately the Republican Party is going to have to fall in line,” he said. “The only question is how much political pain they suffer in the meantime.”


GOP Amnesty Plan Ignores Will of Republican Voters
January 30, 2014 | 5 Comments


March 24, 2014 12:51 pm

bb, can you provided one example where the GOP has ever practiced their mantra of a limited constitutional government, fiscal responsibly or the protection of property right as claimed?

Since you’re sniveling on the past transgressions of the Dims – I think you’re confusing JFK ‘s ’63 Immigration Act with LBJ’s ’64 Civil Rights Act – how do you overlook the Stazi Bush’s ’05 Patriot Act effectively turning the USA into a police state that would be the envy of any dick-tater that ever lived? ..more limited government , I suppose …eh?

March 24, 2014 1:02 pm

bb.since we’re digging in the past , what party was responsible for the growth of centralized power which has led directly to the war based Empire and the modern police state , the debasing of the 10th amendment ,the declaration of martial law and the murder of 800 thousand people and the destruction of billions of dollars worth of private property?
A hint?
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And, the Repug Party is still the Party of booger-eating Northern Establishment curs regardless the blathering spew they incessantly emanate on limited government.

On May 27, 1861 a number of runaway slaves appeared within the military command of Union Army General Benjamin Butler, who offered the opinion that the Fugitive Slave Law did not apply there since the South was “a foreign country,” something that Lincoln himself never, ever, maintained. Lincoln had his secretary of war Simon Cameron, send Butler a letter of rebuke in which he was ordered NOT to “prevent the voluntary return of any fugitive to the service from which he may have escaped” (p. 190).

When General John C. Fremont instituted martial law in Missouri on August 30, 1861 and declared all the slaves there to be freed, “Lincoln overruled the proclamation” and “removed Fremont from his command at St. Louis on November 2, 1861” (p. 191). Some seven months later, Lincoln’s attorney general, Edward Bates, issued instructions that “It is the President’s constitutional duty to ‘take care that the laws be faithfully executed.’ This means all laws” (p. 192). He was referring exclusively to the Fugitive Slave Law.

The Fugitive Slave Act was as vigorously enforced in Washington, D.C. Lincoln’s wartime home town, as well as it was in Springfield, Illinois, his peacetime home town during his administration. As Professor Campbell further writes:

In May, 1862, the Superior Court of the District of Columbia ruled that the Fugitive Slave Law was as applicable to the District of Columbia as it was to any of the states. The docket of the court for 1862 listed the claims of twenty-eight different slave owners for 101 runaway slaves. In the two months following the courts decisions, 26 fugitive slaves were returned to their owners from the fugitive slave tribunal in the nation’s capital (p. 193).

Runaway slaves were still being sent back to their “owners” by Lincoln’s judges and marshals after the Emancipation Proclamation of January 1863. “On June 12, for example, 3 women and 4 children were arrested as fugitive slaves and taken before the United States Commissioner Walter S. Coxe, in Washington. After a hearing they were remanded to the claimant from Prince Georges County, Maryland, and on June 18, Commissioner Coxe remanded 2 fugitive slaves to claimants from the same county in Maryland” (p 193).

When Brigadier General T.W. Tuttle wrote to Chicago Mayor Sherman claiming to have “a large number” of “contraband negroes” and asking the mayor if he could find “work” for them, the mayor “seemed horrified at such a suggestion” and wrote back that since the Illinois Constitution of 1848 made it illegal for black people to emigrate into the state, “Your proposition to send negroes to Chicago to work would be in violation of the laws of this State” (p. 193, emphasis in original).

Governor John Albion of Massachusetts did the exact same thing when confronted with a similar situation on October 30, 1862. The governor “promptly refused to permit them to come” into his state, writes Campbell (p. 194).

We owe a debt of gratitude to Jon Stewart for using his television show to allow us an opportunity to publicly “out” these prominent academic Lincoln cultists as either the gross incompetents or the professional deceivers and court historians that the obviously are.


March 24, 2014 1:12 pm

bb, I realize reading may be a bit difficult for you, which may be the reason you have such a poor grasp on history, so I’ll do you a favor and drop a few pix that hopefully may explain why supporting one party over another doesn’t mean jack shit and never has. Parties can and often do change political positions even as much as you should change underwear.

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March 24, 2014 1:25 pm

Hey dufus ,trying to insult me only makes you look foolish.We are not living in the past and I never said
I was a republican..Since your so wise and hate both parties then how do we stop third world immigration into this nation.Oh please share your wisdom grand master.

March 24, 2014 1:51 pm

bb, good question. How do you stop the golden horde? I have no idea, but I do know for a fact it won’t be either party of the shit-stained corporate drawers stinking up the halls of US government. They will get their amnesty , just like Reagan got his( remember Reagan’s one time amnesty?..never again they said) and the illegal invasion will continue until war breaks out between the diverse tribes over land and resources….bet on it.

March 24, 2014 9:55 pm

Flash ,I agree.

March 24, 2014 11:19 pm

Well bb, just read the inscription on the statue of liberty.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
Author: Emma Lazarus

As compared to the feudal yurps of the time democracy, as it is called, has become something different from the days of Jesus and the empire he endured, and was martyred by.

And America did become great…but everything, even stars, wither.