Monetary Kabuki

Off the microphone of RE

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Aired on the Doomstead Diner on June 9, 2014


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…Today’s topic is Monetary Kabuki. We have Kabuki Theater everywhere these days, most notably in the world of Geopolitics with the nonsense going on over in Eurotrashland, which I covered in the last rant on the EU Clowns. Of course, CONgress here in the FSoA is Kabuki Theater in about it’s 10th Act already, and Military Kabuki is ongoing everywhere from Russia-Ukraine to China-Vietnam to the deep sewer of every nation in North Africa and the Middle East from Algeria to Afghanistan Then there is the Nuke Puke ongoing Kabuki of Fukushima, where the latest Newz had it that the Nips are actually going try doing the Underground Water Freezing Trick to keep contaminated water from further seeping into their groundwater system.

Better still than that Environmental Kabuki are 13 Numbskull Ideas for clearing up the Chinese Smog problem, most of which look like they came straight off the pages of The Onion. Airborne floating Jellyfish, Giant Vacuum Cleaners, Artificial Rain from Skyscrapers, Doming Over entire cities Playground by Playground and McMansion by McMansion to name a few. No idea so stupid the Chinese won’t float still more Shadow Debt to build it! I’m a big fan of Domes of course as small scale solutions on a local level, but the idea you could Dome over basically an entire Big Shitty in China is absolutely preposterous. At something like $950/ square meter, just doming over say one 30 km square metro area of Shanghai comes to around $900B!!! That’s not even all of Shanghai! How about Beijing , Nanking, Hong Kong… The Chinese will burn through their entire stash of USTs just Doming over the Forbidden City with this idea…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!


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