
Triple Amputee Veteran Hammers Our Inept Commander In Chief In His Powerful Memorial Day Letter

Published: 24 May 2014.

President Obama,

On this Memorial Day I can’t help but think of the many veterans who have given their lives to protect the freedoms that we all enjoy today, and quite frankly one that so many Americans take for granted. As you’re playing your 165th round of golf this weekend you can count on our warriors to protect you and to protect this great nation.

From the Civil War to the wars in the deserts of the Middle East, our brave men and women have given their lives for freedoms that can only be found in America. Generations of selfless Americans have stepped up to fight for a cause greater than themselves. Freedom is never free, and the price of our freedom has been paid with the blood of our finest Americans. Your daughters have been fortunate enough to reap the freedoms that so many have sacrificed their lives for. Without these heroes you would have never have had the opportunity to become the President of this great nation.

Sadly, the men and women who have volunteered to fight the in the most extreme conditions in the world are coming back only to find themselves engaged in a new war at home. They have now found themselves in a war with your incompetent administration, who’s scandal ridden legacy has finally hit an all-time low. I can’t help but feel the deepest disgust for the pain you and your administration have caused the families who have lost their heroes battling your war against our veterans back home. I can’t think of more shameless way to for this country to dishonor its veterans. And sadly, it’s the lack of your leadership and accountability that lead to these failures.

These men and women who bravely fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf Wars have been forced to rely on your useless bureaucratic employees for their health care. These federal employees disrespected these men and women and the sacrifices they have made in the worst imaginable way. They ignored their pleas for help and in many cases left them to die in favor of hefty government bonuses for exceptional performance. We all know you and your regime doesn’t give a damn about these heroes. Your disdain for America and her greatness has never been a secret. You were raised to hate the “American Empire” and were taught that the American military is the enemy. It was easier for you to just ignore the Veteran Affairs crisis as you crisscrossed America fundraising for your fellow Democrats.

I remember candidate Obama promising to overhaul the VA and reduce the backlog. You claimed that America’s support for its veterans is obvious by the way we treat our vets. You really nailed that one didn’t you?

Just like you were going to fix Detroit or fix foreign policy. Your high school like approach to solving complex issues can’t be fixed by tweeting hashtags with propaganda to people who want to kill us. Anyone with an ounce of common sense can see you’re unfit to lead our nation, let alone act as our Commander In Chief. What our country needs now, more than ever is real leadership, someone who doesn’t wait for a crisis, but is able to foresee an issue and deal with it before it happens. Unfortunately for America, you’ve been too busy campaigning and don’t have time to deal with the health care crisis of our veterans. The only thing you seem to care about is your own radical agenda, and now our vets are paying for your negligence with their lives.

As I sit here typing this out I’m dealing with my own VA nightmare which involves the Phoenix VA. I have given 3 limbs for this country, but apparently that is not enough. A “clerical error” made by a VA employee has resulted in nearly a year of abuse and mismanagement of my case. In other words, the VA is stealing over $7000 from my disability compensation that I earned when I lost 3 of my limbs for our country.

On this Memorial Day, as I battle your incompetent bureaucrats my family would like to thank you for once again failing our veterans. We can’t help but wonder about the disastrous socialized medicine program that we will surely be dealing with if Obamacare is allowed to be fully implemented. If our incompetent VA cannot handle government healthcare for a fraction of our population, who would be foolish enough to believe a massive health care system designed to provide health care for all American’s would be any different? You can’t even find someone to build a competent website to work for your socialized medicine program when you had your name attached to it, so why would you care about our veterans when you could so easily push the blame off on someone else?

You have not only failed our veterans, you have failed America in every way imaginable. You have purposely divided us by race, political parties, and socioeconomic status in order to push a radical agenda on America that can only be passed when you have successfully divided all Americans. Your entire administration is incompetent and you have set America on a path for certain failure.

So, on this Memorial Day, as we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, I’d like to thank you, our Commander In Chief for not even caring enough to provide us with quality health care.

Brian Kolfage, Sra, USAF Ret.


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May 26, 2014 7:51 pm

Thank you sir, with respect, Mimi

Joseph E Fasciani
Joseph E Fasciani
May 26, 2014 8:00 pm

Bravissimo, and stay strong, for the battle is long, and we need your strength. The Obamination is the worst Pres in US history, for sure, but we can undo the damages in time, w/good people such as yourself to head the programs we need.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 26, 2014 10:56 pm

Support the troops by holding the leaders accountable, be they in congress or holder of the oval office.

May 26, 2014 11:37 pm

President Obama,

On this Memorial Day I can’t help but think of the many veterans who have given their lives to protect the freedoms that we all enjoy today, and quite frankly one that so many Americans take for granted. As you’re playing your 165th round of golf this weekend you can count on our warriors to protect you and to protect this great nation.

From the Civil War to the wars in the deserts of the Middle East, our brave men and women have given their lives for freedoms that can only be found in America. Generations of selfless Americans have stepped up to fight for a cause greater than themselves. Freedom is never free, and the price of our freedom has been paid with the blood of our finest Americans. Your daughters have been fortunate enough to reap the freedoms that so many have sacrificed their lives for. Without these heroes you would have never have had the opportunity to become the President of this great nation.


This mostly bullshit. Fuck this guy and fuck his “service” Fuck the wars and fuck the vets of them. Do I make myself clear?

May 27, 2014 12:20 am

“From the Civil War to the wars in the deserts of the Middle East, our brave men and women have given their lives for freedoms that can only be found in America.” ———– from the article

I’m sorry this man lost three limbs. That aside …

— How did dying in Korea preserve “freedoms that can only be found in America.”

— How did dying in Vietnam preserve “freedoms that can only be found in America.”

— How did dying in Iraq preserve “freedoms that can only be found in America.”

— How did dying in Afghanistan preserve “freedoms that can only be found in America.”

I’m sorry to say this, but this young man is a Patsy at best, a fool at worst. He believes the pure bullshit orders from those in power, specifically the President, that going to another country thousands of miles away to kill the people there … people who have no fucking way possible to impinge on our freedoms …. that somehow this act of stupidity actually preserves our freedoms.

I am a Vietnam Era vet … although I never was stationed in that part of the world, and I never fired my M16 except in Basic Training … and I call bullshit on that aspect of his belief system.

May 27, 2014 12:27 am

It is NOT the people of North Korea, (North) Vietnam, Granada, El Salvador, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, and God-knows-who-is-next-in-our-sights that DESTROY our freedoms.

It is Oreo, the Presidents before him, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the state and local politicians passing 10,000 new fucking laws every fucking year that ARE destroying freedom in America.

Wake. The. Fuck. Up. And. Get. A. Clue.

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 27, 2014 12:34 am

my boss was a self-serving sack of shit just like Stucky sounds above. he would make sure he took off to a free knott’s berry farm entry on veteran’s day and probably scarffed every free meal at applebee’s while we had to stay at work because somebody had to. the fucker was my age and had served his tour in the AF in England where he came back from calling bars ‘pubs’ and using words like petrol and lift. still, i have respect for him with regards to his service and especilally those veterans who did not come back whole. Peace, Billy and all the other kick-ass veterans on this site.

May 27, 2014 1:19 am

You really dont want to go there old coyote

May 27, 2014 7:03 am

How about a Memorial Day reality check?

Those who fought and died (over 364,000) in Lincoln’s Army died invading another sovereign nation, the Confederate States of America. The CSA, who lost over 139,000 soldiers, was defending itself from the aggression of a foreign nation. It would have been no different morally if the Northern Army would have invaded Canada. So, Northern mourners should remember the shame of the North, not just that their loved ones died in battle. And Southerners should forever laud their sons who valiantly died in an attempt to thwart a foreign invasion and protect their homeland. (As an aside…looks to me like the Southern boys were far better shots than the Yankees. The numbers above show the South at a nearly 3:1 advantage in killing Yankees.)


Please do not misunderstand me here. I do not suggest that the surviving families of dead military personnel should not mourn the loss of their sons and daughters. Surely the loss of a child, husband, father, mother, friend or loved one should be mourned.

I am not diminishing the courage, bravery, sacrifice or valor of the dead. I do not minimize their love of country, love of liberty and sense of duty.

What I am saying is that the REASONS that they died do not stand scrutiny. The REASONS they were deployed outside our shores were illegitimate and founded in lies. The REASONS for ALL military action, save the defensive actions of the Confederate States of America, were in fact illegal, immoral and unlawful.

The dead and maimed were deceived into military service, where politicians used their feelings of patriotism and trust as weapons against them, and their bodies as cannon fodder.

I do not hold the dead entirely at fault. Did they not come from our own homes, churches and schools, where this false sense of patriotism was taught from the cradle onward? We who are alive and remain are the ones most guilty. We did not teach our children how to discern truth from lies. We failed to teach them to question ALL authority. We neglected to infuse in them a love for individual liberty and love for the rule of law. Instead, our nation is sick with jingoism and rancid nationalism.

Therefore, here in the Memorial Day weekend of 2014, may we at long last accept the tragic truth that more than a million of our children gave their lives as sacrificial lambs on the blood-soaked altar of the God of the State? May we finally accept that additional hundreds of thousands were maimed and disabled on the same altar? And what of the thousands who killed themselves after serving the State? Did they end their lives because they were so proud of their deeds?

Truly, they did not die to protect the American homeland. They did not die to protect our freedoms. They did not die defending “the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic”…words found in their Oath of Service.

They died in vain. They died for nothing.

That is what we should mourn this weekend.

May 27, 2014 8:02 am

Stucky, I’m with you 100%. Every time I hear “They fought and died for our freedoms” I fucking bite my tongue and cringe, it’s a battle that can never be won.
It’s amazing at how easy it is to send our youth off to die, or be maimed, in the name of freedom. We don’t comprehend what freedom is anymore.

May 27, 2014 8:19 am

They fought and died for our owners’ wallets.

“I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.”

-Major Gen. Smedley Butler, USMC

May 27, 2014 8:36 am

Pertaining those supposedly performing the voluntary and financially compensated task of protecting our freedom, I think in review of their particular job performance, the American citizen should demand full recompense for monies paid for services not rendered and all involved in the “protecting our freedom” farce be immediately fired. The contract of protecting our freedom remains yet unfulfilled as accepted .

May 27, 2014 12:05 pm

“… my boss was a self-serving sack of shit just like Stucky sounds above …” —— El Coyote

You have some ‘splaining to do Burrito Boy.

Rise Up
Rise Up
May 27, 2014 9:15 pm

A person I know served 2 tours in Afghanistan as a special forces soldier and had severe injuries (nearly lost his arm). His brother was killed there. He now recognizes that he wasn’t fighting for our “freedom”, but for corporate interests and is quite bitter. Too many others are wrapped up in misguided patriotism, as this sad triple amputee veteran writes about.

If “winning” the war on terror resulted in the loss of many freedoms and rights through laws like the NDAA and Patriot Act, I’d say we lost…big time.

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 27, 2014 9:25 pm

Chill, Bacon Boy, I said you sounded, only sounded, like my self-impressed old boss. The ire I addressed was towards my old boss, you just happened to remind me of him for a moment. I really should not get emotionally involved with the comments made here.

A few of the war dead were involuntary warriors not the modern soldiers of fortune. BTW previous to the World Wars, Memorial Day was a time to remember the dead of the civil war.

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 27, 2014 9:40 pm

Stuck, let’s just disagree to disagree, you won’t understand my reaction and I won’t ever understand how anyone can make a point on top of another’s misfortune. I’m referring to Z-man’s petulant attitude towards folks who I assume would rather have lived and not died.

You go Z-man. You have those impeccable credentials. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.

May 28, 2014 12:02 am

EDl Coyote, he was once a beautiful young man and he deserved to find love and have a happy life. Now he has three limbs missing and we are supposed to respect his “pride” of serving in the military which clearly ruined his life? He is a moron and deserves nothing but pity and derision. That he attempts by donning his uniform and medals to make something positive of his pathetic pseudo patriotism is disgusting.

Fuck him.

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 28, 2014 12:23 am

Church people say, the lord moves in mysterious ways. The secular version of that is, things happen for a reason. Either way it is simply an attempt to make sense out of the random shit that happens. People lose hope when they have no meaning or purpose in their lives. This must be his attempt to validate his misfortune. The bible says to let the poor man drink so he can forget or at least bear his sorry state.

Can’t you give this guy a break? He must have thought he would stop the advance of Islam in ‘Murica, that’s not a bad goal.

El Coyote
El Coyote
May 28, 2014 12:35 am

Z-man, his letter is a complaint about the VA healthcare. He dresses his letter up with boilerplate before joining in on the VA healthscare dynamic. This sounds to me a more useful endeavor than my smug ex-boss’ letter complaining about flag burning. He got a form letter reply, which he framed and put up, and considered from that day on that he’d done something significant to straighten out this nation.