Hookers, Blow & Frackers

Off the microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on May 27, 2013


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…In the area of you can’t make this shit up, the Italian Goobermint announced that it will now include illegal activities like Drug Trafficking and Prostitution in its GDP. What about Burglary and Bank Robbery and Forgery? Why aren’t they including that in GDP too? What about Political Graft? Shouldn’t that be included in Italian GDP? What about Protection Shakedowns by the Sicilian Mafia? Those are all HUGE portions of the Italian Economy!

On the SAME day as this nonsense, the EIA announces is is doing a downward revision on its estimates of recovereable oil from the Monterrey Formation in sunny California by…get this…96%! This is the same thing as saying on their first test, the EIA got 4% correct answers. In my day, below a 65 in school was FAILING…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!

Don’t miss The Money Valve, first of a 4 part series  examining the Industrial Economy, now UP on the Diner Blog.



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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 27, 2014 8:14 am

Any thread that starts with “hookers” I want in on ASAP.